I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 947: Stuck in the middle is the most uncomfor

Chapter 949 Stuck in the middle is the most uncomfortable

Wano country was ruled by Kaido for more than 20 years, and then these people suddenly became slaves, and they didn't even dare to resist. From the old man's face, he could see that "because it will definitely fail, so don't resist" Such emotions and thoughts.

Cullo has seen many countries and people, especially after entering the great route, some countries and some people are enough to shock Cullo.

He has seen the Kingdom of Korfu. For the sake of his ideal hometown, the old king has to complete his obsession even if he is blackened, and he has turned the 'country of pirates' over.

He had seen the King of Klein Kingdom, who was willing to die and was reviled by all the people in order to arouse the national resistance. This behavior was not appreciated by Cullo, and even thought that there was a problem with his brain circuit, but it did not prevent him from being shocked by it.

A pirate who has seen Chambord was called a hero because of an impulsive thing he did when he was young, and finally he carried this title and died calmly.

I saw the lion ape in a certain grassland kingdom, and created a lot of panic in order to make people admit it.

I have also seen a certain religious country, using its own power to make the whole country not lie about it, and let a country die!

What are these people doing?

Of course they are resisting!

They are rebelling against the default rules, against the rules they think are wrong, against the prejudice in the hearts of the people, against the ugly fate imposed on them!

They may succeed or fail, but for one thing, they have all accomplished their 'resistance' purpose, and that purpose is enough to reverse everything the world has done to them, and they dare not do it again.

Even the world government, after Zefa almost destroyed the new world, also thought a lot about the navy.

Because I don't dare to do it again, I don't dare to easily make a policy that makes the Navy angry.

Just because Zefa 'resisted'.

What are these people in comparison?

One person died, and then completely lost the fighting spirit?

And then who is to be counted on to defeat the dragon, so that the lost fighting spirit can come back?

what the hell!

Perhaps they have a consciousness of resistance hidden in their hearts, but after all, consciousness is just consciousness, it is not action.

When everyone wants to go to the sky to pick up the stars, some people just think about it, some people will take action, they will be stupid enough to stand on a high place and jump into the sky, even if they fall off a cliff.

Silly, but shocking because he put it into action.

He will at least let people know, oh, you can't take the stars by taking the initiative to jump from a high place, you have to change the method, keep this person in mind, and keep trying.

That's wrong, but that's also tinder.

Without the step-by-step actions and mistakes of the predecessors, where can the final result come from?

These people are waiting for the final result for nothing?

"The dragon will respect you, give you status, feed you, and take you to heal. Not because the dragon's conscience has improved, but because someone tries to slay the dragon, even if it fails, the dragon will let the dragon die. It hurts!"

Cullo pointed at Kaido and looked at the old man, "If you don't try your last drop of blood, let him see your determination and strength to resist. Do you think this kind of thing will respect you? Even if it is completely defeated, I tell you, you will not be like this!"

"Halolololo! That's right!!"

Kaido opened his eyes and laughed happily: "You know Lao Tzu very well, Cullo! I respect Oden because he is a hero, but why are these people?!"

Kaido looks down on the people of Wano Kingdom. Except for Oden, Oden rebelled against him. The courage and determination he showed made Kaido respect him. If all Wano countries were like Oden, without the strength of Oden, As long as he has such a backbone, Kaido will not let these people work as laborers, but will try to make them work for himself.

And the people of Wano country work for him, and he will be like his subordinates to the people of Wano country, and naturally he will not destroy this place and make it smoky.

If you fight with force, Wano will definitely lose, and no one is Kaido's opponent now.

However, the status was fought for by Wano Kingdom.

Kaido never minds their resistance, even if they want to kill him, he doesn't care. He doesn't hate the strong, and the strong is not determined by pure force.

The attitude revealed by the will, the determination caused by the backbone, that is also the strong!

It doesn't matter even if the black charcoal snake is killed, the general will always be replaced.

It is a pity that after Oden, no one resisted anymore. For more than 20 years, no one resisted, even if he was a thief in Wano country, he did not resist.

"Shut up, I'm not talking for you!" Cullo said coldly, "It's just that I don't like this place."

"Hoo lo lo, more than 20 years ago, Oden said that I would fail in the next few years, but after so many years, these people have been enslaved by me more and more, how could I fail? Who do you rely on? This suspected Joey Boy's?"

Kaido glanced at the straw hat boy, his eyes arrogant, "He is not!"

"Joey Boy?"

Cullo was stunned for a moment and looked at the straw hat boy.

It was the first time that Clow had heard of this name.

Kizaru touched his chin, but thoughtfully.

According to the transliteration, it means

happy boy?

What's the use of that?

"Forget it, whatever he is."

Cullo clenched Luo Gui tightly, and his whole body was full of blood.

"Halololo! Yes! That kind of thing doesn't matter! Only power is the truth!"

Kaido rushed up with his mace, and smashed it towards Clow.


Cullo's figure flashed, and he stepped on Jiang's mace, and his strength flew, blowing his trousers.

Charlotte Lingling, who was on the side, saw the gap, laughed wildly, and slashed over. At this moment, a thick beam of light hit her body and swayed her out.

Kizaru held the ten-fist sword, the beam of light gradually faded from the sword, and pouted at Charlotte Lingling, "Oh~ have you forgotten the existence of this old man?"

Cullo raised his head and looked at the huge Kaido, his blood continued to rise, surrounding him.

"Be prepared, and the price of keeping me and the old man forcibly is very big!"

At least

Leave more marks on him!

He just destroyed the island of ghosts on this side, and he reminded Charlotte Lingling of the nun on the other side, it is impossible for these two people not to miss him.

If you withdraw like this, I don't know what trouble will be in the future.

What he hates most is trouble and trouble!

The fight is a fight, otherwise, if you leave like this, the news will talk nonsense, and you will lose your prestige, so for those pirates, they will find them even more trouble.

Although Cullo doesn't really want to be famous, he has to admit that his fame is getting bigger and bigger, and once he is famous, people will find trouble.

However, it is not as big as one level.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who won't get in trouble.

One is not famous and has no sense of existence, and it is also the state that Cullo wants to achieve most. If there is no name and no sense of existence, then no one will look for him.

There is another kind, that is, the reputation of the four emperors such as generals is so well-known, that no one dares to ask for trouble, because it is so strong that it makes people desperate.

But it's embarrassing if he doesn't go up or down. There are always people who want to make him famous and miss him.

Life hasn't been easy since taking the helm of G-3.

That idiot, Titch, wants to trouble himself. It makes no sense. Why doesn't he trouble the old man? Why doesn't he trouble Sakaski~lightnovelpub.net~ The navy has gone to Alabasta, so it makes sense Saying that the headquarters is also empty, Titch should be a little more ambitious and bet on Sakaski! Bet on him.

The world's number one attack power is still a natural type, isn't it sweet?

Although it hurt Titch this time, there are still two four emperors!

It just so happened that the old man was here, as long as he beat them all up, then the Four Emperors would not bother him, and he would take out his prestige by the way.

It's hard to say whether you win or not, but as he said, if you bite the enemy, the enemy will become jealous and come to trouble easily.

When Kaido and Charlotte Lingling saw that they were here, their first reaction was to keep both of them, isn't it because they were not afraid enough?

They will definitely not have this idea if Sakaski is to pick up the old man.

For the sake of future safety, the prestige is played out, then no one will bother him again!

Even if the Four Emperors did not dare to trouble him easily, then his security purpose could also be achieved in disguise!

All roads lead to Rome, he has already given up treatment.

(End of this chapter)