I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 1136: Shit shoveling officer gets angry

Chapter 1142

I have to admit that the cooperation of the Red Hair Pirates is really good.

A few cadres can react in an instant, and with their combined domineering arrogance, anyone can make a few moves, and the skill of these few moves is enough for Beckman or Shanks to react and cut into the battlefield. , anyone will feel the scalp tingling.

A trick of this level can find its essence in an instant.

Based on the current state alone, even with the Four Gods Profound Truth, under their resistance, they cannot easily break the game. They can resist it.

No wonder it was the Four Emperors, no wonder he was able to resist Kaido last time.

Because the fight is really worth the loss, and you won't get anything if you win.

Kaido is crazy, not stupid.

He was so stupid that he was hard at work with the red hair.


He is now purely out of face, this guy is like a stinky dung on the road now. When passing by, he could only lift his feet in order not to stink, and he passed by forbearance.

But the dung is getting higher and higher, and it is getting more and more smelly, and it has reached the level that it has to be cleaned, otherwise, it will be contaminated with stench just passing by.

The **** shovel officer is in place.

Shanks stepped on the sampan and smiled at Cullo who was floating in the air: "How is it, my people, the strength is good."

Beckman subconsciously lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, "You can't find any flaws."

There is absolutely no flaw in their cooperation.

Although not winning.

To deal with such a flying governor, it is very difficult to win, and they don't even have a boat.

But the goal is not to win.

Their purpose is to block Cullo, and they can withdraw after a few days, not to win.

Even if it was delayed for a day, they won because it bought time for Luffy.

Cullo also understands this, so the longer he delays, the more he means he loses.


Cullo sighed, glanced at them, and said meaningfully: "People shouldn't be so happy before things happen, it's easy to get carried away and lead to tragedy."

"I'm just very confident in my partner." Shanks smiled confidently: "I heard that we are considered by your navy as the most balanced iron wall among the four emperors. Although I don't like it, I have to admit that the analysis Makes sense." Shanks shrugged.

Although he alone has a geographical advantage, their Four Emperors Group is a big pirate group. The cadres are strong and cooperate very well. It is not easy to break them.

"Indeed, if it was on land, I wouldn't fight you so casually." Clow nodded and admitted this.

He also didn't dare to summon the mainland from the sky. If the thing is smashed well, it will sink them into the sea. If it is not smashed well, it will give them a landing spot, and it will be more difficult to fight.

At sea, just right.

"But here is the sea."

His body floated up, overlooking Shanks and the others, his eyes gradually became cold, "Teach you a little, I am the Navy."

"What happened to the Navy?" Shanks asked with a smile.

Cullo slowly opened the watch phone bug in his hand, and while dialing a number, he said: "The navy, represents the most powerful force in the sea, represents our large number of people, and represents not only you. Help, Lida."

"I'm coming!"

A voice came from the golden scorpion in the sky, and Lida had changed into a girl's posture, stepping down on the moon step at a high speed, and appeared behind Cullo.

"Moby Dick?"

Shanks looked up at her and said, "Who doesn't know in the sea? You see that she is very tight, and she can't even get hurt. Little girl, go back. If you get hurt, your boss will be angry. ."

Hearing this, Cullo frowned, took a deep look at Shanks, and said, "Shanks, you don't think I'm playing with you, do you? Is it because the battle you encountered in the past was too easy, or Give you face on the sea, let you expand to your core and never have an accident?"

He clenched Luo Gui tightly and said slowly, "Forcing me to take this form is to see blood with real swords and spears!"

Beckman frowned instinctively, feeling that this was not quite right, and there was a problem with his position.

The beluga was behind Cullo. Cullo gave up the fight and chose to be in front of the beluga to protect her? Or

For some purpose?

"Make some noise, Lida." Clow said solemnly.

"Understood, when you called me, I sucked physical strength from the unconscious navy and Crow."

Lida smiled and showed her white teeth. Then she took a deep breath, clenched her right fist, and pulled it to the left, as if she was about to throw a fist.

Beckman is a little confused, this pose is familiar to him, but at such a long distance, even throwing a fist is not enough.


Beckman thought of something, widened his eyes, and stared at Lida's fist in disbelief at the misty white light that began to radiate.

"That posture. Whitebeard!" Beckman shouted: "Be careful! There is a shock coming!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Lida shouted loudly, and bombarded the bottom without any scruples with the fist of Baimang.

boom! !

The shock wave brought by the fruit of essence energy was accumulated as a catharsis caused by a single point, which caused the whole air to vibrate. The sea water around Shanks and the others completely shook at this moment, which was different from the tsunami caused by Cullo. Yes, even with the air itself, those cadres were unable to stabilize their bodies at this moment, and they all staggered.

Beckman stepped on the sampan, forced himself to stabilize, and subconsciously aimed the gun at Lida, but saw countless gun walls made of black guns in the direction he was aiming at, and the breath of the beluga was in the air. Stay away, obviously fleeing back.


A crimson awn went straight to Shanks, and Shanks also stabilized his body at this time, and slashed directly at the crimson awn.


The long sword Luogui was shocked by Shanks' Western sword, and flew backwards in a spin.

Only knives!

Knives are entities, but what about Crows?

Shanks and Beckman frowned, and then they sensed something and looked back subconsciously.

That direction is the direction where their cadres gather.

Under the shaking ~lightnovelpub.net~ they were able to stabilize their bodies when they saw a scarlet voice enter their center.

Cullo appeared among them with his bare hands, and saw that his hands were slightly spread, his left foot was placed in front of his right foot, floating on the sea water, with a smile, he raised his head slightly, and looked at Shanks who was also looking over. and Beckman.

"Create a flaw, even my subordinates can do it."

The swirling Luo Gui that was beaten suddenly stopped at this moment, and under the power of Cullo, he just stood in the air.

"Hey, without a knife, are you kidding me?"

Shanks hadn't finished the last word "play" when he saw the blood-colored ribbons around Clow's body that looked like decorations fluttering, and there was an extremely dangerous aura.

"As I said, you're in the way, Shanks!"

Chloe's eyes flashed, and he said softly, "The ultimate meaning, lifeless and empty killing."

This piece of shit, shovel part of it first!