I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 326: The war begins, and the legend ends (11,

Chapter 327 The War Begins, The Legend Ends (11,000-word chapter)

two years later.

The dawn flag was slowly raised in the Star City Heroes Cemetery.

Representatives of various forces and Feng Qi stood in front of the Heroes Cemetery, looking at the monument and reading the oath.

After years of brewing, the decisive moment is approaching.

Looking at the hero monument shaped like a sword hilt, Feng Qi's eyes are firm.

He still clearly remembered that the first time he came here was under the leadership of Wang Jinsheng.

At that time, he innocently pointed to the Monument of Heroes and asked Lao Wang:

"Why is the shape of the Monument to Heroes like a sword piercing into the ground, and the part exposed on the ground looks like a hilt."

At that time, Lao Wang rubbed his head with a smile, and said something that he still remembers You Xin:

"This sword is long sealed in the earth, which means that the country is peaceful and the people are safe and the territory is safe. If this sword is unsheathed, it means that the country is hard to come, and the heroic spirit will rise again."

"The star city under our feet is the scabbard, and the scabbard is the gentlest destination of the sword!"

He was a little confused when he heard these words.

But he heard the respect and pride in Wang Jinsheng's words.

As he grew older, he deeply understood the meaning of Lao Wang's words.

The heroic soul sleeping here is the sharp sword in its sheath.

Looking at the Heroes Monument not far away, his eyes became more determined. .

"This expedition, may the heroic spirit bless you!"

At this moment, Feng Qi picked up the jug placed on the table in front of him, walked around the table to the monument, and waved it down.

When he turned around.

The representatives of the Prajna Battle Group, the Qingtian Battle Group, the Star City Military Headquarters, the Hu Soul Research Institute... all looked at him solemnly, waiting for his order.

Taking a deep breath, he felt the weight on his shoulders more and more.

But with more and more burdens, he is also more and more eager to win.

Looking up at the Dawn Banner fluttering in the wind, he gave the order:

"All soldiers, go out!"

After the words fell, representatives of various forces roared and shouted, and drank Zhuangxing wine at the same time.

The shouts spread towards the outside of the Heroes Cemetery, and countless roars resounded through Star City like sparks.

Then the representatives of each force dispersed and began to organize forces.

After a while, the mighty warriors walked towards the north gate of Star City. Vehicles along the way gave way and honked their horns to help them move.

In the past two years, the residents of Star City have known the truth of the world.

When it was learned that human society had long been encroached by the domain, the repercussions were huge, and even once caused turmoil in Star City.

During this period, Fengqi saw the fragility of human nature.

But I also saw a large number of people of insight choose to stand up and join the dawn organization, willing to dedicate their strength to the ideal world in their hearts.

Most of the fighters trained back then have graduated, and now they have become new forces of the Dawn Army.

In this battle, he has bet everything on this battle line.

The north gate of Star City was wide open, and trucks loaded with supplies drove out in long queues.

In the sky, drone formations are responsible for **** and reconnaissance.

For the arrival of this battle, Feng Qi has made a lot of preparations.

Material storage, equipment building, strength training, and other measures in Star City are only part of it.

In order to win this battle better, he also built several supply stations on the road from Star City to Future City for follow-up supply.

Even half a year ago, the last field field blocking the road between Future City and Star City was dispersed to facilitate the soldiers to travel long distances.

In fact, there is a subway leading to the future city in Star City.

But it is obviously inappropriate to transport soldiers by subway.

What's more, the subway leads to the interior of the future city, and a large number of soldiers being transported there will inevitably attract the attention of the shadow forces.

He had waited too long for this day to come.

Whether all the efforts will be rewarded will be answered in the near future.

Dawn flags followed the advance of the army, raised in front of the troops of all forces, and fluttered in the wind.

In this battle, they are all members of the dawn army, no longer separated from each other, they are all companions.

The whole city was boiling, and a large number of people came to the north gate to see him off.

Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, the soldiers marched forward with firm steps.

A similar scene repeats itself today in history.

The soldiers stationed in Star City more than a hundred years ago also left Star City to protect the pure land of mankind and embarked on a journey, both in the direction of the future city, and also to fight against the forces of the domain.

At the forefront of the team at this time, Feng Qi did not ride in the car, but chose to carry resources on his back like the soldiers and move forward with a heavy load.

Beside him are the core members of the dawn organization.

Mu Qing, Lin Ran, Lu Yue and others were among them.

