I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 270: I knew this woman looked like... hey!

The old man is the mayor of this Pegasus Town. After Pegasus Island was destroyed and the Kingdom of Two Horses gave control of the island to the World Government, the mayor here basically lost his power.

"The pirates are finally gone!"

"There are no pirates in this town, we are free!"

"Long live, liberated!"

The corpses of pirates all over the ground made the ragged civilians show their long-lost smiles, like dead trees sprouting shoots again, and there was a little more hope in their eyes.

"Please forgive me, Lord Navy, we have had a hard time under the rule of pirates."

The mayor saluted Kuluo, who had already landed, and said, "It wasn't like this at first. Although those pirates were cruel, they were a little better to us. They weren't so unscrupulous, but since the kingdom gave up the island to World government, we are miserable."

"Afterwards, the appearance of a navy made them even more ruthless... Sir, that navy, we secretly hid it, just to ask and wait for you to completely recover the island before handing it over to you."

The mayor looked at Cullo with a serious tone.


Cullo was stunned for a moment, and looked at everyone, including the woman who was angry with the navy before. At this time, she wiped away tears, her eyes had lost resentment, and more of a determination.

"What do you mean, a navy came here and caused damage to these pirates, but was also seriously injured because of it, and was then hidden by you?"

Chloe was surprised.

"That's it."

Betty gritted her teeth and nodded, "We took in the seriously injured navy."

The person who was robbed of the money bag and died by the pirate knife before was her husband.

Resentment, of course, if these navies came earlier, they would have suffered a little less of this **** scene.

But if you regret it...

Since they took in that navy, they have been fully prepared for the price they paid!

"This is really..."

There was a hint of shock in Crow's eyes. He was so weak that he didn't dare to resist the pirates, but he had such thoughts.

Man... is a paradoxical creature.

Cullo closed his eyes, opened them again, and nodded, "Take me there, it's not easy to hang her with your abilities."


Lida was stunned for a moment, "Is it a woman?"

A female navy?

"How did your lord know?" The mayor was also stunned, and said:

"That female navy, she fought those pirates for us. Although she failed in the end, we all admire her."

"What's her name?" Clow asked.

"I don't know what her name is, I only know what she looks like... hey!" the mayor said with some ecstasy.

"Then which army did she belong to, and whose command did she belong?" Clow continued to ask.

"I don't know which army she is from, I only know what she looks like... hey!" The mayor continued to be delighted.

"Then did she say anything? For example, support or something."

"I don't know if she said it, I just know she looks..."

"Stop, stop, take me there."

Kuro waved his hands speechlessly.

"Okay, my lord."

The mayor nodded and walked towards the corner of the town, followed by other townspeople.

The mayor turned around in Pegasus Town and came to a remote suburb where there was a temple. The bronze paint of the Buddha statue in the temple had long been scraped off by pirates, and the head was also chipped off. The entire temple was dilapidated.

Inside the temple, you can see some dilapidated mattresses, and those who were bullied by pirates to the point of bankruptcy live here.

"Sir, here it is."

The mayor walked behind the Buddha statue and pried open a floor, revealing a tunnel, "Your colleagues, we have hidden them here."


Clow turned on the lighter, lit the cigar in his mouth, and walked down first.

The tunnel under the stairs is very dark, and if you go down abruptly, you can't really see the environment inside.

Just as he walked down the stairs, a cold voice appeared beside him.

"do not move."

Between his eyebrows, a gun was pointed at.

Gradually, a ray of light appeared in the darkness, and I could see that inside this tunnel was a small warehouse, covered with straw and some wooden barrels, and in front of the straw, a man held a large-caliber pistol and pointed at it. Clow.

That person has long blue wavy curly hair. Although his appearance is a little unclear in the dark, Cullo knows that this woman is indeed as the mayor said, she looks... hey!


The female navy who pointed at the gun also saw the navy cape that Cullo was wearing through the light that opened on the floor. She froze for a moment and put away the gun, "Sorry, I thought it was a pirate."

"Lida." Clow said.


Lida turned into a girlish posture, and put one hand on Cullo's back, "Essence is plundered!"

Then, her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of the female navy in an instant, and under her shocked expression, a palm hit her abdomen.


This heavy blow knocked the female navy out and slammed into the wall of the warehouse.

"You guys, what are you doing!" the mayor yelled.


The navy with long blue hair stood up~lightnovelpub.net~ and pulled out the two short knives tied to his thighs with his backhand. He was about to attack when he was suddenly stunned.


She looked at her hands, the original injuries caused by the battle had disappeared, the serious internal injuries also felt that they were gradually healing, and the vitality of the body...

She is healed!

"Don't point a gun at your colleagues casually, Navy." Lida said with a wave of her hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm too nervous. There are too many pirates here. I misunderstood." The female navy bowed to Lida and said, "Thank you for healing me."

"No... Forget it, it's for you anyway."

She did it on purpose, who asked this man to point a gun at Cullo.

"Lord Navy, are you all right?!" the mayor asked.

The female navy nodded: "Yes, I have been cured, thank you very much, I am Major Ain of the headquarters, and belong to the 'Pirate Guerrilla' led by Mr. Zefa, who are you?"

"Who do you say you are?" Kuro was stunned.

Ain thought he didn't hear it, and repeated it.

"Mr. Clow, Zefana is..."

Crow, who was on the side, pushed his glasses. He knew enough about this person, who now specializes in intelligence.

A former admiral of the navy, a strong man known as the 'Black Wrist'.

Because he led the boot camp and was attacked by pirates, he lost his arm, and he had already retreated to the second line.

And Cullo knew even more.

A year later, the Zepha will completely quit the navy and set up a new navy, and this Ain is one of the bugs that Clow needs to pay attention to.

Those with the ability to regress the fruit, one touch can make the object return to the state it was 12 years ago.

But now, they are still colleagues.

"Are you here? What about Mr. Zefa?" Clow said.