I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 778: Hades

Gulou's abdomen swelled, tumbling over, lying on the ground and vomiting.

Wu Zhouwen saw that Gulou vomited a lot of white objects, and he took a closer look, and almost spit it out. The thing that Gulou vomited was actually many maggots, still wriggling on the ground.

Lugulou vomited more and more bugs. The few people who saw it were scalp tingling, and some were worried that they would be like Gulou.

I vomited for a while, Gulou also vomited the worm-like bug, and the swollen abdomen also disappeared. It looked a lot better, but his face was pale and terrible.

"Master Gu, what is going on in Gulou?" Li Mobai asked.

Just now they have been paying attention for four weeks and found no problems. Sudden accidents in Gulou made them equally disturbed.

"You can rest assured that it is not a problem of the flower of life. He has been stabbed by maggots and has been killed by me." Gu Shanshui reached out his hand and the cricket-like bug flew into his hand, inside his paw. Something fell.

That is a rice-sized bug that looks really like rice grains. Most people can't see it at all. It turned out to be a bug.

"This is a relatively common rice glutinous rice. Although it is only legendary, it is mixed with rice grains and can easily be eaten by opponents. After entering the body, it uses rapid breeding internal forces to damage the body from the inside. It is difficult for outsiders to solve."

Gu Shanshui paused and continued, "Mi Mi's movement speed is not fast, and his attack power is not very strong. It is difficult to directly enter the body. It should be that before we came, Mi Mi had been mixed into the bamboo bucket rice brought by Gulou. In the past, he would not be invaded by Mi Fu until he had eaten. "

With that said, Gu Shanshui asked Gu Lou and Gu He to check everything they brought, and it turned out that they found some rice noodles in their bamboo rice, and found a kind of specific hair in the kettle. Silkworm is thin.

Gu Shanshui told them that it is also a legendary tapeworm, called a bone driller, which can easily kill people if it is invaded. It will penetrate into the bone cavity and multiply, eating bones until the bones are wiped out. until.

Zhou Wenwen was relieved. A few of them did not eat bamboo rice or drink water, and now they don't even want to eat or drink.

A few people gave their things to Gu Shanshui for inspection. Fortunately, there was no problem in their food and water.

"It seems that someone did these things before we set out, Master Gu, do you know who is moving?" Li Mobai asked.

Kariya landscape shook his head and said, "People in the Gu family should not do this kind of thing, because they all know that these maggots can't deal with me."

墨 Li Mobai is in deep contemplation. If it is not for the Gu family, then it may not be targeted at Gu Shanshui. This range is too large to guess.

"Master Gu, is there any way to prevent these maggots?" Butterfly asked.

After all, she is a woman. After seeing Gu Lou's vomiting tapeworm just now, she was disgusted. If she was allowed to vomit once, she would rather die.

"There are endless numbers of tapeworms in the Southern District. It is easy to defend one or more kinds, but you can only rely on personal experience and judgment. However, if there is a legend that you can restrain the million A fetish, then no matter what kind of tapeworm, you dare not approach you. "Gu Shanshui looked at the bird on Zhou Wen's shoulder when he spoke.

"What is that fetish?" Die asked.

"The most famous one is the mythological ice silkworm pupae. If there is an ice silkworm puppet in your body, basically no tapeworm dares to approach you. Even if you dare to approach, you will be found by the ice silkworm pupae and kill them directly. Dead. Most god-like roundworms have a similar effect, provided that you can tame it, "Gu Shanshui said.

"Isn't it possible to kill the companion pet by killing it directly?" Die said.

"Some are OK, some are not." Gu Shanshui said ambiguous.

"Why?" Die wondered.

"Because the live maggots have experienced many battles, they have a strong instinct, experience and certain IQ, as well as territorial consciousness. However, if they are accompanied by pets, IQ may not necessarily be able to do so, and no combat experience and territorial consciousness Most of them need the owner to control in order to be able to exert their power, and it will be a lot worse to prevent them in advance. Moreover, the mythical maggots may not be able to burst the companion pets, or the possibility of domestication will be greater. "Gu Shanshui said .

"Master Gu, do you have any mythical maggots on your body? Let them open our eyes," said Butterfly.

"If I have one, I don't have to ask Mr. Zhou to help me catch corpses. There are many people in the Southern District, but there are very few mythological maggots, and most of them should be in Dugu. "Gu Shanshui seemed to be very interested, and then said," If Mr. Zhou can help me catch corpses this time, I will also have a mythological maggot, and the Gu family will be regarded as the number one character in the Southern District in the future. . "

Kariya Landscape checked everyone's stuff and found no tapeworms, so they continued on the road.

The flower river under the moon was trembling with beauty, a breeze blew through, and the flowers shook like ripples from the river.

Kariya's nose sniffed strongly, suddenly stopped, and made a still gesture, then looked at the Huahe in the distance.

Several people in Zhou Wen stopped and looked in the direction of his eyes. I saw that there was still a large sea of ​​flowers in front of me, and I didn't find anything ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But the wind was getting stronger and stronger. They saw above the Huahe River in the distance, and there seemed to be some lights flying around.

Zhou Wen's listening ability is very strong, and he quickly saw what it was.

That is not a light at all, but a large crystal-like butterfly. The butterfly is transparent, and there are many patterns inside the wings. Those patterns are glowing with ice-blue cold light, which makes it look more beautiful.

When the winged blue butterfly vibrated its wings, it caused strong winds and ripples over the river.

"That's ... the dark butterfly ..." When Gu Lou saw clearly that it was a butterfly, his face was already pale, and there was no blood at all.

Gu He next to the cricket was not so good, and his face was extremely ugly.

"It's no wonder that none of the people who entered Huahe could go out alive, but there is a haunting butterfly ..." Gu Shanshui looked dignified, said Shen Sheng.

Zhou Wen doesn't know what the butterfly is, but just by sensing the vitality fluctuations on it, it is definitely a mythical creature.

"Did the legendary ghost messenger lead the soul into the ghost butterfly?" Li Mobai apparently heard the name of the butterfly, and frowned at the butterfly.

Gu Shanshui whispered, "I just heard that someone had encountered a butterfly, but it was in a mysterious dimensional realm that humans could hardly reach. I did not expect that there would be a butterfly in Huahe. Our Luck is really bad. "

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