I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 186: 1 See Xiao


At this moment, this originally very noisy and noisy classroom fell into a deathly silence.

Xiao Zhang's tone was not loud, and his voice was soft.


In this classroom that has fallen into the weird and quiet, this faint voice is so clear that everyone present can hear it very clearly.

Xiao Zhang's voice is also extraordinarily sincere, so that everyone in the classroom can feel the sincerity of his words when they hear his words.

However, it is precisely because of these people that they can feel the sincerity in Xiao Zhang's words.

Therefore, Xiao Zhang's words fell in the ears of everyone, and the shock caused to the hearts of everyone present was far greater than the previous sum!




Like a surging tsunami, all of these people's intellects were swept away.

Next second,

After a moment of silence, there were countless voices of discussion, suddenly, one after another from various positions in this classroom.

"I, Cao, did I just have some auditory hallucinations? How did I hear Xiao Zhang reject Lin Qingqian's public confession? Xiao Zhang said he had no interest in Lin Qingqian?"

"Brother, you heard me right! I, he, mom, I heard it too!"

"Xiao Zhang really rejected Lin Qingqian. I went to, his mother, why did I have an absurd feeling of dreaming? It's so unreal!"

"But, facing Lin Qingqian's public confession, how could Xiao Zhang refuse? How could he refuse?"

"Is Xiao Zhang crazy? How could he refuse Lin Qingqian's pursuit? You know, among the tens of thousands of girls in Rongcheng University, Lin Qingqian definitely ranks in the top three!"

"Hehe, I am sure now, if this Xiao Zhang is not crazy, then he is a fool, and there is a problem with his brain!"


These people in the classroom couldn't believe their ears.

I thought I had some auditory hallucinations.

However, after looking at each other.

They all clearly saw this deep shock and horror from the eyes of each other!




The next moment, the sound of swallowing saliva in countless apples rolling? It was in this classroom? It rang continuously.

You know, in the previous second.

These people present? They all thought that facing Lin Qingqian's public confession? This Xiao Zhang would definitely agree to it ecstatically.

After all? This is a good thing that countless men from Rongcheng University dream of.

No one can refuse!

But? Just the next second.

That Xiao Zhang? Not only did they not immediately agree as they thought.

On the contrary, the tone was still very cold, and he told Lin Qingqian that he had no interest in her.

This morning, in this short class time.

They have been shocked by the neglected, ridiculous, and ironic Xiao Zhang before? They have been shocked too many times? They now have an illusion of whether they are dreaming or not.

It doesn't feel real at all!

What did they just hear?

Facing Lin Qingqian, the most beautiful girl in the School of Economics and Management, confessed to the public, this Xiao Zhang did not hesitate and refused directly with a sincere expression!

Rejected simply and neatly? Without procrastination!

. . . . . .

Li Minjie, who was originally standing at the door of the classroom, couldn't help shaking his figure as he watched what happened in the classroom.

Almost slumped on the ground again.

"He...he actually refused!"

At this moment? Li Minjie looked at Xiao Zhang's eyes, full of envy, jealousy? And endless anger.

How much does he hope? Lin Qingqian confessed to this object? It was not Xiao Zhang, a poor and impoverished boy from a poor family, but himself.

Then I will definitely agree immediately!

There will be no hesitation!

Before, when Li Minjie was knocked to the ground with a punch by Xiao Zhang, in his heart, there was only resentment towards Xiao Zhang.


In the depths of his heart, in fact, he still looks down upon Xiao Zhang, a poor boy who is just a little brute force.

After all, in this money-supreme, law, rule, and society, even a bit of brute force does not have much effect.

But now, in the classroom, the scene that took place was even worse than Xiao Zhang's punch to Li Minjie, who was extremely proud in his heart.

It directly shattered Li Minjie's inner pride, and there was not even the slightest scum left.


He, Li Minjie, as a person who was struggling to pursue Lin Qingqian and was unwilling to do so, now he can't wait to find a place to sew in and never come out again.