"Brother Chess, after so many years, the timeline has finally risen, how do you feel?"

"This battle must be won!" Feng Qi grinned.

"At that time, I propose to send the boss of the shadow force to the guillotine. This is called retaliation." Mu Qing suddenly said at this moment.

Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

For this expedition, Fengqi dispatched 85% of Star City's power, 10% of which was used for subsequent supply transportation, and the remaining 5% was used for Star City's stability maintenance.

He also considered leaving a third of his strength in Star City.

But if you think about it carefully, everyone has bet everything in this battle, and this expedition is a desperate one, and there will be no way out.

Now that you have decided to fight, go all out and fight.

His ideas have been supported by the military and various forces.

They have no way out, and the outside situation is not optimistic. The top management of the Weak Race Alliance in the field even sent him bad news.

Some forces are already gathering strength and preparing to unite against Star City.

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

If it goes well, he will continue to fight after taking down the future city until the last soldier is exhausted.

The final outcome of this battle line is to fight to the death.

"The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return when he is gone..."

"Don't be crowed." Hearing Lin Ran's muttering, Xia Long couldn't help but glared at him, and then continued:

"We are so well prepared, maybe after solving the future city, we can continue to advance to the old city, and then wipe out the psionic race."

"I agree!" Mu Qing raised her right hand and seconded.

The solemn atmosphere of the expedition faded a lot in the chat.

Against the future city, Fengqi is confident.

With information from multiple timelines, he clearly knows the comprehensive strength of the future city, and it is difficult to fight against the well-prepared Xiaoxiao.

What's more, Li Xingchen from Future City is still on his side, acting as an internal response.

The only variable is Xiao Hei.

He didn't know whether Xiao Hei was in a semi-finished state or just in the design stage.

If Xiao Hei is in a state where he can be awakened and used, the situation will be out of his control.

Quantity doesn't work in front of Xiao Hei.

The only difference is the duration of persistence.

future city.

Science and Technology Research Institute, core area.

In front of the silver-white round conference table, twenty-eight jet-black shadows floated in front of their respective seats.

After a brief silence, the pitch-black figure in the first seat slowly opened his mouth and said:

"I'm sure you all know about the movement in Star City, and you can basically be sure that the Star City military headquarters and other forces are coming towards us this time, otherwise they wouldn't have used up their combat power in advance to break through the domain barrier between Star City and my future city. "

"But I am very puzzled. Why did Star City make such a big move against us?"

After the words fell, the black shadow in the first seat glanced at the clansmen present.

"What about the information that asked you to investigate?"

Facing the question, the black shadow floating on his left immediately said:

"Investigations have been carried out in various aspects, but the intelligence network in Star City is impenetrable, and we can't even contact the alliance of weak races in the domain inside Star City to obtain internal information for us. We only know that Star City has been promoting super virtual games for these years. "

Hearing the leader's shadow, he said in a deep voice:

"I have known about super virtual games for a long time. At that time, I already regarded Star City as a threat. This game has a huge impact on the development of human beings and is really detrimental to our future layout. But what I didn't expect is...they created super virtual games. The game training turned out to be against us, which was completely beyond my expectations."

During the discussion, the leading black shadow obviously suppressed his anger.

It pays attention to the development of Star City all the time.

But it never thought that the development of Star City would threaten their future layout.

All this seems illogical.

Judging from the latest investigation information, Star City sent almost all of its combat power towards Future City, which is obviously ready for a desperate fight.

Such behavior seemed to him too crazy and full of irrationality.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that the guy who was manipulating the war behind the scenes had the support of the Star City Military Headquarters and various forces.

Looking at this issue from a normal perspective, even if they know that the future city is already under their control, they should think of other ways instead of putting all their eggs in one basket. This is simply a crazy gamble.

But now the situation is beyond its control.

Facing the incoming Dawn Army, it can only be forced to fight.

Thinking of this, Hei Ying said in a deep voice:

"Get ready for the battle. The Black Death Plan must continue. It will never be destroyed by any force. Let's start preparing for the battle."

Hearing its command, the surrounding shadows dissipated.

After all the clansmen left, a hint of thought appeared in Sombra's eyes.

"This step may be the beginning of the destruction of human civilization... Could it be that the guy who manipulated this war wants to destroy human civilization? Otherwise, why did he make such a decision?"

"Or do they know about the Black Death Project? Or are there other problems that must be solved that require them to launch a war?"

