I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 698: Magic hourglass

The petite fire phoenix flew down from the wall, and with a terrible flame, instantly turned the entire stone house into a sea of ​​fire.

Red hot flames, even when wearing armor, still felt overwhelming.

Zhou Wen summoned the tyrant Beamon directly, swallowed his mouth, swallowed the flame together with the fire phoenix.

Although it was only a short moment, they both shocked Anson and Zhou Wen with cold sweat. White smoke was emitted from their armor. If it was longer, the armor would be red, and the skin and flesh would have to be Cooked.

As soon as Fire Phoenix died, the six portals automatically opened and restored to their previous state.

"Asheng, have you encountered this situation when you were here before?" Zhou Wen felt that something was unusual and asked Ansheng.

"Never before. Master Wen, you said that the fire phoenix just now is related to this hourglass?" When An Sheng spoke, his eyes looked at the backpack that had been burned by the flames. The contents of the backpack had been scattered Many things have been burned, but the crystal hourglass is still intact, falling to the ground horizontally, and the sand is still flowing.

"I also think there may be some connection. There were no accidents when you came before, and there were no accidents when we left. But after the hourglass was turned upside down, there was an accident. I can't think of anything other than it. The reason. "Zhou Wen said.

"Let's explore the path with the companion pet first to see if other stone houses have the same problem." Ansheng said, summoned a lion and let it enter the next room that Ansheng intended to enter.

As soon as the lion entered, the stone house suddenly closed, and soon Anson changed color.

Zhou Wen wanted to know what was happening next door, but he didn't hear anything. There seemed to be a force in the wall of the stone house blocking him.

After a while, the door opened, and the lion companion entering it disappeared. It seemed to have been killed.

"These stone houses really changed a little bit strangely. After my companion pet went in, they quickly cut off the contact with me, and I couldn't sense what happened in it," Ansheng said solemnly.

Zhou Wen looked in from the doorway, but did not find any murals in the stone house, which is no different from ordinary stone houses.

"If the change of the maze is related to this crystal hourglass, if we wait for the sand of the crystal hourglass to reverse again, do you say the maze will return to normal?" Zhou Wen looked at the hourglass in his hand and said.

"This is also very likely," Anson said, staring at the sand in the hourglass. "Looking at the speed of this sand, it should be reversed once an hour. Let's wait here for an hour first."

"Alright." Zhou Wen also thought it would be better to wait.

God knows what else is strange in this maze. Although his mythical pet is still epic, after all, if there is any accident in the small stone house, he may not be able to hide himself, and the companion pet is stronger. Useless.

Two people waited in the stone house, and the time passed by one minute and one second. After the sand in the hourglass completely ran out, they heard a ding, exactly the same as they heard before.

The next second, the sand in the hourglass started to flow backward.

"I'll try it again." An Sheng summoned a companion pet, and let it enter the room where the lion went in.

Sure enough, this time, the stone house passage was not closed, and the companion pets inside did not have any meaning.

"Sure enough, this is not wrong." An Sheng himself entered the room carefully, and there were no accidents.

So Zhou Wen and An Sheng used the companion pet as a pathfinder, and then proceeded to the position of the next treasure chest in the maze. After passing through many stone houses, no problems occurred.

When the hourglass reversed, the two stopped and did not move on. They waited for an hour on the spot, waited for the hourglass to reverse again, and then continued.

The hourglass does not know what kind of relationship it has with the maze, but it can control the maze. When the flow is reversed, the situation in the maze is completely different.

When forced to rest, Zhou Wen was studying the hourglass. I wanted to give it a try to control the flow of sand in the hourglass.

If he could control it, would he not be able to control this maze.

But Zhou Wen studied it for a while, and didn't find out how to control the hourglass. The main reason was that he didn't dare to mess around, because he was afraid of breaking the hourglass, and it would be even more troublesome.

"After we go out, think of a way to study it." Zhou Wen temporarily gave up the idea of ​​controlling it.

"Master Wen, I seem to have discovered something." An Sheng said.

"What happened? Is it a secret about the maze?" Zhou Wen quickly asked.

"No." An Sheng shook his head and said, "After so many times I come out with you, I find that as long as you enter the field of dimension, something unexpected happens easily ..."

"A coincidence ... must be a coincidence ..." Zhou Wen said decisively, although he also felt that he seemed to have problems every time he entered the dimension field ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, but he would never admit that he was a broom star .

"Even if there is a problem, it must be the problem of tiger generals, bamboo swords, and too old. It is definitely not my problem." Zhou Wen secretly said.

An Sheng laughed: "In fact, this is also good, at least not so boring. Every time I enter the dimension field with you, it is so thrilling."

"It really doesn't matter to me." Zhou Wen said with a sad face.

The two walked around for about thirty hours before finally reaching the room where the second treasure chest was located.

"Master Wen, let's look at it." Ansheng said solemnly.

"Do you really want to open it?" Zhou Wen said guilty somewhat.

In the first treasure chest, there was a monster moth like a crystal hourglass. The ghost knew what could be in this treasure chest.

If the associated eggs and dimensional crystals are okay, in the event of a bomb or something bursting inside, they will be killed directly here, it will be miserable.

Although it is just a metaphor, Zhou Wen does not rule out that there are really things like bombs in it.

"Go ahead, even if there is a buddha in it, we will fight the buddha anymore, there is nothing terrible." An Sheng laughed.

Zhou Wen swallowed and swallowed his throat, reached out and lifted the lid of the treasure chest, his heart beating violently, as fast as drumming.

An Sheng and Zhou Wen's eyes looked inside the treasure chest, but they both frowned.

There is actually a chest in the treasure chest, the material and style are the same as the treasure chest, but it is smaller.

Zhou Wen frowned slightly, and also opened the lid of the treasure chest, but saw that there was a smaller treasure chest inside, so that seven or eight treasure chests were opened in such a way that what he saw was a smaller treasure chest.

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