I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 271: Stoneware

The purple gas bell was sucked into the purple gas bell, but Zhou Wen's face changed greatly.

I saw the purple bells turned gray, and it seemed to be covered with a layer of lime powder, and it was still in the process of rapid petrification, and it looked like it would soon turn into stone.

Zhou Wen dared to hesitate where he quickly shook the purple bell and sprayed out the gray smoke inside.

I saw that the gray smoke rolled towards Shi Yun like a mist, and Shi Long's soul opened his mouth and sucked in the gray smoke.

Unlike before, gray smoke has no effect on Shilong's life and soul. Shilong is still alive and well, but the purple bells in Zhou Wen's hands still have a layer of ash on it, and the original appearance is not restored due to the release of gray smoke.

"There is absolutely something wrong with this stone urn. If it really turned into this because it swallowed the stone tool, what exactly is the stone tool? How could it have such a terrible power? Ouyang Lan met them in that stone cave. What? "Zhou Wen thought a lot.

Shi Yan's fierce hair, chasing Zhou Wen rushed up again, and the light burst out in his eyes. Fortunately, Zhou Wen's body was like electricity, and he forcibly avoided Shi Yan's attack.

Lu Yun first blasted out the flame tiger tiger fist to remedy, but was directly swallowed by Shi Long's soul, Shi Yan changed his target, and rushed towards Lu Yun first.

Lu Yunxian was wearing a raincoat. He didn't dare to use his body to block the attack of Shi Yan, otherwise the raincoat would inevitably break, and then he would have no choice but to die.

Zhou Wen saw that Lu Yun had retreated first, and a ghost step appeared behind Shijiu in a flash, and the bamboo sword was cut to Shiji's neck.

Shi Long's soul snarled around Shi Yan's body roared, and gray smoke sprayed from his mouth toward Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen could only retreat. Even the purple bells couldn't stop the gray smoke. Zhou Wen couldn't stop it any more, so he didn't dare to touch it.

Lu Yun first rolled away on the ground, and then rolled away the light emitted from Shi Yan's eyes. For a time, Shi Yun went wild, killing Zhou Wen and Lu Yun before losing their helmets and abandoning their armor.

Liu Chengzhi's injuries were not completely healed, and the companion pets had already been sacrificed. There was no fighting power at all, and he could only shoot at Shi Yan with a machine gun.

However, a bullet mixed with Yuan Jin hit Shi Yan, but it had no effect at all, like a billiard ball.

Seeing that Lu Yun couldn't support it before, she was about to be overtaken by Shi Yun. Zhou Wen summoned the ghost bride, let her rush over, and there was a Yin Feng Claw behind Shi Yun.

But the effect of Yinfeng Claw is very limited, basically itching is almost the same.

Shi Yan turned his head and shot a gaze at the ghost bride. The gray light shot through the ghost bride's body and could not cause harm, but Zhou Wen saw the ghost bride's body tremble obviously, as if being shocked. The breath is obviously weaker.

"This stone maggot is going to be against the sky!" Zhou Wen was shocked to see that Shi magma could hurt the ghost's body.

Knowing that this battle is either life or death, he can no longer afford to hesitate. Zhou Wen holds a bamboo knife in his hand, and a mysterious and powerful breath erupts on his body. Wang Zhijin comes to his body, and his powerful power makes his body levitate in the air. Any external force can stand up from nothing.

Lv Yunxian evaded Shi Jie's attack, and saw a ray of light flashing through the air, heading directly to the body of that shi ray, and then he saw a ray of light crisscrossing and going back and forth across that shi ray, it was incredible.

Because the speed was too fast, even Shi Yan did not respond. When it reacted, when Shi Long ’s life and soul exploded and ash smoke was blown out, Zhou Wen ’s heavenly flying fairy was over.

As soon as the flying fairy was over, Zhou Wen immediately followed a ghost walk to distance him, avoiding the billowing smoke and falling on the ground, while squeezing the power of Wang Zhi's astonishment back.

Just for this moment, Zhou Wen felt that the muscles in his whole body were painful as if they were torn.


Shi Yan's body shattered piece by piece, turning into a pile of stones scattered on the ground, and his body was chopped into a pile of stones by the flying gods outside.

The three of Zhou Wen hadn't come and were happy. The stones actually moved again, as if an invisible big hand was fighting the building blocks, and the stones were put together again, and turned into a lively stone goblet.

Lu Yunxian and Liu Chengzhi felt a bit desperate at once. This stone urn was already strong and difficult to understand, and there were few flaws at all.

Zhou Wen's eyes were like electricity, flashing calmly and shiningly.

When Shi Yan was cut off by Feixian Feixian, his ability to listen made him turn everything he heard into an image and condense in his mind. At that time, Zhou Wen discovered that among the stones that Shi Yuan was chopped into, There is a strange equilateral triangle stone.

That stone is not the same as the stone on the stone urn. Although it is triangular, it has an arc at the edge and a circular hole in the middle, which looks very simple and mysterious.

And when the stone was resurrected just now, it seemed to re-consolidate the broken stone into a body ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Liu Chengzhi, is the stone tool you brought back a triangular stone with a round hole in the middle? ? Zhou Wen shouted loudly as he avoided the attack of Shi Yan.

"How do you know?" Liu Chengzhi snapped.

Zhou Wen can now be sure that this stone urn has become so weird and odd that the stone tool is playing a role.

At the moment, he no longer hesitates, smashing his body and using the power of Wang's sigh again. With that horrible power coming down, Zhou Wen felt that the bones of his whole body were making painful moans, as if they would suddenly break at any time. The muscles that have already been torn are now cracked with blood lines.

Zhou Wenqiang endured the pain and used the ghost step again. Ghost charm usually appeared beside Shi Yan.

Only this time, Shi Yan was prepared. Zhou Wen had just appeared, and Gu Long's soul sent a spit of gray smoke towards the place where he appeared.

Zhou Wen was holding a purple-colored bell that was stained with gray, and he directly sucked the gray smoke into the bell, facing the gray smoke, but the bell was completely petrified. When Zhou Wen shook it, it appeared on his body. When it cracked, it just shattered and was completely destroyed.

"Feixianfeixian!" Letting go of the bell, Zhou Wen's sword is a note of flying fairy, turning into a light and shadow crisscrossed on Shi Yan's body, constantly strangling.

The sharpness of the bamboo sword combined with the sighing power of Wang Zhi and the dominance of the flying celestial beings from outside the sky, the stone body of Shi Yan was cut open again.

At the moment when Shi Yan's body collapsed, Zhou Wen's eyes flashed with cold light, and the bamboo sword in his hand was thrown out fiercely, and saw that the bamboo sword turned into a cold light, passed through the broken stone, and brought out one of the stones.

Zhou Wen's figure flickered, and the ghost step started. He immediately came to the bamboo sword. While grasping the bamboo sword, he also held the stone.