I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 191: My price is fair!

At this moment, because of the headless woman's affairs, the heavy heart immediately became relaxed.

It's like a person walking with a heavy load, relieved of the heavy burden on his body, and his whole body, from the inside to the outside, has become a bit transparent.

"Let Xiao Zhang, touch, one, and next, I should feel so comfortable?"

"If Xiao Zhang not only touched, touched his neck, but also touched some other body parts, wouldn't I feel more comfortable?"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Lin Qingqian had only a flush of blush on her cheeks, and suddenly they became flushed.

Even Lin Qingqian's breathing became a bit quicker at this moment.


Taking a deep breath, she hurriedly suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her heart.

Just as Lin Qingqian squinted his eyes slightly, indulging in the warmth brought by Xiao Zhang.

next moment,

There was a voice with a bit of youthful youth, and it suddenly rang in the slightly quiet open space of the unfinished building.

It echoed in Lin Qingqian's ears.

"This mystery on your neck, the purple-cyan marks left behind, has a weird yin air on it."

"And this Yin Qi will continue to affect your body."

"Presumably, during this period of time, you have always been cold, sour and weak. This is all because of this purple-cyan stain."

While his thoughts were turning slightly, Xiao Zhang would circulate on Lin Qingqian's neck, the qi of Hunyuan and Liangyi returned to his Dantian Qi sea.

"The yin qi left by this kind of mystery is very harmful to the fragile flesh and blood of the human body."

"And? Even the top hospitals in the world? With the most advanced medical technology, they can't remove this mysterious and weird yin qi? You can only let it slowly corrode the human body? Until the yin qi is exhausted."

After hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Lin Qingqian's flushed face? Immediately, it turned pale.

Regarding the coldness on the purple-cyan pinch marks? She had originally in her heart? Secretly thought that it would cause great harm to her body.

And the words Xiao Zhang just said gave a detailed introduction to this cold breath? The harm it caused to the human body.

It fully confirmed her previous guess.


In Lin Qingqian's heart, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. Has her body been corroded by that Yin Qi? There was some kind of damage.

"But, don't you have to worry? Just now I have completely eliminated this pinch mark and Yin Qi? How do you feel now?"

While talking in his mouth, Xiao Zhang retracted himself, stroking, touching, and Lin Qingqian's right hand on his neck.

That kind, slippery, tender, warm, hot, muscle, and skin beautiful touch.

When Xiao Zhang retracted his palm.

Can't help but gently, squeeze, and give.


After a light cough? Xiao Zhang put his hands behind his back? He looked calm and calm.

Just now, the reason why Xiao Zhang met, touched, and touched Lin Qingqian's neck was to remove the purple-cyan marks on her neck.

After all, above this pinch mark, there is a mysterious and weird yin.

And this unique yin energy will cause a lot of damage to the flesh and blood of ordinary people. If it is more serious, it will cause people to slowly die under the erosion caused.

If you don't erase the purple-cyan mark on Lin Qingqian's neck, it will be erased.


Even tonight, Xiao Zhang shot and killed the headless woman successfully.


Lin Qingqian would definitely suffer a serious illness under the influence of Yin Qi erosion.

At the very least, she would have to lie down in the hospital for a few years to recover slowly.


Under the restoration of Xiao Zhang's Qi of Hunyuan and Liangyi, not only the yin Qi on Lin Qingqian's neck was completely dispelled.

Even the negative effects on Lin Qingqian's body caused by the erosion of Yin Qi were cured.

Even, it can be said that Lin Qingqian's body is better than normal people.

"I feel good now."

"The feeling that the body was frozen before has completely disappeared."

"The whole body is as if soaking in a hot spring and pressing a massage, it is very comfortable, and the body is no longer weak and weak."

After moving her body a few times, Lin Qingqian's pale cheeks slowly recovered a little rosy.

She said with great surprise.

The whole day of today's discomfort was completely improved after Xiao Zhang touched, touched, touched, and touched his neck very casually.

She feels her body is full of energy and spirit.


Lin Qingqian felt that her current physical condition was much better than that of the headless woman who hadn't encountered horror before.

"This Xiao Zhang really has some means of restraining weirdness."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to just touch, touch, touch, or touch my neck casually, and wipe off the purple and blue marks left by the headless woman."

"Furthermore, it also makes my body swept away from the previous weakness and become full of energy!"

