I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 204: Beard hegemony

three days later.

The sun is shining brightly in the sea, and the weather on the Great Route is always in waves. It was a heavy rain half a day ago, and now it is the sun, and the heat makes people sweat.

Cullo was lying on the deck chair on the deck, lying there leisurely, a parasol was erected by a navy next to him, and a few cups of cold drinks were placed on the table near the deck chair.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the cannon sounded from the ship, and the cannonball exploded near a pirate ship in the waters ahead. After several rounds of firing, the mast of the pirate ship was hit by a cannonball and broke.

"Okay, stop."

Crow, who was on the side, asked the captain to stop the shelling, stepped on the edge of the ship, kicked away, and used the 'moon step' to step on the air to walk towards the pirate ship.

Bang bang bang!

Sparks scattered on the pirate ship, and the lead bullets flew towards Klo in the sky.

"Iron block."

At this time, Clow happened to reach the top of the pirate ship, without looking, his body condensed slightly, and after those lead bullets hit him a few times, he let Clow's body descend.

Then, there were screams one after another.

Then the pirate ship fell into silence, and saw Crow fly again and step back again, but this time with two pirates in his hands.


He threw the pirates on the deck, and several navymen rushed up and tied the two injured pirates.

"Two bounties."

Crow took out a clean hand towel from his pocket, wiped the blood on his hands, and said lightly.

"It's hard work, let's have a drink."

Cullo pointed to the cold drink on the table and said.

"How can it be repaired!"

Suddenly, the three-bearded man in the captain's cap who was being bound by the Navy smashed the Navy away, took out the knife from the Navy's waist, and went straight to Cullo on the reclining chair.

Lida, who was lying with Cullo on the side, raised her head slightly. Just as she was about to make a move, she saw Cullo wave his hand to her, sat up, and slowly took a cigar out of his arms and put it in his mouth, then took out a lighter. ignite.


He took a deep breath, the smoke brewed in his mouth, and was sprayed out. The smoke from the cigar turned into a straight line, sprayed on the face of the pirate who rushed over, and penetrated into his eyes and nose as if alive.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The sudden choking sensation caused the pirate to bend over and cough, and then the navy who reacted pushed the pirate to the ground.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

The pirate continued to struggle, and was smashed on the back of the head by a navy with a gun butt, and it became a lot quieter.


Cullo shook his head at him and asked, "Which number is it?"

"Eight." Crow replied.

Cullo looked at the three big beards on the pirate's face, and said, "Isn't this also a beard?"

"'Sangehu' Augustin, the bounty is 16 million, and the one who was arrested is his battle captain, 'Mad' Kelfin, with a bounty of 7 million." Crow continued to answer.

"Eight ships, eight ships in three days..."

Cullo stood up, walked towards the pirate who was knocked down by the navy, kicked him in the chin, kicked him out, and hit the edge of the boat.

"With one of you, eight ships are five beards, five! My warship is about to become the base of beards. Those who know it are pirates, and those who don't know they think they are all bandits!"

Cullo gritted his teeth: "Aren't you guys so fond of beards to be bandits and bandits? Look down on bandits, the Bandit King is also amazing! You can kill fifty-six and four emperors, what a pirate... ."

In three days, plus the 'Flaming Sword' he encountered before, he had already encountered eight pirate groups.

The average probability is that you can run into one if you don't have one for half a day. This high frequency makes Cullo feel annoyed, especially when the eight pirate groups have various bearded nicknames.

In his current cabin prison, there are 'Blue Beard', 'Red Beard', 'Chrysanthemum Beard', 'Mountain Beard', plus the 'Trident Beard', there are five mustaches.

It was only a few days after Whitebeard's death that a lot of beards appeared inexplicably, which made Clow himself stunned for a while.

Now that he can come across so many beards when he goes out on patrol, there must be a lot of beards in the whole world.

Do these people want to be One Piece or to play Beard Hegemony?

"I'll shave his beard and go down with those dead beards." Clow waved his hand and asked the navy to **** the two pirates down.

Then, his body flew up, floated to the pirate ship, reached out and touched the pirate ship, the whole pirate ship floated, and then fell over, pouring all the seriously injured pirates into the sea water, and the ship floated up. , hidden in the sky.

Cullo stretched out his hand, and a big wave rose, drowning all the pirates who fell into the sea. After doing all this, he returned to the boat.

"Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel!"

Suddenly, the captain ran over with a phone bug and said, "I received a call for help, it's from our navy!"

The phone bug had a terrified expression at this time, and his voice was intermittent, as if he was seriously injured.

"Help, help, I'm the Navy, I'm in Tada Town, come and save me... No, don't, don't come here! Ahhhhh!"

On the other end of the phone bug, there were a few dull roars, and then I heard the screams of the navy, and there were also a few sounds of sharp weapons cutting into the flesh, and then there was no sound.

Cullo narrowed his eyes, a little cold~lightnovelpub.net~ What's going on? "

The captain said a little unbearably: "I just received a call for help from Tada Town. Our colleague... seems to be killed."

"Tada Town?"

Crow was stunned, "Are you sure it's Tada Town?"

"Yes, I also think it's a little weird." The captain nodded.

Seeing Kolo looking over in confusion, Kro explained: "Tada Town belongs to the Tada Kingdom and is the only port town in that kingdom. Although the kingdom is small, the folk customs there are notoriously tough. That kingdom is the most powerful. It is famous for 'burning at the stake', likes to burn sinners to death in public, and fights very crazy, usually no pirates will attack."

"Although the navy has a base there, it is usually used for conscription. If you really fight, you don't need them. There is a strong presence in Tada Town, and even the big pirates won't go there easily. After all, the Tada Kingdom is not very good. rich."


Hearing what Crow said, Lida sat up at this moment and said, "Are you talking about the 'gatekeeper' Gugas?"

"That's right."

Crow nodded, "I read the newspaper some time ago, and I saw his news. He alone killed a big pirate group with a total bounty of nearly 150 million and a number of pirates as high as 1,000."

Hearing this, Cullo raised his eyebrows slightly, at this level, it would be very powerful.

"Where is the record pointer next?" Clow looked at the captain.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."

"Then go and have a look." Chloe's eyes were calm, and he didn't want to bask in the sun.

If this level of existence is guarded, the navy can still be rescued, so the perpetrator is definitely not an ordinary person.

The criminal who ran out of the sixth floor?

Are these people making trouble now?