Still unable to see through the shadow of the reason why Star City launched the war, many doubts arose in his mind.

But it only thinks about the problem from the perspective of the overall situation, how can it see through the layout of Fengqi from the perspective of the timeline...

The large-scale mobilization of Star City caused an uproar in the five major cities.

The media headlines in major cities that day were all related to this matter.

Especially the public opinion on the Old City side.

They all point to the fact that the super virtual game is the chief culprit of the scourge of Star City, resulting in situations that the outside world cannot understand and are uncontrollable in Star City.

But when faced with the proposal of a large number of people hoping that the members of the highest council in the city will go to prevent the outbreak of war.

Those latent forces in the domain that control the power of the city are silent.

Regarding the outbreak of this war, they, like the shadow forces, are completely at a loss.

The answers to all these can only be gleaned from part of the truth after the outbreak of war.

So they are also looking forward to the start of the war.

After all, Star City and Future City are not under their control, no matter how tragic the war is, it will not affect their future layout.

These latent forces in the domain who chose to watch the battle even suspected that this was a confrontation between two domain forces they did not know about.

After all, regardless of whether the war is won or lost, the only ones who suffer heavy losses are humans.

In the midst of the dark tide, the hidden forces in various fields dispatched a large number of combat forces to the direction of the future city at this stage, and decided to investigate relevant intelligence while watching the battle.

Star City direction.

Star City West District, Energy Research Institute.

Yinling stood on the top of the energy tower, overlooking the bustling Star City, with a charming smile on her face.

"I didn't expect the opportunity to come earlier, it was a pleasant surprise."

The immature boy sitting beside him raised his head at this moment:

"Sister, can we start our plan?"

Facing the questioning, Yin Ling lowered her head and rubbed the little boy's head, then smiled and said:

"Do you know why we chose to control the Energy Research Institute in the West District of Star City?"

Hearing this, the little boy shook his head blankly after thinking for a few seconds.

"The energy lines of the entire Star City need to be connected to the major energy research institutes in the western district. It seems that these energy research institutes have no power in Star City, and even have to report the use of resources, but they control the energy lifeline of the entire Star City."

"Now our people have completely controlled all the energy research institutes in the western part of Star City. Do you know what this means?"

"It means that we control the source of energy transportation for the entire Star City." The little boy looked stunned, and then reasoned along the way:

"So when the clansmen arrive in the future, we only need to cut off all the energy channels, and the Star City will be paralyzed in a short period of time. At that time, the defensive power of the Star City will be greatly weakened, and our Silvermoon Clan will be able to gain huge power. Advantage."

After hearing the little boy's analysis, Yinyue smiled happily.

"Am I right?"

"Half right, what's more important is that now we have a lot of energy in our hands, and this energy is the most important part of this plan."

"The use of these energy sources is not to be reported..." Halfway through the words, the little boy suddenly froze.

He suddenly understood the meaning behind this sentence.

It is usually reported, but why listen to the orders of the Supreme Council of Star City when it is time to decide the outcome.

"Xiao Yi, do you miss your family?"

"Think!" The little boy immediately nodded solemnly.

"The time has come and you'll see it soon."

At this time, she picked up the communicator in her hand and said in a cold voice:

"Start to build the space teleportation array, cut off all the energy lines, and then supply the consumption of the space teleportation array, and prepare for the arrival of our army!"

After Yinling's voice fell, the originally brightly lit Star City suddenly fell into darkness, and the lights of all families went out at the same time.

All the layout finally ushered in an opportunity today.

Now that the combat power in Star City is at full strength, she is not afraid of any threats or challenges.

Looking at the Star City shrouded in darkness, a bright smile appeared on Yinling's face.

The direction of the dawn army.

After five days of rushing, the Dawn Army had already marched to Frost Lake.

The lake that was originally blocked has now built a new bridge across the lake. The soldiers stepped on the bridge and walked straight towards the forest 30 miles away.

With a distance of 580 kilometers, the Dawn Army needs to travel a long distance to reach it.

On a massive march, there are no shortcuts.

Even if it is transported in large quantities by transport planes, it cannot be solved in a short period of time. Moreover, the teams that are separated from the main force and transported in advance can easily fall into the predicament of being surrounded.

Only walking can keep the situation under control and avoid various hidden problems.

For this war, Feng Qi has already made a route layout.

Along the way, food supply stations, bridges, energy warehouses... all kinds of facilities have been built in advance.

