I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 207: Similar historical trajectories (4D

North of the Winter Supply Zone.

Field of Silence.

The towering gray field barrier is like a canopy, blocking the team's way forward.

If you look closely, you can find that this gray sky is slowly expanding outward.

The convoy stopped one kilometer away from the Field of Silence, and then Mu Qing got out of the car with a group of members of the Snow Wolf Battle Group and began to set up camp.

Tents of various colors are raised in the makeshift camp.

Setting up the tent is very simple.

In the retracted state, the tent is similar to a metal suitcase. After pressing the "Open" button, four metal strips will protrude from the four corners of the metal box, and then automatically insert into the ground, and the tent folded in the center will rise up. build.

This product is specially created by the Future Research Institute for the front-line domain battle groups. It has undergone several generations of updates so far. It is easy to carry and easy to use.

The auxiliary staff in the battle group also took out the tools and ingredients at this time and started to make dinner.

This will be the best meal before entering the field.

After entering the field, they can only supplement their consumption with fast food. Cooking on a fire is an extremely risky and stupid behavior.

The heads of the six domain battle groups participating in this exploration operation also sat together at this time, discussing and confirming their respective work arrangements in this operation.

The bonfire swayed in the cold wind.

Seeing the steaming food being brought to her, Mu Qing couldn't help swallowing.

Seeing the eager look on Mu Qing's face, the woman sitting beside her couldn't help but smile:

"Are you that hungry?"

"I can eat it." Mu Qing said honestly.

During this period of time, she had been suppressing her appetite, but at the moment she couldn't help it.

"No matter how much I can eat, I can still eat. I have been able to eat since I was a child. When I was in the winter school, I was nicknamed the rice bucket by my classmates." Bison laughed at this time.

"Then I might be several barrels... or a dozen barrels," Mu Qing said solemnly.

They thought Mu Qing was joking, everyone couldn't help laughing, and the bison even laughed.

But soon they stopped laughing.

When the plates of food were served, Mu Qing showed a fierce side.

Others are eating, and Mu Qing's eating can only be described as "dry rice".

Looking at the dwindling food, the bison immediately shouted at the busy staff:

"Ono, increase the amount of food, increase the amount!"

"Received." The busy young man immediately shouted with a smile.

After eating this meal for a long time, when everyone could not eat it, Mu Qing was still eating.

Her appetite completely overwhelmed everyone present. They really couldn't understand, Mu Qing's slender figure, where did the food in her stomach go.

Ono, who was still processing food at this time, watched the originally sufficient food shrink rapidly, and couldn't help but begin to doubt his life.

I even thought that this operation might return early because of food problems.

Fortunately, at this moment, Mu Qing finally stopped eating and put down the plate in her hand with a happy face.

The bison gave her a thumbs up at this moment:

"Take it, take it with your heart."

"Will it be too edible?" She said a little embarrassedly.

"How come, our battle group is also a C-level battle group, and we can't afford to support you." Buffalo said with a smile immediately.

After some small talk, Tuo Yan, the head of the regiment, came from a distance.

After gathering everyone together, he began to tell the latest information from other regimental commanders.

The recent rate of expansion of the Silent Field Field is intensifying.

Before them, three combined chapters had entered the field, but none of them had returned.

Since there is no signal in the field, the outside world does not know what they have encountered, whether they are in danger, or are mining the resources in the field.

At this stage, their task is to explore the Silent Domain Field, and while collecting internal intelligence information, they try to find the missing Domain Chapter members.

After the narration, Tuoyan opened the mouth and said:

"Pack up, then have a good rest, and enter the field early tomorrow morning." After speaking, he turned and walked towards his tent.

After hearing this, everyone stood up one after another, cleaned up the neighborhood briefly, said goodnight to each other, and then walked into the tent.

Mu Qing also entered her tent at this time.

There is not much space in the tent, and the top is a transparent film made of special materials. After lying down, you can clearly see the sky.

Listening to the whistling sound of the cold wind meeting in her ears, she thought about her thoughts and gradually entered her dream.

