I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 620: Weird town

Zhou Wen's eyes were frozen, and the golden sword in his hand was cut out wildly. The golden sword awn cut off the beer in an instant, and he kept blasting towards the night without crying.

In front of the night, the lamp demon in front of his mouth sprayed a white flame. The golden swordman hit the flame like a sword wheel, and even split the flame directly. At the same time, the lamp demon's body was also split into two. Don't cry to the night behind.

Yebuyan's eyes flashed a look of surprise, his body quickly moved horizontally, and he avoided the golden swordman's slash.

However, the sword wheel transformed by the golden swordman suddenly turned upside down, and the speed of cutting back to the night without crying was faster.

When the golden sword wheel almost touched the back of the night, it did not cry at night. With a strange posture, the body leaned forward while rotating with the left foot as the axis. The twisted body avoided the golden sword wheel again. .

The golden fighter sword in Zhou Wen's hand was not idle either. The flying celestial celestial body was launched, and the person and the sword were condensed into one body, tearing the void like a golden lightning and chopping to the night without crying.

He did not cry at night, his face was dignified, the black matter on his hands condensed, and his arms and palms were wrapped around his arms. His eyes were staring at the golden sword that flashed to him.


The night does not cry, but it just happens to sandwich the blade of the golden tyrant sword, but the golden sword awn on the golden tyrant sword is too strong, pushing the night weeping body to keep moving backwards, hitting the small building behind, directly Knock down the small building.


The night did not cry and broke through several buildings, and finally hit the stone wall, and the stone wall behind it collapsed, and the body stopped the backward trend.

The blade of the Golden Bull Sword was still pinched by his hands. The black vortex generated by the guard kept absorbing the Golden Sword, but it could not absorb it all, and the sparks of the sword light burst continuously.

Zhou Wen pushed the blade with all his strength, and slowly pressed the blade to Ye Bu Crying. Seeing that the golden swordman on the sword blade would touch Ye Bu Crying.

Ye didn't cry. She slammed her hands aside, her body flashed to the side, and the golden bull sword cut a deep mark on the mountain wall behind him.

Zhou Wen was about to chop again with a sword, and he waved without crying at night: "Master, I'm kidding you, don't really try hard!"

Seeing Zhou Wen was completely indifferent, the golden sword in his hand was cut off again, and he waved back without crying at night: "I am really your brother, my name is Liu Yun, and I am also a student of Teacher Wang Mingyuan. You should have heard my name, right? I Like you, you all graduated from Guide High School, and we are still fellows. "

Zhou Wen listened for a moment. He did remember that Wang Mingyuan had such a student, but he graduated long ago, many years before them.

He and Zhong Ziya also talked about that brother named Liu Yun, and Liu Yun was also quite famous in Guide House. Before Zhou Wen, the genius recognized by Guide House. Zhou Wen heard about him when he was in Guide House. name.

"Don't you say that you didn't cry at night? Now it's changing again?" Zhou Wen stared coldly at the youth. The sword did not converge, or he locked him dead.

"Do n’t cry at night is my nickname, my real name is Liuyun." The young man said, taking out one thing: "You recognize this thing, I believe that no one except the teacher's students will have it. "

Zhou Wenjian saw that the young man was holding a pendant in his hand, which looked like carved from ivory, but was a little blue, not yellowish.

When Zhou Wen saw the pendant, he couldn't help but hesitated a little. He also had this pendant, which Wang Mingyuan gave him, and he also helped him through the danger.

Later, I heard that Wang Mingyuan said that the pendant was carved from the tooth of the white dragon in Longjing, but at that time Wang Mingyuan said that he carved four and gave it to Jiang Yan, Zhong Ziya, Hui Haifeng, and Zhou Wen. Liuyun also has things.

"Don't doubt, the teacher could get the dragon tooth at the beginning, or I helped him steal it from under Longjing. At that time, the teacher carved a pendant for me, and the rest was collected, saying that it would be given to his favorite disciple in the future. You must have one, too? "Liu Yun said.

"How do you know that I will come here?" Although Zhou Wen already believed that he was a student of Wang Mingyuan, he did not relax his vigilance.

Liu Yun spread his hands and said, "Where do I know that you will come here? I was hunted by someone from the Supervision Bureau and fled here to take refuge. I didn't expect to meet you. If it wasn't because the Supervision Bureau has been looking for you four, I don't know yet that you are a student of the teacher. "

What else did Zhou Wen want to say? But suddenly I heard a rushing horseshoe from the north side of the town, as if thousands of horses were rushing towards the town.

"Not good, just care about joking with you and forget about it. Hurry up, don't show the line and make a sound, otherwise there will be big trouble." Liu Yun said, retracting the lamp magic, Rushing out, a leaping fish jumped into a well next to it.

Zhou Wen's mind turned, and he held the golden bull sword and jumped along with Liu Yun.

thump! thump!

The two fell into the well water one after the other, and Liu Yun sank his body into the water. Zhou Wen also learned his appearance and sank together in the well water. The golden sword in his hand kept the attack posture to prevent the flowing cloud. Something changed ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The sound of the horse's hoof is getting closer and closer. Zhou Wen used his ears to listen to the situation outside, and the image outside suddenly imprinted in his mind, letting him see a weird scene.

It ’s not a horse running outside, but a creature that looks like a deer. The deer is white with crystal antlers on its head. A group of white deer rarely have more than a hundred heads. The crystal antler above the head is very exaggerated.

On the back of a majestic white deer, there is still a weird creature, white clothes, white pants and white hat, looking like a person, but his face is also white, without mouth, nose, eyes, eyebrows, like A piece of white paper.

The white deer walked across the street with a white faceless person, but instead of leaving the town, he walked along the street.

"Dangdang! Dangdang!" Every time the white deer group walked a distance, the faceless man in white would hit a metal disc in the other hand with a stick in his hand, and did not know what he was doing.

The white deer herd and the white-faced people turned around in the town, and then they galloped in the direction they came from and left the town.

Liuyun then rushed out of the well and chased after the white deer herd.

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Wen also jumped out of the water well, looking at Liuyun and asking.

"Pick flowers." Liu Yun replied, and chased after the white deer herd outside the town.

Zhou Wen thought for a while and chased after the town.

Those white deer and white-faced people are all dimensional creatures, but the town is not a dimensional realm here, and their appearance here is indeed a bit strange.

Mainly, Zhou Wen was afraid that the guy who claimed to be Liuyun would run away. It is still unclear whether he is really Liuyun. Even if it is Liuyun, Zhou Wen will not let him spread the news that he has been here. .