I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 212: Accompany the future

Under the leadership of Mu Qing, Feng Qi and Lu Yue walked into Liming Manor.

Liming Manor is very large. Going forward along the main road, there is a snow bamboo forest on the left, and there are several white bear cubs in it.

On the right side of the main road is a large inner hot spring lake, and there is a small road connecting the main road to the pavilions in the center of the lake.

At the end of the lake, there are a lot of buildings, which need to be detoured from the main road.

Walking along the lake, there are functional buildings one after another.

Training rooms, equipment warehouses, underground parking lots, cinemas... all kinds of facilities are readily available.

Passing through the functional building complex, they came to the residential area.

Here are rows of single-family homes.

From Mu Qing's introduction, he learned that since the number of members of the Dawn Battle Group is now close to 10,000, the arrangement of members is generally five people, and the room is free to choose.

"What about you?" Hearing Mu Qing's remarks, he suddenly asked curiously.

"I'm the head of the regiment, of course it's one person and one house, so I still have this privilege." Mu Qing responded with a smile.

After walking for a while with Mu Qing, they were taken to a house:

"Aqi, you will live here in the future, I will live in house 001 next to you, and Lu Yue is house 003."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi quickly shook his head:

"It's not good, just come here to make something special, let the members in the group see it, and think I'm a little white face you take care of outside, then I'm so embarrassed."

Hearing these words, Mu Qing couldn't help rolling her eyes:

"What little white face, my decision is the decision of the whole group. They always obey my arrangement."

"Then take a step back and let Lu Yue share with me. It's too wasteful for one person to share."

Looking at the serious chess seal, Mu Qing nodded immediately:

"Then you can live together. The inside has been arranged for you in advance. Go ahead and put down your luggage. I will go to the restaurant in the evening to hold a welcome ceremony for you. I will go to do something first."

"Okay, you can go to work first." Feng Qi nodded immediately.

Then he and Lu Yue walked down the stairs to the door with their luggage, and then pushed open the door.

The decor in the room is mainly black and white, and the furniture is complete.

When he came to the second floor to choose a room, he put down his luggage, and then sorted out the clothes in the luggage and put them in the closet.

After finishing finishing, he pushed open the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony.

Compared with the inside of the house where the heating is turned on all the time, the air outside is cold, like another world.

Standing on the balcony, he looked at the scene in Dawn Manor.

In front of the residential building is a horizontal green path that winds to the B residential area in the distance.

In front of the green plant trail is the hot spring lake, the lake is surrounded by white mist, like a fairyland.

The environment here is elegant and relaxing.

But he knew the cruelty concealed in the elegant environment.

Because this is the front line.

It is absolutely staggering how many corpses were buried under the snow.

The media often reported news about the frontline, including the treatment of frontline soldiers, but no one complained about why they were treated so well.

It was clear what these warriors were carrying.

On such a day, it is not an exaggeration to say that the knife is licking blood.

Before each mission, no one knows whether they will be able to see the sun rising as usual.

After a long time, he turned around and returned to the house.

It happened that Lu Yue also came out of the room, and then the two walked around the rooms on each floor and wrote down the purpose of each room.

When night fell, Mu Qing came again.

Walking into the room, she saw Feng Qi and Lu Yue lying on the sofa watching satellite TV, a smile appeared on her face:

"Come with me to the restaurant, followed by the welcome ceremony."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi bent down and stood up, and said curiously:

"Isn't the whole group approaching 10,000 people? Wouldn't it be very troublesome if a welcome ceremony needs to be held every time newcomers come?"

Facing the question, Mu Qing shook her head:

"It would be too troublesome to hold a welcome ceremony for the whole team every time a newcomer arrives, so the rule I made is that each newcomer arrives, and a welcome ceremony is held in the team he is assigned to."

"But there are exceptions, such as the annual graduation season, when a large number of newcomers arrive, a welcome ceremony for the whole group will be held."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi quickly shook his head:

"Let's just have a simple meal with the three of us. The welcoming ceremony of the whole group is too grand."

"Don't forget, you are the deputy head of our Dawn War Group." Mu Qing smiled and blinked.

Feng Qi couldn't help but be stunned when he heard these words.

In fact, when he arrived, he wanted to talk to Mu Qing about the deputy head of the team.

The Dawn Chapter has developed for so many years, and he, a stranger who has just arrived at the top, will definitely make many people unconvinced. Before he proves his ability, he does not intend to fulfill the promise made many years ago.

How to become a leader is not unfamiliar to him.

In the previous timeline, he had established the Dawnbreak Organization, and from the unfamiliar to the familiar, he personally grew the organization little by little.

But familiarity is familiarity, and he feels that a process is still needed now.

Thinking of this, he looked at Mu Qing and said:

"Sister, the position of deputy head may not be suitable for me now. I need a lot of time."

Mu Qing seemed to understand what he was thinking, looking directly into his eyes and said:

"Aqi in my eyes is a natural leader. He has all the qualities that a leader should have. Kindness, decisiveness, sacrifice, tenacity, talent... At that time, we all used you as our backbone."

"This is the front line, and those who are competent in the team are in the top. As long as you feel that you have the ability to assume the position of deputy head, you can take up the post first, and then use time to prove yourself."