A few hours later, the corners of her mouth appeared sparkling, and she murmured with a smile:

"It's very yummy!"

At seven o'clock the next morning, the extreme north was still shrouded in darkness.

Except for the individual on-duty personnel who are always concerned about the expansion of the field, the rest of the personnel are still sleeping.

But at this moment, the guards standing on the roof of the car suddenly found that several figures appeared in the field, and then broke through the barrier of the field and came to the outside world.

The guards did not hesitate at all, and immediately sounded the alarm.

The piercing alarm sounded and the cold wind whistled, awakening the sleeping soldiers.

Like a conditioned reflex, they quickly put on their gear and walked out of the tent.

The searchlight hit the field at this time.

I saw several humanoid figures stumbled out of the field, leaving **** footprints under their bodies as they advanced.

"My own people, support." The guard who used the observation equipment to see the situation clearly shouted decisively.

Understanding the situation, the well-trained domain warriors rushed towards the domain field.

But before they could get close, a hand made of fog penetrated the field and grabbed a few figures that were still running.

In the horrified expressions of everyone, they were drained of flesh and blood in the blink of an eye and turned into a mummified corpse.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing this scene, the bison, who had already rushed to the front of the field, couldn't help roaring angrily.

"All the staff gather, all the ones in front will be returned to me, and prepare for the battle!" Tuo Yan, the regiment leader, shouted at this moment.

Hearing the order, the bison was unwilling, but quickly turned around and returned to the camp.

Looking at the slowly expanding field, everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

Just now, a misty palm penetrated the barrier of the domain field, which proves that this is a domain detached creature, and it is fully capable of leaving the domain field and coming to the outside world.

This is definitely not good news.

In contrast, domain detached beings are a greater threat to humans than expanded domain fields.

After a while, the mummified corpses of the domain soldiers were carried into the camp.

Looking at the mummified corpse, all the soldiers seemed a little silent.

Even though he was used to seeing life and death, he felt a panic in his heart when he saw his own soldiers fall in front of him.

Today's them may also be tomorrow's self.

What happened just now also made the soldiers realize that the few chapters that lost contact are likely to encounter an accident, although this is a high probability event.

The information explored in the field of silence at this stage is limited, and this incident has improved their evaluation of the difficulty of the field of silence.

But it has already arrived, and they naturally won't leave here.

After burying the dead comrades-in-arms, Tuoyan and a group of regiments began to lead the team members to start preparations.

After 2 hours, wait for the sun to rise.

Tuoyan and the rest of the chapter leaders took their members and moved towards the field of silence from different directions.

"Everyone is ready for battle, don't take it lightly, this field may not be as simple as we think."

Before entering the field, Tuoyan turned around and shouted.

Upon hearing the order, the members clenched their weapons.

Walking with the bison behind Tuoyan, Mu Qing, who was carrying a large bag, also clenched her fists and prepared for battle.

When her body comes into contact with the field field light curtain.

She felt a slight obstruction, followed by a suction, and walked straight into the field of silence.

Stepping into it, she immediately felt the difference between the field and the outside world.

The whistling sound of the icy cold wind disappeared in an instant.

The gravity here is obviously several times higher than the outside world, and even the luggage behind it has become heavier.

But these weights are well within her tolerance, so she is not affected at all.

The most affected were the devotees in the team, but they had also undergone physical training. After simple adjustments, they quickly adapted to the gravity here.

There was a thick fog ahead, lingering.

Fear comes from the unknown, and the environment in front of them puts a lot of psychological pressure on everyone.

"Get close, pay attention to who is around you, and call in time in case of an accident."

As the team's temporary core and main force, the bison stepped forward and came to Tuoyan, and took the lead to explore the field.

Seeing this, Mu Qing immediately followed Buffalo's side.

At this moment, the analyst in the team stretched out his hand to cover a cloud of mist with aura, began to analyze the composition of the mist, and then took out an electronic pen to write down the information.

These data will be stored in the database file of the Chapter Federation after the return, and shared with all Chapters in real time.

