I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 238: Come down and look at me, bastard!


Cullo chewed the word repeatedly, and the surrounding aura gradually became depressed.

Sazel shuddered inexplicably and subconsciously moved away from Clow.

Always feel a little cold.

"Where did you get these people?"

"Are you qualified? Of course I bought it. Slaves, unruly people, people in the town, as long as I need people, it's not easy to want people. Although people are worthless, I actually have a quirk. Well, those [famous swords] must have the right appearance and body shape."

As he said that, Poropa suddenly let out a small whimper, touched his chin, and looked at Cullo with interest.

"I think you are also very suitable for [Autumn Water]. You don't have to have a black and long straight lace wife, a husband is also okay. You look good. If you want to be my test product, you will become very strong. Don't worry. , will keep your personality."

"You seem to... have decided on me." Chloe let out a breath of smoke and said lightly.

The corners of Poropa's mouth rose, and he snapped his fingers with a 'smack'.


The door outside slammed shut.

"I don't really want to use violence to solve it, because I'm a scientist who likes weapons. Good weapons are too wasteful for you. But you don't agree to deal..."

He snapped his fingers again, "Then I think it's necessary for me to show my work."

Another fortress was opened, and several figures appeared at the door, walking out of the shadows of the fortress.

These people are all more than two meters tall, and they are abnormally obese. The fat is like hanging on their bodies, and they are shaking as they walk.

These are all women, but they are surrounded by fat and can't see anything. That face is all squeezed together by fat.

In their hands, they all held a huge meat saw with sporadic minced meat on it.

"[Butcher], I originally wanted to use men, but I feel that women may be more suitable. They are very strong and powerful, and the thickness of the fat makes them almost immune to blows, and if the slash is not strong enough If so, it will be difficult to break through this layer of fat.”

"This kind of qualified person is very easy to find. There are fat old women all over the world. If you are strong, maybe your headquarter lieutenant can resist. The price you spend to train a headquarter lieutenant can't compare to me. s work!"

Poropa snapped his fingers again, "And my strongest mass-produced model."

Another fortress was opened, and this time a group of drunks walked out, all of them with flushed faces, rosacea, drooping tongues, and hiccups from time to time.

In their hands, they held a simple sword.

"Sake iron ore, a specialty ore from Wano country, will have a narcotic effect if it is cut. This group of people is made by relying on this characteristic. Their evasion is very high, and they can even dodge bullets. One person Hundreds of navies can be dealt with without any damage. Of course, the defense has also been specially treated, even if they are hit, ordinary bullets can't break their defenses."

"They only need to be bought, and through special instructions from me, whether as a navy or something, they can play their best role."

"This is a mass-produced type. If you are an elite type, you will need weapons of the [famous sword] level. Each of them is unique and can replace the famous generals and commanders of the Chinese Navy. Now you understand, my work is the best. , I can do it from bottom to top, and the price is much better than that of a 'pacifist'."

Poropa raised his head, very confident: "Vega Punk is nothing, he will only waste money and make a pile of meaningless scrap iron, I am the one who can complete the ultimate weapon!"

"You understand now, give me Qiushui, and if I have it, I can add an obedient great swordsman to your naval headquarters!"

Every time Poropa said a word, the cold air around Cullo cooled a bit, making the nearby navy not dare to approach.

When he finished speaking, there was no one standing around Cullo.

The navy retreated to the gate at this time, each and everyone shivering. For some reason, they just felt chilled and nervous, and some of them were weak and had begun to roll their eyes.

Sazir was also a member of this group of navy. He covered his thighs to keep them from shaking, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control it.

He swallowed dryly and finally determined that this breath was murderous!

A long time ago, he had experienced it from the master, but the murderous aura of the master was not of an order of magnitude compared to this person.

And his master, it is said that he has experienced hundreds of battles in the past and killed many people...

So how many people has this Cullo killed? !

Crow pushed his glasses frantically on the side to hide his nervousness, and his forehead began to sweat.

It's been a while since he's seen Clow get angry...

Different from the anger of the war on the top, this Poropa, if according to what he said, is completely challenging Mr. Clow's bottom line.


Lida obediently handed Qiushui to him, and she didn't dare to joke around at this time.

Cullo glanced at her, held Qiushui's scabbard, and brought it over.

"It's the first time I've seen that weapons are more important than people."

He hung Qiushui around his waist, looked directly at Poropa, and said, "Can these people return to their original appearance?"

"Of course not."

Poropa said: "Scientific transformation can't be so easy to change back, transformation is transformation, isn't it bad, they are obedient, have no feelings, and will only faithfully execute orders."


Cullo closed his eyes for a while, then opened them again, and said, "I remember that I happen to have quite a few weapons. Let's see how they sell them, but I don't want your money..."

The sky was inexplicably overcast, bringing a dull oppression.

Poropa raised his head subconsciously, his mouth opened wide, and he couldn't speak for a long time in shock.

"This, this..."

The lips of Sazir in the back were trembling. This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

Above that sky, the densely packed weapons pressed down~lightnovelpub.net~ and rolled up together with the islands and buildings, as if the sky was rolling backwards.

"Come down and look up at me, bastard!"

Boom boom boom! !

Like the sky collapsing, the island building weapons rushed towards the fortress of Poropa at this moment, submerging it in an instant, stirring up thick dust and smoke.

No matter how hard the fortress is, it will still shatter under the collision of objects of the same size or even larger.

And the [Long Spears], who was known as the best gatekeeper before, had long been crushed into meat sauce under this bombardment.

Those who are not saved do not need pity, but for them, death is the best relief.

Clow understood this very early on.

The dust and smoke dissipated, and the largest fortress was no longer in shape, cluttered and turned into ruins.

"My lab!"

On the ground, a short and oval figure jumped and jumped, shouting at the ruins: "Lab! Many of my experiments are there!!"

Chloe squinted slightly and looked at Gardy beside Poropa. He had already drawn his sword, and his other arm was hanging down weakly, with wounds all over his body, staring at him breathlessly.

"Did you survive with your **** master?" Cullo said lightly.

"How can it be repaired!"

Poropa turned around, already furious, pointed at Cullo and gritted his teeth: "Kill you, I must kill you, destroy my laboratory, unforgivable!"

"You don't seem to see the situation clearly, forget it, I don't mess with bastards."

Cullo held the handle of the knife and slowly pulled Qiushui out of the scabbard.

"I'll teach you that there is never a reason for weapons to enslave people. Only when people hold a weapon can it be called a weapon. Otherwise, it's a piece of scrap iron."