I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 971: Overlord's Luck

There was not much of a meal. Chun Lida ate there alone, and ate 10 million Baileys.

As this place is a prosperous area, things are naturally expensive, and the ingredients used are very good. Even the wine that Cullo drinks by himself is top-grade.

Bucky, trembling with tears in his eyes, took out a bag of gold coins to pay the bill.

"By the way, Bucky, since you just came here, then check the town carefully to see if there are some unsavory pirates, and throw them into the sea uniformly."

Well, Qiwuhai, what is Qiwuhai if you don't fight against pirates, especially Bucky, the luck of this guy is really good, it is best to let him put an end to some evil pirates first.

"Forget it, I will stay here for a while, for the sake of your dinner, Clow, go and help, bring a team of navy to clear this place first," Clow said.

"Understood, Mr. Clow." Clow rolled his glasses and turned around to call the navy.

"Hey, what are you doing, Cullo, the uncle is here. This kind of thing should be the uncle!" Bucky shouted there.

"It's all one faction, that's about it." Cullo glanced at him and waved his hand: "If you are too slow, you can add another team yourself."

Veins appeared on Bucky's head.

He hadn't thought about this before, but as Qiwuhai, if he came here, he would definitely clean up the pirates who didn't agree with him, but he also wanted to recruit some younger brothers here.

If Cullo did this, in order to ensure his authority, he had to act first.

"Damn Cullo, how dare you do this, this uncle doesn't do anything, is this uncle a clay sculpture! Di Nuo!"

Bucky watched Clow leave, called out, and a man with a '3' hairstyle appeared beside him.

"It's better to cooperate with this Jin, Bucky, we can't fight against him." Mr.3 suggested.

"Of course I know! I'm asking you to bring someone to clean this place with them!" Bucky's mouth was so wide that he could almost swallow him.

He's not crazy, how could he fight against Cullo.

The joint operation of the Navy and Qiwuhai to search an entire town is of course very fast.

When the pirates saw the navy coming, their first reaction was naturally to flee. They rushed to the sea one by one, for fear of being a step behind, but facing the huge golden scorpion standing there, they wanted to get out of the port. There's almost no chance of it getting away.

Some lucky ones did not dock at the port, but docked on the nearby coast. These people ran away by boat, but the rest were swept away by the combined forces of the Navy and Bucky.

"Wait, wait, we surrender, we want to follow Boss Bucky too!"

The pirates caught by Bucky's men cried out one by one.

Kabaji and Moqi looked at each other and were proud. Since the boss of Bucky became Qiwuhai, they have been very convenient, and they can rely on this reputation to make people work.

"Of course, I'm the vice-captain of the Bucky Pirates!" Mo Qi raised his chest, shook his whip, and said proudly: "I can approve you to join the Bucky Pirates, cheers, pirates, This is a gift from Lord Mochi!"

Kabbage snorted coldly and refused to admit defeat: "I am Kabbage, the chief of staff of the Bucky Pirates. I also allow you to join the Bucky Pirates, and cheers. This is the approval from Lord Kabbage!"


The pirates cheered happily.

This is Qiwuhai, if they join it, they will not be wanted, and it is a very good thing to join the banner of the big man.

"Who gave permission? We haven't given permission yet!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded next to him, and a team of navy quickly approached, and Sazir, headed by him, said: "The pirates need to be checked, for the sake of your capture, those without bad deeds are allowed to join you, but those with bad deeds, we need to be taken away."

Sazir walked up to them and said, "This is an order from Lieutenant General Clow, you shouldn't resist."

Things like this not only happened in Sazel, but basically those who were caught by these Bucky Pirates were found by the navy and taken away.

No matter Mochi, Kabaji, or Mr. 3 and Arrita, the cadres of the Bucky Pirates know the prestige of Jin Ling, and it is impossible to refuse the Navy's proposal.

And the group of former sixth-floor prisoners below have not very good brains. Those who worship Bucky also worship these cadres, and there will be no doubts, so what they say is what they say.

Soon, the pirates residing in Carnival City were swept away, and only some who had no bad deeds joined the Bucky Pirates and escaped this disaster.

It took almost two days to clean up the pirates in the Carnival City. The captured pirate, Cullo, didn't bother to report, so he was shot directly at the port. Blood stained the sea water at the port, and the body fell into the sea like dumplings. .

It won't take long for the **** smell to be eaten by the sea beasts that smell it.

After all this was done, Clow took Lida away, and rode the Golden Eagle in other directions, leaving Bucky gnashing his teeth there.

All done!

The subordinates he could have taken over~lightnovelpub.net~ were all killed by Cullo!

Is this guy crazy, why should he kill a pirate when he encounters a pirate!

"It's over, this place, I'm going to be hated by those pirates." Bucky said angrily.

After killing so many pirates, the pirates on this route will definitely remember this place whenever they hear rumors.

"That's not right, I heard from the new pirates, we seem to be very good." Mr.3 said.

"How amazing! I came here to make a fortune, not to fight pirates!" Bucky was angry.

"No, listen to those pirates, we have the power to summon the navy, as long as we offend us, the navy will come to help us." Mr.3 said slowly.


Bucky was stunned and looked over, "Is that so?"

The rest of the cadres also nodded, and the version they heard in the mouths of the surviving pirates and the residents was like this.

Including their own subordinates, also think so.

Otherwise, this is obviously the station of the boss of Bucky, why the navy will come over and help them clean up the pirates, isn't it because the boss of Bucky is very powerful.

Those pirates who were killed were thought by them that the boss of Bucky didn't like those people, so they let the navy kill them.

What does this mean? It means that the Boss Bucky doesn't dare to offend the Navy easily, he will only help the Boss Bucky!

It's really, really amazing, Bucky Boss!

Looking at the adoring eyes of the other subordinates, Bucky rubbed his red nose, suddenly showing a complacent look, and said with his hands on his hips: "That's right, that's it, this uncle is an existence that even the navy wants to take the initiative to help, you guys have always been there. Look at the back of this uncle, and then obey obediently!"

"Yes! Boss Bucky!!"