I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 337: Mutual exploration, 3-party melee

Chapter 338 Mutual Exploration, Three-Party Melee

Xiao Hei's positioning and hunting has always been the biggest puzzle that plagues Fengqi.

From a historical point of view, when Xiao Hei was born, he had been dead for many years.

In the past 1500 years, even his ashes have become moldy.

It stands to reason that there should be no connection between him and Xiao Hei.

But whenever he appeared in the future world 1500 years later, Xiao Hei would always chase after him with precise positioning.

Looking at the black shadow hovering not far in front of him, Feng Qi felt that maybe the black shadow could give him the answer to this question.

What is certain at this stage is that Xiao Hei is related to the miraculous item that Sombra took away when he defected.

Only miracle items can explain why Xiao Hei has unsolvable combat power.

Otherwise, no matter how strong Sombra is, it is impossible to research and create a special life form like Xiao Hei only with the background of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Compare each miracle item to a cheat.

The future struggle for hegemony among all races can be called a fight between gods and gods.

Each race drives its own plug-in (miracle item) to start a **** racial survival battle.

But among these hacks, Xiao Hei is a special existence. .

Other cheats give each race a great improvement in their development potential, giving a race unrivaled power if they cannot start the game, but Xiao Hei has been an incomprehensible existence since his birth.

The narrator has examined Xiao Hei's body structure, and concluded that Xiao Hei has three fighting forms.

The first type is aggregate, which is the appearance of Xiao Hei when he first saw him.

The second is the atomized body, which is the black mist form.

Xiao Hei in these two forms alone is already invincible, able to immunize against any means of attack, and can also devour energy and reproduce infinitely with psionic nanoworms.

The Scarlet Research Institute once spent a huge price, capturing a psionic nanoworm at the cost of almost all the subordinate battle groups being killed.

After research and testing, it was found that psionic nanites cannot be killed at all.

In the test of devouring energy, it was also found that psionic nanoworms can swallow energy 50 million times larger than their own volume.

This is only the upper limit of the test, not the upper limit of the engulfment of psionic nanoworms.

With the ability of Scarlet Research Institute, it is impossible to test the true limit of psionic nanoworms.

This is just one of Xiao Hei's billions of bodies, just like a drop of water in the ocean. The Scarlet Research Institute cannot detect the reserves and depth of the sea through this drop of water.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he will feel powerless in front of Xiao Hei.

Thinking back to the last dream in the future, he received the collective sacrifice of thousands of goat-headed demons, gaining unimaginable terrifying combat power.

At that time, he even had the illusion that he could fight Xiao Hei for 300 rounds.

Then he was beaten violently by the "Dark God" who suddenly appeared, and he was powerless to fight back.

But even the dark god, when facing Xiao Hei, didn't even dare to think of making a move. Before Xiao Hei approached, he decisively tore apart the space, and got into the space channel in a desperate manner to escape.

This shows Xiao Hei's deterrent power.

Perhaps the strongest third form that Xiao Hei has never shown, can reach the power of the pillar **** that old fans say is standing on the top of the world and overlooking all living beings.

If the miraculous items in the hands of all races are cheats, then Xiao Hei is the king of cheats, and the setting of magic immunity + material immunity has made Xiao Hei invincible.

It will be broken up, but it will never die, even a billionth of its body is an immortal existence.

If Soi Ying really had the ability to control Xiao Hei, he wouldn't be afraid of the Psionic Race's search.

Facing Feng Qi's inquiry at this time, Hei Ying showed a surprised expression on his face.

"You know the Black Death Project?!"

At the same time as he was surprised, Sombra caused an uproar in his heart.

The Black Death Project is the biggest hole in his hand. Those who know about this plan are all core members of the Technology Research Institute who are closely monitored by him.

It suddenly realized that there should be a traitor inside the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Otherwise such important news could not have been revealed.

But after a brief surprise, Sombra quickly calmed down.

From its point of view, the Scarlet Giant standing in front of it only knew the name of the Black Death Project, but definitely didn't know the details of the Black Death Project.

After all, the researchers in the core circle of the Science and Technology Research Institute don't know anything about the Black Death Project.