At the same time, the battle groups that collect data and materials can also receive contribution point rewards.

Contribution points are the necessary data for a domain battle group to be promoted, similar to the experience points in the game.

Completing the tasks of the research institute, attacking the domain field, collecting data, etc., can bring the contribution value of the domain battle group to increase.

As long as the three criteria of contribution value, number of people and comprehensive strength are met, the evaluation of the battle group can be promoted.

The welfare of team members can also be improved as a result.

In addition, the contribution value of the corresponding field field can also bring the resource sharing income after the successful dispersal.

High risk, but also high reward.

Therefore, during the exploration, the analysts in the battle group will collect relevant data of the field field in real time.

The surveyors responsible for surveying and mapping along the way also took out a blank map at this time and began to survey and map the terrain along the way, including the trees, flowers and plants they encountered. Terrain comes.

Each Chapter's surveyors are comparable to humanoid maps.

They generally graduated from Galaxy University and received professional training. They can accurately control the distance of each step. Therefore, even if the field of silence is surrounded by fog and cannot see the environment in front of them, they can outline the environment in the area.

Surveying the terrain is also the focus of the Snow Wolf Battle Group's mission this time.

The missions of several Chapters that have entered the field from other directions are similar to theirs.

As you explore further.

Everyone vaguely heard a wailing sound ringing in their ears.

It sounded like weeping, but in an instant it turned into a hysterical roar.

No one spoke at this time, and everyone gathered together, slowly advancing in the footsteps of the bison.

At this moment, a scream came from the left side of the team.

The fog was thick, and I could only see a distance of about one meter around, and I couldn't see what happened where the screams came from.

Tuoyan shouted at this time:

"Monkey, what's the situation?"

"There was a phantom approaching, which didn't look like a real entity, and took Ono away." The monkey on the left side of the protection team responded eagerly.

"Approximate location!"

"Centre staff at 11 o'clock."

Hearing the reply, several warlocks in the team released the illumination technique together, condensed the ball of light in their hands, and then threw it to the direction the monkey said.

The light ball traversed the half-moon track in the air, dispelling the surrounding fog along the way.

At this time, everyone saw Ono flying in the air, and above his head was an illusory ghost with a blue body.

"Don't move the buffalo, shoot it down vigorously for me." Seeing that the buffalo wanted to go to support, Tuoyan immediately stopped it, and then shouted at a warlock in the team.

Hearing the order, the warlock known as Mighty raised his hands.

A bow condensed from aura slowly condensed in his hand, followed by a flaming arrow at the bowstring.

After aiming, only a crisp explosion was heard.

The aura bow shattered and turned into thrust to send the flame arrows out.

The arrow flew very fast, and soon caught up with the ghost, and the flame arrow penetrated.

Immediately, the flames burned violently, wrapping the ghost, and Ono fell straight from the air.

"Monkey take it back!"

Hearing the order, the man known as the monkey immediately ran towards Ono, approached at a very fast speed, jumped up before Ono landed, and caught him.

After the monkey brought Ono back, the light ball in the air just burned out, and the sight was shrouded in fog again.

"Monkey, report Ono's injury."

"There are scratches on the left shoulder. The injury is not serious, but it seems that he has suffered some kind of mental injury. Now he is a little confused."

Hearing these words, the analyst in the team said:

"My test results are out. The fog here contains substances that are mentally hypnotic. Everyone try not to get hurt."

Hearing these words, Tuoyan's expression became a little serious:

"First feed Ono a meditation pill, adjust his position to the middle of the team, and move on."

After making arrangements, the Chapter moved on.

The vision was not clear in the fog, and then Tuoyan began to let the spiritual practitioners in the team take turns to release the "illumination technique" to illuminate the way forward.

Doing so consumes a lot of energy, and it won't take long to explore with the illumination technique, and the spiritual warlocks in the team will exhaust the aura in their bodies unless they are replenished in real time.

But the level of danger in the fog is higher.

