I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 251: One suffocated breath, and one enemy in




   This strong smell of urine was especially obvious in the **** supermarket. All the people present could smell the smell of urine.

   pungent urine smell, disgusting.

   If it is in normal times, these people in the supermarket will surely arouse some jokes and playful eyes when they meet someone who is scared to pee their pants.

   will also attract some ridicule and sarcasm.

   However, in the present death, it is possible to fall on oneself at any time.

   The dozens of people present did not have any thoughts to pay attention to this man who was so scared to pee his pants.

  Even, when these people in the supermarket smelled the smell of urine, they didn't even move their eyes to take a look at the man!

   After all, all their minds, and all their attention, were all concentrated on that pale blue palm.

   They are all in their hearts, praying silently, hoping that the next person who is crushed into flesh by the pale blue palm is not themselves,

   I hope I can die later!

   But, in fact, in the hearts of the people present, it is also very clear that whether they die early or late, within ten minutes, they will be crushed into flesh by the pale blue palm!

   No one is immune!

   "However, it is better to die one minute later, or one minute later. I hope that the last person to be smashed into flesh by the pale blue palm is me!"

   "As long as it allows me to live for a while, let alone smell the urine, even if I drink urine, I won't have any hesitation."

   "Hehe, live an extra minute, I am willing to drink three bowls of urine!"

   "Don't say it is the three bowls, even if it is the five bowls, I would like to drink it!"

   "Can you let me drink a few bowls too? I want to live longer too."

   These people in the supermarket, one by one, are in their hearts, secretly praying that they can live longer.

   The pale blue palm is still holding people in the palm of his palm, asking about the young man's current whereabouts.

   And whenever this question rang out in the supermarket, there would be a dull roar, which also resounded.




   Then, there was a person's body, which turned into a rain of blood and sprinkled on the floor of the supermarket.

   The killing has continued, never stopped!

  If there are other people who set foot in this supermarket.

   When they saw the present scene in the supermarket, they probably thought they had left the world and came to hell.

   After all, in this supermarket at this moment, the floor is full of, minced, meat, scarlet, dirty, blood, and some white bones...

  Occasionally, he can see half of his heart, still beating slightly.

  . . . . . .

   is in this supermarket, it has turned into a purgatory on earth, when it was bloody.

   Xiao Zhang, with an indifferent and casual face, stepped forward and came to the door of the supermarket.


"this is?"

   Suddenly noticed something, Xiao Zhang's pace suddenly stopped.

   His eyes, at this moment, are also condensed slightly.

   "The strength of this poor ghost is really good, tusk tusk, it really exceeded my expectations."

   Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up.

   "It completely shrouded the supermarket in front of it with its powerful Yin Qi, forming a special ghost, completely isolated from the outside world."

   "That's totally an independent space!"

   "Those people passing by, even if they are only one step away from this ghost mythical creature, they can't set foot on this ghost mythical creature!"

   Xiao Zhang touched his chin.

   With his faint gaze, he carefully looked up and down the supermarket in front of him.

   In Xiao Zhang's feelings, the supermarket in front of him was completely enveloped by a strong and extremely cold atmosphere.

   is completely isolated from the outside world, forming a special field.

  At this moment,

   In this supermarket, no matter what happens, even if there is a big movement, but the sound, movement, smell, everything inside, will not be transmitted from the supermarket to the outside.

   The people outside, even if they are standing in front of the supermarket, cannot open the supermarket door and enter the supermarket.

   Even if the most advanced scientific instruments are used to observe the situation in this ghost mythical creature, nothing will be discovered.

   Of course, with the special nature of this ghost mythical creature, I am afraid that once the scientific instruments get close here, they will fail completely in an instant.

   becomes a pile of scrap iron.

   And the master of this realm is the poor ghost.

   Everything in the supermarket is under the control of the poor ghost, and any movement can't be hidden from the poor ghost's induction.

   This is the first time that Xiao Zhang has encountered this kind of method.

