I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 330: Oversword

"You can't do it again and again? God bless me to succeed!" Zhou Wen gritted his teeth and fused, seeing the twinkle pet's light twinkling, slowly blending together.

In Zhou Wenxun's uneasy mood, only a ding was heard, Guanghua was released in the mobile phone, and a new companion pet appeared on the mobile phone screen.

"Successful." Zhou Wen was overjoyed and went to see the new pet quickly.

I saw that the new pet looks a bit different from the snake and saber-toothed fish. The snake is black and the saber-toothed fish is golden, but the new pet is a kind of dark gold, not as gloomy as black and not as bright as gold. It looks very pleasing to the eye.

"Variable Sword Snake ... Epic ..." Zhou Wen saw its name, and saw that it looked a bit like a sea snake, without looking closely, just look at its attributes.

Now what Zhou Wen cares most about is that the invincible skills are still out.

Variation Sword and Snake: Epic.

Life Style: Sword Overlord.

Fate: Sword Light Snake.

Strength: 40.

Speed: 39.

Physique: 27.

Vitality: 36.

Talent skills: Attack without compromise, gear sword light.

Associated State: Sword.

Zhou Wen was overjoyed when he saw it. Although the snake's death entanglement and snake engulfing skills could not be inherited, the strongest offensive skills were inherited, and the gear sword light was also a very powerful skill. If both were in, It's already the best.

The other attributes are also very good. The life style of the sword overlord can improve the power of using sword skills. It has a certain restraint effect on the general sword companion pet, which is also a very good life style.

The sword light snake is basically the same as the sword light fish's soul before. When it uses gear sword light, the soul will increase the power of sword light and increase the amount of sword light.

To say that there is nothing perfect about the mutant Sword Snake, it is a bit too low in body, it is only 27 points, even if the sword-toothed fish was not synthesized before, there is more than that, and I do n’t know why it broke so low. physique.

Poor physique means that the mutant Sword Snake is easy to be injured, and when turned into a sword, it is also easy to be damaged or cut off.

The sword snake who summoned the sword looked at it. It was a large dark gold sword. The sword's edge penetrated the forest and the sword's spine had a snake-like black pattern.

If you look closely, you will find fish scale-like dark lines on the sword, like a forged pattern with thousands of hammers. The entire sword is very domineering, five feet long, and with the strength of Zhou Wen, it just barely lifts it up. If you use it to make a move, I'm afraid you can't run out of energy for a long time.

In the game, I tried the power of the Overlord Sword. One sword was cut out, and Jian Guang turned into a gear shape and strangled forward. The attacking and grammatical skill even blessed Jian Guang, and directly split one halter into two halves. .

"Great sword light!" Zhou Wen could not help but overjoyed, the power of the overpowered sword was not inferior to Li Xuan's thunder sword, even more powerful.

Attacking invincible skills is even more powerful than Jianguang with the addition of lightning attributes. If the two swords are compared, the reputation of the thunder sword's first attacking pet is likely to give way.

The only shortcoming of Ba Jian is its poor physique. It is okay to only cut out the sword light. If the sword body directly collides with the thunder sword, I am afraid that it will be cut out. The number of times is likely to be cut off.

"How can you improve the physique of the sword? Otherwise, the name of the sword is, after all, somewhat imperfect." Zhou Wen thought so, and quickly thought of the idea.

If the companion pet is fused with the companion egg, the companion pet will be the main one, and the companion egg will be the supplement. The basic shape and ability of the sword snake will not change much and will only be strengthened.

As long as you find a companion egg that is relatively strong and fits well with the sword snake, it is possible to improve the physical attributes of the sword snake.

Of course, after experiencing the last failure, there is no more than 80% chance, Zhou Wen will definitely not take the sword and snake to take risks, and it is best to have a consistency of more than 90% before he intends to start.

However, after matching a few times, I found that the fit between other pets and the sword snake is not very high, the highest is less than 50%, and the degree of matching between the snake and sword is only 49.

Zhou Wen plans to have time to go to the shop that sells the associated eggs, and take a picture there, and may be able to find the associated eggs with a high degree of compatibility with the sword and snake.

For the rest of the companion pets, Zhou Wen looked at this and looked at that, and he was reluctant to reconnect. He just had to stop and took the sword to the underground. I wanted to see if the sword light of the sword could be close to the white cocoon.

Came inside the chariot again, looking at the white cocoon in the dark, Zhou Wen pulled out the sword, and chopped it down against the white cocoon, and suddenly saw that the sword of Ba Jian was spinning like a gear and cut to the white cocoon. .

A fierce ripple appeared in the air, as if the calm water surface was scratched. Jian Guang approached the white cocoon at a speed that was visible to the naked eye ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Zhou Wen saw overjoyed and saw that Jian Guang had torn white The invisible force outside the cocoon chopped on the white cocoon, tearing the white cocoon out of a hole.

But before he had the next move, the black dragon that rushed in swallowed the scarlet villain, and the game went straight to black.

"Jianguang with the ability to attack all invincibility is really useful!" Even Zhou Wen himself was a bit surprised, after all, when he used the Ba snake before, there was no way to meet the white cocoon.

This allowed Zhou Wen to see hope again. Now that he has been able to break the white cocoon, the only thing that needs to be considered is how to chop the white cocoon before the black dragons rush in, and get a drop of blood from the creature inside.

It's fast enough for Ba Jian to cooperate with Fei Xian, and coupled with the speed of ghost walking, it can be said that it is difficult to find people faster than Zhou Wen in the same level, but he still couldn't be before the Black Dragon rushed in. Complete your goals.

Zhou Wen has calculated that he needs to cut out at least three swords before he can cut the white cocoon into a gap that allows the Scarlet villain to rush in. He tried a few times. If the three swords could not be cut, he was rushed. The incoming black dragon swallowed it.

"It seems that my heavenly flying fairy is not fast enough. In addition to the three swords, at least one sword is needed to chop the creature in the white cocoon to get blood. My sword needs to be faster." Zhou Wen intends to I also practiced Tianyuan Feixian's vitality skills, and raised Tianwai Feixian to ten stages.

Thinking of increasing sword speed, Zhou Wen thought of Feng Qiuyan, so he called Feng Qiuyan and asked if he was free, and wanted to ask him to be a companion.

When it comes to quick shots, Feng Qiuyan is definitely one of the fastest people in the same class. Coupled with his life style and talents of the fast knife king, Zhou Wen can't think of anyone else who can be fast in the school. Pass him.