Tuoyan chose to consume a lot of Reiki supplements, and even if he returned early, he had to focus on safety.

After hours of exploration, the surveyors have mapped a part of the environment of the silent field.

While continuing to move forward, Mu Qing suddenly pricked up her ears:

"Captain, there is a sound of fighting from the direction of 2 o'clock, it seems to be other members of the chapter who are conducting joint operations with us."

Hearing Mu Qing's answer, Tuoyan immediately looked at the bison and said:

"Did you hear the bison?"

"This...I really didn't hear it."

"Xiaoqing, are you sure you heard?" Tuoyan asked Mu Qing with a serious expression at this moment.

"Well, I did hear it."

After hearing Mu Qing's affirmative answer, Tuo Yan nodded, then took a deep breath and shouted:

"All members of the regiment, speed up and hurry in the direction of 2 o'clock!"

Several illuminating light **** were thrown towards the 2 o'clock direction, and everyone immediately turned their direction and followed the bison in the direction pointed by Mu Qing.

Five minutes later, everyone saw several illuminating light spheres rising in the sky, as well as the troubled brother chapter.

Fighting with them was overwhelming ghosts, and this scene made the hearts of all the members sink.

Also realized that the situation of the Brothers Chapter is very bad.

But at this time, they didn't hesitate in the slightest.

The purpose of launching a joint operation is to take care of each other when exploring the field.

At this time, the brothers' battle group encountered difficulties, and naturally they could not turn a blind eye. As the head of the group, Tuo Yan immediately shouted in a deep voice:

"Bison, charge with the warriors, monkeys, crocodiles, and sticks leave the protection team behind!"

"Okay!" After hearing the order, the Buffalo's body lit up with red flames, and rushed towards the surrounded Brothers Chapter first.

Behind him is a warrior charge team of more than 20 people.

The long-range magician of the Snow Wolf Chapter stood there, began to outline the spell, and then threw it to the encirclement formed by countless ghosts.

Seeing that the people around her started to act, Mu Qing turned to look at Tuo Yan at this moment:

"Captain, I also want to join the war."

"That's right, follow the bison closely, don't get lost in the fog." Tuoyan, who knew that Mu Qing had the strength to protect himself, nodded immediately and agreed to her request.

"I'll pay attention."

Mu Qing agreed with a serious face, and then put down the large luggage on her shoulders.

Immediately after, her figure galloped away like a flash of lightning. With Tuoyan's unbelievable expression, she easily surpassed the running bison and appeared outside the encirclement of ghosts.

After standing still, she slowly raised her fist.

The roaring qi and blood in her body is like the hot sun, and just standing there will instantly evaporate the nearby ghosts.

When her fist swung out, the wind swept forward in an instant, and the terrifying lethality lifted a large amount of sediment on the ground.


The reverse thrust made the ground under her feet tremble, and the sky was blasted out of a fist-print hole, and the dispelled mist could no longer gather for a long time.

This punch alone killed a large number of ghosts, and stunned the members of the brothers who were fighting.

At this time, Mu Qing threw a second punch after accumulating energy.

Her attack method is simple and rude, but the power of the fist wind alone cannot be resisted by the ghost.

The second punch was thrown, the hurricane tore out the wind roar, and a large number of ghosts were scattered by the fist wind.

"Mom, Xiaoqing's strength has not been picked up by the top battle group, and how can he be picked up by us." The secretary of the Xuelang battle group was stunned at this moment.

"You picked the people, and I want to ask you where you picked the monster." Tuoyan couldn't help but complain.

As he spoke, there was excitement in his eyes.

As the Chapter Secretary said, this time, the Snow Wolf Chapter really picked up Taobao.

Mu Qing's strength was beyond their expectations, not a super graduate that a C-rank battle group like them would normally accept.

At this time, the battle on the other side continued.

With every time Mu Qing punched, the ghosts in the sky would be swept away.

In less than five minutes, the battle was over.

The fog around her was also dispelled by her fist wind, clearing an open space and being able to see the sky clearly.

