I Kidnapped the Timeline

Chapter 348: Return to Dreamland, Surprise Surprise (

Chapter 349 Returning to the Dreamland, Unexpected Surprise (two chapters in one)

A strong tingling sensation awakened Fengqi from the memory reading state.

The moment he opened his eyes, tears of blood flowed from his bloodshot eyes.

Various memory images flashed across my mind, followed by the negative emotions accumulated in each sacrifice line, coming like a stormy sea.

This feeling is like falling into an endless abyss.

Helplessness, despair, sadness, anger... All kinds of emotions were superimposed, and the darkness completely enveloped it, his body trembled involuntarily, and he felt a strong sense of suffocation.

【Aqi, go to work! 】

At this moment, the voice of the narrator sounded in his mind.

This voice is both familiar and unfamiliar, like an important symbol sealed in memory.

Memories related to it came flooding in.


【it's me. 】

The cheap voice of the narrator sounded again, dragging Feng Qi, who was wrapped in negative emotions, out of the dark abyss.

The line of sight gradually became clear, like a black curtain was slowly lifted in front of his eyes.

Feng Qi panted violently, cold sweat slid down his cheeks.

If it weren't for the narration, he felt that he might be influenced by negative emotions and enter a state of unconscious chaos.

Just like the out-of-control state described by Tianshu, he can no longer control his next behavior.

The blurred vision overlapped at this moment, and he saw clearly the scene in front of him.

At this time, he was on the second basement floor of the Scarlet Research Institute, and the surrounding environment was the same as he remembered.

In front of him was a metal table, a weakly beating brain was soaking in a specially prepared active liquid.

After regaining his senses, he pressed the self-destruct button on the metal container and put the metal container into the central groove.

After the metal cover on the groove closed automatically, Feng Qi leaned on the metal table and stood up straight.

The situation where he almost lost control just now is still fresh in his memory.

This made him once again have the idea of ​​​​obtaining the ability of "infinite memory" as soon as possible.

Unable to digest negative emotions, every time the memory of the sacrifice line is read, negative emotions will accumulate.

It was like a slow poison, and sooner or later it would reach a critical point where he couldn't bear it.

At that time, there is a high probability that the outcome will be completely out of control and become a walking dead who acts on instinct.

It could also be a demon filled with negative emotions.

After taking a few deep breaths, he adjusted his state and said:

"Narrator, the effect of memory overlap is still there. I can't remember what happened after entering the future dream for the time being. Tell me about the current situation."

[It doesn’t seem too good, at least there was a Star City Shelter in the previous future dream, but this time after you entered the future dream, the world completely changed. Not only did Xiao Can disappear, but the Star City Shelter also disappeared. 】

Hearing these words, Feng Qi's heart sank.

He has already guessed the specific reason.

Obviously, Star City was encircled and suppressed by various forces, which led to the fall of Star City, and thus withdrew from the stage of history in advance, and there was no Star City Sanctuary.

He originally thought that after all the crimes were shouldered in the end, the various forces would leave a glimmer of life for the people of Star City, but he did not expect that the hidden forces in these areas would be wiped out.

"What about the other news?"

[After entering the dreamland of the future, you choose to go east, and you can see the ruins of Star City, which are far more dilapidated than ever before, and you can also see many traces left after the war. At the same time, the types of domain monsters in this ruined city have also changed. , which obviously also has something to do with your changing history. 】

【It took you longer to find the secret base of the Scarlet Research Institute this time. After entering the secret base, you did not read the messages of Wei Wei and other Scarlet companions, but chose to directly read the memory of the sacrifice line...in your words In other words, even if you check it, you will forget it temporarily due to the influence of memory overlap. It is better to wait until the memory of the sacrifice line is read before checking it. 】

After listening to the narration's explanation, Feng Qi immediately understood the current situation.

At this moment, he turned around, came to the console not far away, and then skillfully awakened the console.

Amidst the buzzing sound of the machine, the large screen divided into three in front lit up, and the familiar option menu appeared in front of my eyes.

After some operations, he clicked on Wei Wei's message box, and began to read the important messages left by Wei Wei.

He is eager to know whether the information in the top-secret room contains information related to Xiao Hei, and the details of the fall of Star City after his death.

