I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 237: I really didn't want to shock the world!




   Now, what Xiao Zhang has to do is to comprehend each of these patterns of heaven and earth.

   Then, learn how to arrange and connect these extremely complicated patterns of heaven and earth, so that you can use the general trend of heaven and earth to increase your speed.




   The Xiao Zhang in his memory has been depicting and sketching the heaven and earth Dao pattern countless times, and the general trend between heaven and earth is also constantly surging because of these heaven and earth Dao patterns.

   In the process of depicting the heaven and earth pattern, Xiao Zhang also experienced tens of thousands of failures.

  Sometimes, just because a striped road of a certain Dao pattern appears insignificant deviations, the strange symbols composed of tens of thousands of heaven and earth Dao patterns disappear directly.

   Of course, there are some situations where the world is directly disordered, causing great harm to the Xiao Zhang in his memory.

   However, fortunately, the Xiao Zhang in my memory, no matter how badly he was injured, will not affect the Xiao Zhang in reality.

   Even if the Xiao Zhang in the memory, under the backlash of the general situation of the world, he died and disappeared between the world and the earth, it would not bring the slightest harm to the Xiao Zhang in reality.

   And as long as Xiao Zhang's mind moves, in his memory, he who has died and disappeared will reappear and continue to outline the heaven and earth Dao pattern.

   is also precisely because of this characteristic, so Xiao Zhang can carry out bold experiments in the process of comprehending the heaven and earth Dao pattern.




   The Xiao Zhang in his memory, under the backlash of the great power of heaven and earth, continued to die and disappear.

   However, if there are other people in Xiao Zhang's memory.

   When they observe Xiao Zhang carefully, they will be extremely surprised to find that the number of times that Xiao Zhang in their memory has died and disappeared is decreasing.

   And Xiao Zhang outlines the pattern of heaven and earth, and he is becoming more and more proficient...

  . . . . . .

   The outside time, only a few minutes have passed.

   However, in Xiao Zhang's mind, the memory of his hard work day and night practicing the secret technique of Chinese characters, but it has been several years.

   Moreover, with the passage of time, the number of years Xiao Zhang has been comprehending has also been increasing.

   ten years, twenty years, thirty years...

   Even those monks with amazing comprehension, who want to comprehend these heaven and earth Dao patterns, often need to retreat and practice hard, which takes countless years.

   can barely comprehend part of the mystery.

   And the vast majority of ordinary monks with average savvy, faced with these obscure and incomprehensible patterns of heaven and earth, even if they have comprehended for a lifetime, they cannot comprehend anything.

   Actually, looking at the countless epochs in "Zhetian".

   The monks who can successfully practice a certain secret technique among the Nine Secrets, without exception, are the pride of heaven with amazing comprehension and excellent roots.

   Even if it is placed in the world of Zhetian, among the great holy places, these proud children who have cultivated the Nine Secrets are rare in existence.

   is very rare!

   In the countless epochs of monastic history in Zhetian, there has never been an ordinary monk with ordinary qualifications who can successfully cultivate the Nine Secrets.




   In these brand new memories, it took Xiao Zhang more than a hundred years to fully comprehend the heaven and earth pattern on the second layer of this line of secret technique.




   At this moment, Xiao Zhang had no more doubts about the second level of this secret technique of running Chinese characters.

   The outline of each heaven and earth Dao pattern, and the complex arrangement between many heaven and earth Dao patterns, have been calculated countless times in Xiao Zhang's mind.

   At this time, Xiao Zhang could accurately outline the starry heaven, earth and Dao patterns in the blink of an eye, and then arrange these heaven and earth Dao patterns accurately.

   In this process, he will not make a single mistake.

   Even when Xiao Zhang was in the process of sketching the heaven and earth Dao pattern, Xiao Zhang was distracted and thought about other things. There would be no mistakes in the depiction of those heaven and earth Dao patterns.

   For Xiao Zhang at this moment, it seems that the lines of heaven and earth that outline the secret technique of the second layer of characters are as simple as calculating 1+.

   There is no difficulty at all.

   To say something that is not very polite, if you talk about the mastery of the second layer of heaven and earth pattern on the secret technique of running characters, even if Xiao Zhang is compared with Ye Tiandi Ye Fan, he is still slightly better!


