I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 305: Tianshu secret

Amber sub-base.

Underground prison.

This is the deepest part of the Amber sub-base and the highest authority area. It is dark and humid all year round, the walls are covered with moss, and there is a smell of rust in the air.

It can be seen that there has been no maintenance here for a long time.

Many old-style light bulbs have almost reached the end of their life, and various metal switches and other items are also covered with rust.

Only the cage is still brand new, without a speck of dust.

This is a special cage specially made for Tianshu. The metal railings go deep into the ground, and the floor inside the cage is also made of special metal, which is integrated with the cage.

Achieve 360-degree blockage without dead ends.

At the same time, eighteen chains hung from the ceiling of the cage, respectively wrapped around Tianshu's neck, limbs, and other parts, restricting his freedom.

At this time, it was confirmed that Tianshu was one of the miracles found in Mu Wei's memory.

Feng Qi became more curious about him.

However, Tianshu was still unwilling to talk to him, and he didn't get a response when he asked several times.

But it can be seen that he is very interested in Mu Qing, more precisely, he is interested in the scarlet rune spar on Mu Qing's arm, and he also called it the "scarlet origin".

It can be seen from this that he may know the detailed origin of the scarlet rune spar.

Realizing that asking directly will not attract Tianshu's attention, Feng Qi now needs a breakthrough.

After a moment of silence, he looked up at Tianshu again:

"Tianshu, do you know Mu Wei?"

Tianshu, who was originally indifferent, changed his expression after hearing the word "Mu Yu".

"Mu... 暚."

It seems that he hasn't spoken for a long time. These two words seem to be squeezed out of Tianshu's throat, and his voice is hoarse.

"Yes, Mu Yun!" Feng Qi affirmed.

I saw a brief trance on Tianshu's face, as if he had opened up the dusty memory and fell into a state of trance.

When he came back to his senses, his eyes became sharp:

"You... how do you know Mu Yu, where did this old woman go?"

Hearing Tianshu, a guy over 400 years old, call Mu Wei an old woman, Feng Qi felt ashamed.

But thinking about it carefully, in the memory picture he saw, Tianshu was still a kid licking a lollipop at that time, while Mu Wei's appearance has never changed.

It can be seen that Mu Yao must be older than Tianshu.

The exact age is a complete mystery, and it is possible to live for as many years as possible.

Tianshu is not the only one who calls Mu Wei an old woman, Wei Wei also calls her that.

"I don't know where she went, but maybe we can exchange information... Don't worry, I'm always on the side of the human camp."

In the end, fearing that Tianshu might misunderstand, he explained again.

Upon hearing this, Tianshu's eyes flickered with purple light, and then said softly:

"Tell me first, where on earth did you know her name?"

Facing the questioning, Feng Qi remained silent.

After thinking about it again and again, he decided to confess his secret to Tianshu.

After all, he on the sacrifice line is used for trial and error, and Tianshu is a trustworthy human fighter in his eyes, so he has nothing to worry about.

He is not the hero of a novel, so he doesn't need to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Hiding his own secrets is a matter of the main timeline, and has nothing to do with him on the sacrifice line.

Thinking of this, he looked at Tianshu and said:

"Tianshu, what I'm going to tell you next may be difficult for you to understand, but please believe that what I'm saying is the truth."

"Speak." Tianshu said indifferently.

"First ask you a question, do you believe that someone can travel to the future?"

Tianshu was obviously taken aback when he heard these words, obviously the content was beyond his expectation.

After a brief silence, a smile appeared on Tianshu's face:

"Do you want to tell me next that you have the special ability to travel to the future?"

"That's right!"

Hearing Feng Qi's affirmative answer, the smile on Tianshu's face disappeared, and he became indifferent again:

"Even an old woman can't do it, do you think you can?"

"I know you don't believe me, but what I say is the truth."

