I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 330: Become a demon to kill a demon

Chapter 331 Incarnation of the Devil Can Kill the Devil

Star City to the north.

The sky was drizzling hazy.

The mountains in front are continuous, and the marching team winds up like a long dragon.

The soil became muddy under the moisture of the rain, and the marching speed began to slow down gradually.

Walking in the air, Feng Qi looked into the distance, misty rain shrouded the green mountains and the road ahead.

Passing through these continuous mountains, the Dawning Army will step into the plain, and it is very close to the destination of this trip, Future City.

Whether years of hard work can pay off, the answer is about to be revealed.

At this moment, his figure dropped rapidly and came to the front of the team.

"We will be able to reach the future city in two days at the earliest. What do you think?" At this time, Qin Shikong, who was wearing a tattered Taoist robe, came to his side.

"If you have any opinion, it's over." Feng Qi grinned, and then continued:

"Why don't you calculate in advance and see how our trip ends?"

Qin Shikong shook his head helplessly at this time:

"I've been through it several times, but I can't see through the mystery at all. You know that I need to catch the line of fortune-telling, but the line of mystery has not come, and I can't predict the outcome of this trip. This kind of situation is very rare... ...I even suspect that there is something obscuring the secret in the city of the future."

After listening to Qin Shikong's explanation, Feng Qi suddenly thought of Xiao Hei.

If there is something in the future city that cannot be seen through multiple timelines, it is Xiao Hei and the mysterious person "Mo" who created Xiao Hei. .

Blackie is an old acquaintance.

Although he has never met in the sacrifice line, every time he goes to the future 1500 years later, he will always be "warmly welcomed".

Among them, "ink" is the most mysterious existence.

During the time he was lurking in the Science and Technology Research Institute, he knew that there was one of the most mysterious researcher "Mo" in the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Psionic energy technology, black death plan, aura dispersing bombs, mantra machines... There are Mo figures behind all kinds of black technology products.

If Sombra is the ruler of the Science and Technology Research Institute, then Mo is the technical core of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

It is also with the help of Mo that the Science and Technology Research Institute controlled by Sombra successfully surpassed the "Future Research Institute", the first authority in the city of the future.

Even behind Li Xingchen's mechanized transformation technology, there is technical support from Mo.

During his days at the Undercover Science and Technology Research Institute, he had seen two black technology products developed by "Mo".

The first is a bomb that can disperse the aura.

The lethality of this weapon is close to nothing, but the impact it causes is huge, and the upper limit is extremely high.

After the bomb explodes, it will disperse the aura within one kilometer, creating a vacuum field of aura, which is almost three inches for the creatures who control the aura to fight.

Unless there is a lot of spiritual energy in the body, it will instantly fall into a state of being unable to cast spells.

Especially those battles that rely on external spiritual energy to cast spells, the environment without spiritual energy can no longer exert the combat power it should have.

At the same time, the aura vacuum area will also make the cultivator lose the source of aura replenishment in an instant.

In order to solve this problem, Feng Qi also made preparations in advance.

He opened the warehouse of Tiger Soul and the military department, and equipped each soldier with spiritual stones that he carried with him. Once he was unable to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world, he would rely on the spiritual energy to temporarily help restore the spiritual energy.

The second is the mantra.

It was this machine that nearly exposed him.

If it wasn't for Wei Wei's help, he wouldn't have survived that internal test at all.

But Wei Wei didn't find a real solution to the test of the mantra, but only developed a special medicine, which made him fall into a coma instantly when he was eroded by aura.

At that time, he had undergone biochemical transformation, and his body was extremely weak, so Sombra just thought that this was a serious sequelae left by the biochemical transformation. In addition, his physique was indeed dying at that time, so he barely managed to pass the early exposure.

This shows how terrifying Mo's ability is.

He has always been a mystery in Feng Qi's heart.

Some people speculate that he is a human, some people speculate that he is a creature from another domain kidnapped by Sombra, and some people speculate that "Mo" is Sombra himself.

But in the Science and Technology Research Institute, no one can come into contact with Mo except for the shadow.

Among the various guesses, Feng Qi is more inclined to Mo is the shadow.

He has seen the power of the shadow.

If the Mist Lord is a master at playing tricks, then Sombra is a master at playing with people's hearts.

He can make many soldiers work for him without hesitation, and even betray human beings, which shows his ability.

But the most powerful thing about the shadow is definitely not his way of playing with people's hearts, but his origin.

After exploring multiple timelines, the identity of Sombra is now very clear.

It is the clansman who escaped with the "miracle" from the psionic family.