Looking at Mu Qing, everyone was stunned by her strength.

At this moment, the great devil of history is revealed.

The two teams then reunited, and medical personnel began to help those injured.

At this moment, the bison came to Mu Qing's side and grinned:

"Xiaoqing, it seems that the survival skills I taught you are completely unnecessary. I underestimated your strength."

Hearing these words, Mu Qing decisively shook her head:

"Brother Niu, these skills are very useful. I will also form my own battle group in the future, and I will also teach this knowledge to newcomers."

The bison was about to answer, when the mist in the sky suddenly shrank, and then a huge misty face emerged from it. It looked at the people below with a playful expression:

"New foods appear."

Feeling the pressure from the top of their heads, the combatants of the two teams immediately prepared for the battle.

"I'm very curious, you are obviously very weak, where did you have the courage to step into this place."

Faced with the question, everyone looked solemn.

The domain creature formed by the fog above its head can speak human language, which proves that it has obviously had contact with humans, and may even be a special domain creature that can absorb human memory.

Seeing that the people below did not speak, the misty face continued:

"The three chapters that came in with you just now have been devoured by me. Now it's your turn. Let me feel your fear. That's my favorite food."

The voice fell, the misty face collapsed, and then the thick mist suddenly sank.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing flashed to the front of the battle group, and suddenly threw a punch towards the sky.

The fist rubbed the air to make a sonic boom, and the terrifying power instantly tilted towards the sky.

This punch was like a needle of sea-fixing, so that the mist in the sky could no longer press down.

Suddenly, a surprised exclamation came from the fog.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing threw her fist again, and the terrifying power stirred the fog and dispelled a large area of ​​the fog.

At this moment, a huge sharp claw suddenly stretched out from the mist and grabbed Mu Qing.

The jade-colored air enveloped her body, Mu Qing took a deep breath, and punched the sky again.

The jade-colored streamer pierced out of the body, like a soaring dragon swimming up.


The sky exploded, and the misty claws were easily shattered.

Seeing this scene, Misty's face condensed and emerged again. It looked at Mu Qing with a solemn expression, obviously not expecting such a formidable opponent to appear.

"You are very strong, so I let you go, but everyone behind you must stay."

"Shab pen!" Mu Qing, who never scolded anyone, immediately raised her **** towards the Lord of Mist, imitating Feng Qi's appearance.

The bison standing behind Mu Qing also shouted to the sky at this time:

"We also spare your life, now go back to your world."

A sneer appeared on the face of the Mist Lord who heard these words:

"Even if I leave, your human civilization will still not change the ending of extinction."

"Fart, human beings will win, even if we can't disperse the domain field, our descendants will definitely be able to do it."

"Your fearlessness comes from ignorance, and ignorance makes you stupid."

Looking down, the Lord of Mist's eyes seemed to be looking at a few bugs.

At this moment, Mu Qing squatted down and charged up, and then threw a punch towards the sky again.

The terrifying coercion swept into the sky, shattering a large piece of fog, and the faces in the fog became distorted as the fist wind swept through.

"You are very strong, and you are the strongest human being I have ever encountered. Even if I want to kill you, I have to spend some means, but recently I need to retain my strength to do more meaningful things... I will leave you one more time. chance."

Mu Qing didn't reply, her clenched fist was the best response.

Seeing Mu Qing recharged her strength again, the misty face in the sky let out a laugh:

"You are indeed very strong. I can feel the qi and blood in your body, but you can't protect the people behind you. I think they will die, but it's just a thought."

"You dare!" Mu Qing roared immediately, and suddenly threw a punch into the sky.

At this time, the mist shrouded their position from all directions, and the mist's face also rushed towards Mu Qing at this time.

The misty face collided with the fist wind, stalemate in the air.

At this time, screams came from behind, and the flesh and blood of the people who came into contact with the mist began to melt rapidly.

The fog that shrouded this time has a strong corrosive effect.

Hearing the screams, the fighters in the rear threw energy barriers towards the vicinity in an attempt to resist the continued invasion of the fog.

