I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 533: Go to hell, old ghosts!

Being so troubled by Cass, Clow's angry heart was gone.

Becoming a lieutenant general is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

He would be fine if he didn't go to a ghostly place like the New World. If he went, he had to make adequate preparations and make sure that he was absolutely safe!

The sense of crisis in the first half and the world for a long time is the biggest at this moment.

However, if you are not angry, you will not be angry, and if you are in a bad mood, you will be in a bad mood.

He didn't say hello to the old man anymore, and he didn't want to attend any fish pie meeting. After he brought people out of the office, he went to the port.

In the square, Cullo was biting a cigar and walked ahead with a sullen look, with his three subordinates behind him.

"Lieutenant General Clow!"

Kirby jumped out of nowhere, and congratulated excitedly: "Congratulations on your promotion, it was really cool just now, you actually have so many resumes!"

Cullo's bloodshot pupils glared at him, and without speaking, he walked towards the port.

"Huh?" Kirby tilted his head, a little dazed.

"He's in a bad mood."

Chloe patted Kirby's shoulder, relieved, and followed.

"Having a bad mood?"

Kirby looked at Clow's back, which was getting farther and farther away, and murmured, "Didn't he get promoted to general?"

With such a question, Kirby went to Karp.

At this time, Garp was still competing with Sengoku for who ate more doughnuts.

Yes, his senbei have been eaten.

"Lieutenant General Garp, Warring States Inspector."

Kerby and Belumebo saluted the two of them, and then Kerby said, "I met Lieutenant General Clow just now, and he seemed a little unhappy."

"I want to call Jin Ling."

Warring States corrected: "This code name will come down soon. When you call Cullo in the future, try to use the code name as much as possible. This is the rule."

"Yes, Warring States Inspector!" Kebi replied.

"As for why you're not happy..."

Warring States laughed: "I guess it's because I haven't been promoted to general."

"Pfft, that kid Clow, it's still too early to be a general, and Polsalino hasn't retired yet." Cap laughed and ate a donut.

"Hey, don't eat this old man's donuts, bastard!" Warring States roared there.

"I have a question, why the headquarters is not promoted to a general position, so that Mr. Clow will not be so unhappy." Kirby said.

"Pfft, it's impossible."

Karp waved his hand there. "That's impossible."


Warring States nodded, "A long time ago, there were only two generals in the headquarters, and then in order to deal with the era of the great pirates, the world government changed the positions of generals to three, that is, the three naval generals you are familiar with, but the three have been It’s the limit, and if it increases, it’s not just the World Government that will be in trouble.”

This thing, even if the world government wants to increase, it is not something that can be done by will.

There's too much going on in the middle.

Although on the bright side, they deal with pirates in the same way.

What is certain is that there is nothing wrong in the general direction of 'justice'.

But internally, we can't talk about contradictions, but there are still many problems.

Ideas, factions, territories, all kinds of problems, are all on the Navy's side.

Over the decades, the basics of the three generals and the factions of the old-fashioned navy have stabilized. Even if Sakaski implements the 'World Conscription', the premise is that Kuzan leaves and lacks shortcomings.

Even so, the power level of the new general is too weak.

One more general?

If it is brought up by the old navy, then this problem will become prominent, and it is not an ordinary trouble to redefine factions and divide power.

And another one like Fujitora Green Bull, it would be better not to go up, and no one would agree.

Including the Warring States themselves, will not agree.

"If Cullo wants to be a general, he can only take Polsalino's class. Don't think about the rest."

From this room, Warring States looked at the square outside the window, and said lightly: "Young man, it is good to hone a little more. A general in his twenties is too young, and Polsalino probably won't agree."

That old monkey will definitely abdicate for Clow, but now is not the time.

He is still in his prime, and he can **** the kid Cullo for a while. Although now his faction has firmly identified Cullo, Cullo has never been a lieutenant general, nor has he dealt with some problems in the new world. , now is not the time.

If you don't want to become a 'thug', it is best to rise step by step.

"Pfft hahaha, don't think about that kind of thing, hey, Kirby, Belle Maber, come and eat donuts together?" Karp asked, holding the donut.

"Everyone said don't eat this old man's donuts, you bastard!" Warring States roared.

At the same time, on a balcony higher in the marshal's office, Sakaski and Kizaru stood there, looking down together.

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"Is Clow angry?"

Sakaski looked at the small figure walking towards the port and said, "Didn't you become a general?"

"Sah~lightnovelpub.net~ Who knows." Huang Yuan said with a smile: "I don't think it is very similar, or if he wants to be, I can retire as soon as possible. After all, it is now the world of young people."

"Not yet, Polsalino."

Sakaski clenched his fists and said: "Now is not the time to explore the interior of the navy. The current navy, under the leadership of this old man, is unprecedentedly powerful. At this time, we must take the initiative to attack!"

The result brought by a high-end combat power is completely different.

Just like that idiot Kuzan helped Blackbeard in the [Battle of the Break], and Blackbeard's hearty victory was the same.

The existence of Cullo, in addition to giving the Navy a high-end combat power that determines the situation of the battle, he has another characteristic.

This can be seen from his resume.

Why did Sakaski announce Cullo's record in public, because the big pirates that Cullo killed all came out of the advance city.

The criminals in the sixth floor are not only those killed by Cullo, but those powerful people are now wandering in the sea.

"The old man is going to announce the 'Golden Raven' to the whole sea!" Sakaski said.

In addition to announcing this matter in front of the navy, other people at sea should also know about Cullo, no, about Lieutenant General Jin Li's record.

This is to warn the old guys who escaped and restless.

tell them...

Just sit there and die, you old rotten old ghosts!

This is Clow's ability. Among the entire navy, he is the only one who has the qualifications to deter criminals on the sixth floor!

"Cullo will have a hard time doing this." Kizaru scratched his head.

"Navy, it doesn't matter if it's hard or not, it's all for justice!" Sakaski said decisively.