I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 570: Top myth

"Now there are rumors within the six major families, saying that as long as they enter the companion pet list, there will be opportunities to go further in the future." An Sheng said.

"What does it mean further? Strengthening?" Zhou Wen remembered that the Emperor had told him that only the first companion egg on the list would get the opportunity to strengthen.

"I don't know. The current rumors are very chaotic and it is difficult to judge the authenticity. However, Xia family, Zhang family and Dugu family also have mythical companion pets on the list. "Did you not notice that your Six Winged Guardian Dragon ranking has dropped?" An Sheng said.

"I really didn't notice this." Zhou Wen didn't have time to pay attention to those things. He has been studying **** the candle dragon.

"Your Six Wings rank has now dropped to fifth. The number one pet is no longer the underworld god. It has been replaced by a companion pet named Taigu Jianxian. The underworld **** is second, the third is the lamp demon, and the fourth is The Frost Giant, the fifth is your six-wing guardian dragon. Now there are more than thirty companion pets on the list. At present, the ancient Sword Immortal does not seem to belong to the six families, and it has not been found out that it belongs to Who. Now the six major families are also having a headache. The non-six major families that are already on the list have a lot more companions than they thought. "An Sheng said the details to Zhou Wen.

"Why didn't you let the love letter go to the list to try?" Zhou Wen didn't care much about the rankings. In the final analysis, that's just the ranking of human companion pets. Compared with other dimensions, humans are still too weak. Thirty mythological companion pets are nothing in the huge heterodimensional mythology system.

"It's the same if you don't get on the list. Now the list is definitely not the final ranking. There are still many companion pets in the six major families that are not on the list. The real powerful ones are still behind. Capital, but there should also be some mythological pets. The list will definitely top 100 by then. Even if my love letter is on the list now, it will be kicked out sooner or later. "

After a pause, An Sheng said, "It's you who got the candle dragon companion and hatched quickly. Its ranking will definitely be high. If you have a chance to hit the first place, you may not be sure. The higher the legend, the better. The greater the chance, but you have to be careful, the stronger the mythical companion pet, the higher the difficulty of hatching, or it will be fatal. I have several plans to incubate the mythical companion pet, and I will pass on the information to you. "

After chatting with Ansheng for a while, after hanging up the phone, Zhou Wen found a room to rest, and took out the associated eggs of the candle dragon, intending to hatch out before talking.

No mythical companion pet is too many. The key is that each mythical companion pet has different abilities. No matter how strong a mythical companion pet is, it cannot be absolutely invincible. Facing different situations, companion pets with different abilities You can use it, then it can't be better.

It's as strong as the candle dragon's hole candle vision. It can almost kill the mythical companion pet of the same order, but an epic jade spirit armor can only restrain it.

Zhou Wen has unlimited vitality. Naturally, no special hatching plan is needed. He directly picks up the dragon's eggs and begins to inject vitality to hatch.

When Wen Qi touched the dragon egg, Zhou Wen suddenly felt a strong and weak suction, like a whale swallowing a cow drink, and sucked Zhou Wen's Qi into it.

Zhou Wen, who has infinite vitality, feels that his vitality is empty. Fortunately, he quickly replenishes it. If it is replaced by other people, I am afraid that he will be sucked into adult **** directly.

With the influx of vitality, the associated eggs gradually lightened up, as if there were countless starlights flowing. When the associated eggs finally stopped absorbing the energy of Zhou Wen, the associated eggs turned into a starlight and flew directly to the left of Zhou Wen The eyes merge directly into the pupils.

If you look closely, in Zhou Wen's black pupils, there is a faint dark candlelike pattern, because the colors are similar, it is difficult for ordinary people to see.

Fortunately, the candle dragon pattern did not affect Zhou Wen's vision, so there was nothing to hinder.

Zhou Wen opened his mobile phone and checked the information of Candle Dragon. This may be the most powerful companion pet he currently has. Even if it is the golden warrior halberd, it can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Candelosaurus: Myth (evolvable).

Life style: son of the king of the world.

Life soul: pupil of time and space.

Wheel of Destiny: The Vision of Cave Candles.

Strength: 81.

Speed: 81.

Physique: 81.

Vitality: 81.

Talent skills: candlelight pupil, dragon's breath, king change.

Associated state: pupil.

"Sure enough, it is the top-level myth. All 81 attributes are comfortable to look at, stronger than the strengthened six-wing guardian dragon." Zhou Wen summoned the candle dragon in the game.

The giant candle dragon immediately appeared in the game screen, exactly as it looks in the game. Zhou Wen tried all its skills.

Except for a few skills that are less than the real candle dragon, there is basically no difference. The few skills are not important skills, and the core skills are all there.

The real invincibility is the vision of the hole candle and the change of the world king. The hole candle **** world can reflect all things. When you look at it, you directly **** into the horizon, and disappear without trace.

The change of the king of the world is the last transformation skill of the candle dragon. The pupil of time and space appears in the whole body. With the vision of the hole candle, it is almost an invincible spike.

However, after using the King of the World ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ the candle dragon will enter a comprehensive state of weakness, the combat power will plummet, and the combat power will drop to a level similar to that of the six-winged dragon in a short time. It will take a long time Able to recover.

"Even if you don't use the King of Kings, Candle Dragon is the top combat power. I don't know if Candle Dragon can be ranked first if it is on the list?" Zhou Wen guessed secretly.

Bringing the candle dragon, Zhou Wen went to the temple in the game. He wanted to try it out. What effect will the candle dragon have on the candle dragon and the hole candle vision on the hole candle vision? It will definitely be very exciting.

Finally arrived at the candle dragon temple, Zhou Wen did not hesitate to order his candle dragon to use the hole candle vision, the candle dragon's eyes immediately turned into a mirror-like, and also radiated the sun-like light.

And the candle dragon in the temple seems to feel the crisis, and it also uses the vision of the hole candle. The next second, a strange scene occurs. The two candle dragons disappear together out of thin air, and a strange space-time vortex is created in the temple. They were all rolled in, and the game screen immediately went dark.

"The view from the hole candle to the hole candle is a devastating disaster!" Zhou Wen discovered an unusual event, and had a bad hunch in his heart. After entering the game again, Zhou Wen did not rush to the Candle Dragon Temple, first Went to the poison bat cave.