I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 250: Huming Fu Zhuan!

I saw that everyone in the supermarket was looking at the same position.

   has a huge light blue palm, floating in the air.

   And on this pale blue palm, there are countless scarlet blood, slowly dripping down, there are also some white bones, and minced meat.

   kept falling on the floor of the supermarket, making a burst of crisp noises.




   Even among the crowd, there are some people with better eyesight. These people see a heart from the ground meat on the pale blue palm.

   At this moment, this heart has been broken by more than half.

   The remaining half of the heart, at this time, is still beating slightly, as if it is announcing a life, slowly passing away.

   Then, from the pale blue palm, quietly rolled down.

   "Too bloody!"

   "Too cruel!"

   When the dozens of eyes in the supermarket touched the pale blue palm.

   is like seeing a scourge that chooses people and eats them.

Do not!

   This is the mystery and weird in the legend. It is more terrifying and terrifying than any scourge.




   At this moment, their pitch-black pupils shrank fiercely in an instant.

   Immediately afterwards, a touch of the deepest fear and fear, from the deepest part of their pupils, madly spread out.

   Like that ugly spider web, in the blink of an eye, these colors of fear, panic, and fear crawled all over their faces.

   Just when everyone felt terrified.

   An icy, gloomy voice came out from the pale blue palms, echoing in the supermarket.

   The atmosphere of dead silence was completely broken all at once.

   "Does any of you know the whereabouts of that boy?"

   Hearing this weird inquiry, these people in the supermarket were all looking stagnant.

   For a while, they didn't know how to answer.

   After all, if the answer is that I don’t know the whereabouts of the boy.

   Then, with this pale blue palm, will they, like the female cashier, directly squeeze them into the flesh?

   But, if they answer, they know the whereabouts of the boy.

   Then, how should I answer the question with this pale blue palm?

   After all, I don’t even know the whereabouts of that boy!

   Suddenly, this supermarket fell into deathly silence.




   Just when everyone was silent, the pale blue palm of this yin wind turned into a slight movement.

   Immediately afterwards, a young man in his twenties, who was in his twenties, slammed into the crowd.




   Faced with the pale blue palms that came towards him, the youth's complexion changed drastically, becoming extremely pale.

  Because, he knows what a miserable end it will be to be caught by this pale blue palm.

   The female cashier who has just been crushed into meat, her minced meat is still warm.


   At this moment, this young man wants to escape.


   However, he was completely frozen by Yin Qi, except that he could open his mouth and let out a loud exclamation.

   can't avoid it at all.


   In the next second, this pale blue palm grabbed the unavoidable young man in his palm.

   Then, right after,

   A cold and gloomy voice rang slowly from within this pale cyan palm, and echoed in this quiet supermarket.

   "Do you know where the boy who took my fifty yuan coins?"

   The young man who was held in his hand by the pale blue palm, his face was full of horror.

   Where does he know what boy is?

  Don't say where the boy is. He doesn't even know what the boy looks like, whether he is fat or thin, and what his name is.

   After all, he just happened to enter this supermarket and wanted to buy a bottle of Nongfu Spring’s mineral water to quench his thirst.

   "I...I don't know...I don't know anything..."

   "Spare me, I can find a way to find out the whereabouts of that boy."

   "Please, please forgive me."

   just when this young man said this sentence.

   He suddenly felt that in this pale blue palm, a violent burst of power that could destroy the world and push everything horizontally.




   Immediately, there was a huge and dull roar, abruptly resounding above this mid-air.

   And, this dull sound, centered on the position of the light blue palm in mid-air, quickly spread towards the entire supermarket.




   This terrifying force directly squeezed the ethereal air and made a crackling sound.

   Even, I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

   When these people present looked at the pale blue palms, they felt vaguely, it seemed that the space was a bit disordered and distorted.

"Do not!"


   Feeling this terrifying power, the young man who was held in the palm of his hand by the pale blue palm could not help but feel ashamed of despair on his face.

   How can his fragile flesh and blood be able to withstand such a powerful force?

  He is doomed!

   The tragic ending that finally waited for him was that under the grip of the pale blue palm, her body broke like the female cashier who had been beheaded before.

   turned into a rain of blood, scattered all over the place.

   Not to mention leaving a whole body, I am afraid that even slightly larger pieces, meat, or broken bones will not be left.




   The next moment, the extremely intense pain was like a surging tide, completely overwhelming this young man's reason.

   And this young man, before completely losing his mind, was reflected in his eyes, the last scene.

   is his whole body, turned into a rain of blood, and landed in the supermarket.




   And the miserable end of this young man fell in the eyes of the other people present, making the people who have just recovered from the death of the female cashier.

   once again fell into shock and fear.


   The strong to extreme **** smell spread to every corner of this supermarket in the blink of an eye following these two reigns.

   deeply stimulates the nerves of everyone present.

   made everyone suffocate.

   is like pressing a heavy rock above their hearts.


