I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 194: Driving in the air

"I'm going, is that a Phoenix?" Li Xuan said in surprise, looking at the big bird.

"Don't talk, don't move, don't make any sounds," said Ah Sheng, lowering his voice.

Zhou Wen and Li Xuan saw that Ah Sheng was so cautious, and suddenly there was inexplicable pressure in their hearts. They sat in the car and did not dare to move, but their eyes looked at the big birds flying in the mountains.

The big bird flew very leisurely, just like a golden cloud floating in the mountains, and after a while up and down, there was a kind of old man walking slowly.

After flying for a while, the big bird approached Zhou Wen and some of them. Only then did Zhou Wen and Li Xuan see that there was a row of birds behind the big bird.

The big bird is like a golden cloud, but the little bird is only the size of a quail. Although the feathers are also golden, the color is relatively light and not so strong, and the hair does not seem to be fully aligned.

Zhou Wen counted. Six birds followed behind the big bird, flapping their wings, and worked very hard to maintain the attitude of flight, but they were very strenuous, and they seemed to be falling at any time.

The big birds, regardless of them, are still flying in front of them. Six little birds try to follow the big birds up and down, flapping their wings fiercely.

"This is the true progeny of the dimensional creature!" Zhou Wen was the first time he had seen a dimensional creature with a progeny. The associated egg is not actually a real egg, but a kind of life crystal.

Looking at it, the big bird actually flew towards the side with the small bird. When it was hundreds of meters away from the mountain road, Zhou Wen and Li Xuan felt a strong burning sensation. It's like blowing hot air.

With their two systems, the sweat on their bodies suddenly appeared, and the clothes were soaked in a flash.

Because of Ashen's admonition, neither of them dared to say a word, sitting in the car as if sweating.

They were still a little worried in their hearts, wondering if the big bird was coming at them. Zhou Wen even wondered whether the big bird looked at their three long muscles and was going to feed them as food. Those little birds.

Li Xuan and Zhou Wen both looked at Assun, and wanted to ask Assun what ideas he had. Such terrifying creatures are by no means rivals. If they do n’t run away now, I ’m afraid it ’s too late.

Ashen sat there without any response, staring at the big bird silently, apparently not intending to escape.

The two could only sit still and brace their heads. After a while, the big bird flew over the top of the hill with six little birds and ignored them. Apparently they just practiced flying with the little birds, not Intentionally target them.

Seeing that the big bird was about to fly by, Zhou Wen and Li Xuan were secretly relieved.

But who knows, just then an accident happened.

A small bird was stretched out of the air. Although it struggled to flap its wings and wanted to control its body, it couldn't do it anymore, and it fell faster and faster.

Coincidentally, the direction in which the bird fell was actually Zhou Wen's car.

"What to do?" Li Xuan and Zhou Wen both looked at Aseng.

Ashen apparently did not expect such a change, and changed color, but still sitting motionless in the driver's seat, and made a silent gesture to them.

The bird fell too fast. Zhou Wen saw that Aso didn't move. The bird had already fallen on the roof of the car. He heard a loud noise, and the roof of the car immediately sunk a large piece.

In addition, the roof was smashed through a small hole, and the bird's head and neck were pulled from the small hole, shaking in front of Zhou Wen and Li Xuan.

For a while, the air in the car seemed to freeze. Li Xuan turned his head and Zhou Wen looked at each other to see that they were worried.

"This bird won't die here, right?" Zhou Wen was worried. If the bird did die here, would the big bird spit on them.

Dimensional creatures are not humans, they do n’t make sense to you, let alone make them lose their cars, it ’s not bad if they do n’t eat them.

While Zhou Wen was considering whether to jump off the car and escape immediately, he saw the bird's neck move, then opened his eyes, and looked at Zhou Wen and Li Xuan for a few seconds.

Then I heard the sound of thumping, the roof made of special steel, the smashed twisted depression, and a few more pits. Some other objects directly pierced the steel plate on the roof, so Zhou Wen saw them Small, sharp claws.

"No more, no less, exactly six sounds!" Zhou Wen listened to the sound and counted, knowing that the six birds had landed on their roof.

The next second, without waiting for the sound to form an image in Zhou Wen's mind, the body shook violently, and a giant golden bird's claw appeared outside the broken window of the glass.

Then Zhou Wen felt that the car was rising rapidly, and it rose into midair in an instant.

"How could it be so bad ..." Zhou Wen felt that every time he went out, he didn't seem to have gone well ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This time was even more outrageous.

Li Xuan couldn't help but want to speak, but A Sheng made a gesture earlier, motioned him not to speak, and continued to sit still.

Soon, Zhou Wen and Li Xuan could already overlook the mountains, and the entire car was carried into the sky by the big bird's claw.

The little bird and Zhou Wen looked at each other for a few seconds and struggled several times before pulling their heads out.

But soon, Zhou Wen heard the harsh sound of the steel plate being scratched from the roof. The roof was soon torn by small paws and became a larger hole. The bird just jumped up. Come in.

Seeing that the bird was about to fall on himself, Zhou Wen thought of the weak-looking little claws, but could easily tear the special steel plate, and there was an urge to rush out of the car to escape.

The previous Asan made a patience gesture to him, apparently keeping Zhou Wen from moving.

Zhou Wen hesitated. The bird had fallen on his lap. Unlike his imagination, the bird's body was very light. He was probably half a catty at most, and his claws did not work.

Before waiting for Zhou Wen to decide what to do with the bird, there were a few birds that jumped down like dumplings and fell on Zhou Wen and Li Xuan, or fell Above the back chairs.

There was a little bird that landed on top of Li Xuan's head, and just stood on it, and it seemed that he did not intend to move any more.

Li Xuan was as depressed as Zhou Wen, but he did not dare to move. He had the urge to cry.

Six birds were jumping around on Zhou Wen, and they pecked them twice with their mouths from time to time, but they didn't really force them, they seemed to be curious.

"It's over, I'll be taken back by this big bird, it must be their food." Li Xuan screamed unlucky in his heart.