   He couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

   "In some ways, this special ghost of the poor ghost is somewhat similar to the forbidden land of the martial artist of the martial arts realm."

   "They all include an area into the range of self-sensing."

   "However, this special ghost in front of me is countless times stronger than God's Forbidden Land."

   The tip of his eyebrows lightly tucked, and Xiao Zhang whispered softly.

   Some related news about the Forbidden Land of Gods slowly surfaced in his mind.

   asked him to compare the two.

   "After all, as far as I know, although the forbidden area of ​​the martial artist of the martial arts realm can sense everything within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, it is only a sense."

   "However, the forbidden place of the gods of the martial artist in the realm of martial arts can not be like this ghost in front of you. It can form a realm of its own and isolate the outside world."

   "Even, this piece of ghost mythical creature can make outside people unable to set foot in it, even detection, can not detect the situation inside, this kind of power, but far beyond the forbidden land of the gods of the martial arts realm."

   Thinking of this, Xiao Zhang's gaze once again looked at the supermarket in front of him.

  Ghost is a very special and powerful field.

  Not to mention that ordinary people can't detect it. Even ordinary cultivators, no matter how they detect it, they can't detect the mystery of ghosts at all.

   Even a powerful warrior in the Divine Martial Realm, displaying the Forbidden Land of Gods, could not detect the mystery of ghosts.

   However, for the extremely powerful Xiao Zhang, he just took a casual glance at this ghost mythical creature to see through all the mysteries of the ghost mythical creature.

   nodded lightly, Xiao Zhang smiled faintly:

   "In addition to the power of the ghost mythical creature, which is far beyond the forbidden land of the gods, the range that the ghost mythical creature can cover is far greater than the range covered by the forbidden land of the gods."

   At this moment, Xiao Zhang was evasive, analyzing the strength of the poor ghost.

   Moreover, it is still used in the martial arts realm of Xia Country, the superior martial artist in the realm of martial arts, as a reference.

   As for why Xiao Zhang didn't use himself as a reference.

   That is entirely because Xiao Zhang's own strength is too strong, not suitable as a reference to measure the mysterious and weird strength.

   After all, just like when measuring a person’s height, people often use the measurement of ‘meter’ or ‘centimeter’.

   The height of a person is usually more than one meter, or more than one hundred centimeters.

   instead of using the unit of ‘kilometer’ to measure a person’s height.

  In real life, it is rare to hear someone say how tall they are and how many kilometers they are.

   Those warriors in the Divine Martial Realm are the unit of ‘cm’.

   And Xiao Zhang is the unit of ‘kilometer’.

   Therefore, when measuring the strength of the mysterious and weird, Xiao Zhang used the martial artist of the Divine Martial Realm as a reference.

   If those martial artists in the martial arts world of Xia Kingdom knew that Xiao Zhang actually used martial arts experts in the martial arts realm to measure the strength of another thing.

   I don't know how those martial artists in Xia Guo's martial arts world would think or express.

   However, the one thing Xiao Zhang can imagine is the expressions of those warriors, which will definitely be very exciting.

   After all, in the martial arts world of Xia Guo, the martial artists in the realm of martial arts are the top powerhouses who dominate one side, and their status is even higher.

   "According to what Wang Shuling said, the area covered by the forbidden land of the gods is centered on the martial artists of the martial arts realm, and the surrounding area is only about 100 meters."

   "The specific area is: 31,400 square meters."

   "However, the supermarket covered by this piece of ghost mythical creature is a relatively large supermarket, covering an extremely large area, and there is a large open space behind the supermarket, which is also covered by ghost mythical creatures."

   "The area of ​​the supermarket, plus the area of ​​that large vacant lot, totals about 100,000 square meters, and this area is several times the size of the forbidden area of ​​the gods."

   "From this perspective, the strength of this poor ghost far exceeds that of martial artists in the Divine Martial Realm. It can even be said that the two are not at the same level."

   Accompanied by a detailed analysis, Xiao Zhang’s heart of the poor ghost’s strength,

   also had a bit of understanding.

