I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 915: Pilgrimage

Feng Qiuyan replied: "First of all, we must solve the problems of physical strength and vitality. This problem can be compensated by some skills to restore vitality. However, even if it is possible to restore the vitality skills, it is not possible to fully restore vitality, and physical energy consumption is also a problem. Fortunately, after reading a lot of classics, I finally thought of a way to support war by fighting. "

"How to support the war with war?" Zhou Wen knew what the word meant, but during the war, it was because of the rest time.

After being surrounded by a single person, there is no rest time at all.

"First reduce their own consumption, then capture the vitality of the enemy ..." Feng Qiuyan said, waving the soul-sword in his hand, and on top of that soul-sword, it seemed to have produced some strange magic power. All the energy was sucked into the blade.

"You ... you can ..." Zhou Wen didn't know what to say. This ability to swallow others' vitality is very rare.

Zhou Wen also saw Xia Jiuhuang used it, Feng Qiuyan was the second one, and he didn't know how he learned it.

Feng Qiuyan also said: "The second step is to solve the problem of being beaten by the group. It took me a long time to come up with a new knife method. Please instruct the coach."

"Come on now." Zhou Wen was a little bit anticipated about Feng Qiuyan's sword.

Feng Qiuyan held the life-soul sword with a very serious look. He said with caution, lifted the knife and slashed sharply at Zhou Wen, and the sword broke out, like an invisible blade to cut the sky, and slashed at Zhou Wen. Come down.

Although this knife is strong enough, it is a lot stronger than Feng Qiuyan's previous swordsmanship, but there is no qualitative change. Zhou Wen uses Tianwai Fei Xian, and she evades Feng Qiuyan's sword.

Feng Qiuyan didn't care so much. The knife was cut continuously, and the knife gas poured down like a long river. One knife was more severe than one, and one knife was faster than one.

Zhou Wen had to admit that Feng Qiuyan's swordsmanship is indeed top-level. If it is not restricted by epic grades, this swordsmanship may even be promoted to **** level.

Feng Qiuyan has completely shed his old indifference, hesitation and unconfidence. The knife seems to have become a whole with him. He can be passionate and able to flow through the bridge.

Able to split the mountain in one fell swoop or carved on tofu.

Fast and slow, light and heavy are controlled just right. When it is desperate, it can burst infinitely. When it is converged, it can fully converge.

Zhou Wen felt that if Feng Qiuyan continued to practice this sword, he should be able to be promoted to the same level as his heavenly flying fairy.

However, Zhou Wen looked, and did not see how Feng Qiuyan's sword method can deal with group assaults. His sword method only supports singles fighting alone.

"No!" Zhou Wen felt something. When using Tian Wai Fei Xian to dodge the attack of Feng Qiu Yan, he switched to the prisoner's destiny and made his eight senses extremely sharp.

"It turned out to be such a great guy." Zhou Wen has discovered the secret of Feng Qiuyan's sword.

Feng Qiuyan's sword strength is vertical and horizontal. One knife is stronger than the other. After knowing how many swords were cut, Feng Qiuyan suddenly retracted the knife and retreated, staring at Zhou Wen with a sharp eye, saying, "Coach, you must be careful."

Said, Feng Qiuyan held the knife handle with both hands, the knife gas on her body was full, and her long hair and clothes fluttered with the knife gas, all around.

The previously broken knife gas quickly condensed. Around Feng Qiuyan, a complete set of knife gas condensed, forming a huge array of swords. All of the swords' gas pointed to Zhou Wen, and I didn't know how much.

"What is this trick?" Zhou Wen looked at Feng Qiuyan and asked.

"This is the inspiration I got after seeing an ancient video work, plus my own research and transformation. In the video work, that trick is called Wan Jianguizong, and I call this trick Wan The pilgrimage of the sword. "Feng Qiuyan shook his knife's hand and began to tremble.

The soul-knife in his hand is connected with all the swords, and if it is above a sword, it bears the power of thousands of swords.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, there are thousands of swords.

"Do your best, let me see how strong your pilgrimage is." Zhou Wenzheng said.

"Coach, please be careful." Feng Qiuyan also couldn't support it, and cut it down towards Zhou Wen.

With the power of his sword, the dense air of swords was like a sword river falling from the sky, and the violent impact fell down.

The dense sword air poured down, Zhou Wen swayed left and right in the sword river, like a ghost, and his body left a phantom in the air. The sword gas cut through the phantom, but he could never touch Zhou Wen's body.

The violent sword has never been able to touch his body, all flew over and chopped on the rocks behind Zhou Wen.

Bang! Bang!

Stones as high as tens of meters were chopped up by dense swords and collapsed into countless stones, but until the last knife was cut, Zhou Wen still stood in front of the collapsed rocks unscathed.

Feng Qiuyan did not feel discouraged because Zhou Wen avoided his 10,000-pillar pilgrimage ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Instead, he stared at Zhou Wen with scorching eyes, his mind had been completely avoided by Zhou Wen's pilgrimage Possession.

Holding the knife, Feng Qiuyan stood there and stared at Zhou Wen. The original momentum that should be dropped after a pilgrimage of tens of thousands of knives, not only did not fall, but became more high.

Zhou Wen's expression also became dignified, and his hand was pressed on the handle of the bamboo knife.

When Feng Qiuyan's momentum reached its zenith, the whole person suddenly relaxed. The fierce and overbearing momentum on his body seemed to disappear suddenly, as if he had become an ordinary person, with a strange smile on his face.

At this time, Feng Qiuyan was like a devout believer. He used the knife in his hand to sacrifice the sacredness in his heart. Except for his piety, he could not feel any murder and suffocation from his body.

It seems that he is not holding a weapon in his hand, but a holy instrument dedicated to the gods.

Finally, the knife in Feng Qiuyan's hand moved again. There was no overbearing knife light and no fierce knife gas. Zhou Wen had never seen a person who could use the knife so cleanly, holy, and so artistically.

As if he wasn't killing people, he was completing a redemption.

Almost at the moment when Feng Qiuyan came out of the sword, Zhou Wen's hand holding the bamboo sword also moved. Fei Xian Fei Xian did not carry the slightest fireworks atmosphere, like an elegant fairy, passing by with Qiu Qiu.

The sound of a sword like Long Yin kept on for a long time. If you distinguish it carefully, you will find that the sound of the sword comes from two different swords. The bamboo sword and Feng Qiuyan's soul-hunting sword are shaking and moaning.


The dragon scale armor on Zhou Wen's chest cracked a knife mark, almost at the same time, Feng Qiuyan also had a knife mark on her chest. On the exposed muscles, there was a thin blood stain, exuding a trace of silk. blood.

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