I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 29: I'll kill your dreams

The next morning, the restaurant of Star City Academy.

Feng Qi, Lin Ran, and Mu Qing sat at a dining table to eat as usual after taking the food.

After going through last night's events, Mu Qing's attitude towards Feng Qi has changed significantly, and she no longer has the same resistance as before.

Halfway through the meal, Lin Ran suddenly turned to look at Feng Qi:

"Brother Che, are you free today?"

"What's wrong?" Feng Qi, whose mouth was full of food, raised his head curiously.

"I'll go to the combat class in a moment. If you have time, come and listen, and then you can correct my shortcomings."

Looking at Lin Ran who was looking forward to it, Feng Qi asked subconsciously:

"What are you going to teach? Gongfa? Magic?"

"Last night, after preparing for the lesson, let's decide to teach the law. My understanding of the practice is shallow. If the teachers in the school have not taught well, I won't be ugly."

"Since you know that you have limited knowledge in the study of kung fu, and you have made more achievements in the study of magic, why do you insist on studying kung fu?" Feng Qi couldn't help but complain.

"A dream, and I think I can do it." Lin Ran grinned with confidence on his face.

"It's better to learn more than to specialize. I don't like your idea." Feng Qi said earnestly, trying to change Lin Ran's idea of ​​harming the world.

"Brother Che, do you mean to let me concentrate on chasing my dreams, give up the study of magic, and be single-minded in order to succeed?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Feng Qi was caught off guard when he heard these words, and he almost choked.

My dear, this comprehension is incredible.

If Lin Ran really does this, then Lin Ran must be responsible for the stupid things he will commit in the future.

"Don't, what I mean is to let you concentrate on the law, since you don't have the talent in the law, it is better to give up early. Besides, the law is also very important, although the practice is the core of the driving law, but the powerful law It can also make up for the lack of cultivation techniques.”

"No, a real man should have the courage to pursue his dreams. I'm still young, I won't look back if I don't hit the south wall." Lin Ran immediately shook his head to express his rejection.

Feng Chess: …

Lin Ran wanted to hit the south wall, but he didn't stop him. The problem was that when Lin Ran hit the south wall, he also dragged millions of people to hit it together, which was very confusing.

"Brother Che, are you free?"

"Yes, I'll go with you after dinner." Feng Qi nodded.

Since he couldn't change Lin Ran's thoughts for the time being, he planned to take it step by step. For example, he first praised Lin Ran's talent in magic research, and then devalued his talent in practice research, and used the sense of gap to make him give up the study of magic.

"Sister, do you have a class? Come along too." Lin Ran turned to look at Mu Qing, who was still eating.

Hearing these words, Mu Qing suddenly stopped eating, and then slowly raised her head, her mouth still full of food, her expression was stupid.

Looking at Lin Ran, who was full of smiles, she turned her gaze to Feng Qi again.

"Sister, do you have a class today?" Feng Qi also asked curiously.

"no class."

"Then let's go to the class together."

"If you don't go, I never go to class!" As she spoke, a trace of loneliness appeared in Mu Qing's eyes, but it was fleeting.

Feng Qi was keenly aware of this.

He suddenly realized why Mu Qing said that.

As an outlier in the eyes of the students, she is the focus wherever she goes. No one wants to get along with her, and she will inevitably receive all kinds of strange looks during class. This may be the reason why she is reluctant to attend class.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi didn't insist any longer.

He can't change the attitude of his classmates towards Mu Qing now. It is also a torment for her to let Mu Qing follow.

"Let's have lunch together."

Saying that, Feng Qi picked up the dinner plate and stood up, and Lin Ran, who was beside him, immediately followed.

Leaving the school restaurant, the two came to the fighting class.

At this time, the students are already waiting. I heard that this class is taught by Lin Ran again, and the students are full of expectations.

They benefited a lot from the last class, so when they came to class this time, they all brought their notebooks and prepared to record the knowledge points that Lin Ran told during the lecture in real time.

Entering the door, Lin Ran walked to the podium, while Feng Qi walked to the students' seats.

The moment they saw Feng Qi entering the door, smiles appeared on the faces of the students.

This is how the world is. Excellent talents are always respected because they are the forerunners on the difficult road of human beings against domain creatures.

But then the students discovered that "Junior Lin Ran" actually sat down, while another very handsome boy who came with him walked to the podium table.

After he put down the textbook that he carried with him, he looked at the students below with a bright smile on his face, and then said:

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin Ran. I'll teach the seniors and seniors next."


