I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 100: Accident

Chapter 100 Sudden accident (please subscribe~)

There's still a day left until the Tiger Soul Concept Tournament begins.

This also led to the temporary addition of three lessons to Feng Qi's class in Gongfa class, and each lesson was one and a half hours long.

For this Tiger Soul Concept Tournament, even Bai Fusheng felt that Xingcheng University was in a position to win the championship.

After all, the concept of human beings as gods is enough to influence the modern cultivation system and fill a big gap.

Now that the concept competition has not started, several research institutes have already learned about the relevant information through the Internet and have called to inquire.

In this regard, he can only say that the concept game will be announced later.

So he still decided to let Feng Qi take a few more classes to deepen the students' understanding of the concept of human beings and gods. At that time, many research institutes will pay attention to the game.

Therefore, Feng Qi was very busy on this day, and he was basically in class except for meal time.

The concept competition is participated in the form of a class. Each student is responsible for describing part of the content of the proposed concept, and then scores online. If they advance to the finals, the final part will be scored by the jury of the Tiger Soul Research Institute.

Every student is required to participate during this period.

Realizing that their class might be recorded in the annals of history, the students were very excited and full of energy.

After Fengqi finished the class, they didn't relax either. They took the time to review with their notes.

After a busy day, Feng Qi came to the school restaurant.

Feeling hungry, he took a plate full of food and sat down at the table in the north corner.

At this time, Mu Qing had arrived and was feasting, but Lin Ran was nowhere to be seen.

After saying hello to Mu Qing, he also started eating.

At this time, the energy progress bar has reached 99.2%, and it is only 0.8% away from entering the future dream again.

After the physical strength has been increased, he can get about 0.5% of the energy supplement under the condition of full support, so he feels that he can still meet the target tonight.

For dinner, he picks up a lot of high-calorie foods, such as peanut butter, cheesy steak, and all kinds of fried foods. As long as it is high in fat, sugar and calories, it is his first choice.

During the meal, Lin Ran came with a plate.

As before, the food on his plate was not enough to keep Feng Qi and Mu Qing between their teeth.

When he came to the dining table and sat down sideways, he glanced at the food stacked on the Fengqi dinner plate, and a look of consternation appeared on his face:

"Brother Che, are you challenging Senior Sister?"

Facing the question, Feng Qi rolled his eyes, swallowed the food in his mouth and said:

"Today's class is too tired, eat more to replenish your body."

"Beware of overdoing it. It's too unhealthy for you to eat like this. It's all high-calorie food. I feel full after a few glances."

"Occasionally a meal is fine, eat yours." The voice fell, Feng Qi continued to bury his head in eating.

With a strong digestive ability, he does not need to worry about unhealthy diets that will load the body, because the excess calories will be absorbed by the energy supplement progress bar.

Although it is too greasy to eat like this, his body can completely bear it.

Fifteen minutes before the meal, the three of them did not speak, and ate separately.

In the following time, Feng Qi's eating speed slowed down, while Lin Ran was already full and entered a state of wanting nothing.

At this time, the three of them chatted about what they saw today.

But basically Feng Qi and Lin Ran were chatting, and Mu Qing rarely interjected, but compared to the past when she didn't say a word, now Mu Qing has changed a lot.

Half an hour later, Feng Qi looked at the last 0.13% on the progress panel with a slightly grim expression.

He couldn't eat anything, and he almost vomited.

But seeing that the energy progress bar was about to fill up, how could he give up.

"Brother Che, go to the library to study next?"

Facing Lin Ran's question, Feng Qi shook his head, then stood up with his plate in hand:

"No, rest tonight, I'll go get some sweets."

"Can you still eat?" Lin Ran's face was full of surprise.

"Men have two stomachs, one for eating and the other for dessert." Feng Qi said and walked towards the dining area.

"Isn't that describing a woman?" Lin Ran couldn't help muttering.

After Feng Qi walked away, Lin Ran looked at Mu Qing and whispered:

"Maybe this is a man's inexplicable self-esteem. Senior sister can let him win by chance."

When Mu Qing heard this, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, then slowly raised her head and explained:

"We don't eat better than anyone else."

"His behavior has proved that he is secretly competing, otherwise how can he explain that he is eating so desperately?"

Looking at Lin Ran, who had solemnly analyzed the reason, Mu Qing was clearly convinced.

They usually have a general understanding of Feng Qi's food intake. Today, they ate a lot, but they still want to eat. There is obviously a reason.

Thinking of this, Mu Qing hesitated.

Because putting out water means that you will not be full, it is definitely a double torture of spirit and sex.

At this moment, Feng Qi turned back, and after putting down the dinner plate, he looked at Lin Ran and said:

"Don't fool Senior Sister, I heard it just now, I ate so much because I was researching a new cultivation method, how did I become competing with Senior Sister, you are too brainy, I am still Self-aware."

"New practice? If you say this, I won't be sleepy. Tell me about the new practice."

"No time."

With that said, Feng Qi lowered his head and started a new round of eating.

Finally, 10 minutes later, the energy progress bar in his eyes reached 100%.

As for the rest of the food on the plate, in line with the principle of not wasting it, he put it all into Mu Qing's plate.

After saying goodbye to Mu Qing, he and Lin Ran stood up and left the school restaurant.

Lin Ran chose to go to the library to study, and he went straight to the dormitory building.