But the strength they gathered was vulnerable in front of the fog, and was quickly dissolved, and the fog quickly swallowed the silhouettes one by one.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qing was anxious.

She's not afraid of the Mist getting close, but the Chapter warriors behind her obviously can't.

Thinking of this, she suddenly lost the urge to fight, she just wanted to bring them all out.

She immediately turned around and came to the rear, punched out a large fog, and then shouted:

"I'll make the way, follow me!"

Hearing these words, the fighters followed.

Listening to the laughter coming from overhead, all the personnel began an emergency evacuation.

At this time, they all realized that the Silent Domain Field was not something that a domain battle group of their level could conquer, and staying here would undoubtedly be death.

At this time, Mu Qingfei ran fast around the battle group, constantly waving his fists to dispel the fog, so as to open up a way for the soldiers to survive.

The team moved fast, but the Mist Lord followed closely.

The fog covered it so fast that even though Mu Qing ran around the battle group quickly, some team members would still be swallowed by the fog, drained of flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, and turned into mummified corpses.

Seeing this scene, the murderous intent in Mu Qing's eyes grew stronger.

The huge emotional fluctuations made Mu Qing's eyes glow with scarlet light, and she was on the verge of losing control.

She worked hard to suppress her emotions and continued to run, covering the team's progress.

Under her protection, after a few hours of running, everyone finally passed through the domain barrier and came to the outside world.

At this point the team has lost nearly a third of its headcount.

Mu Qing's eyes, who had not been in a runaway state for a long time, were completely covered in scarlet. After making sure everyone was safe, she suddenly rushed into the mist.

Now she desperately needs to vent her power.

If you continue to stay outside, the soldiers will be in danger if they lose control completely.

In the fog, Mu Qing let out a roar and kept throwing punches.

The misty face stared at Mu Qing in the dark, not thinking of taking action.

But when he saw that ghosts were constantly being killed in the fog, it finally couldn't stand it any longer and came to Mu Qing again.

The almost solid misty palm collided with Mu Qing's fist.

In an instant, the field seemed to have turned into two worlds, and the fog behind Mu Qing was all dissipated by the strong wind.

At this moment, Mu Qing's eyes flickered fiercely, and a jade-colored aura appeared on her body, pressing forward step by step against the sea of ​​mist that was surging like a vast sea.

Feeling Mu Qing's unparalleled power, Misty's face looked very surprised.

It found that it still underestimated Mu Qing's strength.

Unwilling to be reconciled, it gathered in the misty sea, and finally turned into a humanoid boy with purple hair and purple eyes.

When the fists collided again.

Space cracks flickered around them, and the barriers outside the field were turbulent.

At this moment, Mu Qing let out a low roar, grabbed the purple-haired boy by the hair and threw him to the ground, and then his fist shrouded in jade-colored air suddenly fell.

The earth trembled, and the purple-haired boy was knocked into the ground by this punch.

Immediately after the ground cracked, Mu Qing tore the ground with both hands and rushed towards the purple-haired boy.

Realizing that his strength was not Mu Qing's opponent at all, the purple-haired boy decisively chose to dodge, tore the ground from the side and drilled out of it, and then flew into the sky.

Mu Qing continued chasing after him, like an arrow shot out of the ground towards the purple-haired boy.

Her speed was extremely fast, and the purple-haired boy was caught by the hair again before he had time to react, and was dragged and smashed to the ground.


At the moment of landing, Mu Qing's fist hit the purple-haired boy's face firmly.

Smashed into the ground again.

Feeling the pain in his face, the purple-haired boy seemed completely angry.

The gray airflow overflowed from his body and enveloped his body, and he got out of the ground and rushed towards Mu Qing.

In the collision between the fist and the flesh, Mu Qing was protected by the jade-colored aura, and there was no injury on the surface of her body.

On the other hand, the purple-haired boy's body was covered in scars, and his chest was even sunk in.

Facing Mu Qing's physical oppression, the purple-haired boy turned into a mist and retreated abruptly, before condensing his body again.

