I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 248: Mu Qing is coming?

Chapter 248 Mu Qing is coming?

Looking at the "Blood Stone" picture on the tablet, Feng Qi was stunned.

He is no stranger to bloodstone.

On the last line of sacrifice, he was the deputy head of the Dawn Chapter. When Mu Qing formed the Dawn Second Regiment, he received an **** mission request from the East Supply Area of ​​the Old Day.

At that time, Mu Qing had no time to participate in the **** operation.

So he personally led the soldiers to the supply area of ​​the old East, met with the person in charge of the blood stone "Li Duo", and learned about the magical effect of the blood stone in the laboratory.

In the follow-up **** mission, he also discovered the secret that Wang Yi is the Lord of the Mist.

That sacrifice line he also died during the **** mission.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something.

Shouldn't we meet Mu Qing on this **** mission?

The last sacrifice line chose to join the Dawn Warband, which obviously changed part of Mu Qing's growth line.

He did not affect the Dawn Chapter in this sacrifice line, so there is a possibility that Mu Qing will come in person and participate in the **** mission.

And the probability of Mu Qing's arrival is very high.

In the last sacrifice line, there were super-domain creatures in the final link of the battle for bloodstone.

Judging from the combat power sent by the forces in all fields, they are not the opponents of the super-domain creatures.

At that time, he used the spiritual body to break free from the physical body, and with the blessings of the forces in various fields, he barely opened up a way to survive.

From this, it can be seen that there must be an unknown force in the **** of the normal timeline that can fight against the super-domain creatures.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Mist, Li Xingchen and others would not be able to live to the end.

Thinking about it carefully, the most powerful force might be Mu Qing.

At this stage, the Lord of the Mist is still in the developmental stage, and it is completely impossible to be an opponent of super-domain creatures.

Only Mu Qing with terrifying combat power could not fear the threat of super-domain creatures.

Thinking of this, he felt a headache.

It's definitely not a good thing to meet Mu Qing, and it might even affect his plan for the line of sacrifice.

But if he had to see him, he had to think about his words in advance.

Mu Qing must not be allowed to destroy his villain line plan.

He was lost in thought at this point.


Three days later.

At 1 a.m., Feng Qi was still busy in the head office.

At this time, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, and immediately looked up.

"I'm back."

Looking at the Lord of the Mist at the end of the retreat, Feng Qi asked curiously:

"How many inventory resources did you use for this retreat?"

"One-third, but it has greatly improved my strength."

"Save a little, these resources will still be useful in the future. Recently, another batch of pension funds will be issued. You will be embarrassed when you run out of resources."

The Lord of the Mist came to the desk and sat down at this time:

"It's already very economical. If we really want to squander, I've already used up this batch of resources... Sure enough, we still have to infiltrate a research institute as soon as possible, so that we have a lot of resources for us to squander."

"By the way, has anything major happened recently?"

Feng Qi heard that, reached out to open the drawer, and took out the tablet inside.

After waking up the interface, I reached out and tapped a few times to call up a news item in my favorites.

Then he handed the tablet to the confused Lord of Mist.

The Mist Lord who took the tablet immediately began to scan the news content.

Like Feng Qi, his expression changed after seeing the bloodstone picture:

"Is this a miracle?"

"I can't guarantee that this bloodstone was taken by the Black Flag Field Chapter when it came back from the exploration mission, and came across a seriously injured blue-skinned creature."

"Because of its appearance, there are undercurrents surging in the old east supply area now, and many forces have come for this. Several looting incidents have occurred. Now our chapter has also dispatched a group of soldiers to go to the recruitment hall area on duty. Responsible for protecting the bloodstone."

After listening to Feng Qi's explanation, the Mist Lord fell into contemplation.

After pondering for a while, he raised his head:

"In this way, tomorrow morning, I will go to the recruitment hall to observe the bloodstone up close. If it is determined that it is a miracle, we will definitely take part in it."

"If it is determined to be a miracle item, how do you plan to do it?" Feng Qi asked curiously.

"It was quiet in the dead of night, turned into a mist, sneaked into the hall, killed people without a trace, and took things without a trace."

Looking at the smiling Lord of Mist, Feng Qi felt ashamed.


Early the next morning, Feng Qi accompanied the Lord of Mist to the recruitment hall.

Seeing the Lord of the Mist, the soldiers dispatched by the various chapters on duty nearby did not stop him.

Entering the hall, take the elevator down to the underground laboratory.

They met Li Duo who was studying bloodstones. After some communication, they saw the bloodstones placed in the laboratory.