"It was the same when I first came to the front line. I was the main core of the team from the beginning. This is the position I fought for, because I know that I have the ability to do the job, and I don't need your modesty here. I hope to see the sharp-edged one you."

Looking at Mu Qing who was looking forward to it, Feng Qi had a smile on his face, then nodded and said:

"Good leader, the deputy leader Feng Qi reported!"

"You don't need to call me the captain in private, Ah Qi." Mu Qing also laughed and reminded.

"Okay, senpai."

Listening to the exchange between the two, Lu Yue, who was still lying on the sofa, felt like a superfluous person.

Then he looked down at Jian Lan in his arms.

Well, women only affect how fast I can draw my sword!


eight pm.

In the Dawn restaurant, thousands of people gathered.

At this time, Mu Qing brought Feng Qi to the podium at the front of the restaurant.

Standing on the stage, he could see that the Dawn Chapter was very disciplined.

Mu Qing didn't speak, and no one dared to speak in the hall of thousands of people, they all sat on their seats with their chest upright.

"I would like to introduce myself. This is the next deputy head of our Dawn Battle Group. His name is Feng Qi, and he is from Xingcheng Academy like me. I think everyone is familiar with him!"

The voice fell, and applause broke out.

Feng Qi was at a loss when he heard these words.

Why are they no strangers to themselves?

At this time, Mu Qing walked up to him and said with a smile:

"You are the representative of my team members who have always inspired me. I often use the words you taught us to educate them, and tell them how amazing your talent is. They all know you, but you don't know them."

"Isn't this trying to kill me?" He couldn't help rolling his eyes

"You have that strength, be confident."

Looking at the closed chess face, Mu Qing continued:

"The welcome ceremony doesn't have a complicated process. Now go up and say a few words and let everyone know you."

Hearing this, he nodded.

Then he walked to the podium and looked at the thousands of people below, he suddenly thought of the previous timeline.

Last time when there were so many people, it was still the execution ground...

In the next speech, he did not say his lofty ambitions for the future, nor did he directly announce the future construction plan of the Dawn Chapter. He just briefly introduced himself and walked off the podium in applause.

In his view, wanting to gain the respect of the warriors is done by actions, not by words.

During the dinner, under the introduction of Mu Qing, he also got to know some high-level leaders of the Dawn Chapter.

Through Mu Qing's narration and introduction, he learned.

At present, there are 8,687 members of the Dawn Chapter, which is divided into eight teams, each team has more than 1,000 members, and each team is subdivided into three teams.

Under normal circumstances, the clan is responsible for the ordinary tasks in the form of clan.

If it is a joint operation to disperse the field, the whole group will act together, and she will lead the team in charge.

Under normal circumstances, the position of the regiment leader in the battle group is to command and coordinate the overall situation, but the battle is second.

But the Dawn Chapter is an exception.

He learned from the senior Dawn executives who ate at the same table.

Mu Qing is not only the head of the team, but also the absolute core of the battle team.

For many years, she has long been the backbone of the battle group, and all the members of the group are full of trust and admiration for her.

Even this kind of trust has become a wartime belief.

They all thought that as long as Mu Qing was there, they would definitely win.

It's not a surprise to Feng Qi.

If there is no personal charm, how can so many people in the future continue to follow her despite the infamy of all mankind.

This obviously requires absolute trust in her.

During the chat, Feng Qi experienced the atmosphere of the battle group that Xia Long and Yan Yue often talked about.

There is no false flattery here, only deadly camaraderie.

They once entrusted their lives to each other in the field, and even sacrificed for their comrades at critical times.

This kind of feeling is witnessed by blood, and there is no need to add hypocrisy to enhance mutual value.

The atmosphere was strong. He, who had not been drinking for many years, drank a lot this night.

The time came to 11pm.

He and Lu Yue returned to the room from the dining room.

After washing, he lay in bed, tossing and turning.

So he pushed open the door in his pajamas and walked to the balcony.

It was still snowing with goose feathers outside, and the wind was cold.

Looking up at the sky, you can also see the green aurora belt. The air here is not polluted, and the stars are brighter than anywhere else.

At this time he heard the sound of the piano playing from one side.

The tune is gentle, like weeping and complaining, just like the first encounter by the lake that summer.

But after listening carefully, he found that there was more hope and future in the tune.

If the prelude is to fall into the boundless darkness, with the sound of the piano continuing, it seems that a red sun pierces the dark night and slowly rises from the sea level, and the light shines in all directions.

Turning his head to look, he found that Mu Qing was lying on the balcony of the next house, looking up at the starry sky just like her, holding the white harmonica he gave him many years ago in both hands.

After playing the song~lightnovelpub.net~ Mu Qing turned her head to look at him, a charming smile appeared on her face:

"Aqi, it's been nine years since we first met."

"Well, we fulfilled the promise we made when we were young, and we will walk together in the future."

When they looked at each other and smiled, it was as if they had returned to the summer night of that year.

Looking up at the starry sky again, warm currents flowed through his heart.

At this point he felt very real.

Even if the future of each timeline is a **** that is unwilling to accept, he has his own stories and experiences wandering and struggling in each timeline.

Just like him now.

He was in a good mood at this moment, he looked at Mu Qing and said with a grin:

"Senior sister, blow a big river to the east again, and the stars in the sky will compete with the Big Dipper."

Mu Qing: ...