   "For Xia Guo's martial arts world, those martial artists in the realm of martial arts are invincible martial arts powerhouses in the world, like the sun that shields the world."

   "Innumerable warriors will worship, and I dare not be disrespectful at all."

   "Even in the global cultivation world, the martial artist in the realm of martial arts is also a pivotal and powerful existence, with a very high status, suppressing one party."

   stroked his chin, Xiao Zhang was in his heart, secretly pondering.

   "However, for this poor ghost, those warriors in the Divine Martial Realm are not worth mentioning."

   "If this poor ghost wants to kill a martial artist in the realm of martial arts, it will be as easy as crushing a small, humble ant!"

   "However, the strength of this poor ghost is so strong, for me, it is not a bad thing, on the contrary it is a great good thing."

   Thinking of this, in the depths of Xiao Zhang's black eyes, there is a hot color, which flashes past quietly.

   It was like igniting a blazing flame in Xiao Zhang's eyes.

   The strength of this poor ghost is indeed a disaster for other ordinary people.

   After all, this means that those people targeted by poor ghosts don't even have the opportunity to escape or escape.

   In the end, these people can only end up with a miserable end beheaded by a poor ghost.

   Even in the martial arts world of Xia Guo, the high-ranking martial artist of the martial arts realm will be directly beheaded by the poor ghost, and there is no resistance.

   However, for Xiao Zhang, the strength of the poor ghost is a good thing.

   Moreover, it is a great thing!

   After all, the stronger the mystery and weird the strength, the more experience points Xiao Zhang will gain after beheading it again.

   "The strength of this poor ghost is so powerful, it should be regarded as the most powerful of all the mysterious weird I have ever encountered."

   "Then, after I kill it, I can also gain a large amount of experience points."

   "At the very least, you have to have fifty experience points!"

   Xiao Zhang licked his lips.

   At this moment, he has already judged in his own heart that the strength of this poor ghost should be the strongest mystery and weird he has ever encountered.

   You know, in the time since he got the talent panel, Xiao Zhang has encountered many secrets and weird times.

   Among these mysteries and weirdness, there are also some powerful existences.

   For example, a headless woman who can enter the human dream can use the secret technique of ghosts to modify the secret of the bridegroom in human memory.

   But, like this poor ghost, it can form a special ghost and isolate everything from the outside world.

   This is the first time Xiao Zhang has ever met.

   There is no doubt that the level of mystery and weirdness like the poor ghost is definitely far beyond the mystery and weirdness that Xiao Zhang had encountered before.

   And this also means that the harvest of killing poor ghosts is far more than the harvest of killing the secret and weird before!

   The current Xiao Zhang is full of enthusiasm ~lightnovelpub.net~ He can't wait to enter this supermarket, and then kill the poor ghost directly, gaining a lot of experience points.

   "However, if you want to enter the supermarket, you must first get rid of the ghosts."

   "If the ghost is not destroyed, you can't get in at all!"

  How can he get rid of the ghost and enter into the ghost, Xiao Zhang is not clear, after all, it is the first time he has encountered the special situation of the ghost.

   However, Xiao Zhang at the moment does not bother to think about it.

   Because, with Xiao Zhang's current powerful strength, no matter where he wants to go, he can go directly.

   There is a layer of ghost mythical creatures in front of him, and it can't stop Xiao Zhang's footsteps.

   Even if this layer of ghost mythical creatures is a hundred times stronger, even a thousand times stronger, and ten thousand times stronger, it is nothing but a virtual reality to Xiao Zhang.

   could not stop him.

  Even, Xiao Zhang didn't bother to move even when he did it.

   He just breathed out a suffocating breath lightly, and swiped over this layer of ghost mythical creatures.

  . . . . . . . .

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   In the past two days, the younger brother only ate one meal. There is no alternative. The price of vegetables has skyrocketed because of the epidemic, disease, and situation.

   This little brother’s contribution fee can’t be sustained at all. I can only reduce the number of meals and barely make ends meet.