After learning about the effect of the blood stone and observing the blood stone up close, the Lord of the Mist affirmed one thing.

Bloodstones are miracle items.

After returning to the resident manor, they began to discuss how to capture this miracle blood stone.

The idea of ​​the Lord of the Mist is very simple, in the dead of night, killing more people.

For this proposal, Feng Qi did not refuse.

In the early morning of the same day, the Lord of the Mist launched an action.

Feng Qi stayed in the head office and waited for news.

Time passed, and at 6:10 in the morning, the office door was pushed open, and the Lord of the Mist returned.

"Failed?" Looking at the unhappy Lord of the Mist, Feng Qi asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect that there are several forces who have the same idea as me, and it is impossible to start with mutual restraint."

Having said that, the Lord of Mist came to the desk and sat down.

"What are your thoughts now?" he continued to ask.

He had long expected the failure of the Lord of Mist.

If the bloodstone can be easily captured, the follow-up **** mission will not be carried out.

"Let's take a look at the situation. Now all the forces in the field want to **** this blood stone, but this is our home court after all, so don't worry."

During the small talk, they began to develop a follow-up **** plan.

In the next few days, the Lord of the Mist will go to the laboratory under the recruitment hall from time to time to observe the situation of the bloodstone and prevent the bloodstone from being plundered by other forces.

But soon something happened that made the Lord of the Mist feel uncontrollable.

Li Duo, who was in charge of researching the bloodstone, decided to transport the bloodstone back to the former research institute by plane.

From the Mist Lord's point of view, if the bloodstone was really transported back to the Old Academy, it would be difficult to capture the bloodstone.

There is a high probability that it will also fall into the hands of the psionic family.

In order to prevent the bloodstone from being transported back, when the plane took off that day, he decisively turned into a fog and followed.

Before the transport plane was far from the airport, he was violently shot down.

Feng Qi was very surprised by this.

In the last **** line, Li Duo had told him that the bloodstone could not be sent to the supply area at all.

The plane carrying the bloodstone has also been shot down.

But he didn't expect it to be the trunk of the mist.

This is what the Mist Lord explained. He felt that the bloodstone must be kept in the supply area so that it could be within his control.

Once out of the supply area, the outside will no longer be his home.

In the days that followed, undercurrents surged beneath the calm surface of the old east supply area.

The forces of all parties who learned of the existence of the bloodstone are just around the corner.

The recruitment hall has been attacked many times, and Li Duo tried his best to transport the bloodstone back to the old city.

During this period, the Lord of the Mist came up with an idea to capture the bloodstone.

He decided to use the power behind the Tech Research Institute to help him capture the Bloodstone.

When the support force arrives, it will definitely take him as the core.

Applying for support from the Science and Technology Research Institute is equivalent to prostituting a wave of cannon fodder workers.

For this proposal, Feng Qi expressed his support.

After the discussion, the Mist Lord immediately contacted the shadow forces behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

After learning that there were miracle items in the old east supply area, the Sombra forces resolutely agreed to his request and prepared to dispatch forces to come to support.

However, due to the fact that each chapter is currently performing tasks, it will take a certain amount of time and will contact us as soon as possible.

Timeline corrected again.

Feng Qi, who got the news, knew very well that the next chapter to be dispatched to support is likely to be similar to the previous line of sacrifice, that is, the "Wolf-loving Domain Chapter".

In fact, the combat power of the wolf-loving domain battle group at this stage is not weak at all, and it can be regarded as one of the top battle groups.

At the time of the sacrificial line, he was able to ascend to the wolf-loving chapter because the top of the wolf-loving chapter was mysteriously assassinated at that time, so no one could replace him as the leader.

So Sombra chose to recruit a new leader within the core circle of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

When he came to the top, the combat power of the wolf-thirsty battle group had shrunk significantly, and there was no top-level combat power at all.

After receiving the guarantee from the Science and Technology Research Institute, the Mist Lord began to discuss the follow-up plan with Feng Qi.

Now that the support force is available, it is still very difficult to capture the bloodstone.

Especially in the old east supply area.

There are a large number of domain battle groups stationed here, and there are secret domain forces eyeing them.

If you want to capture the bloodstone, unless you have the combat power of the entire supply area, there is no possibility to capture the bloodstone.

If you want to capture the bloodstone, you have to start outside.

But the problem is that after leaving the supply area, the risk of grabbing bloodstones will also be greatly increased, which is beyond the controllable range.

While thinking about it, the Mist Lord wanted a plan.

He decides to personally apply to **** the bloodstone to the Old City, and then take the bloodstone along the way.

After having an idea, he found Li Duo, who was in charge of researching bloodstone.

