I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 986: Someone doesn't have to expire

"I can't help it either, please spare me! I've been here for seven years! For seven years, I was in danger all the time, and was discovered by Lord Herbert during an information transmission, but The captain spared me on the condition that false information be passed on to the Navy, and at the same time, the information of the Navy would be passed on to them."

The pirate with the fur shoulder pads cried bitterly, "Really, I don't want to, I also want to be a navy, but it's too dangerous for me to stay here, if I don't put aside my navy status, I will sooner or later. Killed, I don't want to die!"

At this time, in this valley, he was the only one alive.

Those pirates have all been repaired, and they were all cut off by the feet of Chloe and Kaku. Only the original undercover who left the fur shoulder pads is still alive.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, the choice you make yourself will definitely pay the price."

At this time, Crow put one hand in his pocket, pushed down his glasses with the other hand, looked down at the collapsed man on the ground, and said, "You will die here, it is inevitable, but your family may not know, you still It's people who died for the Navy, so that your family and hometown are not ashamed, but you need to give intelligence."


The man with the fur shoulder pad was stunned for a long time, then lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "I still haven't escaped. After so many years of escape, this is still the end. Can my family really not know?"

Chloe nodded lightly: "Undercover is an extremely dangerous profession, especially when you have been in a pirate group for a long time for several years, it is normal for your temperament to change, but the person who accepts undercover is also at the beginning. The righteous, even more than the people in our navy, have justice in their hearts. For this original intention, we can accommodate a lot. You will die because of your actions, but this has nothing to do with your hometown and your family. relation."

"It's really atmospheric, yes... You're right, this is my personal behavior, but thank you." The expression of the man with the fur shoulder pads gradually eased.



Not a trace of cover up.

If you have done too much, then you will be notified of your fate, but this has nothing to do with other people, because the original intention of justice in your heart will definitely remain the same when you are an undercover agent. The Navy is accommodating, at least Mr. Clow is accommodating. .

What Clow said was Mr. Clow's original words.

There's no need to do things like the World Government and CPs, to hide the truth, kill people and assassinate people.

They are here to judge and judge.

All sins will disappear in judgment.

"They're fighting for turf."

The man with the fur shoulder pads said: "Dressrosa drove away the pirate forces nearby, captain, no, Ofi wants to invade those territories that have no shelter, so he has to fight with Dressrosa. , If nothing else, they have already gone to battlefields all over the world. Nakruwu's goal was originally this archipelago of mountains, to conquer the mountain people here, coming here is just incidental. This war is also a temptation, if Dre Srossa is not strong enough, and Ofi will even go straight to Dressrosa and put his flag there."

"Dressrosa is a member of the World Government!" said the captain of the navy in surprise.

However, this did not surprise Crow and Kaku.

world government?

For such a big pirate, the world government completely ignores it.

"Want to fight Dressrosa?"

Crow frowned at this time, "Is the news confirmed?"

"Of course, I'm all about to die. There's no need to lie to you. After all, I also want to leave a good reputation after death. The five cadres go to an island, and after a quick conquest, they will go to the next island, and then arrive at 'Sipri' The capital of the kingdom of An' joins Orpheus and conquers the kingdom of Cyprian first."

With that said, the man revealed the location of the island where the remaining four cadres were going.


Cloro knows this place. The kingdom that is relatively close to Dressrosa is a powerful kingdom and has pirate protection. Dressrosa is only so far at the moment, not those towns and islands, purely because of This kingdom is here, but it has now been disintegrated.

"I see, thanks for the information."

Crow pointed his index finger at the man, but after thinking about it, he still reached out to the navy colonel next to him and said, "Give me the gun."

The captain of the navy handed the handgun to Crow, who held the handgun, pointed it at the man, and said, "So, are you ready to pay your price?"

The man with the fur shoulder pads knelt there, closed his eyes, and said no more.


One shot, right between the eyebrows.

As the man fell, Crow threw his handgun to the navy colonel, took out a phone bug from his arms, and made a call.

"Hey! This is the navy led by Vice Admiral Cass, fighting! Fighting! We are fighting against the Unicorn Pirates!"

Soon, the phone worm was connected, and a loud roar came out, and the sound of battle sounded next to it.

"I'm Chloe, it seems that I don't need to remind you, where are you, we'll go over now." Chloe said.

The navy quickly reported a location, and Crow hung up the phone directly, "It's over, let's go to another place to join the war."

"Hey, the old man doesn't do this. The old man's task is to cooperate with you to evaluate the navy undercover, not to fight the pirates. This is the task of your navy." Kaku said at this time.

The cp organization really doesn't care about pirates. Unless the world government requests it, everything else is the same to them, and there is no difference.

"That's your business, but I won't send you. My destination is to go straight to the battlefield. You can watch the battle."

Crowe said coldly, and then continued to dial the phone. Soon, the appearance of the phone bug turned into a sharp one biting a cigar.

"Mr. Clow..."

Headquarters ~lightnovelpub.net~ OK, I know. "

Cullo hung up the phone, leaned on the seat, raised his head and exhaled smoke, after a while, he scolded: "His! What a mess!"

"1.6 billion, it's a bit powerful."

Lida was eating a snack on the sofa, "What should I do, Cullo, are we going?"

"No need, they are all lieutenant generals, I do everything personally..."

Clow thought for a while, then made a call.

The phone bug turned into a face with a pair of catfish whiskers.

"Lieutenant General Jin Li..."

"Rudolph, are you in the New World?"

"Uh, yes..."

"Go to Cyprien and cooperate with the navy to deal with the 'Unicorn' Offie and his pirate group, can you do it?" Clow said.

There was silence for a while, and then he said: "I know, I will cooperate."

"Fine, let's do it."

Cullo nodded, hung up the phone, and then said to Lida: "Isn't this done, if there is someone under my command who doesn't need it, why am I trying so hard to find Qiwuhai?"