I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v1 Chapter 299: What are the things coming out of the We


Lida's transformation made Clow stunned. He looked at Lida and then at the fainted Lowe. The familiar feeling from Lowe was finally found for him.

"Lida, you and that man look quite alike."

The same slightly curly white hair, the face is very similar, the physical skills are still very good, the tricks he uses have traces of the six styles, it is estimated that he learned from Krona, that is to say, if you have a 'look', you can get A powerful talent.

Looking at the dress, it should be from a country of flowers...

"What's this thing called?"

Clow pointed to Lowe Road.

But now, no one answered him.

Chloe and Cass were also in a state of fainting at this time.

"Come here, drag them down for treatment. As for this person, bring the chain over, the thicker the better, not too thin."

Cullo commanded the rest of the navy and carried the fainted navy down for treatment. The rest of the navy began to look for the chains.

This kind of physique powerhouse who is not a capable person is the most difficult to deal with, and even if he is defeated, it is not easy to catch.

Ordinary iron chains can’t control them. Although the hardness of Hailou stone is enough, it is not made of the whole piece. The craftsmanship is too difficult. physique powerhouse.

"Do you bundle worms with this thing? It's too thin, change it to a thicker one."

When Clow saw several navy dragging a thumb-sized iron chain, he frowned and said dissatisfied.

"But, Colonel, this is the thickest iron chain I can find." The navy was wondering.

"I tell you, you can't be so rigid as a navy, you have to use your brains, you have no future. You can't find a ready-made chain, so you can't imagine other ways? Go and remove the anchor from the ship and use that ."


The navy saluted and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, this chain also stays."

Cullo got the chain, and as soon as his fingers touched it, the chain seemed to be alive, dancing like a snake, and rushed directly to the fainted Lowe, wrapped him around and bound him.

Soon, more than a dozen navy dragged an anchor connected to a thick chain with difficulty. Clow continued to reach out and touch it. The thick anchor was connected to the chain and danced in the air, wrapping Lowe again.

The chains were too thick, but the white-haired man didn't seem to be bound, but wrapped in chains.

"That's not enough."

Cullo looked at Luo Wei who was almost wrapped into a dumpling, thought for a moment, stretched out his hand, and below Luo Wei, the soil continued to spiral upward, almost becoming a small spiral tower, wrapping Luo Wei inside, Only one head remained.


Clow touched his chin, stretched out his hand and manipulated a few large rocks nearby, stuck it into the soil, and firmly held Lowe's body inside it.

"I have to add something, it's not safe enough, more..."

"Hey, Clow!"

Lida on the side was full of disgust, "Do you need to do this to deal with a person?"

"Of course I need it."

Cullo said unceremoniously, and built another layer of soil. The previous thing that looked like a spiral tower seemed to stand there like a big pillar.

"If I'm not there when he wakes up, then no one can cure him. If he causes any damage in the town, he's hitting me in the face. Of course, it's better to be safe."

Hearing this, Lida helped her forehead helplessly, and Clow's old problem was committed again.

"This is the West Sea..."

"You also know that this is the West Sea."

Cullo pointed at Lowe's exposed head, "Look, is this something that Xihai can produce? I am prepared for Xihaiqiang, but there must be a limit, I am not mentally prepared at all. ."

"It's just such a thing, he can beat Chloe and Cass, and he has to try it out with me. If I'm not that strong, I'll explain it to you, you know. He's not even a pirate, why should he? Are you not afraid of committing a crime if you fight me in the navy?"

"Actually, at that time, I slashed him twice in a row, and it was basically over, but I didn't use ignorance. What everyone pays attention to is to stop at one point, eat me twice, recognize the difference, and surrender, okay? You have to continue with me. Fight, so this person doesn't talk about martial arts."

"It's right to be cautious without being so strong."

Lida: "…"

What snakeskin are you talking about!

Can someone in the West Sea beat you?

"Speaking of which, Lida, doesn't this person's face look familiar to you? I haven't seen it before." Clow asked.

Lida looked at Lowe carefully and shook her head, "No, I don't remember."

It is very similar, Lida herself admitted that this man has a lot of similarities with her, but she just doesn't have an impression.

"No impression? This person may belong to the 'Luo' family, maybe you belong to this family." Cullo said.

Lida tilted her little head, pointed her finger to her forehead, frowned, and thought for a while, then opened her eyes, "No, I don't remember this man. When I was eight years old, my parents left me on an island, Then it was gone, and then... I remember they weren't black-haired either."

"Forget it, then it has nothing to do with you, wait until he wakes up, and then ask what this person is doing."

Clow shook his head and walked to the base.

"Curo, I'm hungry."

Lida followed and said.

"Let the chef cook for you what to eat."

The next day, Chloe and Cass woke up under the treatment.

"You said his name was Lowe?" Clow said in surprise.

Opposite him, stood Crow, who was still rubbing his abdomen, and Cass, who was still injured.

"Yes, Mr. Clow, he said that he is the world's first physique genius, called Lowe." Clow nodded.

"It's really 'Luo'..."

Cullo murmured and turned his head to look out the window. In this direction, he could just see the huge pillar at the port outside the town and the human head exposed outside the pillar.

He was already awake, although it was too far to see his expression, but Cullo could feel that this man was looking at him.

"Where's Lida?"

He looked around and asked.

"When I came, I saw Miss Lida in the restaurant, probably eating breakfast," Cass said at this time.

"Call her up."

Cullo stood up and lit a cigar, "Go and ask this person what's going on."

Don't mention how frustrated Lowe is now.

He woke up in the morning. As soon as he woke up, he felt pain all over his body~lightnovelpub.net~ subconsciously, he wanted to move, but...the activity didn't work.

He felt as if he was bound by something and could not use his hands and feet to speak. He looked down and found himself in a solid pillar of soil. This feeling was very bad.

If it is in its prime, at this level, he can still break through.

But now his injuries don't get better, it's not bad if they don't worsen, after all, he was seriously injured by that navy swordsman and the weird ability his sister used.

That must be capable, but why...

Lowe stared at the tall building with the navy logo in the town, and at the navy by the window on the second floor, who had already walked down.

But for a moment, he saw the two more impressive navies he faced yesterday, as well as this swordsman, and the little girl approaching.


As they approached without speaking, Lowe spoke first, "If you are still alive, why don't you go back to the family."