I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 242: The magic of influence

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half year later.

Death Star Third Chapter, Resident Manor.

Although it is already winter, the former supply area is located in the tropics, and there is no snow all year round. The impact of the changes of the four seasons is not as obvious as that of Star City.

Waking up early in the morning, Feng Qi left the house after taking a shower, and walked towards the office building.

It was drizzling outside, the sky was overcast, and there was a "rumbling" sound during the tumbling.

Along the way, is a piece of fruit trees.

The resident manor of the Death Star's Third Chapter is very distinctive.

All kinds of fruit trees are planted in the manor. No matter what the season is, there are fruit trees corresponding to the season that can bloom and bear fruit.

Before being seized by the Lord of the Mist, Wang Yi also cultivated a field behind the resident manor, and spent a lot of resources to cultivate, such as watering spiritual water, spiritual plant powder, and other spiritual substances.

A formation that can autonomously absorb the spiritual energy of the outside world is also arranged around the field.

After five years of cultivation, this field now has the characteristics of "spiritual field". The plants grown here are of extremely high quality, and can even be used for the planting and cultivation of many low-level spiritual plants.

The environment inside the Death Star Station is like a green farm.

In this regard, the Mist Lord explained the reason to him.

By reading some of Wang Yi's memories, he learned that Wang Yi's father was a fruit farmer, and the environment she grew up in made her have a special affection for the orchard.

After being promoted to the head of the regiment, she had the idea of ​​turning the resident environment into a green plant garden.

In fact, Feng Qi always had doubts about Wang Yi's betrayal of mankind.

Wang Yi is a character included in the textbook.

After graduating from the school, she has always been fighting on the front line. It stands to reason that a warrior like her has an unparalleled firm will, how can she betray human beings for profit.

For the answer to this question, the Lord of the Mist said so.

People don't like real heroes, he said.

Because the heroes they understand are always full of fighting spirit, and their will is as hard as steel.

but it is not the truth.

Heroes are also human and have their own feelings. At some point, they will be confused and even question the future.

Wang Yi is the same.

In the past, she stood firmly on the side of mankind.

Until one day, she was cursed by a domain creature in a domain field operation, which was disfigured and her strength was damaged.

At that time, she was immersed in the pain caused by the curse every day.

When he was most desperate, it was not his companions, but the shadow forces standing beside him.

Break the curse for her and give her promise and hope.

At this time, Wang Yi failed to overcome the struggle in his heart and chose to plunge into the darkness.

In the follow-up, it was with the support of the shadow forces that Wang Yi was able to reach today and become the head of the Death Star's Third Chapter.

After learning about Wang Yi's experience, Feng Qi felt sighed in his heart.

But he did not agree with what the Mist Lord said.

Heroes are also human beings, and they can also be confused.

He does not deny this.

But this is also a test on the road of growth, and it is impossible to pass the word "firmness".

The memory of multiple sacrifice lines made him understand one thing.

People will only cheer for the hero when he reaches the top of the mountain, but they will set up countless obstacles on his way, constantly pulling him back, throwing stones at him, and hindering his progress.

This is an external test, but also an internal test.

Whether the firmness of the heart is really as firm as I think will be answered at this time.

Wang Yi obviously failed in the self-test.

As for the so-called struggle and pain, in his opinion, it is nothing more than an explanation and comfort for himself after making a choice.

Think of the great men of history.

Which one does not complete self-detachment in the predicament and bring hope to the world in despair.

After learning about Wang Yi's growth process, he understood that Wang Yi's reputation was only given by the shadow forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

The real her is not worthy of being included in history textbooks at all.

It's just a puppet after all.

If you think about it carefully, the shadow forces will not contact those who are determined.

Being able to be targeted by the shadow forces can only prove that the shadow forces think that he (she) has weak willpower and is easy to be pulled in.

After walking for a while, the raindrops wet his clothes.

But Feng Qi ignored it.

When he came to the office building, he stepped into the hall, and at the same time, his mental power leaked out of his body, absorbing the moisture from his clothes.

The soldiers who met him along the way would greet him respectfully.

Feng Qi responded with a nod to this.

The Death Star Third Chapter led by the Lord of the Mist is several times higher than the original Death Star Third Chapter, both in terms of execution and work efficiency.

He had to admit that the Mist Lord, who used to be the patriarch, was very good at his subordinates.