1. I have returned to the Scarlet Research Institute, and I will leave you a message as usual, recording every bit of discovery.

6. After counting the days, you should not have long to live. Recently, I received a message from Gu Ke, saying that you decided to bear all the charges and wanted to use your identity as a sinner to clear the charges for the people of Star City.

Thinking about it carefully, you are really miserable. Every timeline has paid so much, but the ending will never be perfect... But I must admit that you made the right choice, which may save the people of Star City from a disaster.

After all, the latent forces in all fields still have to consider the thoughts of the people in the cities they control. As long as the people admit that they are bewitched by you, they can be exonerated from many crimes.

10. Tell you a piece of news, just today, you died.

But the ending didn't go in the direction you planned. The people of Star City blocked the way to send your body to the execution ground for trial. They spontaneously formed a long **** and sent you to the Hero Cemetery, where they were buried with the highest standards.

Guke took a lot of photos at that time.

(picture collection.jpg)

That night, many children held flowers and knelt in front of your tombstone, and the sparks from Kongming lanterns dyed the sky over Star City red... The whole Star City sleepless for you, and sent your heroic spirit to the mausoleum.

From then on, you will be the immortal hero of Star City and be recorded in history.

Hahaha, isn't it surprising.

In fact, everyone remembers your dedication, and you who are familiar with history should also know how harsh the environment Star City was established in the first place.

The ancestors of the people of Star City built the barrier of Star City with flesh and blood, and countless soldiers fought and died for this. This hatred has not faded with history, but has been passed down one after another, and it has been suppressed deep in the heart.

Your death has completely detonated the anger in the hearts of the people of Star City.

What you thought was that you would trade your own death for their future, but you never asked them if they would agree.

The blood spirit engraved in the bones of the people of Star City has never been lost.

In the words of a netizen on the forum, if we choose to bow to the domain forces and slander the heroes as sinners, we will have to live under the shadow of the domain forces’ rule in the future. How is this different from admitting a thief as a father? No.

You have also seen the ending. They knew that the price of not compromising would be losing their future, but they still did it.

The future situation of Xingcheng is worrisome, but I saw Xingcheng Erlang, who is strong and strong, stand upright.

Flipping through the pictures left by Wei Wei, Feng Qi's eyes suddenly became moist.

His hard work and dedication never expected to be rewarded.

Even though he was not understood again and again and was identified as a historical sinner, since he embarked on this road of salvation, he has no intention of turning back.

But this time, he suddenly had a strong sense of identity.

After hard work and dedication again and again, I finally got recognition and understanding on this battle line.

[Continue to work hard, wait until the day you completely eradicate the domain forces lurking in human society, all human beings will become your companions, participate in the struggle for hegemony among all races with you, and fight against the coming of the general trend with you! 】

"Ah Bai, I suddenly realized why you are so good at comforting people all of a sudden."

[Want to hear the truth? 】


[Your boy is now full of negative emotions, and I am afraid that you will be stimulated to go crazy when you speak with a poisonous tongue. Maybe I will have to be buried with you when you die! 】

Feng Qi: ...

Ignoring the narration, he continued to read Wei Wei's message in the mailbox.

What he is most concerned about now is the contents of the pile of records brought back from the top secret room.

Although what he brought back was only a very small part of all the materials, perhaps there was something he wanted in it.

For example, information related to Xiao Hei.

14. Star City has entered a state of martial law throughout the city, and the outside coalition army has also begun the formation of the "Star City Crusade Army".

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

The forces in various fields manipulate human power to fight against human beings, but they hide behind without any loss. Perhaps this is just a game in their eyes, and all forces are using this war to test each other's details.

19. I don’t pay attention to the outside affairs anymore. In the days to come, I will devote more energy to the research of the top-secret blueprints. As for the information brought back by Gu Ke and others who are performing missions outside, I will occasionally look through it. , I will leave a message for you when the time comes.

However, the investigation team who went out rarely went out without special circumstances.

After all, the safety of the secret base has to be the first priority. Even if you are well-prepared every time you go out, there is still a risk of exposure.

