I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 54: Hold high

"I don't want you to alarm anyone and quietly bring Zhou Wen back. You even hit him by car. Is it that I have been too indulgent towards you recently and made you forget how to behave?" Qiao Siyuan's tone was calm, but his eyes were a little cold. .

As she trembled, she quickly rose to salute: "Minister, it is a humble job that neglects his duties. Fortunately, he was not noticed by the family. Please ask the minister to give him another chance. Humble job will definitely bring Zhou Wen back."

"Don't notice?" Qiao Siyuan put a document on the table and said lightly, "You look at this before you say it."

"This is it?" Liz picked up the file suspiciously and opened it, suddenly surprised when she saw the contents: "How is this possible? Is this impossible? Minister, is the information in it accurate?"

Qiao Siyuan took a look at Liz, and then said slowly: "I always thought that the marriage between Ouyang Lan and Zhou Lingfeng was a bit inappropriate, and thought it might have something to do with it, so I specially invited a teacher to help me check the candidates for my home. List, this is the result his old man gave me. Are you accurate? "

"The list that the teacher found was naturally impossible to fake." Liz's face was even more shocked. "But isn't the candidate for the house quiet? Why did it become Zhou Wen? He has no blood relationship with the house It ’s not even half a son. How could Anjia give this big opportunity to an outsider? "

"I do n’t know why Anjia gave this opportunity to outsiders, but it is certain that after Zhou Wen was admitted to the sunset college, Anjia did change the name on the list from quiet to Zhou Wen, and according to the agreement, Anjia There is only one chance to modify the list, and even if Zhou Wen is dead, it is impossible to change to another person. "

At this point, Qiao Si stared at Liz with a stare in his eyes and said, "Now you still think that if you drive and hit Zhou Wen, will your family know nothing?"

At the time, Liston ran out of cold sweat and bowed his head: "He is guilty of confession, please ask the minister to punish him."

She is very clear that Zhou Wen is now important to Anjia. Such a person was hit by a car while driving in Luoyang. If Anjia did n’t even know this, then Anjia might have been swallowed.

"It was only recently that you transferred to the Special Supervision Department and you are not too familiar with it. This time it is fine, but don't let me see it again." Qiao Siyuan said.

"Minister, please give me another chance to make up for the work," Liz asked.

"Not used for the time being, Zhou Wen has already enrolled in Sunset College in advance. If there is no reasonable reason, it will not be so easy to invite him again. I have other arrangements. You don't need to worry about it." Qiao Siyuan said with a wave of his hand.

Liz said with a strange look: "I can't believe that Anjia would replace the list with Zhou Wen. Even if Ouyang Blue is fascinated, regardless of the chance of her own daughter, she is willing to give Zhou Wen an opportunity, but how could Anjia agree? How could Tian Zuo agree? This opportunity belongs to the family! "

"There is no need to bother to think about the things you don't know, just do your own thing and go out." Jossi waved and let Liz leave, then picked up the document and muttered to himself while watching: "Settle down in the end What do you want to do? How can such a great opportunity be easily given to an outsider? Could it be that Ouyang Lan does not want her own daughter to take risks, so she will give up this opportunity? However, with her quiet qualifications, her chances of passing are quite high. It ’s not too risky. Jingdao Xian coincidentally met Zhou Wen and stayed abnormally for a while. Is this pure coincidence? "

After Zhou Wen and Li Xuan completed the admission procedures, Li Xuan did not choose to live with Four Seasons Garden with Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen could only take the dormitory card given by Ouyang Lan by himself and entered the specially opened garden-like area.

Here are rows of two-story small buildings. The small buildings are small and the layout is simple and bright. Each small building has a small courtyard.

The small courtyard has no walls and is only surrounded by a white wooden fence half a person tall, so you can clearly see the view of the next row.

"702, it should be this one." Zhou Wen, looking at the dormitory card, came to a small building, looked around, and found that this was the last row of the entire Four Seasons Park. There were only three small buildings in this row. His one is in the middle. The one on the left looks like it hasn't been lived in, but the small courtyard on the right has some flowers and grass. The soil is still moist and should already be inhabited.

Zhou Wenzheng wanted to push the door in, but heard the sound of opening the door from the small building on the right, and then saw a figure pushing out the door from the small building.

"Quiet?" After Zhou Wen saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help but hesitated slightly.

Quiet was also a bit frightened, apparently did not expect to meet Zhou Wen here.

After a short while, Quiet understood what was happening, bit his lips, ignored Zhou Wen, and left the courtyard.

Xu quietly ignored him, and Zhou Wen didn't intend to be close to her. The two seemed to understand each other as if they hadn't seen each other and passed by.

进 Entered the small building using the dormitory card. Zhou Wen found that it was really good. Although the layout and decoration are very simple, it is very suitable for practice. It is also equipped with personal strength testers and other instruments.

"The new beginning seems to be very good." After inspecting the whole building, Zhou Wen planned to go out and buy some necessities first.

Although Xiaoxiaolou is fully equipped, but there are no personal items such as quilts, Zhou Wen still needs to buy it himself.

Before Li Xuan took him to the gate of the Four Seasons Park ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Now Zhou Wen went out by himself, only to find that the sunset college is really outrageous. Although he is not lost in the college, but because the mobile phone map is located here Not very accurate, so Zhou Wendu took some detours.

And he did not know where the daily necessities were sold in the college.

When I walked away and found that I was more remote, Zhou Wen wanted to ask someone for directions, but found that there were old dilapidated buildings nearby, which should be abandoned old teaching buildings.

"Why is the map positioning so wrong?" Zhou Wen looked at the mobile phone map with some helplessness.

I was about to go back, but I heard a voice from the corner ahead.

"Let's ask for directions first." Zhou Wen took a few steps forward, intending to find the speaker, and asked where the supermarket in the school was.

"Xiaomei, you have to be obedient, and you have to cheer in the future." Zhou Wen heard the voice of a man from the corner again, and he thought it sounded familiar, but there was no way to combine this voice with a specific one. Individuals linked together.

Between thoughts, Zhou Wen walked around the corner and saw a tower-like figure in the corner of the dilapidated building not far away. At this moment, he was raising his hands, holding a small and cute, and it seemed that he was not weaned. The little milk cat has a gentle look and a smile on his face, but even when he smiles, that face is still fierce like a ghost, and it is daunting.

"Classical?" Zhou Wen was lingering there for a while, there was no way he could associate this person with the man with a small smile holding a small **** cat in front of him.

Classical also found Zhou Wen, holding a small milk cat and Zhou Wen's eyes, it seemed that even the surrounding air became strange for a while.