There are a total of three routes planned and built. Even if there is a problem with the route in the middle, he can still lead the Dawn Army to the future city.

Hearing the roar of the engine of the armored vehicle in operation, Feng Qi picked up the tablet and began to check the real-time images sent back by the reconnaissance drone in front of him.

At this moment, Qin Shikong's figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"Aqi, I'm a little uneasy, I always feel that something big is about to happen."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi immediately looked up at Qin Shikong with doubts on his face.

Although Qin Shikong's ability to predict the future is unstable, its accuracy rate is very high.

Each prediction given by Qin Shikong can be used as an important reference.

Hearing these words, his expression became serious:

"Old Qin, do you mean that there will be unexpected dangers in our trip to the future city?"

"No, the direction of my perception is not the direction of the future city, but the direction of the star city!"

Hearing these words, Feng Qi couldn't help being taken aback.

"Star City?"

"Yes, I have a hunch that something big will happen there."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi stopped, turned his head and looked in the direction of Xingcheng, with doubts in his eyes.

The situation in Star City is completely under his control.

Now the alliance of weak races in the field has completely surrendered to him.

The Yeying family and old fans have withdrawn from the stage of history ahead of schedule.

From a historical point of view, there will not be any major events in this historical stage of Star City.

Could it be that he changed history and caused potential hidden dangers to happen.

Just then, the communicator beeped.

Without hesitation, he immediately picked up the communicator and pressed the answer button.

"Aqi, something happened in Star City, all the energy lines have been cut off!"

Hearing Dean Hu's urgent voice, he immediately realized that the situation seemed to be out of control.

And this has never happened in history.

Facing the unexpected situation, he immediately asked:

"Dean Qi, tell me in detail what happened."

Facing the inquiry, Dean Hu Soul at the other end of the communicator took a few seconds to calm down, and then continued to speak:

"The major energy research institutes in Xingchen West cut off the supply of electricity and other energy sources in Star City. At the same time, a huge array appeared in the sky above Star City. I suspect that this is a space transmission array. The energy in Star City is sent to this place. In the teleportation array, it is used for the operation consumption of the array."

After taking a deep breath, Dean Hupo said solemnly:

"I suspect... there are domain forces coming to Star City!"

After hearing Dean Hupo's explanation, Feng Qi's mind was buzzing.

Many missing lines of intelligence were interconnected in his mind to form a complete intelligence line.

The Silver Bell, the Energy Research Institute, the puppets of the Silver Moon Clan, the arrival of the Silver Moon Clan...

A few years ago, he discovered that there might be vanguard members of the Silvermoon Clan lurking in Star City.

But in his opinion at the time, the layout of the Silver Moon Clan did not conflict with his battle line. After all, the arrival of the Silver Moon Clan was at the end of the dark period created by the Dawn Army.

At that time, he didn't think too much about it, and he didn't concentrate his energy towards the Silver Moon Clan.

But now he finally wanted to understand the ins and outs of these branch information, and also understood what the layout of the Yinyue Clan was.

In the normal historical line, there is a prerequisite for the Yinyue clan to invade Star City.

This prerequisite seemed to him at the time to be just a coincidence, but now it seems completely inevitable.

The historical situation at that time was that the Star City Military Department sent a large number of troops to the Future City to help the Future City resist the sudden large-scale expansion of the field.

It was at that time that the Yinyue Clan entrenched outside Star City launched a war against Star City.

At that time, Star City's defensive strength was weakest, and it had no power to resist the expanding Silver Moon Domain.

Thinking about it now, it must have been the vanguard members of the Silvermoon Clan lurking in Star City who passed information to the Silvermoon Clan outside Star City, which made the Silvermoon Clan resolutely choose to attack Star City at that time.

It's just that the Yinyue Clan missed the existence of the sucker.

This seemingly inevitable success of the war ended in complete failure.

The timeline goes back to the present.

Now that the Silver Moon Field has not descended from outside the Star City, he is very sure that the Silver Moon Clan will not be able to make waves on this battle line.

But looking at it now, the Silvermoon Clan fighters lurking in Star City had simply made two-handed preparations.

Preparation 1. For the time that happened in history, they first came to the Silver Moon Field, entrenched outside the Star City and waited for an opportunity to appear. The clansmen lurking in the Star City provided information and looked for opportunities.

Opportunity to launch a war: Most of Star City's combat power supports Future City.

Preparation 2. Control the Energy Research Institute and control all energy lines in Star City.

