I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1725: Void Sword Qi

The sword energy collided with the seven-color divine light, but there was no sound. The two forces were strangely entangled, like a rope formed by entangled two strands.

The woman stood at the foot of the mountain, and the phoenix soared above the mid-mountain. One person and one bird seemed to be in a stalemate in a tug-of-war.

A situation that does not seem to be too tense is actually a crisis that affects the whole body.

The two forces are entangled together. As long as the strength of either party is slightly weaker, the two forces will immediately be backlashed together, so they can only constantly squeeze their own strength to fight the other side to the end, and dare not relax half.

"The phoenix is ​​under my control. Go and kill it." The woman suddenly said to Wang Mingyuan aside indifferently as she confronted the phoenix.

Wang Mingyuan frowned slightly, and the woman let him act at this time, which can be said to be unpredictable.

If she is unable to kill the Phoenix, Wang Mingyuan needs to make the key to victory. If Wang Mingyuan turns against each other at this time, it is the best time to kill her.

But thinking about it the other way round, this might also be her test of Wang Mingyuan.

But who can guarantee that she really has no more power? If Wang Mingyuan is really ill-intentioned, he is afraid that he will miss an excellent opportunity.

If he changed someone else, he might still hesitate, but Wang Mingyuan didn't hesitate for a moment. He turned his palm into a knife, condensing a blade of ice like electricity, and waved his hand to the phoenix in the air.

The phoenix was restrained by the woman, and it was difficult to dodge, and was chopped on the body by a knife, like a sharp blade cutting meat, directly cutting its body in half.

The seven-color divine light shattered, and the Phoenix's body exploded in all directions, but in the next second, those scattered colorful streamers gathered together again and instantly turned into a phoenix again.

The wings of the phoenix were wide open, and the colorful feathers on his body also exuded divine light, like a round of seven-color sun, the light radiated in all directions.

If the wandering soul of Wang Mingyuan retreats quickly, but the speed is not as fast as the seven-color light, he is about to be hurt by the seven-color light, so he has to condense the power of ice and electricity again, wanting to contend with the seven-color light.

It was just that the light of ice and electricity had just touched the seven-color divine light, and was immediately disintegrated by the seven-color divine light, and it was hard to resist even a moment.

Wang Mingyuan had tried his best to retreat, but it was difficult to escape the brilliance of the seven-color divine light, and the armor on his body was instantly melted, as if it were not hard armor, but made of Baixue.

The snow-white skin and muscles under the armor melted at the same time when they were exposed to the seven colors of light, and the bones were visible in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Wang Mingyuan's body was about to be completely covered by the seven-color divine light, it seemed that there was an invisible force separating his body from the seven-color divine light, forming a clear barrier.

The woman's body exudes infinite sword energy, and the invisible and colorless sword energy is so dense that it is difficult to penetrate the needle, abruptly blocking the seven-color light.

"The yin and yang seven-color divine light can decompose all things, but my nihilistic sword aura is not among them." The woman said lightly.

"Xianzun is really extraordinary." Wang Mingyuan lowered his head and looked at his chest, where the flesh and blood had melted to reveal the sternum, and even the beating heart inside could be seen faintly.

"An Xin heal your own wounds." The woman said, she ignored Wang Mingyuan and stared at the Phoenix, the sword intent on her body became more and more ethereal.

The Void Sword Qi confronted the Yin-Yang Seven-color Divine Light, and it gradually gained the upper hand. The invisible and colorless Sword Qi forced the seven-color Divine Light to converge, and the phoenix made a cry. The seven-color Divine Light became brighter and brighter, but it was difficult to save the situation. .

"After all, it is not the phoenix that was when the chaos first opened." The woman sighed, and stepped out one step. Thousands of sword auras abruptly broke through the seven-color light, and instantly pierced the body of the phoenix.

The colorful body of the Phoenix was instantly cut into dots, but in the next second those dots of colored light would once again merge into the Phoenix's body.

Seemingly knowing that women are powerful, the phoenix turned his head and flew back towards the top of the mountain with a long cry.

"Let's go, go up the mountain and look at the fairy sword." The woman didn't chase the Phoenix, and turned to look at Wang Mingyuan. Seeing that the wound on Wang Mingyuan's chest had not healed, Wang Mingyuan's healing power seemed useless for the wound.

There is a faint seven-color brilliance on the wound, which prevents the regeneration and healing of flesh and blood.

The woman waved her hand, and the invisible sword energy suddenly slashed towards Wang Mingyuan.

Wang Mingyuan remained motionless, letting the invisible sword qi slash on his body. The sword qi split his wounds again, and more blood flowed out.

"Why don't you hide?" the woman asked when looking at Wang Mingyuan.

"For a small person like me, if Immortal Venerable wants to kill me, he doesn't need to wait until now." Wang Mingyuan said while using the healing power again. This time the flesh and blood regenerated quickly, and the wound healed in a moment.

"Not bad." The woman turned and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Wang Mingyuan followed the woman, and the two of them walked towards the top of the mountain one after another.

The phoenix can fly freely on the mountain, but women and Wang Mingyuan can only walk up the mountain. Even a woman as powerful as a woman cannot fly freely on this peculiar mountain like a phoenix.

Without Phoenix's obstruction, the two soon reached the top of the mountain.

There was a lawn on the top of the mountain. In the middle of the lawn, there was a stone monument. A sword was inserted on the stone monument. Only the hilt was left outside, and the sword body was completely pierced into the stone monument.

"The sword goes out of the sky and the earth is destroyed, Da Luo Jinxianjue." The woman looked at the stone tablet and slowly read the words on it, her face turned a little gloomy.

"I don't know who engraved the characters, it is so arrogant." Wang Mingyuan said.

"Not human." The woman said coldly.

"Not a human?" Wang Mingyuan looked at the woman suspiciously~lightnovelpub.net~ The woman did not answer this time, just waved her bare hand, and the Void Sword Qi slashed towards the stone tablet with the fairy sword inserted.


Sword Qi slashed on the stone tablet, but heard a sound that seemed to be a broken sword blade. The stone tablet was completely undamaged. It was so powerful that it could break through the emptiness of the seven-color divine light, and it could not leave a trace on the stone tablet.

The woman was slightly startled, looking at the stone tablet frowning and muttering to herself: "Do you hate it so? Even if you die, you will be an enemy of the immortal?"

Staring for a while, the woman slowly walked towards the stele, stood in front of the stele, stretched out her hand to hold the hilt, and murmured again: "No matter how resentful it is, you will be one of them after all. How can you say things like this, it's just a joke."

After all, when the woman pulls the sword hard, she will pull the fairy sword out of the stele.

As the infinite power of the woman poured into the hilt, the entire mountain seemed to tremble, but the sword still remained motionless, not even an inch was pulled out.