I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 14: Rune Transformer

Star City Academy.

Late at night, all sounds are silent.

Feng Qi was sitting on a bench by the lake, looking at the lake and rockery under the moonlight, a little dazed.

In the afternoon, he taught in the cultivation exchange class, and the response from the students was strong, which made him have a new idea in his mind.

Whether he can rely on his own strength to save the future, he cannot guarantee.

But he knew that simply improving his own power would definitely not save the future, and all mankind must work together.

So he needs to create opportunities to speed up the development of human civilization.

In this lecture, an idea emerged in his mind, whether he could serve as a teacher in the academy and cultivate some outstanding talents.

Before graduating from the academy, he was unable to enter the major institutes of Gongfa, so maybe he could try to be a teacher.

For example, the "Tiger Fist" that the professor gave to the students of the training exchange class will inevitably be popularized in the following days, and its influence will gradually radiate to the entire Star City and even the whole world.

But he also knew that doing so himself would inevitably lead to a series of troubles.

Suddenly mastering a lot of cultivation knowledge, and being able to open up a field of cultivation that humans have not yet set foot in at this stage, does seem too unusual.

But how to deal with this problem, he has already made plans.

"However other people like to think, I am a genius, who can create new cultivation methods and open up new fields of cultivation at will, why not!"

At this moment, Feng Qi made a decision.

He's going to pretend to be a big guy.

Because of this "force", he had to pretend, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain where he got the cultivation method, so he might as well just admit it to the world:

"That's right, I'm a super genius that is rare in thousands of years!"

After Si Nian mastered it, Feng Qi stood up and stretched, ready to go back to his room to take a good night's sleep. By the way, he went to fight monsters in the dream to level up, increase his bloodline strength, and explore the secrets in the dream.

Walking towards the dormitory building, he suddenly heard the sound of a harmonica in the distance.

Looking up, he saw a small figure sitting under a willow tree not far away by the light of the street lights by the lake.

She bent her knees and sat under the willow tree, holding the harmonica in both hands, pressed to her lips, and played alone. The tune was deep and fast and slow, as if she was telling a story about sadness.

When he approached, Feng Qi found that the one sitting under the tree was the big stomach Wang Xuejie whom he met in the school restaurant during the day, but what puzzled him was that her eyes turned into vertical pupils at this moment, flickering strangely. Purple glow.

Seeing that Feng Qi was approaching, the girl stopped playing, turned her head to look at Feng Qi, her eyes flashed with a strange purple light, and she opened her mouth to reveal two small tiger teeth.

A savage aura rushed towards him, causing Feng Qi to have an illusion, as if he was standing in front of a beast that chose people to devour him.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" the girl suddenly said.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Feng Qi was stunned, these words made him feel a little baffled.

"Just a little loli, not a monster with three heads and six arms, with a ferocious face, do I need to be afraid? Believe it or not, I will punch you and cry." He complained in his heart.

"My name is Mu Qing!" Looking directly into Feng Qi's eyes, the girl said her name, waiting for his response.

Normally, when they hear her name, the students in the academy will resolutely retreat.

Because she is a rune transforming person, and she is a rune transforming person who is not perfect and can easily get out of control.

It is extremely dangerous to get along with her, and you might lose your life, so the students in the academy also avoided her and regarded her as a beast and an alien.

Hearing Mu Qing say his name, Feng Qi thought it was a self-introduction, so he politely extended his hand and introduced himself:

"Hello, senior, my name is Feng Qi."

Feng Qi's reaction was completely different from what Mu Qing imagined, and she couldn't help frowning:

"you do not know me?"

"Don't know? Senior Sister, are you famous?" Feng Qi looked puzzled.

After looking at Feng Qi for a few seconds, Mu Qing suddenly got up and walked straight into the distance.

Looking at Mu Qing's disappearing figure, Feng Qi felt a little baffled.

"Sister, there is something wrong with the designation."

back to dorm.

Feng Qi took out the tablet from the suitcase and began to look up the data.

Senior Sister Mu Qing made him curious, especially the rune spar inlaid on her right arm, which made Feng Qi think of domain creatures.

Because the body is inlaid with rune spar, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is one of the most obvious characteristics of domain creatures.

After logging in to the Star City Academy Forum, Feng Qi typed in "Mu Qing" and started searching for relevant information.

While flipping through the pages, his expression gradually became solemn.

Only at this moment did he realize that Mu Qing was actually a rune transforming person.

Regarding the rune transformation, Wang Jinsheng briefly mentioned it in the history class.

Like Reiki Cultivation, rune-transforming human beings originated from the exploration and research experiments of early humans on domain creatures.

At that time, in addition to the research on the aura of heaven and earth, a group of scholars wanted to try to obtain power from domain creatures.

Every domain creature is inlaid with a rune brand on its body surface that is connected to its internal organs. At that time, scholars who advocated exploring the profound meaning of strengthening from the body of the domain creature started with the rune brand. After numerous attempts, they finally proposed the A daring plan "Rune Transformer Project".

They advocate extracting "rune power" from domain creatures, and then inserting them into ordinary people, so that ordinary people can gain power comparable to domain creatures.

At that time, this plan even overwhelmed the "Reiki Research School", which is now the study of cultivation, and once became the mainstream of human development.

However, the drawbacks quickly emerged. After the first batch of people who participated in the experiment were inlaid with runes in their bodies, although they gained powerful power in a short period of time, as time passed, their temperaments changed greatly, and they gradually became out of control, causing a lot of damage. security risks.

Although a small number of experimenters successfully controlled the rune power and became rune warriors with powerful strength, the success rate of the experiment was terribly low, and there was a potential risk of losing control. In the end, the plan of "rune transformation" was rejected. shelved.

Cultivation has also become the most important main line of human development in the follow-up research and development and innovation.