The students subconsciously turned their attention to Feng Qi with doubts in their eyes.

At this time, Lin Ran continued:

"I know that everyone has a lot of doubts in their hearts, and I won't go into detail about the specific reasons. In general, the one who gave you a class last time was Senior Feng Qi, who is sitting in the right corner of the classroom now, and I am the real Lin. dye."

"Although my abilities can't be compared to Senior Feng Qi's, I still have some achievements in the science of magic. Next, I will explain some of my research results in the science of magic."

After speaking, Lin Ran opened the first page of the textbook.

At this time, the students in the classroom were still in a state of shock. Although they already understood that they had made a mistake, their eyes looking at Feng Qi were still full of curiosity.

I want to know who is holy since this person is not Lin Ran? Why never heard of it.

But soon, they were attracted by what Lin Ran told.

"We all know that releasing a spell requires arousing the spiritual energy in the body, delineating the trajectory of the spell outside the body, and then making the aura burst into power, but I always feel that the steps to release the spell are too cumbersome, and they have to be activated and outlined, in short. It’s just trouble, so I thought about a question, whether the steps of releasing the spell can be extremely simplified, so I have developed a prototype of a simple release spell, which I call the knot print flow…”

Complaining from the very beginning, Lin Ran's content gradually became more professional, and he even proposed a very novel concept of spell release.

End print flow!

Hearing this, the expressions of all the students were stunned, and they even scolded Lin Ran in their hearts. It was bragging and unrealistic.

But Feng Qi was different. Hearing Lin Ran say "Jie Yin Liu", he immediately thought of the information he saw in the database at that time.

In the evaluation, what Lin Ran focused on was the "Jie Yin Flow" he created.

He just didn't expect that Lin Ran had already constructed the prototype of Junyin Liu.

Next, the details of "Jie Yin Liu" that Lin Ran described caused an uproar among the students in the class.

Even Feng Qi was shocked by what Lin Ran told.

Lin Ran proposed a new concept to simplify the release steps of the spell, in fact, it is to use the method of fingerprints to quickly conclude the trajectory of the spell.

During the lecture, Lin Ran proposed that he has developed twelve kinds of handprints at this stage. Each kind of handprint can be combined with other handprints, and each kind of gesture represents a kind of aura movement trajectory, for example:

Zi: The thumbs overlap, and the thumb of the left hand is on top (the aura travels from the pylorus point to the air point)

Ugly: The right hand is horizontal, the left hand is vertical (Tiantu to Shuishui)

Yin: Straighten the thumbs of both hands (Yunmen point to Zhongfu)

Mao: In addition to straightening the little finger of the right hand, make a fist with the remaining four fingers (from Tianchi to Riyue)

Chen: The thumbs overlap, and the index fingers of the left and right hands are below (from Guanyuan to Yougu)

Si: Interlocking five fingers (from Baihui point to Tianzhu point)

Afternoon: Extend both elbows, and the index fingers of both hands form a triangle (from Shenting to Qingming)

Wei: The thumb is straight and overlapping, and the thumb of the left hand is on the top (from Fengchi to Tanzhong)

Shen: The little finger and the thumb are parallel (from Dovetail to Shenque)

You: Fold the index and middle fingers of both hands together to form a triangle in front of the chest (Qihai to Guanyuan)

Xu: The right fist is placed on the palm of the left hand (Qugu acupoint Menstrual Gate and then back to Qugu acupoint)

Hai: After clasping the front ends of the palms of both hands, stretch them down (Mingmen point to Weilu point)

These twelve kinds of knotting techniques are actually the trajectories of the twelve kinds of spiritual qi movement. With just one gesture, the spiritual qi in the body will move quickly according to a fixed trajectory.

Different fingerprints can also be matched with each other, and the process does not need to be consciously motivated, which can significantly improve the efficiency of releasing spells.

Lin Ran's concept and content stunned the students present, and the contempt in their hearts completely turned into worship.

"Let him pretend." Looking at Lin Ran who was still talking, a smile appeared on Feng Qi's face.

Lin Ran's achievements in the study of magic techniques are engraved in history and cannot be concealed.

If it wasn't for Lin Ran's dream to revise the study of exercises a few years after he joined the Tiger Soul Research Institute, his achievements in magic would have been even more brilliant.

It is even possible to become a historical great man comparable to Wang Jinsheng.

And what he has to do now is to let Lin Ran concentrate on the path of magic research and give up unrealistic ideas.

"I'll kill your dream."