19. In the materials you brought back, most of the words are difficult for us to decipher. Even Minister Lin, who is familiar with field studies, cannot decipher the meaning of these words on the materials.

The work of deciphering the text requires consulting a lot of information. The current problem is that the scarlet database cannot be connected to the external network, so it is impossible to try to decipher the meaning of the text by consulting the reference materials in the databases of the five major cities, especially the database of the old city , storing a large number of domain-related materials.

39. We tried many ways to decipher the text, but they all failed. We decided to give up the materials recorded in special characters for the time being, and study the data files that can be understood first.

43. The information you brought back contains incomplete information about spiritual weapons, but even the incomplete information is more complete than the information on spiritual weapons you brought back from Li Xingchen. This part of information will help us improve Design and build of psionic weapons.

If you want to open the battle line again in the future, perhaps our soldiers in Star City will be able to equip spiritual weapons. Think about it, is it a little exciting, the shotgun has been replaced with a cannon, hahaha.

59 (important content), this time I interpreted a very interesting material, which records a project of extracting memory.

The details are complex, so here is a brief overview for you.

If this memory extraction technology can be completed, the memory will be like a movie film, and a section of it can be extracted at will and copied to make a new film.

Others can view your experience through this memory film, and the process is like experiencing an immersive movie.

If this technology can be perfected by us, it may be possible to decipher the negative effects of brain-in-vat memory reading.

But this technology also has disadvantages. Because it is viewed from a third-person perspective, the sense of substitution will not be very strong, and it is impossible to know the changes in the thoughts and emotions of the experiencer at that time.

On the whole, this technology has advantages and disadvantages. Although it cannot replace the brain in a vat, it can also play a role when necessary.

63. The memory project is progressing very quickly. The content of this document is relatively complete, but there are no corresponding spiritual resources. It seems that the going out team should go out for an adventure, and take a look at the situation outside.

89. The team that went out today returned and brought back information about the current Star City.

The situation is not optimistic. The coalition army to crusade against Star City has been formed very smoothly, and its scale is constantly expanding.

Especially the remaining city defense fighters in the future city are ready for revenge (sigh.jpg).

A war is clearly inevitable.

But this battle should be a protracted one, and it won't end in a very short time like you led the Dawn Army to attack Future City.

After all, there are too many factors to consider in a real war, such as supplies, casualties, rescue, and so on.

A situation like you attacking Future City regardless of casualties will obviously not happen in this battle.

The situation in Star City in the future will gradually become less optimistic, eh.

129. One of the documents describes a place called "Infinity Laboratory". This place seems to be a place used by the Psionics to contain special life forms. Maybe you can focus on investigating in a certain line of sacrifice in the future.

145. The coalition army to crusade against Star City started to gather at Future City, and they will also follow the path you opened up, from Future City to Star City... Hey, don’t pay attention to the direction of the war, and focus on all experiments. Too much always distracts me and affects my appetite.

172. I haven't stepped out of the private laboratory for several days. I just heard a piece of good news when I went out. The biochemical department has achieved results in one of the materials.

They have bred the "biochemical armor" described in the ink data.

The biochemical armor in the data description is called the living armor by our biochemical department.

This type of battle armor has life characteristics, such as the ability to swallow energy to repair damaged parts, and there will be no awkward feeling after wearing it. It fits the symbiote like skin, and can also help the host repair injuries.

But the cultivation of this kind of armor consumes a lot of money. At this stage, the biochemical laboratory has only cultivated a living armor. Now it is offered as a baby, and the spiritual material is fed every day to prevent the living armor from dying suddenly.

Although the experiment on the living armor was considered a success, it was still far from what was described in the data, but the biochemical department had already planned to stop the research on the technology related to the living armor and only keep the current technology.

The reason is quite simple. After all, the secret base is isolated from the world, and the resources that can be produced by the internal circulation are extremely limited, while the cultivation of living armor is costly and cannot be mass-produced. Considering this issue from your point of view, we will give up this project for now. Technology, wait for the future to see the situation before opening it.

Fengqi is no stranger to living armor.

He had participated in part of the research on the living armor for the sacrifice line of the Undercover Science and Technology Research Institute.

At that time, he felt that this technology had great potential for growth.