Only "Mo" hidden by it knows the whole content of the Black Death's plan.

As for the rest of the members of the Academy of Sciences who participated in the Black Death Project, they only came into contact with the superficial content of the Black Death Project.

Thinking of this, Soi Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

Its eyes turned cold at this moment:

"It seems that there are people from you in our science and technology research institute? For example, Li Xingchen?"

This time Li Xingchen's sudden betrayal was beyond its expectation.

It is now basically certain that behind Li Xingchen's rebellion is the power of Star City's secret manipulation.

But even though Li Xingchen is a member of the core circle of the Science and Technology Research Institute, he has never been in contact with the Black Death Project, so he is not worried that the details of the plan will be known by the Scarlet Giant in front of him.

"That's right, Li Xingchen is mine." Feng Qi chose to admit it without hesitation.

"You came all the way here just to question me face to face about the details of the black death plan?"

Facing the question, Feng Qi nodded calmly.

He knew that if he didn't give some conclusive information, Sombra would definitely choose to answer perfunctorily and would not tell him the truth.

After all, the Black Death Project is Sombra's biggest hole card.

It is also the core main line of its future layout.

It is impossible for him to tell himself this news easily, and he even thinks that he is just hearsay and doesn't know the details of the news.

After all, from Sombra's point of view, only he, his tribe, and the mysterious Mo know about this plan.

Even the core personnel of the Science and Technology Research Institute have never known the truth of this plan.

But Feng Qi still decides to test the word here in Sombra.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice:

"I know that you are creating a special life form, or you can call it a psychic nanoworm. It has the characteristic of devouring all energy, and can also gather and combine into a new life form. It also has the characteristic of magic immunity... By the way , presumably this plan has something to do with the miracle item you took with you when you defected from the Psionic Race?"

The amount of information in these words was huge, and Soi Ying, who had a calm expression, finally couldn't calm down.

In just a few words, it contains almost all its secrets.

"Who are you? Where did you get the information?" Soi Ying asked with a ferocious expression.

Feng Qi's words made Sombra feel that the situation was completely out of his control.

It has nothing about the enemy's information, but the enemy knows it well.

The unknown breeds fear, and it finally can't hold back.

Seeing Hei Ying's almost out-of-control emotional changes, a smile appeared on Feng Qi's face.

Once upon a time, he was the one who faced the fear of the unknown.

He still clearly remembered the hesitation and fear in his heart when he faced the shadow for the first time, and he was even more confused about the future path.

Now he stands on the corpses piled up on the previous sacrifice line, and has reached a new starting point and height.

This time, the identities are swapped.

Facing him who possesses a lot of information, Sombra obviously also has emotions such as hesitation and fear of the unknown.

Just when Feng Qi was about to continue asking, Soi Ying suddenly restrained his emotions, and then said in a cold voice:

"I don't think you know all my secrets, so don't pretend to be mysterious. If you really knew all my secrets, you wouldn't stand in front of me and choose to ask me the truth about the Black Death Project in the form of negotiations."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi nodded calmly.

The real purpose of this war was not to completely defeat the Science and Technology Research Institute from the very beginning of planning.

Intelligence is at the heart of the need behind war.

When he planned this line of battle, he was prepared with both hands.

First, create opportunities for equal negotiation with Sombra through war.

Second, if Sombra doesn't cooperate, then the Institute of Science and Technology will be completely destroyed, and then the internal information of the Institute of Science and Technology will be sorted out for research to find useful information.

Sombra is still cooperating now, and he intends to test further:

"I really don't know all your secrets. This is exactly the purpose of my coming here. The real purpose of this war is to create an opportunity for us to talk face to face."

"If I really want you to die, I don't need to go to such a troublesome war at all. I just need to inform the psionic clan that you are here, and the psionic clan will come to you."

Hei Ying's pupils suddenly shrank upon hearing these words.

The Psionic Race has always been a taboo in its heart, and as a traitor, it is well aware of the power of the Psychic Race.

Once the Psionics find its trace, what it will face is the frenzied pursuit of the Psionics.