A strange purple light appeared in his eyes, looking directly at Mu Qing.

Countless whispers rang out in Mu Qing's mind.

But these mental bewitching techniques were useless in front of the furious Mu Qing and were automatically exempted.

Mu Qing bullied him again.

Realizing that the mental offensive was ineffective, the purple-haired boy quickly outlined the trajectory of the spell, and the space around Mu Qing suddenly tore apart, forming a space cage around her.

Immediately afterwards, countless fog thorns formed in the prison space, stabbing on Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing ignored it at all, the jade-colored aura on her body was her unbreakable defense.

Her fists hit the space rift with punch after punch.

The whole world seemed to be shaking.

Mu Qing, who was completely out of control, was like a prehistoric beast, unmatched and unstoppable.

As the jade-colored smoky air continued to seep out of her body, a vague beast figure appeared behind her, exuding endless coercion, to look at all things.

Immediately after, Mu Qing stretched her hand out of the space crack.

The space power that can tear everything apart, but failed to hurt her body in the slightest.

In an extremely rude way, she walked out of the space cage step by step through the void.

Seeing this scene, the purple-haired boy's face showed a panicked expression.

At this time, she had a clear understanding of Mu Qing's physical strength, and also realized that she could not be her opponent at all.

The battle with Mu Qing even made him feel threatened with death.

It immediately had the idea of ​​​​escape from this place.

Without hesitation, it decisively turned into a mist and galloped towards the sky.

But Mu Qing, who was in a state of rage, didn't give it a chance at all, and suddenly opened her mouth wide and took a sharp breath towards the sky.

The phantom of the beast behind it also opened its gluttonous mouth to the sky at this time.

The mist in the sky suddenly converged towards Mu Qing's mouth, as if an invisible giant force was pulling the mist into Mu Qing's mouth.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, Misty made every effort to penetrate outside the field.

However, a large amount of fog was still pulled by the suction and sent into Mu Qing's mouth. In the end, only one-third of the fog escaped from the sky through the domain barrier.

At this time, before Mu Qing had finished venting the negative emotions that were constantly emerging, she slammed her fist into the ground.

The punch was far more terrifying than ever.

The entire field of silence trembled, and then a crack quickly spread around the area where she was standing.

Then she threw a second punch, a third punch….

Under her furious offensive, the space crystal in the central area of ​​the field became flickering, and it could be broken at any time.

Another punch fell, and the earth that had formed a huge pit with a diameter of 10,000 meters trembled again.

With the fierce beast behind Mu Qing roaring in the sky, the domain field could no longer support it, and the space spar inside instantly shattered into powder.

The barrier veil of the Silence Field Field dissipated.

The way that the major field battle groups attack the field field has always been to crush the space spar inside the field field as the main goal.

But this time, Mu Qing vented her power over the entire domain field, shattering the entire domain field in an extremely violent way, and finally the space spar shattered.

When the power was released, Mu Qing's eyes gradually returned to clarity.

Looking at the huge sky pit formed around her, she took a deep breath and clenched her trembling fists.

There was even a hint of fear in his eyes.

I also realize that I must exercise emotional control as soon as possible in the future, otherwise it may lead to irreversible consequences.

After adjusting her emotions, the anger in her heart disappeared.

She also turned and walked to the south where the team members were.


At this time, in a snowy forest north of the Silent Domain Field.

A purple-haired boy was hunched over on the ground, his body covered with scars.

Continuous strands of gray mist leaked from his body, and his pale lips made him look very weak, as if he was going to die at any moment.

"Cough cough..."

It opened its mouth and spit out two mists, and the breath of life weakened sharply at this time.

But a strong desire to survive hangs its life.

Realizing that his source of life was about to dissipate, there was a touch of remorse and madness in his eyes.

At this moment, his hands pierced into the soil and grasped the soil tightly, growling from his throat, as if he wanted to fight against death.

But the weakening of the breath of life is irresistible.