Opportunity to launch a war: All the combat power of Star City will go out of the city to the future city. At this time, the energy supply of Star City will be cut off, and all energy will be used to outline a super-large space transmission array, so that the clansmen will come one step ahead of time.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi's complexion became extremely gloomy.

What he saw was the movement track of the Silver Moon Clan in history.

But I didn't expect that the Silver Moon Clan had already made two-handed preparations. Now that all of Star City's combat power had left Star City, it was obvious that the Silver Moon Clan lurking in Star City saw the possibility of successfully occupying Star City.

At this time, coupled with the continuous energy supply and operation consumption of the teleportation array, the arrival of the Yinyue clan seems so logical.

Feng Qi couldn't help clenching his fists at this moment.

Now there is still a chance to stop the arrival of the Silver Moon Clan.

That is the Tongtian warrior who blocked Tongtian Road.

But he fears two other possibilities.

What if the Silvermoon Clan who wanted to come to Star City this time didn't come with a domain field?

The risk of landing with a field field is much higher than that of direct landing, and the risk of exposure rises linearly.

But the Silvermoon Clan's invasion of Star City obviously wanted to use Star City as the starting point for future layout.

So whether to bring the domain field or not, it seems that it is not so important to the Silver Moon Clan.

There is also a possibility that the transmission channel opened by the Silver Moon Clan happened not to be guarded by Tongtian warriors.

Either of these two situations, in his opinion, is very bad.

More importantly, Star City will be the last supply station for the next war against Future City.

Once Star City is broken, the rear supply will be completely blocked.

Even if he builds many supply stations along the way, it will still affect the war launched against the future city.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

Thousands of calculations were made, but he did not expect that the success would still fall short. The cunning of the domain forces was far beyond his expectations.

For the future layout, none of the domain forces is a fool.

For example, in this expedition, how could he have thought that the Silvermoon Clan had been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time.

It was he who gave the Yinyue Clan the opportunity to occupy Star City a hundred years in advance.

After marching for five days, it is impossible for the large troops to rush back to Star City.

He completely lost the chance of a Jedi comeback.

All the efforts in front of this line of battle seem to be in vain when the Silver Moon Clan descends.

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind.

He thought of someone.

Maybe he can turn the tide.

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the communicator and entered the code name of Dean Hupo.

After waiting for a few seconds, the call got through.

At this moment, Feng Qi eagerly opened his mouth and said:

"Principal Qi, go to the prison of the Hu Soul sub-base and seek Tianshu's help..."

An hour and a half later.

Amber is divided into bases and underground prisons.

After listening to Dean Qi's eager explanation, Tianshu, who was in the dark environment, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

"I see!"

With a wave of his hand, the door of the special cage slowly opened.

At this time, the divine pattern on the back bloomed brightly, and a steady stream of power poured into the body through the divine pattern.

Tianshu's skinny body quickly filled up, and his sparse hair also grew rapidly under the infusion of the power of the **** pattern.

The dirt and dead skin on the body surface fell off one after another.

When Tianshu opened his eyes again, he turned into a young man around 25 years old.

The brilliance flowed in the dark eyes, and Tianshu completely changed at this time, as if reborn.

At this moment, he looked at Dean Hupo:

"Stay away, I'm coming out."

Hearing these words, Dean Hupo nodded immediately, and then quickly left the prison area.

When Dean Hu Soul left, Tianshu took a deep breath, and then a terrifying power suddenly erupted.

The iron chains wrapped around the wrists of both hands began to twist and deform under the pressure of his strength, and finally the ends of the iron chains made a sound of shattering, and the iron chains fell off.

The legs suddenly stomped to the ground, and the iron chains that bound the feet suddenly shattered.

Dragging the iron chain wrapped around his wrist, Tianshu stepped out of the prison.

Then he took the elevator to the surface with Dean Hu Soul.

When he walked out of the gate of the Hu Soul sub-base, the fresh air made Tian Shu feel briefly in a trance.

Looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

Self-sealed for more than three hundred years, he has not felt everything in the outside world for too long.

He greedily breathed in the fresh air, with nostalgia in his eyes.

After a while, he cast his eyes on the large space formation hovering in the western sky, then looked at Dean Hupo and said softly:

"Leave it to me, go back."

As he spoke, he walked towards the west side of Star City.

West Star City.

The super-large teleportation array in the sky has been outlined under the infusion of continuous energy, and the distorted space channel gradually appears in the central area of ​​the space teleportation array.