"This... how is this possible?"

"How could you refuse Lin Qingqian?"

Qiu Yuting, who was not far away, was also pale at this time.

She stared at Xiao Zhang with a dull gaze.

For some reason, at this moment, Qiu Yuting felt that Xiao Zhang's body was covered by a mist that made her unable to see through.

She used to think that this Xiao Zhang was nothing but a useless poor boy she had already seen through, but based on the current situation.

This Xiao Zhang is a bit mysterious.

"I...I regret it!"

Then, endless regrets flooded Qiu Yuting's heart.

It made her wish that time could go back once, so that she could go back to the day of the blind date and the Tianyuan Western restaurant.

Qiu Yuting swears to heaven,

If God can give oneself a chance to come over again.

She will definitely cherish this opportunity for a blind date. She will definitely not take that group of friends to go on a blind date, and she will not want to slaughter Xiao Zhang once and order such an expensive meal!

She will definitely find a way to get Xiao Zhang's favor.

Strive to be his girlfriend!

"But, it's late... it's late for everything..."

At this moment, Qiu Yuting was desperate.

Both eyes became dim.

Because she clearly realized that everything can't go back, everything is too late!

. . . . . .

"I knew it would be like this!"

"I knew that Xiao Zhang would definitely reject Lin Qingqian's pursuit!"

"Hehe, how can Lin Qingqian be so high as Xiao Zhang? Let her dream of spring and autumn! Without looking in the mirror to see what she looks like, she licked her face and confessed to Xiao Zhang!"

Among the people who were extremely shocked, Yang Piaopiao beside Xiao Zhang was the only one with an unexpected expression on his face.

At this moment, her bright eyes stared at Xiao Zhang next to her firmly.

Brilliant colors again and again.

At this moment, Yang Piaopiao felt his heart beating violently.

And this violent beating was what she used to be. Never felt it before.

"Is this the heartbeat?"

The corners of Yang Piaopiao's delicate lips slowly evoked an upward arc.

This kind of heartbeat is really good!

. . . . . .

In the face of Xiao Zhang's straightforward rejection, among these people in the classroom, the one who hadn't thought of it was not Li Minjie and Qiu Yuting and others.

But Lin Qingqian, who had been standing in front of Xiao Zhang pretty pretty, looked shy and expectant.

"You reject me?!"

At this moment, Lin Qingqian's bright eyes were full of incredible.

She stared at Xiao Zhang, her eyes widened, her face full of consternation.

She never thought that Xiao Zhang would reject her.

Or, to be more precise, Lin Qingqian had never thought that a man would refuse her confession.

Public confession in today's classroom is the best way Lin Qingqian can think of after several hours of thinking.

In Lin Qingqian's view, even among the tens of thousands of male classmates in Rongcheng University.

Lin Qingqian confessed to someone who was able to refuse her, and he has not shown up yet.

Especially, I confessed in public in front of Xiao Zhang's classmates.

In Lin Qingqian's view, no man would refuse such a fierce vanity!


Therefore, when she just confessed to Xiao Zhang, Lin Qingqian's heart ~lightnovelpub.net~ was full of confidence.

She thought this Xiao Zhang would definitely agree to herself!

And as long as Xiao Zhang agrees to be his boyfriend, when that time comes, as long as he behaves a little more pitifully, he will hook his finger.

Perhaps, this Xiao Zhang will take the initiative to help himself without speaking himself!


What Lin Qingqian never expected was that, in the face of her own chase and her public confession, this Xiao Zhang turned down in public!

how can that be?

After a moment of silence, Lin Qingqian still couldn't believe it.

"How could you... refuse?"

. . . . . . . .

Ps: Recently, the grades are getting worse and worse. One day's manuscript fee, even less than two dollars, my brother is here, brazenly asking for subscriptions, rewards, monthly passes, my brother thanks! !