   At this time, a slight upward arc of joy was slowly outlined on the corner of Xiao Zhang's mouth.

  According to the practice method of Xingzi Secret Art.

   After mastering the Heaven and Earth Dao Pattern on the second layer, it means that he has upgraded this secret technique from the first layer to the second layer!

   The next moment, the "Xiao Zhang" in my memory stands in a valley surrounded by countless thousands of high mountains and ridges.

   Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhang took a very usual step.




   And just as he was taking a step, a large number of heaven and earth patterns suddenly appeared on the soles of Xiao Zhang's feet.

   Like countless flickering stars, appeared at Xiao Zhang's feet.




   And in these lines, there is a trace of the atmosphere of the avenue, which made the valley where he is starting to tremble.

   Even the lofty mountains in the distance are eclipsed at this moment.




   Accompanied by these avenue lines, under the feet of Xiao Zhang, they continue to outline and condense.

   In the end, when Xiao Zhang's footsteps completely fell behind.




   The slender and tall figure of Xiao Zhang was very abrupt and appeared directly on the top of another mountain five kilometers away.

   Five kilometers in one step!

   And the large forests within 10,000 meters, and those hard rocks, for Xiao Zhang, did not cause the slightest obstacle.

   is like illusory, and Xiao Zhang walks through it directly.

   And walking in this way will not cause any damage to these rocks and forests, which is amazing.

   This secret technique of running characters not only has the world's highest speed, but also can jump up to nine days and go down to nine quiets. It can be found in any place.

   It's a big announcement, it's really good, it's worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

   Even if it is a congenital formation pattern, it can't be sleepy, and it can't be blocked if there is no way. Even if the ten square formation is placed, it can be easily passed through.

   Of course, that is the powerful power that the twenty-sixth layer of Dzogchen's line-character secret technique possesses.

   And the current Xiao Zhang, who has just upgraded the secret technique of running characters from the first level to the second level, is far from the powerful point of ignoring all obstacles.

   However, it is easy for Xiao Zhang to go through forests and mountains.

   "The second layer of this secret technique of running characters has allowed me to reach a distance of five kilometers in one step!"

   "My current speed of five kilometers per step is five times faster than the speed of one step per kilometer in the first layer of the Secret Art of Chinese Characters."

   "This increase is already very large."

   Feeling such a powerful speed, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

   He was very satisfied with the speed of the second level of the secret technique of running characters.

To know,

   Xiao Zhang can easily take three steps in one second.

   In these three steps, each step can span a distance of 5,000 meters. Adding up the three steps, Xiao Zhang can span a distance of 15,000 meters in total!

   In other words, Xiao Zhang's current speed has reached the point of fifteen thousand meters per second.

   This speed is enough to be called shocking.

   Anyone who knows it will feel unbelievable.

   After all, the speed of sound is about three hundred and forty meters per second.

   And Xiao Zhang's current speed is almost fifty times the speed of sound at a distance!

   In the earth science community, except for the speed of light which is faster than Xiao Zhang, the speed of everything else is far inferior to Xiao Zhang!

   Even rockets, or satellites in outer space, and space stations, these top technology products in the world, cannot compare to the speed of Xiao Zhang.

   "This time my speed increase is much bigger than I expected!"

   At this time, Xiao Zhang's mood was somewhat agitated, and he also felt a little unexpectedly happy.

   Actually, before the promotion of this secret technique of running characters.

   Xiao Zhang was in his own heart, and he secretly guessed that this increase in this secret technique would bring his speed to what level of horror.

  Actually, Xiao Zhang’s psychological expectation is one step of 3,000 meters!

   This speed, in his opinion, is already very fast.

   At this speed, even if Xiao Zhang wanted to traverse the entire Chengdu city, at most, it would only take a few seconds.

   As a result, Xiao Zhang was extremely surprised,

   This time, he raised the secret technique of running characters from the first level to the second level, allowing him to speed from one step of a kilometer to a step of three kilometers.

   directly increased to a step of five kilometers!

   For Xiao Zhang, this was an unexpected joy.

   "A step of five kilometers is only the effect of the second level of the secret technique."

   "I don't know how fast my speed will be when I upgrade this secret technique from the second level to the third level?"

   "A step of 8,000 meters? Or a step of 10,000 meters? It's really exciting."

   Just as Xiao Zhang was secretly sighing in his heart.