"I think we can talk, everything is for profit, there is no blood feud between us in essence."

Soi Ying, who had said these words, finally gave in and lowered his talking stance.

"In that case, tell me all the secrets of the Black Death Project now, and I may consider withdrawing my troops. As you said, we have no grievances in essence!" Feng Qi agreed without hesitation.

Facing the threat of Feng Qi, Soi Ying took a deep breath at this moment:

"I want to know one thing first, why are you so persistent in wanting to know the secret of the Black Death Project, and where did you know about this plan?"

"You don't need to understand this. Now tell me the whole content of the Black Death Project. In the future, you will still be in charge of the Science and Technology Research Institute. You will have a place in the future. Maybe we can become allies!"

In order to break through Sombra's psychological defense, Feng Qi chose to write a bad check first.

For him, as long as he can get the information, there is nothing he cannot agree to.

The big deal is to regret it.

Facing the condescending Feng Qi, Soi Ying's complexion was extremely ugly.

It originally wanted to show a willingness to compromise with a humble appearance, and then extract some information from Feng Qi's mouth, but it turned out that Feng Qi didn't intend to continue spending time with it at all.

Now it's not going to be hidden anymore.

At this moment, it raised its head, looked at it with a grim smile and said:

"It seems that there is no way to test your truth, but if you want to know the whole content of the black death plan from me, is it too small for me?"

"From the day I betrayed the Psionics, I have been prepared to face the Psionics. If I compromise with you at this time, it is equivalent to being caught by you. In the future, you can use the Psionics everywhere. Stop threatening me... If you want me to succumb to you, you think too highly of yourself!"

Feng Qi was not surprised by the sudden change of the shadow.

Threatening Sombra with the Psionic Race was a risky tentative move.

As Sombra said, once he chooses to compromise at this time, there will be countless compromises in the future.

He can use the threat of exposing Sombra's identity to manipulate Sombra again and again.

Sombra's fury at this time was completely within his expectations.

Realizing that the negotiation broke down and Sombra was unwilling to disclose any more information, Feng Qi decided to formally implement the second plan.

Defeat the Science and Technology Research Institute and find out the truth from the internal information yourself.

Without any hesitation, Feng Qi jumped up at this moment, stretching out his hand to grab the shadow.

The surging qi and blood turned into a vortex and gathered in the palm of his right hand. This palm slapped on the surface of the black shadow, turning into a **** curtain trying to completely cover the black shadow.

Facing his tyrannical attack, the black figure disappeared in a daze, and retreated several meters when it reappeared.

Feng Qi exerted force under his feet, smashing the ground, leaping up like a tiger and pounced on the shadow again.

Feng Qi has a rough judgment on Sombra's strength.

In the timeline where various forces targeted the Science and Technology Research Institute, the Science and Technology Research Institute was jointly suppressed by various forces. During the period, the Scarlet Research Institute had obtained the remnant body of a Sombra tribe in an operation against the Science and Technology Research Institute. .

After detecting the energy residue, density, and other indicators in the remnant body.

The conclusion drawn by the Scarlet Research Institute is that the strength of the Sombra who died in battle was probably around the silver upper level.

It can be seen that one's own strength is not the basis for Sombra and its followers to gain a foothold.

Creation, research and development, and other external things are the weapons of this race.

This is very similar to human development of technology.

For example, the guns created by humans can easily kill humans themselves.

But being weak doesn't mean that the Psionics are weak, their creations are the most lethal weapons.

The psionic race and the old fan can be said to be two completely opposite routes.

Psionics tend to favor the farming, creative flow growth route.

The Misty tribe is completely inclined to the growth and improvement of blood and body strength.

An old fan once said that the Mist tribe never cared about foreign things. The development and construction of the race for thousands of years was far less prosperous than that of human society. They piled up all their resources on the improvement of combat power.

Even the fighters of the Misty tribe would rather endure hunger, and use the remaining resources in exchange for spirit stones that can help improve their strength for cultivation.

Feng Qi was very puzzled by the way the Misty Clan grew up.

Old fans are obviously not idiots.

It is impossible for him not to know the importance of inner construction to a race.