From the psionic family, it proves that Sombra is a genius.

Because every member of the psionic family is a genius, they have a miraculous "Holy Spirit Consciousness Bank" and can continuously absorb knowledge and skills from the memories of their ancestors and clansmen.

Black Shadow was once a member of the psionic family, and his access to extremely precious miracle items proves that he is still a core member of the psionic family.

This is enough to show that Sombra has a huge amount of knowledge.

This knowledge can be a formidable weapon at all times.

Thinking of what was on their minds, Feng Qi, Qin Shikong and the others climbed over a mountain and continued to head towards the future city.


future city.

Research Institute of Science and Technology.

Looking at the shadow standing in front of him, Li Xingchen recounted the process of this mission and the ending of the tragic discovery and heavy losses.

After finishing speaking, Li Xingchen glanced at the subordinate who was standing behind him with a severely damaged mechanical body.

There were only 20 people when they returned, but only 8 people were left.

The other ten or so people chose to commit suicide before entering Future City.

He once told Feng Qi that he didn't need to know how he would explain it to Sombra.

But he knew more about the terrifying shadow of the shadow.

A total of 96 people participated in this investigation.

The others were all dead, and none of the twenty people who followed him were killed, which inevitably caused Sombra's doubts.

Because he knew Sombra, he knew that it was impossible to fool him easily.

Before entering the future city, he let his subordinates draw lots.

Thirteen of them are dead and eight are living.

For his decision, the subordinate soldiers did not have any complaints and went to death calmly.

This is what he explained to Sombra, to prove the tragic degree of this battle and the heavy losses on his side.

After listening to what he said, the shadow floating not far away was silent for a while and said:

"I understand, go back."

Li Xingchen didn't answer, and immediately turned around and walked outside the Science and Technology Research Institute with his subordinates.

Walking out of the core area and passing through the base road full of science and technology, he came to the outside of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

It is an extremely prosperous urban scene.

In the distance in the sky, countless maglev vehicles shuttle along fixed tracks in an orderly manner, and the city lights in the night are bright.

After instructing his subordinates to return to the Future Research Institute, Li Xingchen walked in the direction of home.

What you see along the way is like a cyberpunk scene in a sci-fi movie. There are billboards with virtual projections everywhere, and even there are various projection signs on the road.

The history of Future City is the shortest among the five major cities.

In the new world after the catastrophe, human beings decided to slow down the development of science and technology and devote more energy to the development and improvement of cultivation.

During this period, many industries faced elimination.

Especially technology-related industries.

At that time, Star City and Victory City were the pioneer cities of cultivation, and many lands would be used for cultivation schools and cultivation research institutes.

Many tech industries face a situation of nowhere to go.

But at that time, human beings did not intend to give up the development and application of technology.

After all, science and technology can assist the development of cultivation and bring great convenience to the modernization of human beings.

Under the special era background at that time, Future City, which was relatively backward in industry, became a new destination for various technology industries.

It is against this background that the Future Research Institute and the Science and Technology Research Institute were born.

In particular, the Future Research Institute, Baina Haichuan, inherited many excellent technologies from the pre-catastrophic era, and became the most potential scientific and technological development innovation research institute at that time.

After hundreds of years of development, Future City has successfully developed into a capital of science and technology with the efforts of the Future Research Institute and the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Everything here is full of convenience.

To take a taxi, you only need to click on your mobile phone, and an unmanned vehicle will come to pick you up. After getting in the car, you can enter the designated location and you can quickly reach your destination.

The traffic flow in the whole city is extremely large, but it is never congested.

Because the trips of all vehicles will be recorded by the central processing system, and the central processing unit will also adjust the speed of the unmanned vehicles in the area in real time, ensuring that traffic is unobstructed anytime, anywhere.

The roads in the city are also equipped with wireless charging devices.

Keep public facilities throughout the city active at all times.

The operation efficiency of the future city is well-deserved first among the five major cities. The follow-up improvement and construction of the remaining four cities have also adopted the future city plan and the technological facilities provided by the future city.

When he came to the waiting area outside the Science and Technology Research Institute, Li Xingchen took out his mobile phone and called out the taxi app.

After a short wait, a driverless car stopped in front of him.

After getting in the car, after authentication, he entered the destination of the trip on the APP.

Immediately, the unmanned vehicle slowly took off.

Flying to an area with a dense stream of vehicles, the driverless car waits for a short time and then penetrates the traffic flow and heads towards the destination.

After a while, Li Xingchen pushed open the door.

The house is huge and has luxurious interiors.

Sensing his entry, the lights in the room automatically turned on one after another, and the dormant housekeeper robot was automatically activated and started to get busy.