   An exclamation full of fear suddenly rang from the silent crowd.


   The silent and silent atmosphere in the supermarket was completely broken by the exclamation of fear.

   "This is mysterious and weird, it looks like it is going to ask all of us who are present with that question over and over again."

   "If we can't tell where the boy is, we will be crushed to death by it!"

   "We are dead, no one can escape, all must die!"

   Accompanied by this exclamation, in the supermarket, the echoes continued, and the expressions of the other people present immediately became ugly.

   "You are right, I don't know who it will ask next."

   "No matter who it asks, as long as that person can't answer the whereabouts of the boy, that person is dead."

   "Next, it will be up to us who is more unlucky."

   After witnessing the tragic death of the female cashier and the young man, they all agreed with this point of view.

   From the perspective of this mysterious and weird behavior, it is about to ask everyone present.

   If I can't answer where the boy is.

   Then, this pale blue palm will kill all the people in the supermarket like a female cashier and a young man!




   Immediately afterwards, it seemed that something suddenly occurred to him. Everyone present all exclaimed in terror.

   The deepest look of despair was like a spider web, and in an instant, it was all over the face of each of them.

   At this moment, their hearts are ashamed and desperate.

   Because they suddenly thought that they didn't know who the boy was.

   They naturally don't know where the boy is now.

   And this also means that when the pale cyan palm asked them that question, it was the moment death fell on them!

   After all, they are just customers in the supermarket.

   Moreover, these people are all ordinary ordinary people, even if they want to investigate who that boy is, they don't have this strength.

   What's more, even if they have the ability to investigate that boy, there is no time for investigation under the current situation.

  Perhaps, in the next second, one of the dozens of them will be directly crushed by the pale blue palm.

   Within a few minutes, these dozens of people in the supermarket will all have their bodies broken, turned into a rain of blood, and have a miserable end.

   No one can escape!

   Everyone has to die!

   The only difference is that you die early or die late.




   These people are right there, all of them are terrified, and everyone is in danger.

   The whole body of the young man was smashed into the light cyan palm, and he slammed it towards the crowd.

   Facing the attack of the pale blue palm, the people whose bodies were frozen could not move at all.

   They can only stand on the spot just like ice sculptures, watching them, one after another, being held in their hands by this pale blue palm.

   Then, he lifted it up in the air.

   "Jie Jie, do you know where that boy is? If you don't know, there is no need to continue living!"

   This cold word is like a urging seal.

   Every time this sentence is heard in this supermarket, there will be a person's body in the crowd, turning into a rain of blood and falling down from the air.




   Accompanied by dull roar one after another, in the middle of the sky, it kept ringing.

   Those people who were frozen were smashed into flesh by the pale blue palms one after another.

   Soon, the floor of this supermarket was covered with a layer of minced meat and blood...




   Only a few minutes later, among the dozens of people in the supermarket, more than a dozen were brutally killed by the pale blue palms.

   Moreover, this number of deaths is still increasing at an extremely rapid rate.




   Looking at the people around him, he was being brutally killed continuously, which severely stimulated the nerves of other people.

   made them swallow fiercely.




   This kind of scene that happened before my eyes was like a huge mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles, hitting everyone's hearts fiercely.

   Immediately, people's mentality collapsed.

   After all, the person who was still talking to himself and was only one step away from him, in the next second, the person was crushed into flesh by the pale blue palm.

   Moreover, this situation is still happening one after another.

   Maybe in the next second, this person, who was crushed into flesh by the pale blue palm, will have his turn.

   And he has no power to resist.

   At that time, I can only be helplessly crushed into flesh!

This feeling is like an extremely sharp sword floating above everyone's head~lightnovelpub.net~ As long as this sword is dropped, it will direct a certain person in the crowd. Beheaded.

   No one knows when this sharp sword will fall.

   didn't know which person in the crowd would be killed when this sharp sword fell, let alone when it would be his turn.

   This kind of psychological pressure is extremely huge, enough to cause an ordinary person's mentality to collapse directly and completely.

   Even those with good psychological quality and tough personality can hardly withstand this kind of pressure when faced with this situation.

   Suddenly, a pungent and pungent odor slowly radiated from this **** supermarket.


   A pungent odorous liquid slowly flowed down people's pants, and finally, it flowed on the floor of the supermarket.

   It turned out that there was a middle-aged man in his thirties. Faced with this situation, he couldn't bear the tremendous psychological pressure, and was scared to pee.

  . . . . . . . .

   Ps: I would like to ask for subscriptions, rewards, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets. Thanks, my brother, I am grateful! !

   In the neighborhood next door to my house, someone was diagnosed with Xinxin, Guan, and was taken to the hospital.

   Alas, I hope this epidemic can pass sooner! ! !

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