Now that the energy has been replenished, he decided to enter the dream again and kill the Quartet.

After returning to the dormitory, Feng Qi first filled two bottles of wine, and then lay on the bed.

Drunk and hazy, his thoughts gradually emptied.


The moment he opened his eyes, a gloomy wind blew his face.

Looking up, the blood moon is in the sky, the dark clouds are surging, and the scene in the future dream has not changed.

But he was already prepared.

After all, the plan he left for the future this time is mainly about stability. Maybe history has changed a little, but it is obvious that he wants to change the ending of human civilization.

After looking around, he said with a smile:

"Narrator, go to work!"

Take a day off, thank you boss.

Chess:  …

"No approval!"

He didn't take it seriously for the narrator's reply.

He has already figured out the narration habits, and when he knows the prompt, the narrator will definitely jump out of his own accord.

Taking a step forward, he kicked Xiao Can's head with a flying kick, and he strode towards the underground shelter.

After a while, he entered the underground shelter and stood in front of the data console.

After starting the database, a string of codes swiped across the screen, followed by the familiar palette of options.

With a perfect plan in mind, he first clicked on the search list and entered Wei Wei's name.

After filtering, relevant information emerges.

Wei Wei (traitor of humanity):

Died: 539 years old

Cause of Death: (Confidential Information)

Lifetime achievements (honor): Director of the Genetics Department of the Scarlet Research Institute (cancelled), former Honorary Vice President of the University of Science and Technology (cancelled), S-Class Human Elite Medal (cancelled), Outstanding Contribution Award to Human Development (cancelled)...

Research results: (confidential information)

Evaluation: In the early stage, Wei Wei was a pioneer on the road of human development. She has made many achievements in the field of biological science and made an indelible contribution to the rise of human civilization.

However, in her later years, she was controlled by the spirit of the domain detachment creature, and completely fell to the domain creature's side, and secretly planned a plan to destroy human beings. Fortunately, she was discovered in time, otherwise it would cause irreparable disasters.


After reading the evaluation of Wei Wei from the future people, Feng Qi's expression became slightly solemn.

He no longer fully believes in history, and has always maintained a skeptical attitude.

But if the information displayed by Wei Wei in the database is true, it can explain why there are detached creatures in the Scarlet Research Institute.

Because Wei Wei has been completely controlled, the entire Scarlet Research Institute has also been infiltrated by domain detached creatures.

But new doubts appeared in his mind.

If Wei Wei is on the side of the domain detached creature, then why create a suction cup and release the suction cup to protect the star city when the star city is about to be covered by the domain field.

From this point of view, Wei Wei is obviously on the side of humans.

With limited information, he has no way of knowing what the answer is.

We can only wait for the next time the undercover line opens to find out the details.

As for why he didn't choose to go undercover this time, it was because he felt that the secret about the Scarlet Research Institute might be answered in the message on Mu Qing's mailbox.

After closing Wei Wei's profile page, he entered his name in the search list.

After filtering, his details surfaced on the screen.

Fengqi (The Heroes of the Times):

Age: 32

Cause of Death: Accidental Sudden Death

Date of death: March 14, 2037.

Lifetime achievements (honor): S-level outstanding graduates of Star City University, A-level Human Elite Medal, Outstanding Contribution Award for Human Development,...

Research results: Cultivation Gymnastics Version 2.0, "Tiger Boxing", "Body Tempering Technique", "Heaven and Earth Meditation", "Soul Destroyer", founder of the concept of human beings and gods, participants of the 3.76 version of the cultivation system...

Evaluation: An outstanding person destined to be remembered by history, Feng Qi was a super genius in the eyes of everyone in the early days, and his future prospects are boundless.

During his tenure as a substitute teacher at Xingcheng University, he cultivated many outstanding talents and contributed to the rise of human civilization.

However, Feng Qi's talent did not always shine. As he grew older, his talent seemed to be exhausted and he could no longer create new things.

But history remembers his contribution, and his statue will always stand in the Star City Academy for future generations to pay their respects.


In the comment column of netizens, there are all flower expressions and words of praise.

But Feng Qi didn't feel the slightest bit of joy in his heart.

Accidental sudden death, how about a liar? Bah, I don't believe a single punctuation mark.

"If you guessed correctly, the future I should be assassinated by a creature that transcends the domain."

Even so, there were many doubts in his heart.

In this timeline, although he was brilliant in the early stage, his performance in the later stage was not good, and he just formed the Dawning Domain battle group.

It stands to reason that it will not be targeted by the evil forces lurking in the dark.

But if it was a sudden death, how could he believe it.

Is it possible that ~lightnovelpub.net~ you got a lot of important information by accident, so you must die?

"I don't know, but it doesn't rule out the possibility."

This time, the information in the future database has changed a lot, and it is obviously difficult to find key information through character data.

Therefore, he did not intend to use the third character information review times for the time being, but instead entered the email address on the search page.

After waiting for a few seconds, the private mailbox page pops up.

But when he opened the message box, he was dumbfounded, because the message box was empty.

My dear, if I guessed correctly, after you left your private email to Mu Qing, your secrets were completely leaked. Maybe this is the reason for your "sudden death" in the future.

Therefore, it is very likely that Mu Qing's side has been placed in the eyes of evil forces, and he has also obtained the information you gave to Mu Qing.

After listening to the narrator's explanation, Feng Qi clenched his fist and thumped the console angrily.

"Oh shit!"