I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 284: Die on the battlefield and die in the ho

"The Land of Flowers?"

Cullo was stunned for a moment, looking at Lida who was feasting on the side, tired to the point of being exhausted by several cooks.

"do not you know?"

Zefa glanced at him and said, "If white hair is just a rare color, and if people with white hair can eat it, it may be just a strange flower in the sea, but this Lida... has a strong talent for physical arts. "

"That's right." Clow nodded.

Lida's physique talent is not ordinary, even stronger than Cullo himself. She is serious as long as she looks at physique once.

Zefa can see that this little girl's physical talent is very powerful.

"With white hair, being able to eat, and having strong physical skills, there is only one kind, and it must be someone from the 'Luo' family in the land of flowers," Zefa said.

Cullo's expression became strange: "But isn't it because of the fruit that Lida can eat?"

The 'Essence Fruit' was the key to making her so edible.

"Are you still a fruit person?"

Ze snorted for a moment and said, "Whether it is a fruit person or not, the people of the 'Luo' family should be able to eat it. You should know what it means to be able to eat."

If you can eat it, it means that the absorption of energy is relatively strong. The so-called 'return of life' is only to store energy for use at critical moments, or to increase combat power, or to use it for endurance.

If you can eat it by nature, it means that the so-called 'Luo' family will be born with life back, and that is a first-class physical skill talent.

Not to mention, the 'Essence Qi Fruit' can't be turned into a fruit of ability that can be learned by watching Taijutsu once, more of which is to absorb Essence Qi to use.

That being said, Lida's words, he remembers that he survived alone when he was eight years old, and his memory may not be so clear when he was a child, and it may be possible to change his name.

"If it's the 'Luo' family, Clow kid..."

Zefa said: "It's a cruel family, don't worry about it, it will be very troublesome."

"Old Zefa, you are too nervous."

Cullo waved his hand: "Lida is an ordinary girl who can eat something. What trouble can she have, besides, even if it is trouble..."

His voice sank, his expression serious: "I'll solve it for her too."

Zefa glanced at him and said with a smile: "It's really good, young and energetic, old and old, you can't do this."

Cullo smiled, didn't speak, just looked at Lida who was eating with soft eyes.

"It's up to you, do what you want, you are an old navy, you know the importance of things." Zefa said a word, and stopped talking, looked at Lida, and then his face became worse.

It's so delicious to eat!

If he eats more, the food for his several warships will be out of supply.

Fortunately, this is the West Sea, not the strange and changeable weather of the Great Route, and you can go to the next town for supplies through the route.

In the end, he still fed Lida.

After all, when people called his grandfather, even if he insisted, he had to keep Lida full.

By daylight the next day, several warships were evacuated.

Because Crow brought people back, there were no more pirates left on the island, not only that, but he also brought back the surviving civilians, all of them back to Pegasus Town.

"Mr. Cullo, I brought everyone back, because there are not many people, and the population of Pegasus Town is also in short supply. It is better to enrich the place first and make the town prosperous first."

Chloe's suggestion won the heart of Chloe.

The land is lost, the people and the land are lost.

Only people are productive.

Because of the poisoning of pirates, the people on the island have become less manned. If they are distributed in other areas, they will have little production capacity, and they are also unsafe. It is best to be in the town of Pegasus Town, so that he can manage.

So bringing people back is a good thing.

There are quite a lot of houses here, you can just find a house and live in it yourself. When the population is filled, Pegasus Town will have the basis for its prosperity again.

"Klow kid..."

As the navy boarded the warship, Zefa looked at them, turned his back to Cullo, and suddenly said, "In the future... if I can't do it, remember to bring Ain and Binz, they and Hernan So, I don't want them to become Hernando too."

Cullo narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, "Okay, I promise this."


Zefa smiled, "Then please, I hope we won't run into each other in the future..."

Cullo watched him board the warship, and as the warship moved away, he sighed slightly, "Have you had a hunch?"

"That old man, his eyes are very dull."

Lida stood aside and commented.

You call them grandpa when you eat food, and you call them old man when you can't eat?

Are you a cat?

Cullo pouted and said, "From the moment his family died, the meaning of his existence has been reduced by half. When his beloved student died a few years ago, the meaning was reduced by half, and he is still holding on now because of him. Still the navy, justice has not betrayed him."

"If justice betrays him, he will have serious doubts about his life, because he has dedicated his life to the navy. If he does, the situation will be very serious..."

Especially Hernando, although that man was not killed by Zefa himself, but his faith was shaken.

But there is no way to stop this.

From the beginning, Zefa has been a tragic figure, because what he wants to do now is completely different from the path he pursues.

If the direction is wrong, everything will be wrong.

Because the navy is not all navy, above it, is the world government.

To break the knot, he had to quit the navy.

But if he quits the navy, Zefa's belief will collapse. This is a contradiction.

Faith mastery, for Zefa, the price paid is most likely death.

But this point ~lightnovelpub.net~ Kuro can't talk to Zefa.

He persuaded a former general to teach many elite instructors to quit the navy?

Does he not want to do it?

After all, Cullo has nothing to worry about. He just wants to eat and wait to die. He respects heroes when he has heroes, and admires heroes when he has heroes.

Just don't mess with him anyway.

If it is provoked, who cares what you are, if you don't fight, you are full of peach blossoms, and he can still be called Rusilu Cullo?

"For the sake of what you have taught me, if you really have something to do in the future, I will take over your innocent subordinates, and I will also give you a stick of incense at that time."

Clow lit a cigar and exhaled.

Just as Hernando wanted to forcibly change Zefa's beliefs, it would be equally disrespectful if Cullo intervened in the process of his life. What can the older generation be a little more willful.

Dying on the battlefield is more fun than dying on a hospital bed.