   It's time to consume experience points this time to improve the secret technique of running characters.




   The slender eyelashes blinked a few times, and the next moment, Xiao Zhang's black eyes suddenly opened.

   He slowly exhaled the foul breath in his chest.

   "It is worthy of being one of the nine secret techniques in the world of the sky. This secret technique of running characters is extremely powerful, and it can indeed be called the world's fastest!"

   stroked his chin, Xiao Zhang felt very satisfied with this secret technique of Chinese characters.

   The next moment, as if thinking of something, Xiao Zhang turned his head slightly.

   He cast his gaze again on the talent panel floating in front of him.

  Name: Xiao Zhang

  Age: 18 years old

   Realm: The late stage of Liangyi Realm! (Thirty-six Heavens in the Perfect World Cave Sky Realm!)

   Gong Method:

  The fourth level of unknown exercises (please name it, a total of 43 levels, which can consume 128 experience points to upgrade to the fifth level).

   Skills: The fourth level of Dawei Tianlong (a total of 13 levels, which can consume 64 experience points to upgrade to the fifth level).

  The second layer of the Secret Technique of the Nine Secrets of the Sky (A total of 26 layers, it can consume 24 experience points to upgrade to the third layer)

   (Note: You can only upgrade the Secret Art of Line Characters to the second level. If you want to upgrade to the third level, you need to exchange for the third level of practice techniques before you can upgrade.)

   (Note: It can consume 24 experience points to exchange for the third-level practice exercises.)

   Package: None

   Physique: There is a chaotic body that is indestructible (can consume a certain amount of experience points, and become innocent.)

   Item: The fourth layer of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire (13 layers in total, can consume 64 experience points to upgrade to the fourth layer)

   Experience value: 17.

  . . . . . .

   When Xiao Zhang was on a barren mountain, he was upgrading this secret technique of Chinese characters. The change that Banyue Lake turned into a dry pit in Banyue also attracted the attention of relevant departments.

   After all, Banyue Lake is a natural lake with the largest area and the most water storage within a hundred miles of Rongcheng.

  Some water conservancy departments will also send some personnel to inspect.

   At this moment, there is a middle-aged man standing next to Banyue Lake with a dull face, like a statue, motionless.

   This middle-aged man opened his eyes wide and stared at the Banyue Lake in front of him.

Do not!

   The current Banyue Lake is no longer a lake, but a half-moon-shaped dry pit covering an area of ​​thousands of acres.

   And this middle-aged man is an inspector from the water conservancy department.

  'S name is Yue Longgang.

  He has to visit Banyue Lake once a day to observe the changes in the water quality of Banyue Lake.

   Today, Yue Longgang, as usual, came to Banyuehu for a round as usual.

   Originally, he was going to go around at random, so he hurried to other things.

   However, when he came to the place where Banyue Lake was, the scene reflected in Yue Longgang's eyes made him stand still on the spot.

   It's been a long time since I can't come back to my senses.




next moment,

   is endless shock and horror, like the surging tide, from above Yue Longgang's heart, madly pouring out.




   This shocking feeling was actually like the essence, sweeping Yue Longgang up, leaving his brain blank at this moment.

   Banyue Lake?

   Is this really Banyue Lake?

If it weren’t for myself, I’ve been to Banyuehu more than a thousand times~lightnovelpub.net~ For the road to Banyuehu, even if I close my eyes, I won’t go wrong, Yue Longgang would doubt if he was lost. wrong.

   But, precisely because it was extremely certain that this was Banyue Lake, the shock in Yue Longgang's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

   Isn't Banyue Lake rippling with blue waves and sparkling water?

   You have to know that I just visited Banyue Lake yesterday, and I also took a test tube of water from Banyue Lake to test the quality of the water.

   But, why did the extremely clear Banyue Lake become such a huge pit in just one day? !

   Moreover, in the huge deep pit in front of me, because of drought, numerous deep cracks appeared at the bottom of the pit, like an ugly cobweb.

   This is exactly the geomorphic environment of an extremely water-scarce area.

What exactly is going on?

   Until a long time later.

   When Yue Long had just recovered from the deep shock and slowly recovered, there was a sentence that he blurted out:

   "This change in Banyue Lake will definitely shock the world and attract global attention."

   "I must report to it as soon as possible!"

  . . . . . . . .

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