Coming to the metal door on the east side of the room, Li Xingchen pushed the door open and entered.

In front of you is a private laboratory, and the cabinets attached to the walls on both sides are full of various mechanical parts.

He came to the experimental bench full of technology in the center and sat down, and the screen above suddenly fell and stopped in the area where his sight was most comfortable.

After some operations, the eight robotic arms on the experimental bench started and reached out to Li Xingchen.

In less than half an hour, Li Xingchen's body below his neck was disassembled.

Next, the robotic arm took brand-new mechanical parts from the cabinets on both sides of the laboratory and began to reassemble.

The slightly broken mechanical body soon took on a new look.

When the blue lights on his arms came on one after another, Li Xingchen, who had fallen asleep, opened his eyes.

Looking down at his mechanized body, his expression did not change at all.

Standing up slowly, he came to the corner of the laboratory.

There is a photo there. It is a photo of the teacher and him. At that time, he was still young, and the master was supporting him when the sky fell.

Before you know it, so many years have passed.

As he stroked the photo with his fingers, a trace of nostalgia appeared in the eyes of the notorious Li Xingchen in the Science and Technology Research Institute.

The firmness in the teacher's eyes before his death appeared in his mind:

"Xingchen, I am the name of the name, let you stand beside the devil, in order to better kill the devil, why not be sad."

He personally pushed the teacher to the guillotine, in exchange for the devil's trust.

Reaching out to take a cigarette from the drawer, he rubbed his fingers and lit it with flames.


In the mist, the sight was blocked by the white mist.

"Teacher, I saw your shadow in that guy, and I will help him succeed."

Putting down the photo, he turned around and came to the experimental bench again.

Turning his head to look at the red energy core placed on the right, shrinking and spreading like breathing, he took a deep breath, and then tapped several times on the screen in front of him without hesitation.

The mechanical arm was activated again, and the restraint device on the experimental bench automatically fixed the body.

Soon screams echoed in the laboratory.

When everything was over, the blue energy on Li Xingchen's chest was replaced with red.

This energy core was personally researched by his teacher. The energy output is more than five times larger than the blue energy core of the Science and Technology Research Institute, but the disadvantage is that it is extremely unstable and there is a danger of explosion at any time.

From a purely technical point of view, this energy core is far inferior to the blue energy core provided by the Science and Technology Research Institute.

But this time, he just needs stronger strength and no longer considers potential risks.

Feeling the full energy running in the body, Li Xingchen slowly stood up from the experimental platform, and then walked out of the laboratory.

He looked up at the electronic clock in the upper right corner.

The arrival of the Dawnbreaker Army is not far away.

This time, Sombra's strategy against the enemy is obvious, and it does not intend to take the lead.

That is to say, as long as the Dawnbreaker Army does not take the lead in firing the first shot, even if the army crushes the shadow of the realm, it will never do it.

The reason for this is simple.

He wanted the outside world to see that the Dawnbreaker Army took the lead, and they were forced to fight back.

At that time, public opinion will be one-sided on the side of Future City, and even major cities will be forced to provide certain material support and help.

By then, the pressure on the Dawnbreaker Army will continue to increase.

The latent forces in the territory of other cities may be forced to send support forces.

After finishing his glass of wine, he stood up and left the room.

A few hours later, Li Xingchen's figure appeared at the south gate of Future City.

In these days of war deployment, several city defense troops have been transferred to the South Gate. They are stationed in the South Gate to prepare for the war in advance, and the nearby residents have also evacuated in advance.

Looking at the direction of the city head, a large number of technological weapons have already been deployed.

At this time, his eyes looked towards the direction of the city gate.

There is a wide moat outside the future city, the river is 180 meters wide, and the river water is made of highly toxic substances produced by the field.

In addition to river filling and other means~lightnovelpub.net~ The most convenient way to enter the future city is to enter from the main road outside the city.

However, the material used to build the city gate was made of mysterious metal sponsored by the Star City Military Department.

This is the key point for the Dawnbreakers to break into the Future City.

Thinking of this, Li Xingchen turned to look at the towering building in the distance on the right.

There is the console of the south gate of the future city, which is the opening and closing of the city gate, as well as the authority to use the city defense weapons.

Looking down at the time, there was a hint of coldness in Li Xingchen's eyes.

He knows that it is difficult to influence the direction of the war by his own ability alone.

He just wanted to do what he could.

Thanks to Snowflake Piaopiao 987 for the 5000 starting point coins~

It seems that there are more than 20 books recommended, when the time comes, let's start with 10,000 words~