I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 960: It's all fake arrest warrants!

The first half of the great route.

Several ships stayed in the sea. The flag of these ships was a skull with a low head in a hat and crossed swords on both sides. In front of these ships, there was a seabed that was so dilapidated that it was almost sinking into the sea.

On the pirate ship, William looked at a pirate who had fallen to the ground and looked like a dead captain, with deep suspicion in his eyes.

"It's done, William."

Montblanc grasped the **** iron glove, walked over, and spat at the captain disdainfully, "It's only 80 million, how dare you be so arrogant."

Eighty million?



William listened to these words in a daze, and suddenly said: "It's not right, it's very wrong."

"What's wrong?" Elmira on the side said: "What's wrong, William."

"No... I just think, it's not quite right, this man really has 80 million?"

William looked at Elmira with a bewildered face, "Is there a mistake in the wanted order?"

William has been on the Great Route for a while. Since he met the 60 million pirate, he has also encountered many pirates with high bounties.

40 million, 60 million, 70 million, and now there is one 80 million.

Every time, William was fighting with all his strength, but after each battle, his confusion deepened.

Is there really such a high bounty?

Why is the fight not much different from the millions of pirates in the East China Sea?


Do the pirates of the great route only increase their bounty but not their strength?

"I said, William, you are too careful."

Mont Blanc said with a smile: "I came out of the Great Route. The pirates of the Great Route are not as scary as you think. With your strength, a place like the Great Route cannot stop you. We should go to the new world. !"

He was almost fooled by William, thinking that he was so cautious in the East China Sea, and thought he was lucky and had never experienced the real horror of the Great Route.

But now it seems that William really thinks too much.

This is what the Great Airway looks like, the one he is familiar with, and it has never changed.

"No, you're wrong!"

William was suddenly shocked, "I thought, these people must have secretly faked the bounty! Isn't there a rumor in the sea that those pirates, in order to increase their popularity, faked the bounty, which makes people feel very dangerous, and recruits those people at the same time. People who don't know why enter their own pirate group!"

But this kind of thing, William disdain to do.

Fakes are fakes, even if they can show their prestige at that time, they will be revealed sooner or later.

It will be like it is now!

"I don't believe that he is 80 million. At this level, it would be good to have 15 million!" William said.

"No, he really is 80 million!" Montblanc pulled a bounty, which was exactly what the dead captain looked like, "There are too few fake bounties, this is true, the news bird sent it here. of."

"No! It must be fake!"

William didn't even look at the reward order, and vowed: "Otherwise, if I encounter these 80 million, even if I can escape, we will suffer heavy losses, but now we are victorious so fast that we don't even have any casualties. The matter is suspicious! So did those people before, the reward is obviously higher than mine, but why is it so weak! It's all fake reward orders!"

"Is it possible that our bounty is low?" Montblanc asked with a twitch in the corner of his eyes.


William said decisively: "If it was someone else, I would still have doubts, but my bounty came down after Jin Yan met me. Before that, we didn't show any flaws, that is to say, this bounty order It was given by Cullo after he learned about my situation, and if his proposal is still 30 million, it means that I am only worth 30 million!"

"The navy's bounty can't go wrong, they all need to be evaluated. You see in the East China Sea, more than 10 million people are not easy to deal with. We know the owner of the Bharati restaurant, the ' Red-footed 'Zep, only 60 million! In comparison, these people's strength is not worthy of their bounty!"

"There is no other possibility except forgery!"

William said: "We can't be affected. During this period of time, we were lucky. We encountered pirates with fake wanted orders, but there must be real ones, yes... It must be like this! The Navy allows these fake wanted orders. The purpose of making existence is to attract pirates to kill each other. If this person has a high reward, then another person will miss him, so that the pirates are no longer so afraid of the high reward, so that they will also meet the real reward. They will have such a mentality, and then they will be defeated.”

The more you talk, the fresher your thoughts become.

The fresher William feels that this is right!

If they underestimate the enemy, they will think that the great route is nothing more than this, and they will be proud of it, and once they find the fact of the wanted order~lightnovelpub.net~, they will go to those pirates with higher rewards, no matter which sea pirates. Whether the thief is real or not, there will be casualties.

This wave is a plan to provoke their pirates!

William can't be fooled!

"We have to be more serious. Since we can't tell the truth from the fake, we should treat each high reward as a real high reward!"

William said: "Don't take this lightly. This is the sea, and there are many dangers in the sea. Once an accident occurs, the damage will be irreparable! Do you understand?!"

"It makes sense..." Elmira agreed: "William, what you said makes sense."

Swell nodded thoughtfully.

Montblanc was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while, but felt that this reward order was so dazzling.

This thing is really 80 million!

It's just that you are too strong, you are strong, not others weak!

But when William spoke, he was not sure.

Is what he said true?

These bounty orders are all fake. If it wasn't fake, how could William only have 30 million?

It’s not that there are tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people who just debuted. William is so strong, and it has long been more than 30 million.

William smiled lightly and looked at the sea, "I have already seen through the strategies of the World Government and the Navy, that kind of thing is useless to me, I have seen through the falsehood, I will not be careless, as long as I am careful, I will Will become a real big pirate!"

And then... compete with that Clow again!

He is still very weak, and he is not Cullo's opponent. He can kill a pirate group at the age of two. If he didn't see this when he was seven, he would probably still be playing pirates there.

But now, the pirate game of playing house is not something he can play anymore. What he wants is the real pirate life!