This opportunity came too suddenly, completely beyond Yinling's expectation.

Now that the space teleportation formation has been formed, and the combat power in Star City has left, it is impossible to rush back in a short time. In her view, this battle is a foregone conclusion.

What follows will be a massacre for the residents of Star City, but for the Silver Moon Clan, it will be the first step towards the future.

At this time, the sky began to rain lightly, Yinling and Yinyi looked up at the sky, quietly waiting for the arrival of the tribe's army.

While waiting, a distorted space channel appeared in the center of the formation.

Countless silver-white light spots emerged in the distorted space channel.

Under the expectant eyes of Yinling and Yinyi, the figures of hundreds of clansmen first appeared from the other side of the space passage.

But just as Yinling was about to fly into the sky to welcome the arrival of the clansmen, a red fireball suddenly flew in the distance and collided with hundreds of clansmen who were about to step out of the space passage.

In an instant, the bodies of hundreds of clansmen were engulfed by flames, turning into sparks and falling from the sky.

Yinling was stunned by this scene. Through the red flames, she saw a man with a stern face, with two iron chains wrapped around his wrists, with his upper body naked.

I saw him flying into the space channel without hesitation...

The divine patterns on the back shone brightly, and Tianshu looked at the silver-white light spots constantly emerging at the end of the space passage, his eyes were indifferent and calm.

Killing was like breathing to him.

While guarding No. 32 Tongtian Main Road, he has long lost count of how many lives he killed and how much blood was stained on his hands.

Even after more than three hundred years, he has never forgotten this period of time.

Standing at the exit of the space passage, a familiar feeling came to my heart.

With the flickering of the divine pattern on his back, the red flames attached to the iron chain along his hands, and a slightly arrogant smile appeared on his face.

He is ready for the next big battle.

Dense silver-white figures emerged in the distance, and Tianshu saw the excitement on their faces, as if thinking that there would be a bright future at the end of the passage.

"Sorry...this is hell!"

As his words fell, he slashed forward with his right hand, and a fiery snake swung forward from the iron chain, cutting off a large number of silver-white figures at the waist.

The left arm followed closely, and another fire snake swept forward, engulfing a large number of silver-white figures.

A shrill scream rang in his ears, but Tianshu's expression remained indifferent.

More and more figures of Yinyue Clan warriors emerged in the passage, coming forward one after another like waves, and Tianshu also launched an active attack at this time.

The fighting skills honed on Tongtian Road have not been used for more than three hundred years, but they are like instincts branded in life.

His figure shuttled between the silver and white figures, like a **** of death, constantly harvesting the lives of the Silver Moon Clan warriors.


As the killing proceeded, a crazy smile appeared on Tianshu's face.

The divine pattern on the back began to flicker unsteadily.

His emotions were on the verge of losing control during the battle, and he seemed to be in a state of madness at any time.

This is also the reason why Tianshu chose to seal himself.

But this time, he didn't suppress the violent emotion in his heart any more, and chose to vent it to his heart's content.

The iron chain wrapped around his hands hummed unbearably, and the light on it kept flickering, but it was still difficult to suppress Tianshu, who was in high spirits during the battle.

Amidst the maniacal laughter, his figure was almost blurred, and he quickly shuttled and walked, and every time he flickered past, he would take the lives of a large number of Silver Moon Clan soldiers.

Faced with the mass death of the clansmen, the Yinyue clan at the other end of the passage obviously noticed something was wrong.

Soon, many figures with terrifying aura appeared at the end of the passage.

The leader is the current elder of the Yinyue Clan, and behind him are more than ten members of the elders of the clan.

Seeing Tianshu who was covered in red flames, they suddenly showed serious expressions.

But at this time, the Silver Moon Clan had no way out.

There is no opening nonsense transition, and the battle at this time absolutely does not need language adjustments, only you fight between life and death.

In an instant, more than ten Yinyue clan elders surrounded Tianshu.

Facing the encirclement, Tianshu's expression remained unchanged.

The iron chain carried red flames across at this moment, and a member of the elders group was instantly split in half by the iron chain, and his figure lost power and fell into the countercurrent of the space channel and disappeared.

Seeing the death of their old friend, the rest of the elders showed grief, but they still rushed to Tianshu resolutely.


An almost distorted grin appeared on Tianshu's face, and his figure appeared in front of the old man in a flash, and the iron chain suddenly fell.