At that time, he asked old fans, could the development of combat power with such poor resources as the Misty Clan really go far?

The answer given by the old fan at the time made him understand the true meaning of this growth path.

Old fan says:

"My neighbor stores grain and I store guns, and the neighbor is my granary."

In just one sentence, Feng Qi understood the growth strategy of the Misty Clan.

This is undoubtedly a path of killing and growing. Food and resources must be provided by other tribes.

Thinking about it, the Psionic Race back then was miserable, and it was understandable that they were robbed as neighbors with old fans.

After all, the development strategy of the Misty Race is doomed that this race will not create value externally, let alone exchange and complement each other with other races, and will only arbitrarily plunder resources from the outside to grow itself.

The Psionics are the complete opposite, creating a wealth of valuable resources as the race grows.

These resources can not only be used by the psionic race, but can also be used to exchange valuable items with foreign races, and then feed back to speed up the development of the race.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the Psionic Race, Feng Qi is not afraid of shadows at all.

Although his current strength is not as strong as in the main timeline, he has also reached a combat power above the golden rank after opening the blood source.

Even if he is not the opponent of Sombra, Sombra can't easily subdue him.

Besides, Mu Qing was already on her way to break through.

The most important thing now is to hold Hei Ying back and stop it from taking Mo and Xiao Hei away.

Let Sombra go now, maybe it will destroy all the data when it returns to the Science and Technology Research Institute.

At this point, even if the war is won, he will not get any effective information.

He doesn't need this kind of victory.

In Fengqi's eyes, intelligence is the cornerstone to the final victory.

While his thoughts were surging, he approached the shadow.

Qi and blood surged into airflow and circled around the body.

Under the blessing of qi and blood, he looked like a demon **** soaked in blood. Ripples spread around his body and spread outward, even forming a **** halo under his feet.

As he waved his hand, blood condensed into countless fist shadows, which smashed towards the black shadows one after another.

The black shadow's body made entirely of energy became blurred in the wave of **** fist shadow, as if it would collapse at any moment.

Facing his ferocious attack, the black shadow flickered again, and the body dissipated and re-condensed in another place.

After a short test, Feng Qi found that the black shadow never fought back.

This made him more sure of his guess that Sombra was not his opponent.

But just as he was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, there was a roar above his head.

Looking up, I saw a black transport plane flying across the sky, and then countless figures fell from the sky.

Looking in, I saw more than a hundred figures jumping off the transport plane without wearing parachutes and other equipment, just falling straight down like this.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of dull impact sounded all around.

After the smoke and dust cleared, these figures who came suddenly showed their true faces.

Their clothes are very different. They don't wear standard equipment. They generally wear casual clothes. Some even wear T-shirts with cartoon patterns and a pair of flip-flops under their feet.

The head of the old man was full of white hair and looked to be over 70 years old. At this moment, he looked at the black shadow, then looked at him again, and then showed a kind smile on his face.

Feng Qi is very puzzled by this sudden arrival of human forces.

He originally thought it was Sombra's subordinate combat power, but when he looked at Sombra, he found that Sombra also had a puzzled expression.

"Who?" Before Feng Qi could speak, Soi Ying asked first.

Facing the inquiry, the leading white-haired old man showed a bright smile on his face:

"Let me introduce you, Wei Fa, the seventh regiment leader of the dog-head battle group in the old smashing domain!"

Hearing this name, Feng Qi's expression changed.

How could he be unfamiliar with the dog-head battle group in the smashing domain.

His parents were members of this battle group at the beginning, and the smashing domain dog head battle group is also one of the top ten famous battle groups.

Regarding the legendary rise of this warband, he followed up with an in-depth understanding.

Behind the seemingly unscrupulous name, countless warriors carried the banner of the battle group with their blood, and sent the Doghead Battle Group of the Smashing Domain to the throne of the top ten battle groups with brilliant achievements.

Over the course of hundreds of years of development, there have been too many historically famous generals in this battle group.

Compared with those battle groups with fluctuating records in history, the previous leaders of the smashing dog head battle group are all dragons and phoenixes, and have achieved brilliant achievements in their era.