The cultivated living armor also has life, and can be fed with various spiritual ingredients to grow with the host.

Different spiritual materials can bring different abilities to the living armor.

For example, by devouring black metal and iron, the living armor will be greatly improved in terms of resistance to blows.

By devouring the evil flower, the aura storage characteristics of the living armor will be improved.

But as Wei Wei said in her message, the cultivation of living armor is very troublesome. It belongs to individual combat weapons, it is difficult to mass-produce, and the follow-up investment consumption is also huge.

He didn't expect that the information he brought back this time contained content related to the living armor.

This technology has flaws, but it has great potential for future development and is a new technology worth looking forward to.

Perhaps in the future timeline, after more than 1500 years of perfection by the Scarlet Research Institute, there will be unexpected gains.

Feng Qi continued to read the content of the follow-up message at this time.

204. Lu Yue led the team to send back the news to Star City that the joint crusade army in the direction of Future City has already set off, and the war is about to start.

After hearing the news, our Scarlet Research Institute held the highest meeting to discuss the next direction of Scarlet.

One thing is clear.

We will close the entrance to the secret base after the war officially starts for a period of time, leaving only the team led by Guke to perform missions outside. At that time, the situation outside will definitely become very uncontrollable. If you go out rashly at this time, it is very likely that there will be secrets exposed base risk.

Before closing the base, we will also carry out large-scale purchases, and finally stockpile some resources for the secret base for future consumption.

Thinking about going through another hundreds of years of hard work, this beautiful woman's liver hurts, and this pain lasts for hundreds of years.

248. The war broke out, and the first wave of tentative attacks started.

In this battle, Mu Qing played, and the result was without any suspense. She was beaten violently under Mu Qing's hand. As expected of a child raised by me, the fighting power was overwhelmed, isn't it?

283. The war has lasted for a month.

As I expected, the coalition forces of the major cities in this battle are obviously planning to fight a protracted war. They have blocked all the exits of Star City. Now there are unmanned reconnaissance drones everywhere in the sky above the city. We have decided to seal the secret tomorrow. Base for a while, everything is for safety.

234. The top-secret room materials distributed to various departments have recently been investigated and counted.

Of the 76 documents you brought back, only 23 were understandable.

Among the 23 data files that can be interpreted by us, 18 files have incomplete information, and some are even just catalog pages, and only 7 files have research value.

After the discussion at the meeting, a data value evaluation form was drawn up.

Among them, it is recognized that the most valuable is "memory engineering technology". In this technology, I saw the shadow of the "truth device" that you were forced to experience when you were an undercover technology research institute.

In second place is the Living Armor.

Apart from the disadvantage of the huge consumption of cultivation, this type of special equipment has almost no disadvantages.

In third place is a space technology.

The technology is not complete, and the materials you brought back contained only a brief description of the concept.

The concept is about how to create a special device that can teleport across space.

Although the information is very incomplete, it also gave us inspiration, and we have decided to carry out research related to space technology.

Once the technique is successful, you can imagine the results.

For example, on the same battle line, it only takes a few breaths for all the Dawn Warriors to arrive in the future city... (You can make up your own brain, I am too lazy to continue to describe.)

As for other technical information, it is not very valuable.

Thinking that there are still 53 files that cannot be deciphered, I feel itchy, but unfortunately I can't understand the text on the files.

372. Let me give you a suggestion. In the next timeline, maybe you can focus on improving your own strength, and at the same time learn about domain knowledge.

The most professional schools in various disciplines of field studies are the old schools.

If you have research results in this field, you may have the opportunity to join the Old Research Institute and get in touch with the Psionic Race.

But how to choose specifically depends on your future planning direction.

687. The two-year war ended. Star City paid a heavy price in this war. There was no miracle in the ending, and we were completely defeated.

In this battle, the shadows of many domain forces appeared.

Especially when they realized that Mu Qing's existence would cause many changes in the battle situation, forces from various fields quietly joined the battlefield, and the target was Mu Qing.

Hey, personal power is limited after all.

No matter how strong Mu Qing was, she did not escape the fate of being besieged and at a disadvantage.

In the final battle, Mu Qing was seriously injured at the North Gate, and was again attacked by the cursed force.