"Okay, give me a shuttle, and let me see you disappear in my perception." As he said, a sarcasm appeared on the corner of Tianshu's mouth.

Feng Qi: ...

Mu Qing: ...

Traveling through time and space is true, but how to explain it is always a headache.

In the face of Mu Qing, Lin Ran and others, he can prove it with his experience. After all, the future timeline is at the same historical node, and there are many cases that can testify for him.

But Tianshu is completely different.

This guy has been self-imprisoned for more than four hundred years, completely isolated from the world.

He has no contact with the outside world, let alone any interaction with him, and he can't produce any evidence that can prove that he has the ability to travel through timelines.

After all, there will be no such person as Tianshu in the future time and information.

He guessed that Tianshu's ending was probably to be imprisoned in this prison until he died of old age, and it never appeared in future history.

Wanting to prove has become a problem.

As for according to what Tianshu said, it is even more impossible to perform face-to-face time travel through the future.

He on the sacrifice line already has an established timeline, and it is impossible to change it.

Facing Tianshu who obviously didn't believe what he said, he really felt a little headache.

"Regarding this question, you obviously can't produce any evidence to prove it, and I don't believe it at all... It's still the same question, where did you meet Mu Wei? Just now you mentioned traveling to the future, do you want to tell me that you will meet in the future?" To the old woman?"

"That's right, I just met Mu Wei in the future, whether you believe it or not is up to you."

"Interesting, how far into the future is that?" Tianshu continued to ask.

"The future after 1500 years."

Hearing this number, Tianshu couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that you just learned the name of the old woman from somewhere, and you have never seen her at all, but I am curious what you want to gain from me by making up this rhetoric?"

"Who said I haven't seen it, I saw her holding a silver gun, wearing a broken armor, her face was still 16 or 7 years old, and she had never aged. At that time, she faced the raging beast tide alone. , chose to fight to the death without retreating, and finally fell with the setting sun."

Hearing these words, the smile on Tianshu's face froze.

His expression became serious, and he looked directly into Feng Qi's eyes, as if he wanted to see flaws in him and prove that what he said was all lies.

But Feng Qi's face was as usual, his breath was stable and he didn't panic at all.

After all, what he said was true.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

Realizing that Tianshu didn't believe what he said, Feng Qi was about to continue explaining, when suddenly he realized what to say to prove it.

"By the way, I also saw you from Mu Yun's memory."

"See me from the old woman's memory?" Tianshu couldn't help frowning.

"To sort out what I said, I traveled to the future world 1500 years later. Human civilization at that time has perished... At least the human civilization in Star City has perished. I don't have the ability to explore other areas, so I don't know. , but there is a high probability that it has already perished."

"At that time, Mu Wei was also dead. She finally turned into a statue and stood forever in a tiankeng to the east of Star City, losing her breath of life."

"In addition to my ability to travel to the future, I also have a special ability, which I call Nightmare, which can help me read other people's memory fragments."

"At that time, I also accidentally discovered Mu Wei who died in battle. The contact with her statue inspired my nightmare ability, and a lot of information fragments flooded into my mind, so I knew a lot about her, knowing that she was always looking for miracles , wanting to find a glimmer of life for the future of mankind.”

"Among them, I saw you in the fragment of the broken memory."

Hearing this explanation, Tianshu's expression was moved. From the beginning of disbelief, he seemed to be shaken.

"Go on, what did you see? If you can tell what only me and the old woman know, I will believe that what you said is true."

A smile appeared on Feng Qi's face:

"I don't know whether that experience is only known to you and Mu Wei, but I will describe it in detail as much as possible."

After being silent for a while, after recalling the content of the memory fragments that came to mind at that time, he said in a deep voice:

"In that broken memory scene, you were sitting on a bench in the park, shaking your feet and licking a lollipop. At this moment, Mu Wei appeared beside you and walked around you several times. After looking at you for a long time With a face full of surprise, I leaned in front of you and told you."