After being rectified by the Lord of the Mist, the Death Star Chapter has made his work a lot easier. The Chapter now has clear rewards and punishments, and is extremely disciplined.

When he came to the head office of the Lord of Mist, he pushed the door and entered.

Coming to the desk and sitting down, he picked up the latest chapter intelligence file and began to read it.

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

He immediately turned his attention to the computer in front of the work desk, and there was a camera image at the door of the office on it.

When he saw the familiar figure, a smile appeared on his face:

"Don't give in."

Hearing these words, the door of the room was pushed open.

The figure who came in took off the mask on his face at this time, and the familiar purple hair and purple eyes appeared.

"I'm back."

Having said that, the Lord of Mist stepped to the desk and sat down.

Looking at the Lord of Mist who returned from practice, he nodded with a smile:

"Have been in retreat for half a year, how has your strength progressed?"

"I should be able to fight the guys in the Black Territory Field, but the specific situation will only be known after contact. If other forces are added to assist, there should be no problem."

Hearing this, he was surprised:

"Didn't you say that it would take two years to have the strength to fight against him?"

"What I said is that two years of cultivation is almost a certain time to win. Now that I have practiced for half a year, I feel that my strength has improved rapidly, and now I have reached the initial stage of the Spirit King."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi was shocked.

Although the Lord of Mist would send a lot of resources from time to time for him to cultivate and consume during his cultivation, he did not expect that the cultivation progress of the Lord of Mist would be so rapid.

The "Early Stage of the Spirit King" in the fog is a criterion for judging strength in the domain world.

It is more detailed than the evaluation criteria researched by human cultivation.

It is divided into six realms.

From low to high, they are Spirit Soldier, Spirit General, Spirit King, Devoid of Void, Selfless, and Quiet. Each state is also divided into early, middle, and late stages.

The final "silence" state is an evaluation of the strength of the pillar gods in the mouth of the mist master.

Through the description of the Mist Lord, he compared the evaluation criteria of human strength with that of the domain forces.

A comparative template is drawn.

Spirit Soldiers and Bronze-Black Iron are a judging criterion.

Spirit will be a judging criterion with silver-gold in the early stage.

Spirit King started in the golden middle stage, and he didn't know where the high point was.

After all, there are no comparable examples.

In the current stage of human cultivation, the highest evaluation standard is the golden stage, and there is no detailed evaluation beyond that, only the evaluation level of disaster.

Feng Qi can understand this.

After all, human cultivation science has only developed for more than 500 years, but the realm beings in another world have been running wild on this road for an unknown number of years.

Human cultivation science is also the study of spiritual energy and domain creatures, so that it can develop so rapidly.

Therefore, the imperfection of cultivation is completely reasonable.

With the continuous development of human cultivation, there will inevitably be a strength evaluation standard above "gold" to correspond to the state of breaking the void, selflessness, and even annihilation.

At that time, he learned that there are six realms in the cultivation of the domain forces, and when the Lord of the Mist had just reached the third realm, he was also shocked.

This proves that there are more terrifying guys in the domain forces.

But the words of the Lord of the Mist reassured him a lot.

He said that although there are six realms, those who can truly reach the Spirit King realm are extremely rare.

Cultivation in the domain world is also in the shape of a golden tower, and there are always very few who stand at the top.

At the same time, Feng Qi also thought that human beings just can't define the strength evaluation level of gold in the future, but it does not mean that there are no powerhouses above the golden level among human beings.

The most typical example is Mu Qing.

Her combat power is difficult to evaluate based on the modern imperfect cultivation standards.

No instrument could detect Mu Qing's specific combat power.

It can be seen that although Mu Qing's strength is classified into the golden rank, it has actually surpassed the "golden rank".

The super-domain creature encountered during the **** mission.

What the strength is, in his opinion, it is probably in the fourth stage, which is the Void Breaking Realm.

But this super-domain creature was killed by Mu Qing, which proved that Mu Qing was at least capable of breaking the virtual realm.

The criteria for judging the strength of modern cultivation science cannot define those warriors who stand at the top of human cultivation science.

If you must compare, it can be defined by the criteria for judging the strength of domain creatures.

Chatted for hours with the Lord of the Mist who returned from retreat.

During this period, the Lord of the Mist also inquired in detail about the recent development of the Death Star Third Chapter.

