I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 307: Confused

Through Tianshu's narration, Feng Qi has a detailed understanding of the reason why he chose to self-seal the underground prison.

At that time, Tianshu, who was out of control, returned to the human world after chasing and killing the life in the domain, but he didn't have the ability to return to Tongtian Road like Mu Hao.

At this time, he is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb.

The out-of-control state may appear at any time, and he can't control his behavior at all during the out-of-control period.

More importantly, the runaway time is completely unknown.

It could be just a few hours, or it could be days, and it's not necessarily safe anywhere.

Maybe it will enter a human city out of control.

This would be a terrible disaster for the major cities that had just established the cultivation system at that time.

Faced with this situation, Mu Yu's Tianshu could not be found, so he could only choose to seal himself.

Only in this way can a series of crises that may be brought to human civilization be resolved.

After understanding the reason, Feng Qi couldn't help asking:

"Uncle Tianshu, I can understand that you choose to seal yourself, but can the metal used to make this prison withstand the power you explode when you lose control? Did humans have the ability to make this kind of special metal at that time?"

As he said that, Feng Qi set his sights on the metal railing.

"The origin of this special metal is not simple. It is a precious treasure I obtained while guarding the main road of No. 32. It can not only absorb power, but also has the characteristics of sealing power."

Having said that, Tianshu looked at Feng Qi and said:

"You can try to get in touch, and you will understand what I mean."

When Feng Qi heard about it, he didn't hesitate, and immediately took a few steps forward, reaching out to touch the metal railing.

Immediately, he felt a cold chill in his heart, and the purple soul imprinted on the bone was automatically activated, and began to resist the attack of this kind of power with a sealing effect.

"In addition to this kind of metal that seals the activity of spiritual energy, the handcuffs and anklets on my body are made of Hunyuan black iron, which has extremely strong hardness and toughness." As he spoke, Tianshu stretched out his hands, revealing the handcuffs on ferrous metal.

While looking at it, Feng Qi accidentally discovered that this metal seemed very familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this metal seemed to be very similar to the metal monument outside the shelter in Star City.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked:

"Uncle Tianshu, I know that you harvested many precious treasures and relics, such as these special metals, while guarding Tongtian Road, but what I wonder is how you brought them back to the human world. You couldn't return them when you lost control. Take these treasures along with you."

Facing the questioning, Tianshu had a smile on his face, and turned around to reveal the divine pattern on his back again.

With the flickering of the divine pattern, the space black hole slowly emerged.

I saw a black iron block the size of a palm fall from the black hole in the space and hit the ground with a loud noise.

"The divine pattern bestowed on me by the old woman also has a special function. It can create a small space to store various items with me, and the size of the space will gradually expand as the divine pattern grows. After I return to the human world, I will He once handed over the treasures brought in large quantities to the Star City Army Department for use."


Knowing the reason, Feng Qi was surprised.

He has only heard the narration about the ability of the space system, but he has never seen it so far.

But I didn't expect Tianshu to have this kind of ability.

This also explains why Tianshu was able to bring back these precious metals under the out-of-control situation.

When I wanted to build a shelter in Star City in the future, I also used those special metals given by Tianshu.

The strength of this particular metal is evident.

It has limited effect against Xiao Hei, but it has an excellent effect in blocking creatures in other domains.

A kind of metal sealing power, a kind of metal binding the body, this cage is obviously a sealing place created by Tianshu for himself, it can even be said to be a coffin.

He has been waiting for Mu Wei.

If Mu Wei doesn't show up in the end, he will probably die here.

From a historical point of view, this may be the final outcome of Tianshu.

During the chat, Tianshu continued to tell the relevant information about Tongtian Road.

In Tianshu's eyes, all Tongtian fighters are like frontier fighters, guarding the main roads leading to the human world, resisting most of the domain forces that want to invade the human world.

The old fan said it in the description of the last timeline.

Before he led his tribe to open up a road to the human world, he encountered the resistance of the Tongtian warriors, and in the end he was the only one who survived by luck.

But judging from the timing, it is obvious that what the old fans encountered was not Tianshu.

After all, Tianshu has been self-sealed for more than 400 years. During this period, he never returned to Tongtian Road, let alone contacted the outside world.

It can be seen that there are not many strong human beings on Tongtian Road.

But Tianshu couldn't describe how many human beings there were in Tongtian Road.

