I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 318: Resurrection and rebirth in the wish!

This miserable way of death with the head exploded was enough to scare anyone's courage.

Even people who are bold enough to die will get scared at the moment when they think of this tragic way of death.

After all, in the tradition of Xia Guo, one of the most taboo methods of death is to damage the head.

Because, in people's minds, the head is the most important part of the body.

It is known as the meeting of a hundred suns and the leader of the six suns.

The yang meridians of the whole body are all gathered in the head, especially the forehead, which can be said to be the yang in the yang.

You must know that even in the ancient Xia Kingdom, those prisoners who committed serious crimes and wanted to beheaded at the Caishikou had to find a seamstress when they were buried.

Ask the seamstress to stitch the chopped-off head with a needle and thread to form a complete corpse.

This prisoner can really be buried.

Therefore, in ancient times, it was often seen that around the execution grounds, there were families of prisoners who hired a seamstress to sew their heads.

Only those criminals with serious crimes, such as treason and the like, are not allowed to stitch their heads and bodies after being beheaded.

Of course, there are still some people’s family members who are destitute and do not have much money to hire a seamstress, so they can only stitch the corpse and the head together with a needle and thread.

According to the rumors, once the head and body are separated and they are not stitched together, then the person will have no life after death.

Even, he couldn't enter the six reincarnations, let alone reincarnate as a human being.

And this tradition has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

Therefore, in Rongcheng, the warriors who are recognized as the least can not provoke, except for the number one powerhouse in the martial arts world, Zhao Lao who has set foot in the realm of innate warriors.

It is the Grand Master Wang who has the title of headhunter.

And now, Grandmaster Wang is going to explode the head of the girl in the light green long skirt with a powerful force of thunder!

After realizing this, the upper-class celebrities in the banquet hall couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva while their apples were rolling.




Thinking of the scene where the girl in the light green long skirt was blown to the head by Grandmaster Wang, even those bystanders felt shuddered.

Even some people with less courage turned their heads hurriedly and looked away from Grand Master Wang, not daring to watch the **** scene that was about to happen.

Immediately afterwards, some low-voice discussions rang out one after another from the crowd.

"I've heard of Grandmaster Wang before that he is so fierce that he likes to blow people's heads with a punch. This time I really saw it."

"Yeah, this kind of death that exploded my head is really miserable. I suspect that starting from today, I will have nightmares every night."

"I don't even dare to watch that scene."

These upper-class celebrities always thought that they had seen a big scene, and thought that no matter what the scene was, they would not be afraid.

However, even if the scene that exploded their heads hasn't happened yet, they would be scared just thinking about it.

And those younger and richer second generations have a look of regret.

They sighed regretfully:

"Unexpectedly, Zhao Xingfeng's little granddaughter, with such a beautiful head, would end up being bombarded with a punch by Grandmaster Wang."

"That's right, the end was too miserable."

But when the voice of these people's talk fell on Zhao Xingfeng's ear not far away, it made his face paler.

He also knew that when Grandmaster Wang's punch hit his little granddaughter's head, his little granddaughter would die in the most miserable way.

Leave this world.


At this moment, Zhao Xingfeng wanted to stand up and stop Grandmaster Wang’s attack.

He didn't want his granddaughter to die.

I don't want my granddaughter to die in that miserable way.

However, Zhao Xingfeng's age is really too big, and his body is not very good. In addition, just now, when he asked Grandmaster Wang to raise his hand and spare his little granddaughter's life.

He knocked more than a hundred heads one after another, knocking the flesh and blood on his forehead to pieces, and shed countless scarlet blood.

At this time, Zhao Xingfeng's body was already weak to the extreme.

Therefore, when he wanted to stand up, he just felt his head, a violent dizziness.

Immediately afterwards, this intense feeling of dizziness, like the surging tide, poured into his entire body in the blink of an eye.

Then, Zhao Xingfeng couldn't control his body, shaking slightly, he collapsed directly to the ground, unable to stand up.


After struggling for a while, Zhao Xingfeng, who collapsed to the ground, wanted to stand up, but the severe pain, like thousands of needles, stabbed his body fiercely.

It was impossible for Zhao Xingfeng to move casually.

The only thing he can do now is to watch his little granddaughter, who is about to be beaten to the head by the imposing grandmaster Wang.

At this moment, he, Zhao Xingfeng, was no longer the big figure worth eight billion, admired by countless people. In the Rongcheng shopping mall, no one could beat him.

He was just a pitiful person who stood by and watched his granddaughter die in front of him, but he couldn't do anything.

"I...I'm still old after all..."

At this moment, Zhao Xingfeng's pale paper face was covered with gray and ruin.

At exactly this moment, there was an upper-class celebrity in the crowd, who inadvertently glanced at Zhao Xingfeng's body.

Then, a voice with a strong scent of laughter, resounded abruptly in the banquet hall, echoing in everyone's ears.

"Look, Zhao Xingfeng does not look like an old dog."

"It looks so pathetic."

And when this sentence fell, among the crowd, there were bursts of teasing and teasing.

In just one day, the original top daughter in Rongcheng was about to end up miserably with a punch that blasted his head, and the top rich man in Rongcheng was also embarrassed like an old dog.

This dramatic change made the onlookers feel very enjoyable.

I deeply feel that attending this banquet this time is really worthwhile.