Only this time the scarlet rune spar was shattered, and she could no longer defuse the attack of the cursed power, and she was approaching the end of her life in the countdown.

When I received the scarlet rune spar from Gu Ke, I suddenly became irritable.

Although Xiao Muqing is very disobedient, even rebellious, but after all, I brought up a child with my own hands.

Hey, the old mother is about to burst into tears after talking too much.

693. Breaking news, Future City has been completely destroyed.

It is suspected that Xiao Hei did it.

After the siege of Future City was over, Xiao Hei disappeared for a while. At that time, I even thought that Xiao Hei was taken away by the Psychic Race.

But judging from the destruction of the future city this time, Xiao Hei seems to have been lurking somewhere in the future city, until now he appeared to destroy the future city.

Comparing the information you left before, I found that the time for Xiao Hei to be fully activated each time seems to be fixed.

It's like a time bomb that will only be activated when it reaches a certain point in history.

Warline's attack on the Science and Technology Research Institute obviously caused Xiao Hei to activate it for a period of time in advance, but he fell into a deep sleep in the end, and was not fully activated until recently, repeating the action of destroying the future city.

As for where Xiao Hei went next, the information is really limited, so I don't know.

But one thing is certain, our secret base is definitely safe.

It should be you on the main timeline that attracts Xiao Hei, at least at the end of each sacrifice line, your brain is preserved.

783. The current Star City has been completely reduced to ruins, and all the resources in the city have been looted, leaving only ruins.

The people of Star City also suffered heavy casualties in this battle.

Obviously, he already knew that the ending would be like this, but when he looked at the pictures Gu Ke brought back, his heart still trembled uncontrollably.

After the war, the people of Star City were not all killed.

But there is not much difference between not dying and being dead. Without food and other resources, they can only be forced to become scavengers and have no fixed place to live from then on.

Without the protection of the city defense force in the future, the challenges they will face while wandering outside will be very cruel.

1232. I left a special gift for you in the private laboratory, remember to check it out, this is a big treasure left for you by this beautiful woman and all Scarlet staff who saved money and money!

Flipping through the last page of the message box, many doubts surfaced in Feng Qi's heart.

"Ah Bai, you also read the memory of this battle line, do you think Xiao Hei's target is you?"

[I don't know, I don't even know who I am, how can I answer your question? 】

Feng Qi: ...

"According to what Mo said, human beings are vessels that seal the strongest, so does that mean that I am the vessel that seals you?"

[Before I heard Mo's answer, I always thought I was just a system... I don't have the corresponding memory at all for the strongest or something. I, like you, have no idea why I entered your body. 】

Listening to a conversation is like listening to a conversation.

The intelligence in this area is limited, and Feng Qi, like the narration, cannot analyze useful information from the existing intelligence.

"By the way, where is Xiao Hei now?"

[I haven't sensed the breath yet, but I should be on my way, hurry up and improve your strength. 】

Hearing these words, Feng Qi nodded immediately.

After reaching out and pressing the close button of the console, he turned and walked towards Wei Wei's private laboratory.

Wei Wei said in the message box that she left him a surprise in the private laboratory.

As for what this surprise was, he had a few guesses in his mind.

But the general direction is related to the cultivated domain creatures, and a special ability may be obtained after killing them.

He didn't think too much about it, as long as he saw it with his own eyes, he would know the answer.

After walking for a while in the laboratory on the second floor of the basement, he came to the door of Weiwei's private laboratory room.

Push the door open, and the sensor light in the room flickers a few times and then turns on.

What appeared in front of him was a dusty laboratory, many scientific research instruments inside were rusted, and there was a smell of rust mixed with potions in the air.

The laboratory is small in size, but it has all kinds of facilities.

On the left is the experimental workbench, and behind it is a small frozen warehouse for storing resources, which is connected to the wall. On the right side are stacked scientific research instruments for data testing, and there is a console connected to the secret base database in the corner.

It has not been opened for many years, and the floor of Wei Wei's private laboratory has been covered with a layer of dust, but many traces of Wei Wei's work can still be seen.

In the trash can beside the workbench, there are still empty glass bottles and rubber gloves for experiments.