He is only responsible for guarding the No. 32 main road and the surrounding branch roads, and has very little contact with the Tongtian fighters on other main roads.

In the last 30 years or so, he was alone and had no contact with any other human beings.

So he didn't know much about the follow-up construction of Tongtian Road.

As for why the Tongtian fighters guarding the border between the two worlds did not choose to return to build the human world, through Tianshu's explanation, Feng Qi had a clear answer in his mind.

The first reason is that the Tongtian fighters are obviously unaware of the many crises facing human civilization.

For example, in the eyes of Tianshu, the challenges facing human civilization are gradually weakening, and the construction of major cities has been on the right track. As long as we continue to persist for a period of time and survive the most difficult period, human beings will be able to fight against the forces of the domain. Gradually recover the disadvantages.

Obviously, the rest of the Tongtian fighters also had the same idea as Tianshu.

They are fighting on the first line of human defense, but they don't know that the challenges behind them are far more difficult than they imagined.

It is even believed that as long as the Tongtian Road is well guarded, the advantages of human beings will gradually expand.

The second reason is that if the Tongtian warriors return to the human world, the level of disasters faced by human civilization will be greatly increased.

This question is actually easy to understand.

The Tongtian fighters guard the first line of defense, and they only need to hunt and kill the domain forces who dare to pass the level.

But once they choose to return to the human world and build human civilization together with all mankind, the challenges they face will greatly increase.

The emergence of a large number of domain forces is definitely a disaster for ordinary people.

The human world is far bigger than the Tongtian Road, and the workload of the Tongtian fighters will also be greatly increased. In addition to dispelling the domain field, they also need to protect the human city from the attacks of domain creatures.

Guarding these two words seems simple, but the price to pay is by no means as easy as imagined.

After all, the number of Tongtian fighters is limited, and choosing to keep the main battlefield in the human world is undoubtedly a disaster for all mankind.

Choose to guard Tongtian Road, although there will still be domain forces to pass the level.

One is like the Lord of the Mist, even if you pass the customs, your vitality will be greatly injured, and the clansmen will suffer heavy losses.

The second category is that Xiao Can was so lucky to choose a hidden route, and finally successfully led the whole clan to pass.

However, there are only a small number of domain forces that can pass the customs.

In the eyes of Tongtian fighters, these customs-clearing domain forces are a difficult challenge to human civilization, but they believe that the human fighters behind will solve these problems.

It is also to relieve the pressure in this area. The children who grew up in Tongtian Road will be sent back to the human world to join the front-line experience in the supply area of ​​​​the forces in the confrontation domain, and finally return to Tongtian Road.

While these children were being sent back, they also wanted to help the Tongtian warriors collect information about the human world.

Just like Lu Yue.

As a descendant of the Lu family's swordsmanship, he was obviously taken to Tongtian Road by Mu Qing.

As he was about to grow up, he was sent back to the human world.

According to Lu Yue's normal growth trajectory, he will eventually join the front line of the supply area, become a front-line soldier, and then return to Tongtian Road after completing his training.

During the experience, he was able to bring a lot of information about the human world to Tongtianlu.

But these intelligences obviously have no relevant information about the hidden forces in the field.

After all, ordinary frontline fighters have no access to relevant information in this regard.

If the Tongtian fighters knew that the major cities had long been corrupted by the forces of the domain, they would obviously not continue to guard the front line, and would inevitably withdraw some of their strength.

To sum up, all human forces are not aware of the existence of Tongtian Road.

But in contrast, Tongtian Warrior can only see the appearance of the development of human civilization, but cannot see the turbulent waves in the dark.

In fact, if it wasn't for his ability to travel through timelines.

He certainly never imagined that under the appearance of the steady development of major cities, there are still a lot of dark sides lurking.

So he can understand why the Tongtian Warrior doesn't retreat to the human world.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi looked up at Tianshu who was bound by iron chains in the prison, and asked curiously:

"Uncle Tianshu, how much do you know about Mu Wei?"

Faced with the question, Tianshu shook his head helplessly:

"My understanding of the old woman is actually very limited. I have asked her more than once about her origins, but every time she smiled and rubbed my head fiercely, and then told me that she is a super invincible beautiful girl! "

"I don't know how many years she has lived, she always makes me feel like a girl with secondary illnesses who can't grow up!"

"Ah Qi, if things go according to the normal timeline, I will have contact with Mu Hao in the future, right?" Mu Qing asked curiously at this moment.

