I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 874: Hesitant to open the number

Bang bang bang.

Boom boom boom!

Weibull had blood on his body, and the bombed body was covered in smoke.

If it was ordinary bullets and cannonballs, he still didn't respond when they hit him, but the aggressive attack made him very uncomfortable.

"It hurts!"

Weibull let out a cry, and the air wave of his sound wave blew the smoke away, and his body began to be full of domineering.



A ten hand hit his abdomen, and the domineering force brought by the ten hands directly pressed against his abdomen.

This is a major general with a ponytail. Cullo remembers him. He used iron blocks when he was on the top of the war... he was not killed.

His domineering quality alone did not impress Weibull's body, but...


Bang bang bang!

The attack of a dozen or so major generals rushed after the attack of the ponytail major general, or knives or fists or feet, with domineering, all hit Weibull's abdomen.


The combined blow brought out a loud noise, causing Weibull's domineering abdomen to dent, forcing him to scream in pain, and his body stepped back.

Although domineering is invisible armor, it can improve defense and attack, but it does not mean that everything can be defended, and it does not mean that it will not hurt.

If the power is enough, even if it can be defended, it will still hurt and hurt.

"It hurts!!"

Weibull roared, and the Naginata in his hand was raised, and a white wind appeared on the blade, and was about to slash.


"Hound-toothed claws!"


Two afterimages flashed from his arms, the flying squirt slashed Weibull's right hand, Dalmesia claws together, grabbed Weibull's left arm, and let his arms bring out a blood, ready to split. The attack that came out also lost power in this shaking and was interrupted.

Bang bang bang!

A large number of shells and bullets continued to be fired intensively, and Weibull's body trembled and fell to the ground with a bang.

At this time, in the various naval bases, the navies who are already the base chief or the local chief are watching this scene through live broadcast.


A colonel puffed out a puff of smoke, watching Weibull fall to the ground in the video, and said with a smile: "It's not bad! Unfortunately, I'm too far from there, otherwise I'd like to go too!"

On a warship in the sea, Dauberman watched the video through the image released by the phone bug, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He has a mission and can't go there in person, which is a pity.


Office of the Marshal.

Sakaski was also watching the video, and when he saw Weibull in the end, there was a silent smile on his face that was covered by the brim of his hat and only had a shadow...

"He's down! Everyone keeps attacking!"

As if the BOSS was left with blood, seeing Weibull fall, everyone fought even more vigorously.

This person is powerful, but it is useless if he can't use it. No matter how powerful he is, if he can't use it, he is a Muggle.

Especially under the premise that he is not overbearing...

There are so many people here that Consumption can consume him to death, not to mention the lieutenant generals there to block Weibull's attack.

What are you afraid of!

It's over!

They are all disciples of Zefa. When they were new recruits in the navy, no one was not taught by Zefa. Now, they are the base chiefs of each branch, the colonels of the headquarters, and the chief officials of one place. Without Zefa, there would be no their today.

Teacher Zefa died, and their navy killed it with their own hands, but after all, the reason was because of this man!

There is no exaggeration to use any means for such a thing as revenge!

"It hurts! It hurts!"

Weibull fell to the ground and cried, his arms gradually loosening.

"Weibull, unify the domineering defense of the whole body, hurry up!" Miss Bakin at the rear shouted.

Weibull's eyes opened, and the whole body began to emit the breath of white clouds, unified domineering, and attacked the whole body.

The navy's attack began to fail.


Weibull stood up against the attack, turned the naginata in a circle, grabbed it with both hands, and was ready to swing it forward.

Cut across!

If that power is added with domineering, under this wave, I am afraid that many people will suffer.

"Can I get you out?"

Cullo, who was watching the battle in the air, clenched Qiushui tightly, and golden light appeared directly on the blade of the knife. The knife was like a golden straight line, and it struck from top to bottom.



This golden straight line draws directly from the top of Weibull's head to the bottom, directly breaking his unified domineering, and there is a blood line directly from the top of the head to the abdomen, spraying blood down.

Weibull didn't say anything this time. The knife shook him for a while, and then he stumbled. The domineering that had just covered his whole body disappeared under this knife.

"Ghost Story: Breaking the Beach and Waves!"

The ghost spider stepped on the moon and slashed down with eight knives. Its domineering arrogance rolled on the blade like an ocean wave, and attacked Weibull's head in unison.

"Rising Star!"

The flying squirrel quickly landed on Weibull's neck, drew a knife and slashed, bringing a beam of light and hitting Weibull's neck.

"Six Forms Profound Truth, Six Kings Houndstooth Chong!"

Dalmesia came to the other side of Weibull's head, her claws showed domineering, she drank it, and mixed with domineering, a huge shock wave ~lightnovelpub.net~ hit Weibull's head.

Bang! !

With a loud bang, the attacks of the three lieutenant generals hit Weibull in the head, causing him to fall directly.

At this time, eight wounds were cut off the top of his head, there was a gap in the left neck, and a dent in the right head.

"Go on!"

The rest of the ordinary lieutenant generals and major generals drank in unison, rushed up again, and launched a frantic attack.

"Friction friction!"

Binz danced behind him, and a large number of vines appeared around Weibull's fall, binding him around.

Ain directly pulled out two guns and pulled the trigger frantically over there, his face flushed faintly.

They were the last students from Zefa and the only two students who survived.

That face, she will never forget it!

Edward Weibull, the despicable man who chopped off the teacher's arm, or rather, it was the idea of ​​the old woman, this Weibull was responsible for the execution, these two people were her enemies!

The navy is not a machine, and the navy is made up of people.

Some people will have grievances and hatreds, and now the backbone of the Navy, some people may not have such a strong hatred of Weibull, but if they can step on it, they are very happy to do it.

Not Qibukai, arrest, but also attack the navy.

Conflict with them...

Then what are you waiting for if you don't hit him!

The navy gathered this time is not too small. Putting those navy soldiers aside, there must be a hundred or so people who come here this time. It is not impossible to grind a Qiwuhai class to death. Only the strong are interfering.

Whoever said that the number of people has no advantage, hesitant to open the concept of number, regardless of whether he is three seven or twenty one, let's talk about it.