This time, after Lin Qingqian personally experienced Xiao Zhang's strength.

She immediately became full of confidence in whether Xiao Zhang could solve the problem of the headless woman.

At this moment, all the worries and fears in my heart were wiped out.

Just as the joy at the corner of Lin Qingqian's mouth became more intense.


A faint voice rang in her ears, but the arc of joy on the corner of Lin Qingqian's mouth immediately became stiff.

"I'm a guy who always sells at a fair price."

"Just now, I helped you to remove the purple and cyan marks on your neck, and to repair the bad effects in your body, I will charge you 100,000 yuan."

Touching his chin, Xiao Zhang said in a very serious tone:

"As for killing the mysterious and weird like a headless woman, my price usually starts at several million. After all, this is a business that takes a lot of risk."

"However, for the sake of our classmates, I will give you a friendly price of one million."

"This price is not negotiable, and it really can't be lowered. I am also selling small profits but quick sales. It is a super low price for a big sale..."

In Xiao Zhang's view, helping Lin Qingqian to solve the mystery and weirdness was just a deal.

Since you knelt down and kowtow to me, then I really can ignore the things in the Juxiangyuan self-service barbecue restaurant at the beginning, I can consider saving your life.

However, the fee is still charged.

A penny, a dime, can't be less!


And listening to these words of Xiao Zhang, Lin Qingqian on the opposite side opened a small, delicate, tender mouth.

However, for a while, she didn't know what to say.

after all,

One hundred thousand yuan, to eliminate the purple and blue marks left by the secrets, and also to repair the negative effects of Yin Qi erosion on the body.

This price, even in Lin Qingqian's view, is a very reasonable fee.

Not expensive at all.

On the contrary, Lin Qingqian still feels very cheap.

After all, as Xiao Zhang just said, even the top hospitals in the world, using the most advanced medical technology, cannot eliminate the yin left by the secrets.

The price of a mere 100,000 yuan is really a conscience price.

Lin Qingqian felt that even if Xiao Zhang set a one-million-dollar fee, it would not be expensive!

And for the weird killing of the headless woman, Xiao Zhang charged several million to start, which is also a normal thing in Lin Qingqian's eyes.

After all, as Xiao Zhang just said, this is a business risking life and death, and the price of several million is definitely not high!

And now, Xiao Zhang can pay her a one-million-time price for classmates. This is indeed a friendly price.

Lin Qingqian's heart was quite moved.

According to Xiao Zhang's fee standard, this time, she had to pay Xiao Zhang a total of 1.1 million yuan.

However, the only problem is that Lin Qingqian now has so much money.

She is just a student of Rongcheng University.

Even her tuition and living expenses were given by her parents.

Lin Qingqian was all over her body now, and all the money added up to only a few thousand yuan.

I definitely can't pay such a huge cost of 1.1 million yuan.

However, if she couldn't pay this fee, Xiao Zhang would definitely not make a move.


Waiting for his miserable end, only the headless woman had his head off.

I'm dead!


Just when Lin Qingqian was at a loss, the opposite Xiao Zhang glanced at her, seeming to know that she was unable to pay such a large fee.

Xiao Zhang said lightly:

"Study for classmates, I allow you to charge once."

"When you have earned enough this one hundred thousand yuan, just remember to return it to me."

Hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Lin Qingqian's body trembled slightly.

Her eyes were red all of a sudden.

A thin layer of mist appeared in Lin Qingqian's eye sockets.

In the end, this thin layer of water mist quickly condensed into tears, slowly flowing out from the corner of Lin Qingqian's eyes, across her white face.

Those withered grass dripping on the ground~lightnovelpub.net~Xiao Zhang, thank you, you are such a good person! "

At this moment, Lin Qingqian was completely moved by the Xiao Zhang in front of him.

in fact,

Lin Qingqian knew in her heart that in this world, there are many people who are willing to lend her more than one million, such as the rich second-generation Li Minjie.

However, she also knew in her heart that these people were plotting bad luck.

All greedy her body.

Lin Qingqian was willing to lend her more than one million men without plotting her body, and Lin Qingqian knew more clearly that there was only this Xiao Zhang in front of him.

. . . . . . . .

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Recently, the weather has cooled down, and the little brother has no money to use the heating, so he can only wrap a quilt on the bed, and code words, you readers, also pay attention to keeping warm.