I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 374: A flower house?

Zhou Wen clutched Fang Ruoxi in one hand and raised the sword in one hand, he was ready to lift the sword to cut out the sword light, and to shatter the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky.

But his sword was just halfway up, and suddenly he felt a heat on his ears, and a golden earring appeared on his ears, and at the same time a strange power was generated.

"Well, listen!" Zhou Wen was glad, knowing that it was Hell that the incubation was completed, and he automatically returned to his ear, and at the same time, a strange power broke out.

This power spread to Zhou Wen's whole body, and even the sword held in his hand was also wrapped in the power of listening. Thunder and lightning bombarded the sword, but instead of erupting the horrible power just now, it turned into a strange energy. Ba Jian directly transmitted into Zhou Wen's body, making Zhou Wen feel comfortable all over the body. The thunderbolt not only did not hurt him, but seemed to give him energy.

boom! boom! boom!

Lightning strike after strike fell from the sky, and every note was bombarded on the sword that Zhou Wen was holding.

"It's over, Lao Zhou is going to be blasted into coke!" Li Xuan couldn't open the eyes of the thunder and lightning on Zhou Wen's body, and suddenly felt cold in his heart.

With such a horrific amount of lightning power, anyone would think that Zhou Wen would be killed by electricity.

However, Zhou Wen in the thunderbolt did not feel the pain of being bombarded by the thunderbolt. Instead, he felt that his whole body was full of energy. Each thunderbolt hit him, a little more vitality in his body. The extra vitality that the body could not hold was already. Spilled from his pores.

Jiudao thunder and lightning all fell down in a moment. When the thunder and lightning fainted, many students and crowds watching the battle, found that Zhou Wen was still standing there with a sword, and they were not blasted into coke as they thought. No clothes were damaged in the slightest.

Zhou Wen, standing on the lotus leaf, held Fang Ruoxie in one hand, held the sword in one hand, and exuded a faint golden luster on his body. It seemed that the visual effects were full marks, which made many students wonder.

"The nine golden thunderbolts are so horrible. Why didn't Zhou Wen even hurt half of them?" Zheng Tianlun's eyes widened incredibly.

Weigo on the side just said lightly: "You might be too underestimated Zhou Wen, how can such a thunder and lightning hurt him."

Seeing Zhou Wen walking on the waves, Fang Ruoxi was brought to the shore, but there was no thunder and lightning and he fell from the void.

Zhou Wen landed on the shore, and as soon as Fang Ruoxi was put down, he saw two golden beams of light from the Buddha's eyes, coming straight to his side.

"Are you finally coming?" Zhou Wen was slightly agitated, wondering what the power of Buddha's eyes would bring to him.

But the next second, Zhou Wen was walking there, and the golden light emitted from the Buddha's eyes did not shine on him, but on Fang Ruoxi on the ground.

Fang Ruoxi's scorched black hair and skin quickly healed in the golden light, not only self-healing, but also became more crystalline, and the black hair faintly exuded a golden luster.

"It seems that the Buddha statue has chosen Fang Ruoxi from the beginning. After all, she was the first person to go down the river." Zhou Wen guessed that the reason why the Buddha chose Fang Ruoxi did not feel jealous. Fang Ruoxi could have such an opportunity. She strived for it herself.

Fang Ruoxi opened her eyes, and even her pupils seemed to have a faint golden sheen, which made her whole temperament different from before.

"Why am I here? Am I not struck by lightning?" Fang Ruoxi sat up and looked around blankly.

"It was Lao Zhou who rescued you, and you were lucky to have the eyes of the Buddha, but you have to thank Lao Zhou, not because he has blocked eight thunder and lightning for you, I am afraid that you have no life to enjoy that Buddha fate." Li Xuan said jealously.

"Thank you, Zhou Wen." Fang Ruoxi got up and stood in front of Zhou Wen and said.

"It's nothing to raise your hand." Zhou Wen shook his head slightly and turned to look at the statue on the stone wall, but saw that the statue had closed his eyes and restored his usual appearance.

And the lotus and lotus leaves of that river all withered in a moment, and finally all merged into the river water without leaving a lotus leaf.

A group of onlookers saw that the Buddha image lost its light, and the river surface returned to normal. Knowing that the Buddha ’s eyes had been missed this time, he could n’t help but regret it. They are out.

Some people left in disappointment, but there were also many people who looked at Zhou Wen. In addition to asking who got the Buddha's fate, they were more about Zhou Wen.

Just now Zhou Wen blocked eight golden thunderbolts with one sword without any damage. It was like a **** of war alive, which made people a little scared.

Zhou Wen was not in the mood to stay here. They told Li Xuan and Huang Ji that they still had something to do and went back to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Zhou Wen couldn't wait to get out the mysterious mobile phone, and then pulled out the listening information.

I saw a little golden monkey appearing on the screen of the mobile phone. It didn't seem to change much. The figure was still so small, but just the golden hair on his body. At this time, it turned into a kind of dark golden, much restrained and promoted. The legendary class has four ears, but now it has six, with three ears on one side, distributed in a zigzag shape, like petals.

There is not much difference in the appearance of 谛 Listen. Zhou Wen went directly to the properties of 谛 Listen and wanted to know what power it used just now.

Listen: Epic (evolvable).

Life: eyes and ears.

Destiny: Evil.

Strength: 41.

Speed: 41.

Physique: 41.

Vitality: 41.

Talent skills: Hearing, Immortal Golden Body, Exorcising Evil, Jiuji.

Associated state: earrings.

Zhou Wen sees the growth of listening attributes as expected, and skills and the like have not changed, but there is one more soul and soul. It is estimated that the ability to turn the power of thunder and lightning into vitality just now should be the role of the soul.

It is only the soul of the accompanying pet, and Zhou Wen can only perceive it one or two, he cannot fully figure it out, and he does not know what the specific role of the evil is.

He called out the cricket, and saw a small six-eared golden monkey appearing in Zhou Wen's palm, with golden eyes, and Baba looked at Zhou Wen.

"Call your life and soul to show me."

I heard Zhou Wen's order, but didn't summon its life and soul. It looked like I didn't know what to do. At the same time, I heard a thought coming into Zhou Wen's mind.

"I can't ... I can't ..." Zhou Wen felt that the will to listen seemed to repeat this sentence.