I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

v2 Chapter 988: Also suitable for ambush

There are quite a few pirate groups in the New World. Except that the Four Emperors are the overlords of the New World and are considered by many pirates to be the 'Emperor of the Sea', the players below are not weak.

After all, there is no one who can stand firm under the shroud of the Four Emperors.

1.6 billion pirates, no matter where they are, they are big pirates.

Those who have established a firm foothold are not simply adventure tourism, at least they have been operating in the new world for at least ten years, and they have achieved this result.

The Unicorn Pirates is one of them. It has a huge power, occupying more than a dozen islands and radiating two surrounding countries, all of which use his flag.

What Chloe wants to contact this time is to break into an undercover inside the One-Horn Pirates. It is a Navy undercover for more than five years. He is a combat team leader in the One-Horned Pirates. At the same time He is also a member of the 'Sword' squad in the nearby area, code-named 'Unicorn'. The leader is a base commander of a nearby naval base. Crow contacted him and took him to the agreed place to evaluate. The heart of that member.

And also look at the current level of danger. If there is no problem with the xinxing, but if it is too dangerous and may even die at any time, according to Mr. Clow, this can be specially recruited, and there is no need to stand there.

Of course, the specific danger level is up to Crow to judge by himself.

"What do you know about the Unicorn Pirates?"

Crow put away the reward and asked without looking back.

Two people stood behind him, one was the base commander of the nearby naval base, the colonel of the headquarters.

There is also a man with a long square nose and a hat with his arms around his arms, nodded and said:

"The old man knows one thing, 'Unicorn' Ophe is a giant, born with powerful strength, and also has the blood of a demon, the unicorn on his head is the proof, this guy's domineering can be covered in the hard unicorn He is invincible, and he is nicknamed 'Fortress Destroyer', no matter how hard the fortress is, he will destroy it, and he once smashed a naval fortress alone."

"It's very powerful... There are a few more to pay attention to."

Crow sighed and took out a few more reward orders. In addition to the one-horned Ophe, he had five other cadres.

There are five reward orders, with different appearances, male and female, one of them is a woman, her arm is stretched out, and an old eagle is standing on it.

The 'Vulture Witch' Nakruwu has a bounty of 237 million Baileys.

The second picture is of a man with a lot of feathers in his hair, holding a big boomerang, with a lot of color patterns on his body, like an indigenous youth from a primitive island grinning at the front.

"Surge of the Wave" Galfo, with a bounty of 244 million Baileys.

The third picture shows a young man with frantic long hair who is eating his upper body and feet, wearing only strong trousers, this young man holds a three-edged swinging blade in one hand, and a chain extends from the weapon, and the chain is locked by the other hand holding.

'Murder Blade' Herbert, with a bounty of 385 million Baileys.

The fourth picture is a man with a red skin and a diamond-shaped head, showing white teeth, and the grinning smile occupies half of his face, looking funny but hideous.

The 'Fist of Machinery' Liuyu Shihu has a bounty of 450 million Baileys.

There is the last one, a bald-headed strong man with muscular knots, wearing a monk's robe with half of his chest and shoulders exposed, a huge Buddha bead hanging around his neck, and holding a large stone pillar as thick as him.

The 'Ghost Swordsman' Wang Long has a bounty of 519 million Baileys!

Listening to the name, he is still from the land of flowers.

One of the five cadres under the "Unicorn" Offi is stronger than the other, and the strongest is as high as 500 million Baileys.

This is not the so-called 500 million level of the new era, but it does not have much interaction with the world government, and it is a bounty that was fought between the pirates and the navy.

It is very difficult to survive under this kind of pirate group, and it is impossible to want to be the captain of this kind of pirate group.

In the end, the Long Sword Pirates are a special case of this sea. There is no individual style, only a group style.

But the normal pirates in the sea all have a strong personal style, which cannot be replaced, and that kind of small pirate group, it is useless to replace them.


Crow rubbed his head and sighed.

Not because of this so-called 'unicorn' Ophe, but because of the request conveyed by Mr. Clow.

Although the report has already been sent, and the reason why it cannot be replaced by the Pirates is stated, it is Mr. Clow's request after all.

If possible...isn't it better to do it.

But not for this pirate group, the strength of this pirate group is completely impossible.

What is the concept of a bounty of 1.6 billion?

Big Mom's strongest son, Katakuri, is only a billion.

The three disasters under Kaido's hands, the fire disaster and the epidemic disaster are 1.3 billion, but the fire disaster is only tens of millions higher.

1.6 billion pirates, that is really strong.

"Here, Lieutenant General."

At this moment, the navy colonel behind him, the captain of the 'Sword' 'Unicorn' squad, pointed to a mountain-like island in front of him and said:

"That's where we made an appointment, the Archipelago of Mountains. There is a war going on here. Dressrosa drove away the pirate group that was entrenched here, but the local mountain people were unwilling to surrender, so they were fighting~lightnovelpub.net ~ Dressrosa..."

Crow pursed his lips. He didn't know what happened to David and why he started to conquer again. This guy really deserves the title of "Conqueror King" given to him by the sea.

The warship gradually approached the archipelago of mountains and stopped at the foremost shoal landing point.

After a group of people came down, the navy colonel unfolded the map, pointed to a direction, and said, "Meet at this place."

Using the location of the map, everyone first determined their location, and then looked from the direction of the destination, that location was probably between the mountains.

"Let's go."

With a cry, Crow took Kaku and the navy colonel forward.

For this kind of review, there can be no more people, a few are enough. The navy colonel is responsible for asking, Kaku is responsible for evaluating, and Crow is responsible for making decisions.

The fate of this navy will soon be determined.

Whether to stay and continue to be an undercover agent, or to be recalled to serve in the Navy, or...to be imprisoned, or to be killed.

You'll know when you meet and chat.

But after a while, Crow and the others followed the map and arrived at the target location.

"That's it, hasn't anyone come yet?"

The captain of the navy looked at the map, then looked at the empty frontier, and muttered to himself.

"It's not quite right..."

Kaku looked around at this time and said, "What do you say, Lieutenant General Klo."

Crow pushed his glasses down, a cold light flashed across the lenses, and his expression gradually became solemn.

This place is a flat land, but it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, surrounded by mountains and slopes, and the only way to go is the path they came from, and the path ahead.

This place is quite suitable for a secret meeting and will not be discovered, but this is the case when people come early.

But if people don't come, then this place is also suitable for ambush...