I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 661: Become stronger

On the second floor, Jiang Beiran soon saw Yan Xiaobo who was drinking tea.

Yan Xiaobo was a little surprised by Jiang Beiran's sudden arrival, but he quickly put down the teacup and made a gesture of invitation: "Come, come, sit down, sit down."

Looking at the documents stacked on the table, Jiang Beiran sat down and said with a smile: "Sect Master Yan is so hands-on, I really admire the younger generation."

Yan Xiaobo shook his head helplessly after listening to it: "You think I think, that old guy Gu Liangqian handed this over to me, I have to give him an explanation, or when he leaves, he won't be able to talk about me to death."

Although I felt it before, Jiang Beiran was even more sure after this time that the two Xuansheng's personal friendship should be very good, and they should be old friends.

Bringing the tea set to Jiang Beiran's side, Yan Xiaobo opened his mouth and said, "How did you deal with it, do you have any eyebrows?"

In the past month, Yan Xiaobo actually approached Jiang Beiran several times, but Jiang Beiran used the same answer every time.

That is he is working hard to prevent the miasma from recurring.

Compared with this matter, the things Yan Xiaobo wanted to do with him seemed so childish, so he had to wait.

"Well, the basic idea is already in place. This time I'm coming back to recruit people."

"Oh?" When Yan Xiaobo heard it, he immediately cupped his hands and said, "As expected of Master Jiang, as long as anything goes through your hands, no matter how difficult it is, it can be done well, admiration, admiration."

Arching his hand back, Jiang Beiran smiled and said, "It's all thanks to everyone. What did Sect Master Yan ask me for before? I was too busy before, so I couldn't care..."

"Needless to say, I understand." Yan Xiaobo directly raised his hand to stop Jiang Beiran's words, "Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to talk to you about those Gu cultivators."

"What happened to them?"

"You know, those Gu cultivators are very stubborn and can't catch a living, so we have to start with the spies you caught, but apart from you, no one can pry open their mouths, I just thought Ask what you plan to do with these people."

"Well...it's really worth thinking about."

After all, several of those people were strong in the Xuansheng realm. It would be a pity to kill them directly, but let's keep them. It seems that Jiang Beiran can handle them.

"What is Sect Master Yan going to do with them?"

Yan Xiaobo smiled after hearing this, "I'm not asking you for advice, it's not a problem for these few people to be locked up all the time."

Jiang Beiran thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Anyway, just lock it up and come back to you when I figure out a way."

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words. In addition, do you want to come and see the corpse of Gu Xiu? Although it was bombed, it's still useful to fight."

"I'm a little interested in this, but now I'm still going to focus on preventing miasma, and leave the rest a little later."

"Alright, anyway, these Gu Xiu's corpses won't rot away, you'll be fine if you come later."

After Yan Xiaobo finished speaking, he poured a cup of tea and handed it to Jiang Beiran: "In addition, the number of casualties this time is far greater than I thought, those **** beasts!"

The reason why Yan Xiaobo is so angry these days is because he sees the shocking casualty figures every day.

Although as cultivators, they don't care much about how the common people live on weekdays, but they also understand in their hearts that the people are the foundation of the country.

In this Gu clan invasion, although the people did not die due to inhalation of miasma, they were tortured to death by those Gu cultivators in a more vicious way and became sacrifices.

And the people who sacrificed were not just ordinary people. Many disciples and high-level officials of the sect were also poisoned, and as long as they were caught, it was almost difficult to survive.

It can be said that in this Gu clan invasion, the new generation of cultivators have been hit hard, and there will be a period of talent shortage in the future.

Whenever he thought that many disciples in his sect were taken away by those Gu clan and tortured by that inhuman, Yan Xiaobo was so angry that he smashed how many tables.

Looking at Yan Xiaobo who was so angry, Jiang Beiran was also very emotional, and the hundreds of thousands of grievances flashed in his mind.

This is why he is now working on research to prevent miasma events from happening again, which must never happen again!

Then Yan Xiaobo chatted with Jiang Beiran a lot about post-war restoration, and consulted with Jiang Beiran.

However, Jiang Beiran's answers were very uniform.

"Leave it to someone who is good at it."

From the dialogue, Jiang Beiran could hear that it was indeed the first time that Yan Xiaobo had personally managed such a large country, and in order to live up to Gu Liangqian's expectations, he really wanted to do everything himself.

