I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 695: butterfly

With the flash of the knife, the demonization will be split in half.

The girl was dying and still alive, and saw the demonization of Zhou Wen around her, showing a surprise.

"Did not tell you that you have insufficient power. You need to increase your power before you come to kill the demons?" Zhou Wen frowned, slightly angry, and with a bad tone.

The reason why Zhou Wen was angry was not because the girl didn't listen to him, but because if something happened to the girl, did he teach the girl's body constitution, did she not harm her?

After listening to Zhou Wen's words, the girl lowered her head and said uneasily, "I'm sorry, it's my bad, I shouldn't listen to you."

"You're not sorry to me, but to yourself. This time, you're lucky. You just happened to meet me. You won't be so lucky next time." Zhou Wen said.

"Senior, don't worry, there won't be another time." The girl said seriously.

"That's good, I'll take you back, lest there should be no more accidents." Zhou Wen said walking away, the girl followed him.

"Your physical fitness is not bad. You can learn some physical fitness here. You can take a look and it will help you a little." Zhou Wen thought about it and took out a notebook and handed it to the girl.

This is when Zhou Wen realized the technique of Fei Xian Fei Xian in the early days, some of the notes he made were just a few piecemeal thoughts and techniques, and they were not systematic.

Later, after Zhou Wen's real epiphany, this thing was never used again.

This girl is quite talented in physical manners, and has a similar personality to Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen just gave her notes to see if she could learn something useful to her from those cluttered ideas and skills. It was up to her. Own understanding.

"I ... I don't have money ..." The girls waved hands again and again.

"It's worthless stuff, I write it by hand, you can just look at it, don't take it seriously." Zhou Wen threw the notebook to the girl, and then left alone.

After Zhou Wen returned to the dormitory, he began to study which dimension field to go to continue to burn the invisible industry.

Although he already knew the way to promote the killer's soul, it was too difficult to kill the guardian so that the killer could be promoted.

Several guardians Zhou Wen already knew, the one in Ant City, could not beat.

The one who pulled the cart in the underground in Kowloon, not even the nine black dragons, could have done it.

There is also a birdie's mother who is guarding, not to mention whether Zhou Wen can fight, even if he can, he is embarrassed to kill the bird's mother.

Of course, maybe it's not an opponent at all.

After much deliberation, there is only one best guardian to kill, and that is the killer attached to the magic sword.

Now every time when Devil Sees Zhou Wen, he feels that Zhou Wen is looking at his eyes, as if a hungry wolf is looking at a little sheep, which makes his heart tremble.

Although Zhou Wen has the intention to kill the demon, try to see if the killer can be promoted to the next level.

However, the killing of the devil is the dry food of the demon babies. Zhou Wen is really not good at starting, so he can only give up.

Moreover, the battle of Buddha extermination, the magic baby can sneak attack successfully, all rely on the magic sword attached to the top of the killer, otherwise ordinary magic sword, it is impossible to stab the Buddha extermination, let alone kill him.

If you kill the demon, the power of the devil will be greatly reduced, which seems to be a bit uneconomical.

Zhou Wenxuan chose to choose, and finally selected a dimension field that was rarely visited, which was underground Zecheng. Previously, Zhou Wen brushed poisonous maggots and other dimension creatures. There were actually a lot of dimension creatures there, just because most of them were in It's really hard to kill in the water, so few people go there.

Zhou Wen went to Zecheng and brushed it for a few days, but the progress was not great. The general dimension creatures have very few invisible karma, and after being promoted to the Holy Prison King, the intangible karma needed for his promotion again seems to have changed. More, kill ordinary dimension creatures, I don't know when it will be able to promote the Holy Prison King.

"Where can I kill a few more dimensional creatures like the Monk's Skull and the Golden-winged Bird?" Zhou Wen finally gave up his intention to continue to brush ordinary copies to get unemployed.

Zhou Wen returned to the dormitory, and found that Li Xuan was sitting in the living room. After seeing Zhou Wen return, Li Xuan smiled and walked up, and she was going to slap Zhou Wen's shoulder.


The scabbard bamboo knife in Zhou Wen's hand was placed directly on Li Xuan's neck, and he asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"Lao Zhou, are you crazy? You don't even know me?" Li Xuan said, going to touch Zhou Wen's forehead.

The bamboo knife in Zhou Wen's hand was chopped against Li Xuan's neck.


Before Li Xuan chopped Li Xuan's neck, a white smoke blew from Li Xuan's body, leaving Zhou Wen's bamboo knife chopped empty.

After Bai Yan dispersed, I saw a woman standing there, looking at Zhou Wen with surprise and saying, "How did you find out that I wasn't Li Xuan? I asked myself, even if Li Xuan himself, I didn't see any flaws. "

"I'll give you one last chance, who are you?" Zhou Wen stared indifferently at the woman ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The palm of the hand had already clenched the scabbard, and the next shot, he would not use a scabbard knife Go for it.

Zhou Wen did not see any flaws. The woman posing as Li Xuan was indeed enough to make the truth out. Even if she put the real and fake Li Xuan together, Zhou Wen could not see which one was true and which one was false.

But women should never and shouldn't be here, because when Zhou Wen was away, Li Xuan didn't dare to enter his dormitory at random, and even dared to sit on the big sofa.

Because Li Xuan knew very well that there was an antelope's place, and what he was most afraid of was the antelope. When he came, he would only sit on the small sofa or stool.

So Zhou Wen only took a look and knew that Li Xuan was fake.

"My name is Butterfly, the servant of the second master Li Mobai, and the owner asked me to ask you." The woman said.

"Did you come to invite me like this?" Zhou Wen said coldly.

"Because the host said that I must not lie to you, I don't believe it, so I made a bet with the host, and now I lose, if you are not satisfied, you can kill me now, I have no complaints." Butterfly closed Close eyes and said.

"Why is Li Mobai looking for me?" Zhou Wen has no homicide habit, and he actually knows the butterfly. Before Li Xuan told him about Li Mobai and the evil king, he had told him about this woman.

When Butterfly pretended to be Li Weiyang, even Li Xuan couldn't tell, she was almost fooled by her.

"The host invites you to go there, and there is something to discuss." Die said.

"No interest, you go." Zhou Wen said.

"Sure enough, as expected by the host, but the host asked me to ask if you are interested in the Guardian? If you are interested, he is waiting for you at Yaxianzhai." Die said.

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