Li Duo immediately thanked the Lord of Mist for his proposal, and said that he was also planning to ask him to discuss escorting the Bloodstone to the Old City.

But just when the Mist Lord thought the plan was half done.

Accident happened.

The next day, Li Duo found the Lord of Mist and told him a message.

He has already initiated a joint **** mission request to several well-known chapters, and several chapters have responded to the mission and are now on their way.

The Lord of the Mist, who got the news, realized once again that the situation was out of control.

With multiple chapters escorting together, it is impossible for him to decide the **** period alone.

If you want to capture the bloodstone, you have to see if the other realm chapters will agree.

But the joint **** mission has already been launched, and even if the Mist Lord is helpless, there is no way to deal with it.


Two days later.

The manor of the Death Star's Third Chapter.

Feng Qi took a document and pushed open the door of the head's room.

Coming to the Lord of the Mist, he handed over the document in his hand:

"Eight chapters have already responded to the call, and the situation is not optimistic."

When the Mist Lord heard this, he immediately took over the file and began to view it.

The document marked several domain battle groups that have responded to the call at this stage.

When the Mist Lord's eyes saw the Dawn Chapter marked on the document, his pupils contracted significantly.

"Do you want to give up? You might meet her." Feng Qi asked tentatively.

Hearing these words, the Lord of the Mist shook his head with a headache:

"Don't give up, the fact that the Dawn Chapter accepts the mission does not mean that she will definitely come. After so many years, even if she comes, she may not recognize me."

For the miracle blood stone, the Lord of the Mist is very eager in his heart.

This desire is far stronger than the desire for the miracle bracelet at the beginning.

He has the ability to manipulate blood, so when he saw the blood stone in the underground laboratory of the recruiting hall, he knew that this miracle item was very suitable for him.

Obtaining bloodstone and implanting it in the body is equivalent to giving him the ability to automatically cultivate and grow.

Regularly producing the blood stone of the original blood can make his strength steadily improve.

Even if he does nothing, his strength will improve every minute.

If he can get the blood stone, it will greatly help his future development, and it will increase his success rate in climbing the summit in the future.

Faced with the opportunity in front of him, he felt that even if there was a risk, he had to try it.

Such an opportunity may only come once in a lifetime.

If you don't try it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

He came to the seat in front of the desk and sat down, Feng Qi made himself a cup of tea, and then said with a serious expression:

"If Mu Qing arrives, and all the forces are secretly lurking, how sure are you about capturing the bloodstone?"

"As long as Mu Qing doesn't recognize me, I'm 20% sure."

"This can still be 20%?" Feng Qi was stunned.

The Lord of the Mist nodded:

"When I went to the laboratory at that time, I found out that my blood control ability also has an effect on blood stones. If the competition scene is in chaos, maybe I can find an opportunity to get blood stones into my body."

"Don't maybe, this is life-threatening."

"Give it a go, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle, the ticket is done." The Lord of the Mist gritted his teeth at this time.

For the decision of the Mist Lord, he immediately expressed his support, and then said with a smile:

"Actually, I had a few encounters with Mu Qing in Star City Academy. At that time, I really didn't know how terrifying her strength was. She was too low-key in the academy."

"You know her?" The Mist Lord asked curiously.

"I don't know, I just stayed at Xingcheng Academy, so I have met several times."

He chose to "unintentionally" say the words that he had seen Mu Qing, in order to give the Master of Mist a shot of prevention.

In the days to come, the authority obtained by the Lord of the Mist will be higher and higher.

According to the established historical line, when the Lord of the Mist infiltrates the Tiger Soul Research Institute, a large amount of permission information can be obtained.

At that time, he will definitely know that he has stayed at the Star City Academy.

Speaking of seeing Mu Qing this time, it seemed unintentional, but it was actually a shot of prevention.

Let the Lord of the Mist who suddenly know this part of the information in the future will not have doubts~lightnovelpub.net~ What kind of person is she in Star City Academy, why didn't you tell me before? "The Mist Lord asked curiously.

"The 18th National Women's University has changed. She looked completely different then and now. Besides, I don't know her very well, it's just a passerby relationship."

After listening to his explanation, the Mist Lord nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

Next, they began to negotiate the details of the **** mission.

Now their only advantage is.

The **** mission was initiated by the East Supply Area of ​​the Old Day. With the home field advantage, the Mist Lord, who is the leader of the Death Star's Third Chapter, will undoubtedly become the commander-in-chief of this joint **** operation.

With command authority, there is more room to play.

You can create favorable conditions for you.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for the **** mission to unfold.