But a person is not only limited in energy, but also limited in ability.

Those who are good at cultivation are not necessarily good at Xuanyi, and those who are also good at Xuanyi are not necessarily good at governing the country.

Like Yan Xiaobo, who wants to manage everything, wants to reach out and intervene everywhere, and in the end, it will only become more and more messy.

"You sound like...the same as throwing a hand at the shopkeeper."

After listening to Jiang Beiran explaining to himself how to appoint his subordinates, Yan Xiaobo said sincerely.

"Knowing people and taking responsibility is also a kind of ability, and it is a very important ability."

Yan Xiaobo nodded thoughtfully after listening, and replied, "Understood."

Then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he asked Jiang Beiran in a low voice, "Does Master Jiang also know how to do a lot of good work?"

Jiang Beiran shook his head and replied, "I prefer to be alone, and I'm not interested in taking care of my subordinates."

After Yan Xiaobo heard "Oh~", he was a little dubious.

He was half-trusted because he had never seen any particularly capable subordinates in Jiang Beiran, and he doubted that he knew that the young man who had defended Zeng Guo's last hope by himself had a good relationship with him.

No, it should be said that the friendship is very close, but the young man has a deep dependence on Jiang Beiran.

This information is currently only mastered by the Xuansheng of their Tong state.

But after that, the mysterious young man didn't have much contact with Jiang Beiran, and he was at a loss as to what the relationship between the two was.

'Forget it, anyway, there are many mysterious things about Master Jiang, and it's not worse than a few more. ’

After the idea was mastered, Yan Xiaobo poured another cup of tea for Jiang Beiran and asked: "Master Jiang, you said that this time you came out to convene people, and this person pointed to those ninth-grade masters?"

"Of course."

When Yan Xiaobo heard this, he said with some enthusiasm: "Then Master Jiang, can you do me a favor?"

"What are you busy with?"

"The last time when the Gu clan invaded, the mountain protection formation of my Shenmeng Sect was broken, and the inside of the sect was also in chaos. A few days ago, Baihua from the sect came to ask me what to do, and I was still right. Worrying, you see..."

Although the Xuansheng of the Six Nations also attached great importance to the ninth-grade master, after this battle, they even understood how the ninth-grade master turned corruption into a magical existence.

It can be said that without Jiang Beiran and these ninth-grade masters this time, they would never have been able to overcome this difficulty.

Gu Di

So naturally, he wanted to win over a few ninth-grade masters to sit in the sect.

After listening to Yan Xiaobo's words, Jiang Beiran could see through his mind at a glance. If they really want to rebuild the Great Array of Protecting the Sect, they don't have a ninth-rank mage in Tong. ask him for help.

The purpose is naturally to let him recommend some powerful ninth-grade masters to him, and when the time comes to help his sect rebuild, he will be very close.

"I can help you ask Sect Master Yan, but I don't know if those masters are free."

After listening, Yan Xiaobo said three "good" words in a row, and then said: "I am relieved to have Master Jiang's words. After this is done, there must be a heavy thank you!"

Then, after chatting about some things at random, Jiang Beiran saw that Yan Xiaobo had nothing serious, so he got up and cupped his hands and said: "Then if there is nothing else for Sect Master Yan, the junior will leave first."

"Let's go now? Let's stay and have a meal. The royal chefs in the palace are very skilled, and there are many people who miss you."

"Next time, the junior will visit a few masters and discuss the prevention of miasma with them."

After hearing this, Yan Xiaobo could only helplessly say: "It's really not good for me to keep you in this way, then we'll meet again after the matter is over."

"Okay, the junior will leave." Jiang Beiran bowed to Yan Xiaobo and left Beppu.

After visiting Tongguo's "Bearer", it's time to do business. After turning a few streets, Jiang Beiran came to the residence that he had arranged for a few ghost repairers before, but suddenly found that the bustling crowd just now disappeared. , the surroundings are even cleaner than the palace.

'It seems that they really take my words seriously. ’

Nodding, Jiang Beiran knocked on the gate of the courtyard.

With a "squeak", the door was opened, and Jiang Beiran walked in and saw several familiar seniors.

What surprised him was that Gu Liangren was also inside.

Seeing Jiang Beiran constantly looking at himself, Gu Liangren raised his eyes and said, "What? Is it strange for Pindao to be here?"