"Little boy, I see that your bones are amazing, you are a unique martial arts genius, tell me what is your dream?"

"At that time, you didn't pay attention to Mu Wei's inquiry, and just lowered your head and gnawed on the lollipop."

"So Mu Wei asked you again what dreams you have, and said that you can meet all your requirements, but the premise is that you have to promise her that you must work hard for the rise of the human race for the rest of your life."

"This time you still ignored Mu Yun."

"So Mu Yu finally put his hands on his hips, pointed to your head and said, if you don't speak, you will be the default."

"After that, the memory screen I read was cut off, and I have no idea about your follow-up story."

After listening to Feng Qi's narration, an unbelievably surprised expression appeared on Tianshu's face.

He was deeply impressed by this memory.

Even after more than 400 years, he still remembers it clearly.

It was the encounter with Mu Wei that changed the rest of his life.

He used to be an orphan, and his parents were originally combatants of the Seventh City Military Department.

At that time, monsters were rampant in the domain, and the human cultivation system was in its infancy, and cultivation methods had just been born.

The current Victory City is not established in the location of the Seventh City, but a city group with many cities, and the Seventh City is just one of them.

At that time, human beings had relatively primitive means of fighting against the invasion of domain monsters. Every time they encountered a domain invasion, they would pay a heavy price. His parents also died in the confrontation with domain monsters.

He was only five years old at that time.

With no father or mother, he was arranged to live in an orphanage in Qidu City because of his parents' contributions.

It was during that period that he met Mu Wei who changed his life.

At this time, Feng Qi accurately described the scene at that time, and he had to believe that what Feng Qi said might be true.

Only Mu Wei and him knew about this matter, and he never told anyone else.

Thinking of this, Tianshu looked at Fengqi with a serious expression and said:

"I believe you for the time being, now you tell me what is the purpose of coming to me."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

In the face of the enemy, he can choose to be ruthless, or even coerce into submission by force, but he obviously cannot do so in the face of Tianshu.

If Tianshu doesn't get in, he still doesn't want to believe what he said.

The situation will reach a deadlock.

"Tianshu, my first question is, why did you choose to imprison yourself in this underground cage?"

At this time, Tianshu let down his guard a little. Facing this question, there was a struggle in his eyes:

"I have to."

"To be specific, what I want is not the answer, but the process and details. Any information you provide me may help me find a chance for human civilization."

"What's the meaning?"

"As I said just now, I can travel to the future, so I can use the future to know which events or historical nodes in history have affected the decline of human civilization. As long as I change these historical nodes, I can save the future of human civilization , so I urgently need to know more information."

"I see."

Hearing these words, Tianshu had a complex expression, both excited and unbelievable.

After waiting for a long time, he continued to speak:

"I choose self-imprisonment because the power I obtained is very uncontrollable, and I often enter a state of insane madness. In this state, I will attack everything nearby indiscriminately, which is extremely harmful to human beings. Control me when I am still awake, and when I lose control, human armed forces are simply not enough to restrain me."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi immediately thought of Mu Qing.

The same situation also happened to Mu Qing.

But the difference is that Mu Qing's emotional out of control is relatively controllable, and she will consciously restrain herself, especially when there are other humans around her, she will obviously restrain her out of control state.

From a historical point of view, this state of Mu Qing did not always exist.

It will gradually disappear with her fusion with the scarlet rune spar, and eventually nothing remains.

This point was also mentioned in Mu Qing's diary.

From this point of view, it is obvious that Tianshu's situation is more dangerous, and it is understandable to choose self-imprisonment.

At that time, the science of human cultivation was still in the early stage of development. Facing a strong man with Tianshu's strength, it was obviously not enough to fight. If it really lost control, it would definitely be a disaster.

All this is considered from the perspective of human development.

But he still has many doubts in his heart. Thinking of this, he continued to ask:

"Why did you lose control? Is it because there is something wrong with the power Mu Wei bestowed on you?"