Feng Qi immediately nodded:

"According to the normal timeline development, in the future you will form the Dawn Army, and eventually develop into the Dawn Army. During this period, Mu Wei will join the Dawn Army to assist you in the construction of the Dawn Army."

"After your death, Mu Weihui will be the second-generation leader of the Liming Army. He will continue to command the Liming Army to fight against all forces. In the end, when the Liming Army is defeated, it will disappear completely and become a historical mystery."

When Mu Qing heard this, she nodded thoughtfully.

Tianshu answered at this moment:

"The behavior you mentioned is very in line with the character of the old woman. I can be sure that she must have been full of reluctance before she left, but she will never hesitate. If you fail, choose to fight to the end.”

"Failure is normal in the eyes of an old woman, and it does not affect her firmness in the slightest. She will still seek new miracles and continue to fight for the continuation of human civilization."

After hearing Tianshu's explanation, Feng Qi nodded:

"What a strange guy...By the way, Uncle Tianshu, you seem to know about the rune spar on Mu Qing?"

The origin of scarlet spar has always been a mystery.

But Feng Qi can probably guess that the original owner of the scarlet rune spar must be an extremely powerful terrifying creature.

He felt that the blurry figure that suddenly appeared every time Mu Qing entered the fighting state might be the original owner of the scarlet rune spar.

Facing his question, Tianshu cast his eyes on Mu Qing, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

After a brief silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I don't know much about this piece of scarlet source, but I know that the old woman attaches great importance to this piece of scarlet source spar. During the years I was with her, I often saw her playing with it in her hand and studying it. .”

"During this period, she tried to embed this piece of scarlet origin into the body of a creature in the domain. As a result, the creature in the domain instantly became extremely terrifying, and its combat power was increased by a hundred times. Death."

"I was still young at the time, and I asked the old woman if she could give me this beautiful gem."

"The old woman said that this gemstone is beyond my control. Even if I give it to me, I can't use it. Forcibly setting it will only kill you instantly. Its owner has not yet appeared."

"Since then, I have had a little fear of the scarlet source, until one day I found that the scarlet source gem disappeared, which made me very confused at the time. Usually, the old woman could not leave the scarlet source, but suddenly she disappeared for several days. It is obviously illogical to not take it out to play with.”

"In the face of my inquiry, the old woman said this. She said that the power of the scarlet source is beyond the control of humans at this stage. There is only one way to use the scarlet source, and that is to destroy the power structure in the scarlet source. Only the growth characteristics are retained."

"It is equivalent to giving up the power provided by the scarlet source, leaving only the ability characteristics. This is the only way for humans to carry the scarlet source, and then use the characteristics of the scarlet source to grow rapidly."

"She said that she has no time to analyze the structure of the scarlet origin~lightnovelpub.net~ so she has been looking for a miracle that can solve this problem. She said that she found a miracle recently and funded him to build an experiment Room, and then just wait for the day when the miracle will blossom and bear fruit."

"In short, the old woman obviously found a guy who can help him crack the scarlet source, and then became the shopkeeper again. As for whether the guy picked by the old woman successfully dissipated the power of the scarlet source, and then left the scarlet characteristic, I don't know... but now it seems that he succeeded."

With that said, Tianshu looked at Mu Qing again.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi shook his head at this moment:

"In fact, he failed, but he cultivated a better successor, her name is Wei Wei, he and she completed the cracking of the scarlet source, and finally succeeded in embedding the scarlet source in the body of senior sister Mu Qing .”

"So that's the case." Tianshu nodded, and then continued:

"Although I don't know the true origin of the scarlet source, I can guess that it must come from a life form with extremely terrifying strength, and it is even very likely to be the original power of the pillar god. Otherwise, the old woman would not pay so much attention to it."

"In your narration, the old woman will assist Mu Qing to grow in the future, which proves that she has been paying attention to the follow-up of Scarlet Origin. Mu Qing is obviously a miracle in the eyes of the old woman, and is an extremely important miraculous power."

"Unfortunately, I still failed in the end." Mu Qing regretted at this moment.

"Senior sister, we have just started this timeline."

Hearing Feng Qi's reminder, Mu Qing immediately stuck out her tongue and said:

"Sorry, I seem to have said something unlucky."

Feng Qi looked at Tianshu at this moment, and continued to ask:

"Uncle Tianshu, there is one more question. Do you know a kind of skinny blue-skinned life form?"