I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 349: Hulaoguan BOSS

After he was promoted to the epic level, although the attributes have not been improved too much, but the sword and the celestial flying fairy, and the blessing of the killer's life and soul, the ordinary epic level can't stop his sword power.

The demonization of the black armor will be able to block his flying sword outside the sky, and the weird blade is not cut off, which makes Zhou Wen somewhat surprised.

But Zhou Wen's strongest now is not the heavenly flying fairy, but the infinite heavenly flying fairy.

The mutant stone cricket rushed to kill those demonic soldiers who jumped up. The scarlet figure flickered, and the ghost walked into the distance. Feixian Tianxian took one move, and saw the sky and the sword danced wildly, constantly slashing the black armor. general.

Although the black armor general was extraordinary in strength, he was able to block a move outside the sky, but his vitality skills could not be used continuously like Zhou Wen. In the middle of the gap, Zhou Wen Yijian was cut into the helmet and armor connection Office.


Zhou Wen thought that even if the sword could not be killed, he must be able to take it seriously, but who knew that the magic flame on the body of the black armor turned into a demon with three heads and six arms. Among the six arms of the demon, holding three The Fangtian painting halberd condensed from the handle magic flame, and one of the Fangtian painting halberd blocked the sword.

Although the Fangtian Huaji condensed by the demon flame was chopped, the black armored general escaped, and the broken Fangtian Huaji quickly re-formed.

Scarlet villain fighting with the black armor general is tantamount to facing the black armor general and the three heads and six arms of the soul at the same time, he could not win him for a while.

However, the infinite ghost step and the heavenly flying fairy were too perverted. With the help of the life soul, the black armored general just resisted a dozen consecutive strokes and was chopped to death by Zhou Wen.

"Slay the epic creature Tiger Prisoner and discover the dimensional crystal."

Zhou Wen saw a crystal burst from the body of the dead black armor general, picked it up and looked at it, it was a 31-point power attribute crystal, and immediately let the Scarlet villain absorb it, raising the power attribute to 31 points.

Mutant Shimao is still wanting to kill among the demonized soldiers. Zhou Wen didn't bother him, and rushed directly into the tiger prison. He wanted to see what was in the tiger prison.

However, Zhou Wen killed the entire city prison, but found nothing else, except the tiger prisoner, never encountered that level of dimension creatures.

"Surprising, is this the only way in Huoliaoguan?" Zhou Wen felt a little surprised.

Although the Tiger Demon will be really strong, it should be a top-level epic creature, but if it is only so, then the Academy has no reason to break through the Tigers.

No matter how strong the tiger prisoner will be, it will not be able to withstand the siege of epic powerhouses.

Suddenly, Zhou Wen thought that there was something wrong. After entering the city, he killed many unknown soldiers and magic generals, but did not burst out the dimension crystal, which is quite abnormal.

Zhou Wen glanced at the hints in the game. It seemed that nothing special was found. He kept prompting to kill the enchanted soldiers and enchanted generals, but nothing broke.

Zhou Wen rushed for a while and felt that something was wrong. No matter how he killed, the number of demons and demons in the city did not seem to decrease.

Zhou Wen deliberately summoned the plantain immortal and let her and the mutant Shizang kill together, but there will still be a large number of demonized soldiers and demonizations coming.

This is that Zhou Wen has unlimited vitality, and if he is replaced by an ordinary epic powerhouse, he will be tired of coping.

Zhou Wen carefully observed that the demonized generals and demonized soldiers actually came from the gate of the city gate.

With a move in his heart, Zhou Wen controlled the Scarlet Villain and killed the other side of the city gate.

When I saw Chengmen Pass from a distance, I saw a person standing on top of it. Zhou Wen was certain that when he killed him, he had never seen the person at Chengmen Pass.

Zhou Wen believes that he will never read it wrong, because that person is completely different from the ordinary demonized soldier and demonization. He does not wear equipment such as armor, but instead wears a commoner's clothing. It looks like a robe, but it's a little different.

The man stood with the gate closed, wearing a mask of evil spirits on his face, and could not see what his true face looked like. He only reached out and looked into his pocket, as if he had pulled out something, and spread it out into the city.

Zhou Wen saw it clearly this time. What he sprinkled out was a handful of black beans. After seeing those beans on the ground, they turned into enchanted soldiers. Among them, some special beans became magic.化 将。 The will.

"Is this the legendary bean-spreading soldier?" Zhou Wen was stunned, and then he felt a joy again. If he exploded the weird man, maybe he could burst out the vitality of tearing beans into a soldier.

Ordinary enchanted soldiers and enchanted will naturally not be Zhou Wen's opponent. Zhou Wen killed a blood path and rushed towards the gate.

The monster with a mask of evil spirits sprinkled a few more beans. When he saw that the demonized soldier and the demon would not stop the scarlet villain, he didn't sprinkle it again. I saw that he took out two more things ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ a pair of scissors And a stack of yellow paper.

The weird man held the scissors in one hand and the yellow paper in one hand. When he saw a few clicks, he cut the yellow paper into a human shape and threw it into the sky.

I saw the yellow paper flying away, and when those yellow papers fell down, they turned into tiger prisoners.

A dozen tiger prisoners immediately surrounded Zhou Wen's path and rushed to Zhou Wen from all sides.

Zhou Wen moved horizontally, avoiding several Fangtian painting halberds, and cut off his sword at the same time, colliding with Fangtian painting halberds by a tiger prisoner, and then he was surprised to find that these yellow paper cut out The tiger prisoner will be comparable to the real tiger prisoner in speed and strength.

What is even more incredible is that three dozen six-armed demon souls appeared on the bodies of the dozen tiger prisoners.

"I'm going, who is that weird one? This ability is too abnormal, right?" Zhou Wen was taken aback. He was the first time to see such vitality skills.

If you just cut out a paper person and come out, you can reach the level of a tiger prisoner, which is simply unthinkable.

"Is that weird one mythical?" Zhou Wen guessed secretly in his heart. At the same time, he also knew why no one could go out and live alive after entering Huguan Pass. There was such a perverted guarding Huguan Pass that it was not easy to go out alive.

"Shoot people first and horses first, capture thieves first, and kings. It would be useless to kill these paper-man-made tiger prisoners. It would be better to rush directly to kill that weird." After the siege of the tiger prisoner, he wanted to fly from the sky to the city gate.

But I saw the strange man holding a triangular flag in his hand and waving it to the sky. There were suddenly dark clouds in the sky, and lightning bolted down and fell on the **** villain. The **** villain was suddenly numb from the air. Fell down.