I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 608: track

I give you one hand, come on. Gleb didn't take the weapon on the training rack, stretched out a hand, hooked Feng Qiuyan to signal Feng Qiuyan's attack.

Feng Qiuyan was rude, picked up an exercise knife from the shelf, held it in the knife, walked in front of Gleet, and slashed by pulling the knife.

Glebe and Lan Shi belong to the same family. Among his peers, he only served Lan Shi, and he has never been able to accept that Lan Shi was defeated by Zhou Wen. Both he and Shadi have the same mind, and were admitted to the sunset college together. It is to help Lan Shi correct his name.

Gleb's strength is naturally not bad. It is not much worse than Lan Shi a year ago. Naturally, he will not take the fame of the unrecognizable Feng Qiuyan.

But as soon as Feng Qiuyan's sword came out, the whole person's momentum exploded instantly, as if changing a person. Gleed's face also changed greatly. His whole body was tight and his body moved quickly. I wanted to avoid Feng Qiuyan's knife. .

But Grief's toes had just been raised, and Feng Qiuyan's practice knife had been placed on his neck, Grie's face became extremely ugly.

"Who the **** are you?" Now Grief naturally didn't believe it. Feng Qiuyan just followed Zhou Wenxue's primary school brother casually.

"Feng Qiuyan followed Coach Zhou Wen to learn a few inaccessible swordsmanship, and please advise." Feng Qiuyan said and retracted the practice knife.

Gleen's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly shot, trying to attack Feng Qiuyan unexpectedly.

But his fist was raised, and Zhou Qiuyan's knife was put on his neck again, and the shadow of the knife could not be seen at all.

Grief dissatisfied, and directly lifted the practice knife, and shot again, but Feng Qiuyan moved a little footsteps, and while avoiding his fist, the practice knife was mounted on his shelf again.

Grief was frightened and angry. He saw that Feng Qiuyan was about the same age as him, but he was so fast that he couldn't even hide. If it was a real battle of life and death, he had three heads and six arms. Already.

"Glebe, it's okay." Shady prevented Gleeve from continuing the fight. She naturally saw that Glebe was far worse than Feng Qiuyan, and it was impossible to win.

"Your surname is Feng. Is it the imperial family or the family that belongs to the sea?" Gleet stepped aside, and Shady looked at Feng Qiuyan and asked.

"Back to the sea breeze." Feng Qiuyan replied.

"Gu Haifeng's family came out of you as a knife-genius genius and took back the Shenfeng knife and became an authentic Fengjia." Saty said.

"You are too prized, my sword is nothing, just follow the coach to learn a little bit of fur." ​​Feng Qiuyan saw that Sati had no intention to do anything, so she put the training knife back on the knife holder, indifferently. Said.

"Your sword is really related to Zhou Literature?" Shadi did not believe what Feng Qiuyan said.

He and Greg have both watched the video of Zhou Wen's battle with Lan Shi. Even Zhou Wen at that time was probably not Feng Qiuyan's opponent.

In less than a year, even if Zhou Wen progressed no matter how fast, he couldn't be stronger than Feng Qiuyan. How could he teach such a technique as Feng Qiuyan.

"Yes." Feng Qiuyan replied and said to Li Xuan, "Chairman, I'll go back first. I have an appointment with the coach and I will go to work together."

"Xiao Yanyan, please go back first." Li Xuan smiled and sent Feng Qiuyan away, then sighed and said to Grie and Shady: "You can't even beat Qiu Yan, how can you challenge Zhou Wen? It seems only It's really sad to let that guy continue to be arrogant! "

Glebe was a little stunned for a while, and Feng Qiuyan's absolute crushing trend has made him lose his previous confidence.

"But you don't have to be too discouraged. There are still many activities in our community. At that time, you will still have the opportunity to continue to learn and grow, and Zhou Wen will often participate in the activities. If you work hard, you will still have the opportunity to defeat him. I am very optimistic about you. Li Xuan said, picking up his mobile phone and looking at it, "Okay, that's it for today. There will be activities in the community tomorrow, and I'll let you know."

"Sister, no wonder Zhou Wen was able to defeat Lan Shi. The disciples he taught are so strong, he must be stronger." Gleet said with disappointment.

However, Shady said, "Glebe, you are pure in heart and easy to be deceived. The sword operation of Feng Qiuyan has already had the knife path. Even if it is one of our six families, we can There are not many people who have such a sword. How can Zhou Wen teach such a sword? He teaches Zhou Wen almost the same. "

"But Feng Qiuyan said it herself ..." Gleet was interrupted by Saty before she finished speaking.

Satya said decisively: "The more so, the more problematic it becomes. If Zhou Wen is really so strong, why doesn't he fight himself? It is clear that he was afraid of losing to us, so he played with Li Xuan and Feng Qiuyan. Show us such a show, is to let them give up their determination to challenge him ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It turned out that he was deceived by this, so we went to Zhou Wen, this time can not let him run anyway Grief's eyes lit up again.

But when he turned his face, Grief became frowning again and again: "How can we find Zhou Wen? We don't know where he lives?"

"It's not difficult. Didn't Feng Qiuyan say that he and Zhou Wen had already made an appointment to meet? As long as we keep up with Feng Qiuyan, we will be able to find Zhou Wen." Saty said lightly.

"Yeah, it's not easy to catch up with Qiuyan with your sister, Odin's eyes. Let's go now." Grief said, and went out.

Two people left the driving range, and Shady's eyes glowed with blue light, leading the way. Soon the two came to the Longmen Grottoes, and saw Zhou Wen and Feng Qiuyan entering a grotto together.

"I saw them, they were there, and Zhou Wen was really here." Gleeh pointed to the cave where Zhou Wen and Feng Qiuyan went in.

Sadie nodded, and the two of them came to the grotto. She carefully looked at the cave and said, "This should be the Lotus Grotto in the Longmen Grottoes. It contains legendary flying beasts and epic flying dimensional creatures. With the strength of Feng Qiuyan, the flying beasts are not challenging for him. It is estimated that they came to kill flying. "

"Regardless of what they kill, they happened to enter the field of dimension. We caught up with Zhou Wen, and as long as we defeated him, it didn't matter if we were fired. Anyway, we were here to defeat him." Gleb said quickly. Towards the lotus hole, Shady followed.

Zhou Wen was a Lotus Cave invited by Feng Qiuyan. Because Feng Qiuyan found a mutant flying sky in the Lotus Cave, Zhou Wen was invited to come and kill the mutant flying sky together.