After scanning the lab, Feng Qi's eyes focused on a metal box in the north corner of the lab.

All other scientific research instruments have stopped operating and are in a dormant state. Only the green light on this metal box is still flashing, which is obviously in an operating state.

When he came to the metal box, Feng Qi squatted down and looked it over carefully.

It was found that there was a metal pipe extending from the back of the metal box, which was connected to the energy supply pipe on the ceiling.

After reaching out to touch it, he was surprised to find that the metal box was made of the mysterious metal material provided by Tianshu.

"Ah Bai, do you know anything about this kind of metal?"

[This is the right system for you to ask. This is a very magical metal, commonly known as old iron. If you tap it lightly with your hand, it will make a "666" sound. 】

Feng Qi: ...

Ignoring the narration's complaints, his eyes wandered around the metal box, looking for a switch that could be turned on.

After scanning around, he found a sunken blood groove on the top of the metal box.

Without hesitation, he bit his finger and dripped blood on it.

Blood seeped into the metal box in the groove, and the lights on it began to flicker alternately, as if to verify his identity.

After a few minutes, there is a crisp spring impact sound, followed by the "click" sound of gears turning.

The metal box was slowly opened at this time, and bursts of biting cold white mist gushed out from the metal box.

When the white mist dissipated, Feng Qi was surprised to find that the thing lying in the container turned out to be a sucker.

I saw the sucker curled up in the metal container, with his hands around his knees, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Unlike the sucker encountered in the future dream, the scarlet rune spar on the sucker's arm this time is not dull, although there are cracks, it still shines with scarlet light.

With the opening of the container, the scarlet rune spar seemed to be activated, and the jade-colored streamer gradually enveloped the sucker's body, and the hoses connected to her body also fell off one after another.

The frost on the powder-carved and jade-carved face has faded, and it looks very cute and cute.

While the eyelashes fluttered slightly, the sucker seemed to wake up from his lethargy.

Apparently, the surprise that Wei Wei mentioned in the email message refers to suckers.

In the normal timeline, Sucker would lose consciousness during the invasion war against the Silvermoon Clan.

But in this battle line, the Yinyue Clan has been defeated by Tianshu in advance, and there will be no follow-up disaster of destroying the city.

As for the follow-up Star City Guardian battle, it has nothing to do with Sucker.

After all, Mu Qing was still there at this time, and the sucker had not yet been born.

Therefore, in this future dream, the sucker has a high probability of being conscious, not the muddled unconscious state in his memory.

While waiting, the sucker slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were no longer silvery white like death, but scarlet like demon pupils.

The sucker who woke up slowly crawled out of the metal container with a confused expression, looked at the surrounding environment, and finally focused on Feng Qi.

"Aqi..." she murmured.

"Aqi!" The voice of the baby's voice suddenly became high-pitched, and then he threw himself into Feng Qi's arms, with scarlet rays of light in his eyes, looking extremely excited.

Seeing the appearance of the sucker, Feng Qi smiled, and stretched out his hand to rub the sucker's little head.

"Aqi! Ahqi! Ahqi!"

At this time, the sucker struggled and jumped off him, like a wild horse that had run wild, and began to scurry around Weiwei's private laboratory on all fours, crashing several scientific research instruments along the way.

"Hey, hey."

The sucker that had been running around the private laboratory several times suddenly stopped in front of him ~lightnovelpub.net~ and jumped towards him.


Seeing this, Feng Qi immediately reached out to catch the sucker.

Feeling the little head constantly rubbing against his chest, he stretched out his hand and pinched the sucker's pink cheeks, feeling relieved in his heart.

Compared with the sucker in memory, the sucker at this time is full of vigor and vitality.

Many times in future dream trips, he always saw the sucker living alone in the ruins. The feeling of loneliness and confusion really made him feel distressed.

In this future dream, he finally saw a conscious sucker.

[Little brother, allow me to interrupt for a moment... It is definitely a good thing for a sucker to have consciousness. It can significantly improve your efficiency in killing monsters, and it will greatly help your strength... But, you still have the heart to give the sucker a "next time" Must"? 】

The 8200-word two-in-one chapter has been added in yesterday's update.

Everyone go to bed early~