I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 267: clean up 'pests'

The **** aura, along the wind, spread to the tip of the three people's noses. This was not only detected by Crow, who had a keen sense of smell, but also by both Cullo and Lida. It was strong to a certain extent.

Cullo looked around. This is a temporary port, which has not been developed. There is only a small village in front of it, but there are no people. If you look closely, the buildings in those villages still have a little black mark, which is dried blood.

Cullo squatted down, picked up a pinch of soil, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, his face darkened.

"No wonder the plants and flowers are so lush in this place..."

No matter which world you are in, there are legends that the land moistened with blood will surely grow beautiful flowers and plants in the coming year.

And this piece of land, the **** smell in the soil was so strong that it almost choked Cullo's nose.

"What the **** did the old man choose for me, what is the quiet place?"

This made Clow stunned for a while, he paused, and said, "Mr. Clow, don't you know the situation of 'Pegasus Island'?"


Cullo looked over, "What's going on on Pegasus Island? Isn't it quiet like the old man said? Wait..."


It's quite quiet here. When people die, can we not be quiet?


Cullo said in a deep voice, "Tell me about the situation, what are you hiding from me?"

"Mr. Clow..."

Crow was a little surprised: "I thought you understood."

What do I understand about me?

In the eyes of Cullo who was about to eat people, Cullo told Cullo the current situation of the Kingdom of Two Horses and the current situation of Pegasus Island.

"That is to say, this ghost place is still suffering from war? And there are a large number of pirates occupying the island, and this is also close to Upside Down Mountain? Similar to the 'Rogue Town' in the East China Sea?"

Seeing Chloe nodding, Chloe fell into silence. He looked up at the sky and pursed his lips. The cloud in the sky gradually became the old man's smiling and wretched appearance.

"Gift? I'll burn paper for you!" Cullo said through gritted teeth.

Although he said that he has no opinion on the four seas, this place is obviously a pit.

According to Crow, this was originally the territory of the Kingdom of Two Horses, which belonged to an independent island, occupying one-third of the total area of ​​the Kingdom of Two Horses.

However, due to the war, the island was completely destroyed, and the pirates invaded, and the kingdom had no choice but to hand over control of the island to the government.

And the government naturally used it as a naval base.

And if Cullo wants to live a safe life, he must first clean up the "vermin" here. If he wants to live comfortably, then he must make the people here pay taxes.

There are no more people here, so naturally there are not many taxes, and then the population will have to be recruited again, and if all this is done, I don’t know how much time will be wasted.

Is he here to enjoy himself?

He is here to open up wasteland.

No wonder the navy who sent him had an expression of admiration on his face, and he also admired others.

And the delivery place is so remote, it is obvious that even warships dare not go to the main town.

A red dot flashed in Cullo's eyes, and the sight covered the entire island, and then he rubbed his forehead with a headache, "Is this too many, what is this? Pirate brood?"

Among the sights and sounds, the atmosphere on the island is densely distributed in various places, with different levels of intensity. If there are not many civilians on the island, these are all pirates.

Fortunately, the breath is not very strong, so I don't know if I have the ability.

"Wow, so many people, Clow."

Lida also turned on her knowledge and sensed a lot of breath, but her current attainments were unable to distinguish the strength from the weak.

"That's enough... Just let me come here if you don't have anything, no troops, and no supplies. What's the point of sending me here first, the old man is too embarrassed."

Cullo opened the phone bug on his wrist and was about to make a call. However, at this time, he was suddenly stunned and stared at the thing hanging on a pillar at the entrance of the village in front of him.

"Eh? Cullo, is that person swinging?" Lida also followed Cullo's gaze and asked curiously.


Cullo gave her a shot and whispered, "That's a dead man."

As far as the eye can see, hanging on the gate is a woman in ragged clothes, the bruises on her face have not subsided, a rope is hanging on her head, and her body is swaying in the wind.

It was hanged alive.

"That's it..."

Clow closed the cover of the phone bug, "Clow, what did the headquarters say when you came, where are my subordinates and supplies?"

As Clow's adjutant, basically the military affairs are handled by Clow. Lida should also handle it originally, but her words... basically don't care, most things are handled by Clow. .

"The headquarters said that a group of navies will come with supplies tomorrow." Crow said.


Cullo took out a cigar, lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke, "Okay, let's clear the scene, after all, I will live here in the future, there are too many 'pests', which will affect people's lives.** test."

"Mr. Clow, I think we should wait until the navy arrives tomorrow, and then act collectively, so that we will be very relaxed..."

He didn't finish the last word "more" when he saw Lida shaking her head at him and making a mute gesture.

She pointed to Cullo, who had started flying in one direction, and said, "Don't you dare to make trouble with him if you didn't see me, Cullo...I'm angry."

Crow pushed his glasses and glanced at the corpse hanging on the pillar, "Is it because of that corpse, that's really bad luck, Pirate..."

"Don't waste time, go directly to the place with the most people!"

After Clow's body flew up, he reached out to the sky and snapped his fingers.


Two black shadows flew down from the sky rapidly. They were two black guns made by Tina. I saw the black guns swirl in the air and directly lifted the bodies of Lida and Chloe, letting them step on the guns. , and Cullo flew forward very quickly.

Pegasus Town, as the main town on Pegasus Island, should have been a prosperous place. From the large number of buildings, it can be seen that there used to be a lot of people here, but now, the streets are full of garbage, scattered wine bottles and Falling swords are everywhere.

Most of the surrounding buildings have become dilapidated due to lack of maintenance~lightnovelpub.net~ With the noise, dust and wood chips fell along the vibration of the sound.

Noisy and noisy, everywhere in this town.

A pirate stepped on a corpse lying in a pool of blood, holding a blood-stained knife in his hand and a money bag in the other.

"If you hand over the money, you don't have to die, that's stupid!" The pirate said with a wicked smile.

"Hey, don't kill people casually. There are not enough people in the town. We still need them for supplies."

Another pirate who seemed to be a companion cried out in dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter, pirates just want to do whatever they want, and we won't stay on this island too much."

The pirate with the knife said dissatisfiedly: "If you grab it, you can leave. As long as the supplies are enough, we can climb over the Upside Down Mountain and go to the great route!"

"That kind of place...I don't know what the captain thinks. It's called the 'Pirate's Graveyard'."

The pirate was half worried, half yearning.

For pirates, the great route is a place of yearning and dreaming, and only going there can be a real pirate.

"Hey, have you heard?"

At this moment, a pirate with a wine bottle staggered over and burped: "The king of this country seems to have sold this island to the World Government, and this is going to become a naval base. "


The pirates nearby were stunned, and then laughed in unison: "Navy base? Hahaha, don't make me laugh, here we are, there are nearly 3,000 pirates taking classes on Pegasus Island, and this is already a pirate island. Now, which navy dares to come and take over, Admiral?"

"They don't have that free time. Whitebeard is dead. There are new people joining us from all over the world. How can they have time to manage this kind of thing, and ordinary people don't have that ability." A pirate laughed.