After almost understanding the details, the Mist Lord immediately said that he will start preparing for the plan to attack the Black Territory Field.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi nodded.

He knew this day would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so early.


the next month.

The Death Star's Third Domain Chapter has entered the combat readiness stage.

The Lord of Mist's idea is very simple, attacking the Black Territory Field is not only available to one's own forces.

The battle groups in other fields are also objects that can be used.

For this reason, the Lord of the Mist released a joint operation to disperse the Black Territory Field on the platform where the mission was released, and 38 chapters responded within a month.

This is one of the reasons why the Lord of the Mist chose to seize Wang Yi.

Use Wang Yi's subordinate chapters and influence to seek benefits for himself.

To this end, he even took the initiative to contact the Science and Technology Research Institute for help, during which time he made a fool of the dark shadow behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

It is nothing more than that this operation will significantly increase his influence, as well as the follow-up construction of the chapter and so on.

For his idea, the shadow forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute expressed support.

The third chapter, the wolf-loving chapter, was called to help.

In addition, Feng Qi also entered a busy state.

In the past month, he went to the old city and got in touch with the weak alliance of the domain over there.

At the expense of Wang Yi's wealth accumulated for many years, he contacted several powerful domain forces to participate in this action against the black domain.

Networking, influence, resources, all of which can be turned into strength.

In this regard, a huge joint action chapter began to take shape.

But there are still many things that need to be resolved before the operation can officially begin.

In addition to waiting for the arrival of various forces, the dispatch of materials is particularly important.

Such a large-scale operation requires material reserves in advance.

During this period, Feng Qi and the Lord of Mist often stayed up late to handle affairs.

Finally, after two busy months, everything is ready.


Old Day East Supply Area, War Dock.

Main Pier (Wharf One).

At this time, various forces gathered, and they responded to the call of the Lord of the Mist to participate in this action to disperse the Black Territory Field.

Looking at the densely packed figures in the port, Feng Qi began to instruct the soldiers to carry supplies.

Turning to look at the Lord of the Mist, the Lord of the Mist is discussing with the leaders of the various chapters about dispelling the Black Territory Field.

He clearly knew that everything was actually under the control of the Lord of the Mist.

Regardless of the fact that many forces have joined this operation, and even domain forces are involved, there may be many variables when the miracle item is captured.

But the strongest here is the Lord of the Mist.

The forces that came to participate in the action this time were nothing but cannon fodder in the eyes of the Lord of Mist.

Even if there are variables, it will be under his control, and it is impossible for the "own" forces to take away the fruits of victory.

After a lot of hard work, he became a laborer, and finally the protagonist who hid in the dark took away the fruit of victory.

Besides, in his eyes, no one is more like a protagonist template than the Lord of the Mist~lightnovelpub.net~ Walking to the dock, he looked forward.

Warships and warships were lined up near the dock, and the number reached more than one hundred.

Many of these warships, warships, were borrowed by the Mist Lord from Chapters that were not involved in this operation.

After all, many of the forces recruited this time did not come from the East Replenishment Area.

As for the battle groups with warships and battleships, only the battle groups were stationed in the east supply area near the sea.

For this reason, the Lord of the Mist went to each chapter's resident manor to seek help, which met the needs of this operation.

Wang Yi's face was used incisively and vividly by the Lord of the Mist.

He even suspected that perhaps the Lord of the Mist had tasted the benefits of influence in this operation, and this would be the reason why he planned to win the promotion of the King of Shepherds in the future, or Lin Ran.

After all, this thing of face can indeed become a substantial benefit.

The number of people participating in the operation reached 10,194, of which nearly 3,000 were recruited by Wang Yi's face, that is, influence.

After half a day's work, all kinds of materials that had been prepared were loaded onto the warships and warships.

Everything was ready, Feng Qi followed the Lord of the Mist down the gangway to board the main ship of the Death Star Chapter with the burning mask, and then came to the front deck.

After looking around the nearby warships and warships, the Mist Lord took out the contactor at this time, pressed the switch, and solemnly said:

"Brothers of all chapters, let's go!"

His voice fell, and all the warships and warships in the port honked their whistle in unison.

Including those warships and warships that returned from the mission, they all sent their whistle and salute at this time.

In the sound of the whistle, the joint operation fleet slowly left the war pier and faced the blue sea.

Pointing to the black curtain at the end of the sea.


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