I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 1036: Ruined my wonderful space to eat!

Just as these pirate ships approached the slowly sailing warship, the people on the warship also discovered those pirate ships.


In the upper office of this ordinary warship, a navy pushed open the door and saluted: "The Pirate Fleet was discovered ahead, and it is approaching us!"

"Pirate Fleet?"

When Culloden heard the news in the office, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "What Pirate Fleet? Which one is it, Kaido? Lingling? Shanks or Tiki?"

"Neither, I'm not familiar with that flag, but it must be a pirate group..." Said the navy.

Not all navies can recognize all pirate flags, and Cullo himself doesn't know so many pirate flags. Of course, he doesn't expect every navy to be omnipotent.

"Go and have a look." Chloe ordered Chloe.

Crow took the order, followed the navy out, and looked at the gradually approaching pirate fleet through the binoculars. As soon as he saw the flag, he raised his brows and murmured, "Is it such a coincidence?"

With that said, he handed the binoculars to the navy and said, "Notify the navies that they are on alert to prevent shelling from the opposite side and prepare for battle."

Then he dodged, quickly walked away from the deck, and quickly ran to the upper office, saying, "Mr. Clow, see clearly, that's Sam William's pirate flag."

"Sam William?"

Cullo was stunned again, "Who is it?"

Chloe: "…"

"That fellow of yours." He reminded in a low voice, "The one you praised him for doing a good job of cigars."

"That old Goubi?!"

Cullo suddenly remembered, "What's the matter, why did he come to find the warship? I don't remember him being very cautious?"

"I don't know, maybe..."


Before Crow finished speaking, there was a sound of cannons nearby, shaking the shaky office, and a big splash of water splashed on the window glass.

Lida was cautiously opening her mouth to surround a piece of delicate cake, and when she was shaken, the delicate edible decorations on the cake were shaken away, fell down, and was caught by her lightning-like hand. Zhang face has also become a little bitter gourd.

The beauty of the cake is ruined!

"Who is it!"

She stuffed the ruined cake and the edible decorations into her mouth in one bite, chewed it twice, stood up angrily, and walked out the door.

"Let's go, let's see, what happened to that William in the new world recently, has he been driven crazy? Why is everyone starting to bite?"

Cullo adjusted his collar, wrapped his cloak and walked out.

The reason why he kept turning a blind eye to William was not only that this fellow was an old man and wanted him to suffer a little, but the most important reason was that he had not done anything out of the ordinary, and it was a direct encounter with the Navy. Dodge, the kind that doesn't fight back even if it is pursued.

This is a person who just wants to be a pirate, and he didn't do anything wrong, so Clow doesn't care.

The world is too big, and there are too many pirates. If each of them carries out a major attack, the number of people in the navy is not enough. Most navies depend on the situation. In the face of those who are extremely vicious, it is natural to chase them to the end. A kind of existence similar to William, they are not stupid, they can catch up if they can, and forget if they can't.

But what is it now, is William crazy?

The ship in the pirate fleet that was close to the warship on the sea took the lead in firing a cannon. The gun did not hit the warship, but blew up in the nearby seawater, but the shock caused the warship to shake.

The pirates in charge of the shelling were going to continue to reload, but were stopped by William.

"It's enough to make an announcement. I want these navies to bring the news back, not let them sink the ship, um..."

William walked to the bow of the boat, his eyes lit up with grimness, he stretched out his hand and took one up, "Just say hello!"

That arm directly turned into steam, and touched the sea with the palm of his hand, and half of his palm plunged into the sea.


The sea water boiled directly, and the boiling blisters spread to the position of the warship, forming a path of boiling sea water.


Soon, a large number of steam columns rose up around the warship, and they broke through the warship in an instant. The steam columns were punched out in three positions on the warship, and several large holes were cut out of the warship.

In this way, the warship will lose its ability to navigate, and once surrounded by its own fleet, it will become a turtle in a urn.

But William didn't want to destroy them. He thought about it clearly. When the time comes, he will surround the fleet, and then only board the ship to let these navies see their own combat power, and let them report their arrogant actions to the headquarters, so that the headquarters will reopen. Study him, as long as you study it, your record will be revealed, and the bounty will definitely increase at that time.

But before you get there yourself, let these navy get a taste of what heat is all about!

"Let's move closer." William said confidently.

"Essential shock wave!"

Before waiting for the fleet to be completely warships, there was a sudden scream from the warship surrounded by steam, and then the steam was blown away, and a beam of white light flew directly from the warship and crashed into the pirate fleet.

William, who was still smiling, didn't react at all, and just watched the white light burst into his face.


At this moment, Montblanc rushed in quickly, with his hands crossed in a domineering manner, he blocked in front of William and blocked the impact of the white light.


In just an instant, the heavy force of Montblanc's feet directly crushed the deck under his feet because of the resistance. The top, directly to the top of the white light to the sky, like a meteor flying upwards.

He lowered his arms, only to feel his arms go numb.

This power is too great, even if it's just a shock wave...

"Who, who ruined my beautiful space to eat a complete cake! Do you know that it is difficult to buy, only Astya produces it, but I have already come out of Astya!"

There was a sound of anger from the warship, and saw a little white-haired girl in a navy cape appear on the deck, stretched out her hand and glared at them.

That white hair... looks a little familiar.

"It's you!"

Lida shrank her hands back, a direct white light appeared on her hands, and her eyes narrowed, "The guys who disturb my eating, go to hell!"


The retracted hands suddenly folded, the palms merged, and a larger white light was sprayed directly. When the white light flew into the middle of the sea, it suddenly split and turned into several beams, attacking all the warships.

"Essential Qi Impact · Splitting the Sky!"

"superheated steam!"

William finally reacted at this time, subconsciously opened his arms, and a large amount of steam appeared from his hands, forming a dense cloud of steam, which directly covered the fleet.

"This kind of thing, get out of my way!"

Lida let out a coquettish cry, and the split shock wave directly broke through the steam with tremendous force.

Steam is originally of no quality, but as a person with ability, it can naturally change this rule. For example, Smoker can use smoke to arrest people.

But with that little quality, there is no way to deal with this shock wave.

The dense steam was broken through several large holes by the shock wave, and hit the pirate ships directly.


In addition to the ship, the remaining pirate ships went directly from the bow to the stern, and a huge hole was blasted by the shock wave, and the keel was directly penetrated, causing these ships to sink to the bottom and begin to sink into the sea.

Only that ship~lightnovelpub.net~ because the main defense was there, it blocked the shock wave and bounced to the side.

"You little bastard!"

William watched his ship slowly sink into the sea, his face gloomy, "I must..."

Before the words were finished, the two of them walked out from behind Lida.

One is wearing a black suit and glasses, still familiar.

And another...

"What's the situation? How come several holes have been dug out? Has anyone repaired it?"

Cullo frowned as he saw three more holes in the warship.

that man...

William stared at the lazy man, his eyes widened, and he roared, not knowing whether it was in shock or excitement: "Rusilu Cullo!"