. . . . . .




At this moment, the huge fist wind, like a howling gust of wind, swept everything around, shocking everyone in this banquet hall.

And this kind of fist wind also pressed toward the girl in the light green long skirt, severely oppressed.

Looking at the heavy punch coming from the bombardment, in the bright eyes of the girl in the pale green dress, a touch of despair slowly emerged.

In her heart, she also knew very clearly that when Grand Master Wang banged her head with a powerful punch.

I'm afraid this head of her will burst into pieces immediately.

Even the hardest skull of the human body will definitely fall apart in an instant.

After all, this light green long skirt girl, just now, also saw with her own eyes how powerful Wang Zongshi really is.

It can stom the foot casually, and it can shatter the horror existence of hundreds of natural marble floors in the banquet hall.

Even the sturdy walls poured with concrete almost collapsed completely under the aftermath of Grandmaster Wang's stomping.

Turned into a piece of ruin.

And even if his head is hard, it is still flesh and blood. If it is hard, it is definitely far less than the natural marble floor.

Not as good as a wall poured with concrete.

Therefore, under the attack of Grandmaster Wang, this head of oneself will surely resemble those natural marble floors, and it will break to pieces immediately.

"Am I going to be killed?"

The girl in the light green long skirt smiled bitterly.

At this moment, her pretty face was full of pain.

Because, under the pressure of that strong fist wind, she felt that the blood flowing in her body seemed to have become a little slower.

Even under the harassment of the violent fist wind, a painful sensation of tearing appeared on her skin.

At this moment, the girl in the pale green long skirt was like a flat boat in the middle of the tsunami, as if in the next moment, it would be torn apart by the wind and waves.


Although, in the heart of the girl in the pale green long skirt, she knew that she was definitely not the opponent of Grand Master Wang.

After all, Master Wang is a famous martial arts expert in the martial arts world of Rongcheng, and she is just an ordinary person without any martial arts cultivation.

If Grandmaster Wang wanted to kill her, it was like crushing a humble ant to death.

However, the girl in the light green long skirt didn't want to wait for death just like that.

She wanted to try to resist.

Even if her own resistance is doomed to be futile, she also wants to try to resist, instead of staying where she is, waiting for death to come.


However, immediately afterwards, the face of the girl in the pale green dress became more and more ugly.

Because she was extremely desperate to find that under the pressure of this strong fist wind, her body seemed to be plunged into a mud puddle.

Any action I made became sluggish.

With her slow movement, let alone wanting to resist, she couldn't even evade Grandmaster Wang's punch!

After realizing this, the face of the girl in the light green long skirt couldn't help turning pale.

Even her red lips, which are delicate, gorgeous, lusty, dripping, have become greenish.

"Now I seem to be unable to do anything besides waiting for death to come."

Realizing this, the girl in the pale green dress slowly closed her eyes.

She was waiting for Grandmaster Wang, and in the next second, she blasted her head directly.

"When I was young, I heard my grandmother say that making a wish is very effective when a person is about to die."

"My grandma said she would wish me to grow up healthy and healthy."

"I have lived for more than 20 years and have always been healthy, disease-free and disaster-free. Obviously, this wish my grandma promised has been realized."

"Then if I make a wish now, will it be fulfilled?"

"There should be a possibility of fulfillment too..."

Thinking of this, the girl in the light green long skirt closed her eyes tightly, and whispered softly in a voice almost dreaming:

"It would be great if I could see that thin young man again before I was dying."

However, although the girl in the light green long skirt silently promised this wish in her heart, although, she very much hopes that this wish can be fulfilled.

However, the girl in the light green long skirt also knew very clearly.

This wish of one's own, certainly cannot be realized.

After all, the thin young man now is fighting fiercely with the great existence that the pale blue palm said in an unknown place.

This is a battle that determines the fate of the world, seven, ten, many, billion, and people.

It must be extremely intense.

This battle, I don't know how long it will take.

Perhaps this battle is now at its fiercest moment.

Therefore, the thin young man, no matter what, will not appear in this banquet hall, and will not appear in front of her eyes.

The wish she made before her death was destined to not come true.

This wish is nothing but a beautiful longing before her death.




The incomparable violent fist wind swept all around wantonly, and also shocked the minds of everyone in this banquet hall.




However, just as the girl in the pale green dress closed her eyes tightly, waiting for death to fall on her.

She was surprised to find that the death hadn't come yet.

At this moment, the violent fist wind that had originally oppressed her blood flow had become sluggish, and completely disappeared.

Losing the pressure of the fierce fist wind, the girl in the pale green long skirt found that her body could also move easily and freely.

No longer as slow as before.

"this is?"

The next moment, the girl in the light green long skirt suddenly opened her eyes.

Then, the scene reflected in her eyes was the Grand Master Wang who was about to blow her head with a punch, at this time.

It is as if frozen into an ice sculpture.

His body was stiff, and he stood not far in front of him.

Motionless ~lightnovelpub.net~ And the pair of punches that are about to blast their heads, carrying a powerful force, at this time, also stopped abruptly and stopped in the air.


"Why didn't he attack me?"

Looking at Grandmaster Wang, who suddenly stopped the offensive, the red lips of the girl in the pale green dress opened slightly.

Her expression was a little surprised.

There are also some dumbfounded.

. . . . . . . .

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