Now that the domain field has been shattered, the world is missing some of the rules that blend with it, and the battle with Mu Qing has hurt his life source, making it difficult for him to support it any longer.

Live! Live!

The infinite desire for life made him struggle to hang the last ray of anger, and he was unwilling to accept the coming of death.

But its consciousness soon became blurred and disjointed with the passing of vitality.

At this time, it seemed to see its own clansmen standing not far away looking at it, and their expressions were regretful, angry, sad...

"Patriarch, you said you would resurrect us all. We opened a path to hope for you, but you broke your promise."

"Patriarch, why did you abandon us!"

"Give me to continue living, devour enough qi and blood to condense our flesh, and resurrect us all!"

"Brother, I still want to live, but I am willing to die for you, don't let me down."

"There are miracles in that world, and every miracle has the power to change destiny. Go find them and fulfill your dream of becoming a god."

"You don't deserve to be this patriarch. You said you wanted to plunder opportunities in another world to open up a brand new world for us. Did you do it?!"

"You are a genius that my clan has never had before, and you have a talent that can rival the gods of the strong clan. Today, I will pass on the position of the patriarch to you. I hope you can lead my clan to rise. Don't let me down..."


Various voices are intertwined in its mind.

But because of the incompatibility between the body and the world, the gray life source within it is still passing away.

But the purple-haired boy suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

I want to live!

Then it began to try to be compatible with the world, and even chose to cut off the source of life and then reunite, so as to create an adaptive source of life to adapt to the rules of this world.

Use death to defy the sky and change your life, thus breaking the dead end.

During the struggle, the purple-haired boy's eyes were filled with gray, and he fell to the ground and gradually lost his vitality.

After an unknown amount of time, the purple-haired boy's body was covered with snow and completely buried.

Just then, a hand stretched out from the snow.

Immediately afterwards, the big avalanche covering the body surface scattered, and the purple-haired boy floated out of it.

At this time, his eyes turned purple again, and it successfully changed his life against the sky, gaining a new life and a new source of life that could be integrated with the rules of this world.

But at this time, he was still very weak. Compared with Mu Qing before the battle, his strength was more than half damaged, and his body was full of dark wounds and cracks.

With a wave of his hand, countless ghosts emerged from his body, surrounding him.

Soon the entire sky was covered with ghosts.

Looking at the familiar faces, a look of determination appeared in his eyes, and then he sucked the ghost back into his body.

Looking at the direction in which the "Clan Land" collapsed~lightnovelpub.net~ its expression was indifferent.

At this point, he knew his plans were about to change completely.

He originally wanted to focus on the "Clan Domain Field" and learn from those strong clans who continued to spread the Domain Field to cover more area, devour life and absorb qi and blood along the way, and prepare for the resurrection of the clansmen.

But now that the clan's domain has collapsed, he also understands that this road will not work at all with his own abilities.

While thinking about it, he looked to the south, and a brand new plan emerged in his mind.

Since the clan is gone, start over and create a new future.

Thinking of this, he rose up in the air, turned into a fog in the air, and flew to the south.

History traces a trajectory similar to that of multiple timelines at this moment.

With great ambition, the Lord of the Mist, who wants to devour the entire world with the clan as the center, meets the new warrior "Mu Qing" when the clan's domain is perfectly integrated with the world for expansion.

One is the strongest genius in the history of the ethnic group.

One is the battle force that overwhelmed the historical demon king of this era.

Mu Qing won this battle with an absolute advantage.

The Lord of the Mist, who struggled to survive from death, was swayed by his fate line, and he understood that this road would not work with his own abilities, so he gave up the idea of ​​expanding the domain of the clan and the world.

In the future, his fate line is destined to be in line with Lin Ran.

A plan that has been laid out for thousands of years and resurrected the tribe will also be born one day in the future.

Thank you to my wife for the most beautiful 10,000 starting coins in the world.

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins for reading, reading and listening to the evaluation of the monthly ticket.

The update was late today, so I stayed up late and made a 4D chapter to make up for it.

Thank you for your continued support

Finally push a friend's book, link below: