I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 824: Microcosm

"How can you kill the Devourer? Beamon and Candle Dragon are not suitable for this type of battle. The magic baby is still evolving. Who else is more suitable for the remaining combat power?"

Zhou Wen thinks about it, there are only three companion pets that have more hope, listen to liberate multiple earrings, or use the Archaea spore parasite to try it.

The other companion pets cannot see the Devourer, and it is useless to be strong.

As for the last one, Zhou Wen put on an invisibility garment so that the devourer could not see him, and tried to assassinate him.

Zhou Wen tried it from the simplest method. First, use the invisibility suit to assassinate. In the stealth state, the devourer can see him, and he must use the three-minute stealth mode to make the devourer invisible.

As a result, the assassination failed, and the entire body of the Devourer looked like a black hole. Zhou Wen passed invisibly. As soon as the move to cut the immortal fell on the Devourer, he was sucked in, and the game ended instantly.

So Zhou Wen began to try the second method, trying to make the Archaean spores parasitize the Devourer. As a result, the Archaean spores were sucked into the Devourer's body, and then they were disconnected.

Both of the above methods failed. Zhou Wen could only risk sending Xun Ting. After unlocking the two earrings, Xun Ting became extremely violent, tearing the space and killing the devourer.

The invisibility of the Devourer cannot affect Hearing, Hearing like lightning, and not being sucked into it,

However, Hearing's claws scratched the body of the devourer, just as if he swept through the water. After that, there was no trace and the devourer could not be hurt.

Listening to the battle with the Devourers, they were not able to take advantage, but they were not swallowed up, and the situation seemed a little deadlocked.

However, I need to move at high speed all the time to avoid being absorbed by the devourer. The physical strength and vitality consumption are relatively intense. Over time, I am definitely not an opponent of the devourer.

As soon as Zhou Wen gritted his teeth, while listening to his physical strength was still at its peak, he ordered it to untie the third earring.

Another earring on Listen's ears was broken. With the break of the ears, 谛 Listen's body also changed strangely.

Before Zhou Wen could clearly see the specific changes of the listening, he felt a violent and painful thought came, making him feel that the listening was about to explode.

On the listening body, a black flame is rising, like a bomb that may explode at any time.

Zhou Wen instructed Wu Ting to make it attack, but he did not follow his orders to attack, and Yang Tian made a terrifying roar, which seemed to be countering Zhou Wen's command.

Zhou Wen felt that the conceptual connection between himself and Xun Ting was about to be cut off, and it had become difficult to continue, and Xun Ting was able to resist his orders.

"Come back!" Zhou Wen forcibly tried to summon Hei to call back, but the result was still useless.

Fortunately, when listening to Zhou Wen's will, the Devourer swallowed it up and killed him directly.

Zhou Wen quit the game, and in reality the earrings were still there, so Zhou Wen was slightly relieved.

Summing up the cricket, the dark golden six-eared golden monkey appeared in Zhou Wen's hand, but it was fine.

"Sure enough, I can't open the earrings anymore." Zhou Wen was still afraid and didn't dare to try again.

Zhou Wen can think of all the methods that have been tried, but there is no way to take the Devourer, but he has to slowly find a way to deal with it. Now Zhou Wen can only use the stealth ability to escape. If he is found again, let the broken earrings listen Staying with it, Zhou Wen continued to explore the endless Xinghai, and realized how to change the sky.

Just listening to the devourer's words with a cricket was not a big problem.

While entangled with the Devourer, Zhou Wen traveled the endless sea of ​​stars, and became accustomed to it after a long time.

What makes Zhou Wen feel strange is that apart from this devourer, in the endless star sea, even a mythical star beast has not been seen.

"Should mythical stars and beasts be swallowed by devourers?" Zhou Wen guessed secretly.

The small universe that steals the sky for the better is becoming more and more complete, Zhou Wen faintly feels that he is about to consolidate his life.

Sure enough, within two days, the sky-changing tactics really began to consolidate life, and the small universe in the body exuded bright stars.

When all was over, the life-style of Stealing the World's Changing Tactics also condensed successfully, and Zhou Wen quickly looked at the data of life-style.

Life Frame: Small Universe (Initial Body).

"This life pattern is really called a small universe?" Zhou Wen froze slightly, not expecting that the situation of life pattern and vitality tactics completely matched.

"I don't know what the life style of Brother Liuyun was?" Zhou Wen wanted to ask Liu Yun, but he couldn't find him.

Although both of them have practiced the trick of stealing the sky and changing the sun, but they have different bloodlines, different thoughts, and different life forms.

Small universe: the universe evolved as a body.

"What does it mean to evolve the universe in one's body?" Zhou Wen didn't understand for a while, what exactly did this fate mean?

However, when Zhou Wen switched out of the cosmic life, and then used the sky stealing tactics, he understood a little bit.

Other functions Zhou Wen don't know yet, but Zhou Wen will definitely not get lost anymore. The universe universe is like a GPS. No matter where he goes, he can know his position in the universe ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Don't say that you won't get lost on the earth. Even in the universe, Zhou Wen estimates that he won't get lost.

"Having it for a long time, is this life pattern a locator?" Zhou Wen had doubts about his previous speculation, wondering whether stealing the sky and changing the tactics was the vitality tactic to increase speed.

"The next step is to consolidate life and soul, first try to see if the blood of the guardian of the underground sea can help steal the sky to change the day to promote." Although Zhou Wen is not the opponent of that guardian, but it is not difficult to get a drop of blood, By the way, you can brush Kowloon again.

That guardian is the attribute of space. Zhou Wen thinks that the degree of fit with the sky stealing strategy should be very high.

There was no useful thing in Kowloon. Zhou Wen forcibly took a drop of blood from the guardian. To his surprise, that drop of blood could not be absorbed by stealing the sky.

"Can't you?" Zhou Wen felt a little in his heart and had to go to Ant City to try again.

This time Zhou Wen is still praying in his heart, don't agree with the guardians of Ant City, otherwise this day-to-day tactic is likely to be a vitality tactic that enhances the vitality attribute. This vitality tactic is not needed anymore, and it is a waste of time .

After Zhou Wen's trembling trial, fortunately, he could not be absorbed by the day-to-day exchange. At the same time Zhou Wen was happy, he was a little depressed.

Now the blood of these two guardians will not work, and he doesn't know where to go for another drop of matching guardian blood.

"This is really a trouble." There are only a few guardians that Zhou Wen knows, and once the guardians contract with human beings, the real cocoon comes out, then his blood is useless, and he must find the kind of The guardian of the cocoon can only take his blood.

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