"It has nothing to do with the old woman. Everything is the bitter fruit of my own random attempts. The old woman has given me a long lifespan and divine marks. These powers are completely within my control."

"What is the divine pattern?"

Facing the question, Tianshu turned around slowly, revealing his back.

I saw a golden tattoo on the center of his back that meanders up and reaches the neck.

This pattern is very magical, as if it is alive, it twists and changes with Tianshu's breathing, sometimes it looks like a beast, sometimes it looks like a bird.

Turning around again, Tianshu said in a deep voice:

"This is the divine pattern, which allows me to practice any skill with dozens of times the speed of ordinary people's progress, and it can also help me simulate the natural power of creatures in any field."

"For example, as long as I have tasted the blood of the Blood Soul Tiger, my divine pattern will automatically analyze the mystery, partially change my body, and obtain the power and ability characteristics of the Blood Soul Tiger!"

With that said, Tianshu slowly raised his right arm.

I saw that his right arm continued to grow fluff rapidly, the nails became sharp, and finally turned into a huge tiger's paw.

"Shenwen allows me to adapt to fighting under any harsh conditions. There is no environmental disadvantage. As long as I continue to adapt to the power of other species, I can master a lot of practical abilities."

"So strong!" Feng Qi couldn't help but marvel.

Compared with his ability to directly plunder talents on the main timeline, Tianshu's ability is still far behind.

But from the perspective of ordinary practitioners, such an ability can be called against the sky.

"Since there is nothing wrong with the ability Mu Wei gave you, why did you lose control and go crazy? What's going on with the random attempts you mentioned?"

Facing the questioning, Tianshu had a look of reminiscence on his face.

After a brief memory, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"My divine pattern ability is not without limit. The old woman has told me this many times, but in order to pursue stronger power, I want to fuse a drop of the blood of the pillar god, so as to steal the power of the divine realm."

"It was this attempt that made me completely obsessed."

"Tell me in detail, as specific as possible."

Tianshu nodded immediately, and then told about his experience:

"I grew up with the old woman, and she watched me grow up. I learned a lot of knowledge during the days of following her."

"She is a very contagious guy. On the surface, she always looks heartless and careless, but in her heart she has a firmness that cannot be shaken by landslides and seas."

"She taught me courage, sacrifice, and calmness in the face of despair. She was my life mentor. During that time, the old woman took me around the world and abandoned me in a certain city from time to time. Self-reliant for a while ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then gone."

"This time may be a few days, or it may be months. The longest time is 2 years. At that time, I almost thought that I was forgotten by the old woman."

"The second turning point in my fate happened when I was 16 years old."

"At that time, the old woman told me that I already had the ability to be independent and was going to take me to a brand new place, but she also said that if I went there, I might never come back."

"I was very puzzled at the time and asked her if I would never see her again."

"She just smiled and told me that maybe there is a chance to meet again, but maybe never again."

"I asked her, is that place important? Do I have to go?"

"She told me that there is the first line of defense for human beings, and it is very important to the entire human civilization, and I already have the strength to protect it, so it is time to take responsibility."

"But the old woman didn't force me, she just said that even if I didn't want to, she would leave and couldn't keep me by her side."

"At that time, I struggled for a long time, but I understood that the old woman obviously had more important things to do. She seemed to be laying out the future of mankind. Even if I could follow her, it would only be a burden, so I finally agreed with the old woman. A woman's decision to go to the mysterious first line of defense."

"By the way, do you know Tongtian Road?" Tianshu suddenly asked.

Hearing Tianshu talk about the human defense line, Tongtian Road was the first thing that came to his mind.

Hearing Tianshu say the words "Tongtian Road" at this time, he knew that his guess was correct, so he immediately asked:

"The first line of defense for human beings in your mouth refers to Tongtian Road?"

"That's where I come from!" Tianshu nodded without hesitation.