The iron chain collided with the old palm of the Yinyue clan.

In an instant, the silver light and the red light squeezed each other, and a dazzling light bloomed.

Several space cracks appeared at the intersection of power, and the countercurrent of space tore apart the bodies of Tianshu and Yinyue clan elders.

The power that can easily smash steel into pieces cannot shake their bodies.

When the space crack dissipated and recovered, the two figures retreated at the same time, but the retreating Tianshu figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of the elder Yinyue again, and the iron chain slammed on his chest.

The Yinyue family always vomited blood under Tianshu's violent swing, but still endured the pain and slapped Tianshu's chest with his backhand.

The silver light tried to spread into Tianshu's body, but as the divine pattern on Tianshu's back flickered, all the silver energy was swallowed up.

Seeing that the elder of the great clan was injured, the rest of the elders rushed over and surrounded Tianshu again.

Looking at the members of the elders of the Yinyue clan who surrounded him, Tianshu's eyes slowly moved to the soldiers of the Yinyue clan who wanted to take this opportunity to get out of the passage in the distance.

While his figure was flashing, he used brute force to knock away the elders of the Yinyue tribe who were blocking the way, and quickly passed through the warriors of the Silvermoon tribe who wanted to descend on Star City, and immediately a large number of Yinyue tribe warriors died.

At the end of the passage, Tianshu looked at the members of the elders of the Yinyue clan who were chasing him, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"As many as you come, as many as you kill!"

A new round of killing started again.

The Silvermoon Clan seemed to bet on the future of the race, and they went on to kill one after another.

But in front of Tianshu, their charge was more like a meaningless struggle, with figures constantly falling down the space channel and being swept away by the countercurrent of space.

Facing the terrifying Tianshu, more and more members of the elders came.

The Yinyue tribe occupies the second floor of the black domain of the domain world, and their heritage accumulated from generation to generation is very profound, and their fighters seem to have a steady stream.

Gradually, puppet warlocks, beast warlocks...more and more silver moon warriors emerged from the end of the passage.

Even though they knew that Tianshu was almost invincible, they still chose to break through with all their might.

There is absolutely no possibility of retreat in a battle that bets on the future of the race.

When the patriarch Yinyue shrouded in silver light appeared, Tianshu finally felt the pressure, but couldn't help laughing.

He clenched his hands and exerted a sudden force, and the iron chain wrapped around his wrist suddenly fell off.

This time he chose not to suppress the restless power in his body.

His eyes gradually turned emerald green, his breathing gradually became short of breath, and his body grew dark green bone spurs, making him extremely hideous and terrifying.

Distorted runes also covered the whole body at this time.

Countless obscure divine knowledge surged in his mind, and his consciousness gradually became blurred under the erosion of this force.


With the last trace of consciousness remaining in Tianshu, he looked towards the densely packed figures and shouted.

Facing the provocation, Patriarch Yinyue quickly approached with hundreds of elders.

The green figure passed by, and Tianshu crushed an elder's head immediately, and the green bone spurs pierced into the elder's body, draining the blood from his body.

Before he could even utter a scream, Tianshu took his life away.

However, the death of this elder did not affect the continuation of the battle. Countless Silvermoon warriors followed the patriarch and threw the silver rope towards Tianshu.

Countless silver energy cables wrapped around Tianshu's body, and power burst out from all directions, trying to work together to tear him apart.

But Tianshu's strong body withstood the pressure.

Struggling hard, the green energy was transmitted along the silver-white energy cable, and immediately a large number of Silvermoon warriors exploded and died, falling from the sky.

Tianshu in a state of madness has broken away from the scope of human beings.

More like an out-of-control domain monster.

The lives of Silvermoon warriors were constantly withering in his hands.

After three days and three nights of killing, Tianshu was like a tireless beast, frantically devouring the lives of the Yinyue warriors.

But gradually, he woke up from the madness.

Facing the still unkillable Yinyue clansmen ahead, Tianshu did not back down and continued to fight resolutely.

The body is broken in high-load battles, but it will soon be repaired by the divine pattern, and it is repeatedly damaged and repaired like this.

But his face was always the same, and he never showed a painful expression.

The opponent this time is very strong, but he has long been used to such high-load battles, and he is even more used to the loneliness when fighting alone.

In order to deal with Tianshu, the Yinyue Clan kept pulling out ultimate moves.