To use a sentence in the database to describe it, the Dogheads of the Smashing Domain are not only the top ten battle groups today, but also the top ten battle groups in history.

This shows how deep the background of this battle group is.

Just when Feng Qi was hesitating, Wei Fa smiled and clapped his hands, attracting his attention:

"The higher-ups are too smudged, and several meetings have to be held to persuade a fight. The old man really couldn't wait, so he brought his brothers here ahead of time... However, it seems that there is no need to persuade a fight now."

After the words fell, Wei Fa's expression turned cold:

"It seems that what they said is correct. Behind this war is the control of these transcendent creatures in your domain. It seems that if you want to stop the war from continuing, you must be dealt with first."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi suddenly understood why the smashing domain dog head came.

It's just that after seeing him and the black shadow in blood form, he obviously changed his mind and planned to take them down first.

At this time, the members of the battle group behind Wei Fa moved, and they quickly surrounded him.

Trapped him and the black shadow in the encirclement.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the black shadow immediately flickered and tried to leave.

"Heavenly Array!"

With the sound of Wei Fa's shout, more than a hundred members forming an encirclement circle raised their hands and swiped in front of them at the same time.

More than a hundred psionic light spots wandered around at the same time.

A circular golden formation with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared out of thin air, trapping Fengqi and Black Shadow in the central area.

The black shadow that wanted to escape collided with the golden formation at this time, only to see the translucent golden barrier appear and bounce it back into the formation.

As the members of the Smashed Dog Head Battle Group continued to outline, the golden formation bloomed brightly, and formed a formation trajectory similar to the Eight Diagrams under the feet.

The golden lines flowed like a liquid, and more and more complex patterns appeared in the formation.

I have a simple understanding of Fengqi, the study of formations, but the development of formations has always been a branch of the study of cultivation, and it is one of the most unpopular branches.

It was also the first time he had seen such a huge formation composed of more than a hundred people.

Facing the siege at this time, Feng Qi was extremely calm in his heart.

He turned his head to look to one side, and the black shadow floating not far away was also looking at him.

"Cooperate to break through?" Sombra asked coldly at this moment.

"No cooperation."

Facing the question, Feng Qi resolutely chose to refuse.

The most important thing before Mu Qing arrives is to hold back the black shadow and not give it a chance to leave.

Once Sombra is allowed to return to the Science and Technology Research Institute, he might unleash some big weapon to disrupt the situation.

So he didn't need to create a chance for Sombra to come back. Instead, he felt that it was good to be trapped in the formation.

"Destroy the formation!" Wei Fa's voice came again at this moment.

Immediately, the golden formation began to spin, like a millstone pouring energy on Feng Qi's body, trying to crush his body.

The sense of oppression became stronger and stronger with the rotation of the golden formation.

Feng Qi stomped his feet violently at this moment, all the muscles in his body tensed up, letting the external force pour on his body.

The heart beats faster at this time.

The qi and blood in the body spilled out of the body and flowed on the body surface like a liquid, forming a qi and blood armor.

On the other side, the shadowy figure facing the crushing formation kept flickering.

Various distorted symbols can be clearly seen on the body surface of the black shadow, and they jump like musical notes, counteracting the oppression from the formation at an extremely fast frequency.

The power of the array is still steadily increasing.

The strength of the formation method is that once the situation is mastered, the advantage can be easily expanded.

The formation master will continue to perfect the formation in the battle, so that the power of the formation will be strengthened and improved.

Therefore, the best way to fight against the formation mage is to kill the formation mage before the formation is completely perfect.

But Feng Qi doesn't have such an idea now.

His ability is biased towards physical strikes, and his shortcomings in this aspect have been made up for after practicing boxing, but it is still difficult to completely suppress the black shadow in the form of pure energy.

On the contrary, this formation helped him trap the shadow.

From now on, just wait until Mu Qing arrives, and with Mu Qing's combat power, she can control the situation one-sidedly.

As for the sudden arrival of the smashing domain battle group, if he had to choose to fight to the death, he could only choose to kill them all.

After all, the advancement of this battle line is the most important thing.