"Strange." Jiang Beiran nodded, "Very strange, I thought Xianweng, you went out for a wander as usual."

Gu Liangren smiled slightly and replied, "Who told you that I often go out for sightseeing on weekdays?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, but neither."


Jiang Beiran smiled and pointed at Gu Liangren with his middle finger.

Gu Liangren's expression showed a little thought after reading it, as if he was thinking about the meaning of the middle finger.

However, Jiang Beiran didn't give Gu Liangren time to think. He turned to look at Daoist Zhan Yi and asked, "Is the Daoist still comfortable living here?"

Originally, Jiang Beiran just found them a temporary residence, but now that they seem to like staying here, he wondered if he should help them change to a bigger mansion.

Daoist Zhan Yi, who was peeling a banana, heard Jiang Beiran ask himself, and immediately replied: "Shu Xin, that's quite comfortable."

"Do you need to help you change to a bigger room?"

"No, no, I'm waiting for the people who clean up and don't pay attention to these foreign objects." Zhan Yi said and took a bite of the banana: "The reason why living here is comfortable is that we can finally have a place in the center of the six countries. a place to live."

As soon as I heard this, it revealed a strong resentment towards Xuan Xiu. It is estimated that in the past, for the sake of safety, ghost Xiu would definitely not come to this kind of Xuan Sheng, where Xuan Zun gathered.

Although they all have their own way of hiding, there is really no need to worry about it.

But it's different now. When I arranged a place for them, I said that this was his place of retreat and meditation. Don't come here to disturb him when the sky falls.

Of course, his words still carry a lot of weight. Even if he didn't explain it, several streets in front of the mansion were "cleared".

There are no idle people waiting, no, it should be said that no one will come here to disturb them.

"It's good that you are satisfied with the stay. If you have any other needs, just say hello to the junior."

Daoist Zhan Yi couldn't help laughing, and said, "Master Jiang really doesn't have the air of Haiqingtian at all, hahaha, it's not easy."

'Jia Haiqingtian? ’

Hearing the title he got in Shi's house from Zhan Yidao's mouth, Jiang Beiran knew that someone must be spreading his rumors.

"Grandpa! I knew it was you who came."

When a few people were chatting, half of Dahu's body suddenly came down from the second floor and said with a face full of surprise.

"Big... tiger?"

Looking at the "evil spirit" exuding ill-will in front of him, Jiang Beiran didn't dare to recognize it for a while.

If the image of the big tiger's soul before was an honest and humble peasant, then the current big tiger is like Shura who just returned from the underworld, not to mention scaring the child, Lin Zhengying would have shivered when he saw him.

Looking at Jiang Beiran's surprised expression, Daoist Zhan Yi said with satisfaction: "Hahaha, how is it, Dahu, I will say that your benefactor will be surprised by your growth when he sees you again."

Before Jiang Beiran sent Dahu to Zeng Guo to appease the soul there, and told him that if he encountered trouble, he could go back to Daoist Zhan Yi.

A few days later, Jiang Beiran received a letter from Daoist Zhan Yi, stating that Dahu had returned to him and explaining the reason.

That is, the ghost energy on Dahu's body is too heavy now, and when ordinary souls see him coming to rescue and frighten them, they can't comfort them at all.

So in desperation, Dahu could only find Daoist Zhan Yi.

"Didn't the big tiger come back to find you to solve this problem, why is it even more serious?"

Jiang Beiran asked, feeling the terrifying aura on the tiger. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Da Hu, don't hurry up and show your benefactor the results of your cultivation." Taoist Zhan Yi looked at Da Hu and said.


The big tiger agreed and floated down from the second floor. Then he was shocked, and the terrifying hostility instantly dissipated, and he also changed back to the original image of a peasant.

"Papapa." Daoist Zhan Yi clapped his hands twice and praised: "Yes, the control is more proficient."

Then he turned his head and said to Jiang Beiran: "To control these ghosts, you must first get used to them. Now that the big tiger gathers yin, suffocation, madness, and madness, it is not easy for him to control it better. thing."

"But he really worked hard to live up to your expectations. You should praise him."

Jiang Beiran nodded after listening, looked at Da Hu and said, "You did a good job."

"Thank you for your compliment!" Dahu shouted happily.