Various killer weapons that were originally intended to be used in the future layout appeared one after another, but Tianshu resisted them one by one.

It's just that these killer weapons also caused irreparable wounds to Tianshu's body.

Dragging his broken body, Tianshu stood at the end of the passage, looking contemptuously at the mighty Yinyue warriors in front of him.


As soon as the words fell, a crack suddenly appeared on his chest, and fine drops of blood slid down the crack.

Looking at Tianshu who was still arrogant even though he was seriously injured, the patriarch Yinyue, who was covered in injuries, did not look down upon him, only solemn.

In the past few days of fighting, he has witnessed the horror of Tianshu with his own eyes.

But he must continue this battle, and he has already paid a huge price. If he can't pass it, it will undoubtedly be a failure.

The Yinyue patriarch let out a roar at this moment, and led the clansmen to kill Tianshu again.

In the interlacing of figures, countless figures fell.

The strength of the Yinyue clan exceeded Tianshu's expectations. Even if he is not at his peak, he is not a force that can be challenged by ordinary forces.

But the Silvermoon Clan gave him the long-lost pressure.

The feeling of wandering between life and death reminded him of the days when he guarded Tongtian Road.

While roaring, he dragged his exhausted body and ran towards the oncoming patriarch Yinyue.

The burden on the body became more and more serious, and several bones and flesh on his body were overwhelmed and broken during the battle.

Feeling the passing of vitality in his body, Tianshu couldn't help laughing.

He saw the fear in the eyes of the Yinyue patriarch, and even more so, the fear in the eyes of the Yinyue clan warriors.

After repelling the crazy attack of the Yinyue clan again, Tianshu looked at the head of the Yinyue clan and said calmly:

"Give you a choice, either go back or die!"

Looking at Tianshu who lost his arms, was covered with cracks, and was about to collapse at any time like a porcelain doll, the Yinyue patriarch held back his fear and let out another offensive roar.

This charge lasted half a day.

When the last figure fell in front of Tianshu, Tianshu walked out of the space passage without looking back.

The figure fell straight from the air, and he fell heavily on the hillside of the west side of Star City.

Feeling the passing of vitality in his body, Tianshu struggled to sit up and looked at the large formation slowly dissipating in the sky.


At this moment, there was a crisp cracking sound, and another crack appeared on his face, from which fine drops of blood gushed out.

"Damn old woman...I'm going to die...not yet."

When the lamp of life was exhausted, he thought of the old woman who used the lollipops that she could not eat in her life as a condition to abduct him.

Since then he has been fighting for the future of mankind...

"This deal is too bad, but...it seems that I don't regret it."

There were more and more cracks on the body surface. He greedily breathed in the fresh air, but there was no fear in his eyes that should be faced with death.

The breeze was blowing on his face, and the nearby vegetation swayed with the wind. Feeling the vitality around him, he turned his head to look at the morning glow emerging in the east, his eyes full of expectations.

As consciousness gradually blurred, countless pictures flashed before his eyes.

He saw himself sitting on a park bench, his first encounter with an older woman.

Then he saw that in the days when he followed the old woman, he was reprimanded by the old woman because he didn't work hard in training, but he looked aggrieved.

There is also the tension and sense of responsibility when I set foot on Tongtian Road for the first time, and I feel the same at this time...

He also saw his companions guarding No. 32 main road leave one by one, crying bitterly...

The loneliness when guarding No. 32 main road alone...

It's like reliving a long old movie of your own.

At the end of the screen, Tianshu opened his eyes.

The breeze blew his white hair that had lost its luster, and he used his last strength to drive the divine lines on his back, and took out a colored lollipop from the space channel that appeared in front of him, and held it tightly in his hand.

"Old woman... I have never failed to live up to my promise to you... I... tried my best~lightnovelpub.net~ The last gleam of light in my eyes also faded at this time.

As his body tilted, he fell on the land for which he had dedicated his life.

The colorful lollipop in his hand also shattered with the withering of life.

Everything started with a lollipop and ended with this one lollipop.

This is the end of Tianshu's legendary life.

However, the legendary story of one person guarding the main road of Tongtian No. 32 for 30 years and being invincible for thirty years, using the flesh and blood remains of countless creatures in the realm to build the Huangquan Road with bones, is still being sung on Tongtian Road.

He who had defeated creatures and experts in countless domains, ushered in the end of his life in the radiance of the morning glow.

I couldn't sleep at night, and I coded this chapter all night...

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Huazhu~