After occupying the Science and Technology Research Institute and searching all the internal materials, the dawn army has to continue to march.

After this battle is over, Feng Qi has already planned the goal of the dawn army's next stop.

Originally, after he planned to take the Future City, the Dawn Army prepared for several days in the Future City, and then attacked the Old City.

But after communicating with Sombra, he changed his mind and decided to change his target to Duskfall.

The Old City is the domain of the psionic race.

Compared with Sombra, the overall strength of the Psionic Race is still a mystery.

But judging from Sombra's fear of the Psionic Race, the combat power of the Psionic Clan clearly far exceeds the power controlled by Sombra.

There is a high probability that the Dawn Army will never return when they face the Psionic Race.

Moreover, there are still many variables on the way to the old city, and it is very likely that various forces will attack the Dawn Army.

In contrast, Mulin City, a subsidiary city of Old Sun City, is easier to deal with.

Perhaps in the secret base of the Psionic Clan in the underground of Mulin City, he could still find detailed information about the Blue Skin Clan.

This information is equally important to him.

If you want the rise of human civilization, the most important thing is to first understand the details of your opponent.

The fact that the Blueskins are so valued by the Psionics proves that this tribe will have a huge impact on the future.

At this time, the power of the formation was still increasing, Feng Qi turned his head to look at the black shadow, only to see the magic talisman jumping on the black shadow's body to completely wrap it.

Numerous black symbols hovered around the body, squeezing and colliding with the golden light dissipated from the formation, offsetting the damage caused by the formation.

Feng Qi also felt the pressure at this time.

The golden patterns under the feet seemed to come alive with the operation of the formation.

Dragons, phoenixes, and other mythical creatures made of golden energy broke away from the formation and continued to bite his body.

Facing the ever-increasing pressure, Feng Qi's muscles tensed up.

The fist was burning like a flame in his heart, and the moment he opened his eyes, he made a move.

The surging qi and blood continuously overflowed from the body and turned into fist shadows, which suddenly swept towards the spirit beasts attacking from all directions.

boom! boom! boom!

The fist shadows criss-crossed, and a large number of spirit beasts were smashed by the **** fist shadows, turning into rain of spiritual energy and falling from the sky.

Looking at the **** wave that suddenly appeared in the formation, Wei Fa, who was standing outside the formation, showed a surprised expression on his face.

But soon he was smiling again.

At this moment, he took off the clothes on his body, revealing a body covered with scars.

These scars are new and old, and they are the glorious evidence of Wei Fa's battle on the front line.

In addition to the scars on the body surface, there are also criss-crossing tracks carved on Wei Fa's body.

I saw his hands clasped together in front of his chest.


While exhaling, a faint golden light appeared on the track on Wei Fa's body surface.

This is actually a formation.

He engraved the trajectory of the formation on his body surface.

When Wei Va exhaled the air in his chest, he suddenly inhaled.

In an instant, the textures imprinted on the body surface lit up at the same time, and the aura floating in the air was drawn and quickly instilled into his body.

His body began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Fa changed from a thin old man into a strong man over two meters tall.

The spirit pattern imprinted on the body surface was also distorted at this time, turning into a coiled dragon surrounding the body.

The dragon's head is on the chest and the dragon's tail is on the back.

While clenching his fists, surging golden light continued to overflow, setting him off like a **** descending to earth.

At this moment, he walked towards the formation.

The formation barrier guards automatically parted in front of them, making an accessible passage.

Feng Qi, who was resisting the crushing of the formation, also turned his head to look at Wei Fa who walked into the formation.

The golden light on the formation began to gather towards Wei Fa's body.

In the blink of an eye, he was enveloped in golden light.

At this time, Wei Fa has been integrated with the formation, and his momentum is rising steadily.

At this moment, Wei Fa's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Feng Qi, who was always vigilant, grasped the trajectory of Wei Fa's action, and suddenly punched to the right.


When the fists collided, the golden and **** rays of light squeezed each other.


While roaring, Feng Qi's heart was like an engine that stepped on the accelerator, running crazily, and the surging energy and blood washed over his body.

The aftermath of energy spreads outwards centered on them.

In the end, the energy detonated, and Feng Qi and Wei Fa staggered back a few steps at the same time.

After a short fight, Feng Qi tested the reality of Wei Fa's power, and immediately felt relieved.

"Come again!"

As the words fell, Wei Fa's eyes glowed golden, and then he slashed at Feng Qi's chest with a hand knife.

Facing Wei Fa's fierce attack, Feng Qi immediately reached out and grabbed the frontal knife.

But at this moment, Wei Fa suddenly raised his right leg and kicked his second brother hard.

"It's called a weak point breach...huh?"

Wei Fa who kicked this blow was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but found that Feng Qi was not moved at all, and the arm holding him was still strong.

"Is it fun?" Feng Qi asked with a grin.

This blow was indeed beyond his expectations.

But now he is in the blood source form, and his whole body is made of qi and blood.

It is completely immune to "deadly beating chicken".

At this moment, Feng Qi twisted his figure, grabbed Wei Fa's right arm and began to beat back and forth from side to side, then kicked Wei Fa away with a flying kick.

After repelling Wei Fa, Feng Qi turned to look at the shadow.

What he cares most about now is Sombra. If this guy is allowed to escape, the situation might get out of control.

But what he saw next made Feng Qi dumbfounded.

I saw that the black symbols on the surface of Sombra had already attached to the formation, and now it was operating with the formation.

The problem is that where the black symbol passes, the golden light on the formation will collapse accordingly.

"Is it cracking the formation?"

This discovery really surprised Feng Qi.

The composition of the formation is very complicated, like a huge net, each of which has a different trajectory.

It is extremely difficult to find a flaw in the functioning formation, and generally only violent means can be used to break it.

However, Soi Ying, who had just come into contact with this formation, saw through the essence of this formation in a very short time, and began to crack it with light means.

Where the black symbol passed, the spiritual formation quickly collapsed.

Finally, the partially deciphered formation could no longer maintain its operation, collapsed and turned into golden dots of aura fluttering in the wind.

Realizing that the black shadow was about to escape, Feng Qi decisively bullied and punched the black shadow.

This punch hit the surface of the black shadow, and the black runes surrounding its body flickered, constantly counteracting the pouring out of his power.

The black shadow also turned to look at him at this time, and the black symbol spread towards him.

Feng Qi thought that the dark green flames burning on his body could corrode the spiritual energy symbols, but what he didn't expect was that the dark green flames collapsed quickly after coming into contact with the spiritual energy symbols.

This black rune seems to have the ability to crack everything.

Once in contact with it, it will turn into dissipated energy.

At this time, the black rune came into contact with his flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood quickly dissipated and turned into a strong spurt of blood.

The beating speed of the heart suddenly increased.

Part of the dissolved flesh and blood tissue was filled again, and he reached out and grabbed one of the flickering psionic runes, and clenched his fist violently.


There was a crisp shattering sound, and the black psionic rune in his hand was crushed violently by him.

Just as Feng Qi was about to continue his offensive against Sombra.

There was another roaring sound overhead.

Looking up, I saw large transport planes passing overhead, and countless figures falling from the sky.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi's expression became serious.

He realized that more and more forces came to prevent the continuation of this war.

If the Institute of Science and Technology cannot be taken down as soon as possible, the situation will gradually develop in a direction that is difficult for him to control.

There are figures landing around ~lightnovelpub.net~ and quickly gather around.

Just when the situation was gradually getting out of control, a scarlet light was seen coming from far to near at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Wei Fa who was not far away went up to meet him alone.

The surface of Wei Fa's fist bloomed like a lotus flower with golden brilliance, and he smashed straight at Mu Qing who was approaching, trying to stop her from moving forward.

What will happen next, Feng Qi can already imagine.

He couldn't help grinning his teeth at this moment, and the black shadow hovering beside him couldn't help shaking his head:

"Shabi, it's gone!"

The update that was owed yesterday was made up.

Thanks to Hub O for the 1600 starting coins.

Thank you for my favorite little Annie 3000 starting coins.

Push a friend's book: "Being a Big Boss in the Gunfight Game World"